Umarex SA10 CO2 Pistol
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New from Umarex, the SA10 is a BB/Pellet air pistol with one-of-a-kind features. This rugged pistol includes a full-metal slide with polymer grips and a polished gold colored barrel you can see through the cut-out slide.
What makes the SA10 really unique is its all new 3 magazine system. Choose Pellets or BBs (or a mix of each) and load the three 8rd magazines. Once you get through your mag., simply pop out the clip, switch in a new 8rd mag and keep shooting! As a result of this new system, not only are the magazines easier to load, but you get an impressive 24 shots total if you switch out all 3 mags.
Other features of the SA10 include fixed sights, and stippling around the grip for a better hold. As an added bonus, the SA10 includes a Picatinny/Weaver rail to accept a laser or flashlight configuration.
Tech Tip: You may notice this pistol comes with a 4th 8rd black polymer magazine. While you can fire ammo from the black plastic magazine, they will not shoot as fast as the metal ones. This feature is really an extra bonus mag for the shooter, but will not perform as well as the metallic mags.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet pistols
Umarex SA10 CO2 Air Pistol
- Blowback
- Brass barrel in-lay
- Rifled Barrel
- Muzzle thread is 14mm right-hand thread.
- Picatinny/Weaver rail
- Can shoot .177 cal BBs or pellets
- 24 rounds in 3 rotary (8 shot magazines)
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
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10 of 51 Umarex SA10 Reviews
One of the best feature is the blowback it make it feel good, The weight and the construction is awesome.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe thing that I will change is how the rotary magazine fits in the magazine, empty it will stayed in place until you load them it will falls away and Umarex need to get rid of the plastic one is useless and its design for BBs.
What Others Should KnowOMG! this feels like the real thing. And for being a CO2 hand gung is loud as my Hatsan Jet I, the blowback feature is geat and is an inexpensive way to practice with out spending a lot of money. overall is a good gun. Warning do not use BBs you will ruin the gun due to the rifling on the barrel, my suggestion us pellets, and those people that says that can shoot pellets, I am using the Exite Spike Pointed .177cal 8.6gr pellets and it shoots nice and had no problem s with those pellets.
The blowback is great and it fires good.
What Others Should KnowThe gun has failed when shooting pellets. I've tried 3 different kinds of .177 pellets and all 3 get lodged in the barrel. BBs work fine. But pellets do not.
The SA10 is a decent pistol shoots good feels okay in the hand, The magazine bad.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe magazines and loading are awful!
Accuracy! For me I want a gun that shoots to its point of aim. When I miss the bull it's because of operator error and not the gun. The SA10 delivers!
Things I Would Have ChangedThe front sight needs to be highlighted.
What Others Should KnowThe SA10 shoots better than most replica airguns costing twice as much.
The gun feels solid and well made. It's heavy, cycles well and is pretty accurate. It also looks good with the gold accents.
Things I Would Have ChangedMagazines and loading are awful!
What Others Should KnowI bought this SA10 partly because of the unique magazine with 24 round capacity. It seemed like a good idea but as it turns out, this is the absolute worst magazine setup I've ever experienced! It is difficult to load the individual 8 round mags and the BB's fall out the backside if turned upside down when, and after loading. It is especially annoying when moving the individual magazines to the upper firing position. The individual mags also just fall out of the clip if oriented facing downward! The magazine setup is frustrating, unnecessarily cumbersome, and very poorly designed. Also, the 4th plastic magazine is completely useless. I like Umarex products but disappointed that they would market a magazine this bad! It might be better with pellets but I didn't try using them.
This is an awsome pistol.
Things I Would Have ChangedHard to see front sight.
What Others Should KnowGet yourself one.
Well built and balanced and very easy to load and reload rapidly
Things I Would Have ChangedA larger CO2 cartridge
What Others Should KnowGet to know your weapon before you start shooting it
Good quality all around with a nice heft and feel. The magazine loading is brilliant and quite different from other pellet guns. I really enjoy this method of loading the pellets as it speeds things up. Blowback is very good and the pistol is quite powerful. Accuracy is amazing and I had no trouble hitting my usual paper targets within a 2" radius. Trigger is also very good, not too heavy and fairly crisp overall. This helps with the accuracy as the gun remains steady during the trigger pull.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot a fan of the safety. It's stiff and hard to tell if it's engaged as there is no red marking. I'm not crazy about the gold internal finish, but that's just me.
What Others Should KnowVery good buy for a super accurate pistol!
Blow back good trigger very accurate. What more could you want. 8 shot clip just pull trigger. love it,
Things I Would Have ChangedCan't think of anything.
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Dec 07, 2024
By Thomas
trigger, accuracy, feel, weight, magazine system, grip, slide can be removed
Things I Would Have Changedthe chrome gold finish, maybe matte bronze would have been better! also a better front sight, I painted the tip of mine with a yellow paint pen.
What Others Should KnowI also have a Glock gen5 pellet, and this gun is way better for a much better price. The trigger on the SA10 is actually enjoyable compared to the horror that is the Glock trigger/belt system. I can hit 1.5" targets from 10m and love this thing.