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Benjamin .177 Cal, 7.9 Grains, Hollowpoint, 750ct

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  • .177 caliber
  • 7.9 grains
  • Hollowpoint
  • 750 pellets
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.177 (4.5mm)
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Small game hunting/plinking
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7 of 7 Benjamin .177 Cal, 7.9 Grains Reviews

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Great value they fit nice in my Beeman 17 pistol damage cans pretty good.


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These are the most accurate HP pellets I have used so far. I have a Benjamin Marauder and tried several other HP for shooting sage rats but never got good groups with them. I only ever got good groups with domed pellets. I was wacking sage rats between 50yds-60yds with no problems with my furthest being 72yds using domed pellets last year. I re-zeroed (30yds) my rifle with these pellets this year and was stacking them on top of each other. I was smacking the rats left and right this year with them and the rats were dropping. I did have several pellets over penetrate and blow through them but I got to adjust the air. I was unable to get out longer ranges due to winds this year and most of my shots were with in 25yds. Still got the job done

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Very accurate in my Marauder, hard-hitting, screw top lid with high count of pellets, fair price


screw Lids down only until you feel resistance and the lids will come off easy the next time

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Normally screw top and quality of pellet..were accurate in my Marauder..

The tightness of the lids on the Benjamin and Cosman screw top lids..After 5 tins of Crosman and Benjamin pellet with lids screwed on so tight impossible to remove..I resorted to using a pipe wrench and a pair of Channel locks damaging beyond use the lids, tin and pellets in the process. I only attempted to rem cove 1 lid of the and tnrew all of them in the trash blown never to buy them again. I thought the first one or two tins were a fluke so ordered more jut apparently it wasn't..

Dave Jun 06, 2024

This is one of those facepalm kind of comments. You dropped 600 plus dollars for a Marauder you find a pellet that shoots accurately in it and then you want to go goofy because you were outsmarted by the screw on lid? This is one of those not defective product but a defective operator situations

Charles Feb 26, 2020

Why not just put them in another tin?

Maurice Nov 19, 2019

Your one star review hurts the mfg's sales, just because you can't open the lid. Wow..

Bryan H. Nov 10, 2018

You seriously gave a 1 star review to a pellet that is accurate in your gun because you could not open the tin? And threw them away? Thanks so much for your helpful review.

Gene Aug 31, 2018

Put in freezer for 10 minutes and the tin will open with little effort. Try it.

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Perform very well in my Gamo Wasp Maxxim with a UTG 3-9x32 Big Buster scope, 1/4 - 1/2 inch group at 25 yards. Has great penetration at long distance, hard hitting and fast travel. It penetrated and old leather basketball at 100 yards. Gamo Rocket 9.6gr just bounced off it and left just an imprint, that really impressed me being that the Benjamin hollow point is 1.7gr lighter than the Gamo Rocket. Also took down an adult squirrel at 80 yards. These pellets are a definite keeper for me.

Only that they would come in a bulk pack of like 2,000+

Although these are great in my air rifle, they may differ in other's. Be patient and keep trying different pellets and brands. I noticed the more relaxed I am with my hold and slowly pulling the trigger I get tighter grouping. Technique and pellet quality + focus is the key that has been working for me. Shoot safe and practice, practice, practice!

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Frank Gaines Pa. I own a Benjamin trail NP rifle and pistol. Both guns like the Benjamin HP 7.9 grain pellets. I've shot at least 10 different pellets. After taking the junk scope that comes with the rifle off and putting a better one on and learning how to shoot the rifle, with these pellets 1/2 inch groups at 40 yrds. Tried the other pellets same thing 4 to 9 inch spreads. Out of a can of 750 pellets I have about 100 left. I have shot about 2,000 rounds out of this rifle found the right pellet and I'am sticking with it. Works great for me try some mite work for you. Pistol shots these pellets 1/2 inch to 3/4/ inch groups at 25 yrds. GIVE THEM A TRY


Can't beat the price from PYRAMYDAIR

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Likes. . . .firm fit in both rotary mag & rifles, accurate-hard hitting-fast, deep hollow tip, good expansion, pretty clean and consistent sizing, effective weight for knock down power.


First time using this pellet. Trying to experiment with many different pellets-weights and shapes. Focus is on pistol shooting so experimentation is good before settling in on a single pellet. You may be surprised what is available and perhaps a pellet that was never even given a thought before. That is the case with this Benjamin Hollowpoint, it performs and is a keeper. Double duty. . . .pistol & rifle. Try different & new, you may be surprised. PA incentives and promos are an excellent opportunity to learn the pros & cons of the many offerings.

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