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Umarex Synergis, Multi-shot, Image 1
Umarex Synergis, Multi-shot, Image 1

Umarex Synergis, Multi-shot Gas-piston Rifle Combo

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Listening to the growing demand for multi-shot, gas piston air rifles, Umarex brings us the Synergis.  Blending the classic underlever design with a modern synthetic stock and brand new RapidMag cartridge system, the Synergis will be a popular option for small game hunters and target shooters alike.  A fully shrouded barrel keeps your shots quiet, and the magazine system allows for faster follow up shots than standard underlever rifles.  Using Umarex's patented ABT (Airflow Boost Technology), the Synergis achieves unprecedented power and accuracy. Through this technology, airflow is accelerated directly behind the pellet allowing for complete in-line accuracy. The Air Cylinder Breech Block prevents air from escaping giving the Umarex Synergis™ more power to project an alloy pellet downrange at 1200 feet per second in .177 caliber.  

The magazines load into the RapidMag system easily at the front of the compression tube and do not interfere with your field of view through the included 3-9x40 scope.  The scope is mounted onto the metal Lockdown Picatinny rail, and keeps your scope secure and zeroed.  The TNT gas piston powerplant is smooth with a fast shot cycle that is capable of producing up to 1000 fps with lead pellets in .177.  Simply cock the underlever to cycle the magazine and close it to load a pellet into the barrel, it's really that simple.  

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Umarex Synergis, Multi-shot Gas Piston Rifle, 3-9x40 Scope

  • Underlever
  • Available in .177 and .22 caliber
  • TNT Gas Piston
  • Synthetic Stock
  • RapidMag cartridge system utilizing a 12 shot magazine in .177 and 10 shot magazine in .22
  • Patented ABT (Airflow Boost Technology) auto-indexing pellet probe
  • Fully Shrouded Barrel
  • Metal Lockdown Picatinny Mounting Rail
  • 2 stage trigger, non-adjustable
  • 3-9x40 scope and mounts included
  • 2 magazines included
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3-9x32 Scope 


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
1000 fps
Suggested for
Small game hunting/plinking
8.0 lbs
Two-stage non-adjustable
Barrel Length
Overall Length
12 round(s)
Cocking Effort
30 lbs
Body Type

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

Overall Rating



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10 of 62 Umarex Synergis Combo Reviews

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Can I give negative stars thus thing messed up a flawless feeding system -

Everything starting with using this brand took a chance regret it tho the rma is going horribly on top of it being a lemon

Do not buy - do not buy this product it is flawed and i am still waiting for refund even disappointed in it and pyramid air :/

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Solid ,comes with a good scope

Guns to heavy , the mag spring crushed most pellets and causes poor accuracy , a shorter light weight signal shot version of the gun would be cool ,

I like the gun even with it's problems.

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I purchased this because it was a underlever air rifle. It comes with a budget scope that worked just fine. If you watch the instructional videos loading and using the multiple round magazines is good. Be forewarned that the air gun has some weight to it. It is a solid air gun.

Unfortunately my Umarex Synergis had many downsides that take away from the shooting experience: 1. The heavy trigger that is really not adjustable. When the trigger does break, it is a very vague break. This makes accurate shots difficult. 2. My airgun was not accurate. I tested more than two dozen different types of pellets from different manufacturers with no luck. I seasoned the barrel with several hundred shots before attempting to shoot groupings at 10 and 15 yd. No go. I even polished the barrel and started over. No real changes in accuracy. 3. It is possible to feed more than one pellet into the barrel breach. The magazines work just fine but if you forget and cock it a second time it will feed two pellets into the barrel. 4. It is a loud air gun. I was surprised that the loudness stayed the same after several hundred shots. I measured the loudness at 91 dB to 94 dB average. A metallic sound coming from the air chamber and the muzzle was prominent with each shot.

It is possible that I simply purchased a defective air gun. Too many little things made the air gun a poor experience to shoot. I gave it a fair chance shooting well over a thousand pellets through it.
I can't really recommend the Umarex Synergis.
I sold mine to a co-worker. I am looking for an alternative underlever or side lever at the time of this review.

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It is good on accuracy at 20m, magazines (2) very nice, included scope

It is HEAVY, not nice for taking it to hunting, the scope in my case was very to the left (or the gun barrel) almost out on the windage (left/right screw).

I think this rifle (.22) can be more accurate if you could adjust the trigger

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Underlever just seems to work smoother than a break barrel. Magazine works very well and is easy to load.

Rifle is large. Length is not the issue, although it is long, it is the weight. Gun has the same feel as a Winchester Model 70 Safari Rifle. If the gun could lose a pound or 2 in weight, it would be a ideal repeating pellet rifle.

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I like the feel and weight of the gun.

I would add a single shot tray as an option. Longer pellets won't fit the mag.

30 yards it will shoot quarter size group. So far.

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Easy to use and very accurate.

Not a thing

Pyramydair customer service is incredibly. I ordered pellets that would not work in the rifle and without asking. They sent me replacements pellets. The ones they used to test the rifle before shipping. Because of the great customer service. I will be purchasing my PCP rifle from them. By the way. It is well worth the extra money for them to test out for you. Can not go wrong with this company

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The 12-rounds magazine is the best design and makes shooting very convenient. Based on the design, people can drill quickly and focus on shooting but not loading. Some shooters complained about the design and the quality, but I never met any problems. Remember to pull the underlever to the bottom in one move. If you are unsure if you loaded the gun, shoot. Than, the air rifle will never jam.

The scope has a severe defect. If you wear glasses, you can see the cross clearly but can't see objects sharply. If you take off the glasses, you can see things clearly, but you can't see the cross. Meanwhile, the scope can't withstand the recoil, so you can't zero the gun. That means you almost have no opportunity to discuss the accuracy. Even if you mount a better scope, the accuracy is still as good as the gun should be.

After testing the fourth Synergis, I can conclude that it's impossible to zero the gun with the included scope. And the trigger was so hard to pull.

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Great Value, quiet plinking, heavy hitting, accurate, feels good, looks cool.

Magazine needs improvement - the spring feels weak and is inconsistent, I dry fired because of it.

You can pull out the magazine to see if you have a pellet in the magazine - its best to look if you are not sure.

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When she works she is amazing!!!! Super accurate. Light weight for what it is (still heavy but all things considered not bad at 10 pounds with glass on it) I have a dozen pcp guns and 6 out of 7 days I mainly just plink and screw off in my property. I bought this and a Hatsan 155 torpedo to use on those days to give my compressor a break.

The one and only thing- which is rather important- The feeding mechanism works wonders but one little error in the magazine rotating missed a pellet and then led to endless jams no matter how well I cleaned that barrel. I now single load it with tweezers very slowly to make sure the probe is loading the projectile perfectly straight into the breech until my buddy can 3d print a single shot tray for me. I saw someone else did a down and dirty answer and broke a magazine into a single shot tray. I may try that as the plastic in it is shredded from the probe scraping it.

Amazing gun! Just cant load it. Lol. I thought I had a good one and no mag issues but only 30 shots 3 magazines) later. Always careful to do a clean cocking each time. It failed and caused tons of problems. I need to take the shroud off to really really get that barrel but that would void warranty. Considering sending it back.

Sad. If you just had an easier time single loading it as well as magazine option it would be awesome.

Justin Jun 13, 2023

Yes Uglymike I did! It’s accurate. It’s a great value. It works for lots of people just not me. Please don’t spend too much time being bothered by my stars. You don’t want to be in an “It’s Always Sunny” episode.

uglymike May 05, 2023

4 stars for a rifle that you say is inoperable as manufactured. You state you now load this rifle with tweezers because magazine system doesn't work. Yet you gave it 4 stars?

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