H&N Match Green Pellets, .177 Cal, 5.25 Grains, Wadcutter, Lead-Free, 500ct
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- .177 caliber
- 5.25 grains
- Wadcutter
- Lead-free
- 500 pellets
Need to go lead-free on your range? H&N is the leader when it comes to accurate lead-free pellets. These pellets are intended for use with 10-meter air rifles and air pistols and punching clean, easy-to-score holes in target paper.
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10 of 25 H&N Match Green Pellets, .177 Reviews
Great pellets! They're just about perfect for my 10yard, indoor target practice, on top of which, they're actually affordable. In fact, compared to any of the other lead-free pellets available here at Pyramyd Air, this is the best deal going (and they're packaged 500 to a tin, the highest quantity available per tin in lead-free pellets). Definitely my go-to pellet for any and everything but pest control.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe same high quality standards as any of the other great H&N products -- nothing wrong here!
What Others Should KnowAccurate, great performance (seemingly not picky about which rifled barrel sends 'em on their way), available in high quantity per unit and the most affordable... what else is needed? :-) When it comes to lead-free pellets, these H&N Match Green wadcutters fill the same sort of utilitarian, all-around-useful niche that was occupied by Crosman Hollow Point pellets, before my wife and I decided to go 100% lead-free. These (and the 2nd place H&N Baracuda Green) are the best affordable pellets available in my .177 caliber airguns.
Quality, consistency, the uniformity of the pellets, no visible seams or mold marks (unlike lead-free Daisy and GTO), and 500 to a tin. Plus, they shoot great and are accurate to boot! Love them in my rifles/carbines: Walther Lever Action; Diana Chasers; Crosman 2240s as well as replica pellet pistols: PPQ M2; SIG X-Five; UX SA 10. A good buy using the PA deal of buy-4-get-1-free. So glad they are back in stock again (May 2023) after almost 2 years being unavailable. I was rationing my last tin LOL
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing other than please don't go out of stock again!
What Others Should KnowBig fan of alloy wadcutters for target shooting. I'm an avid replica pistol collector, shooting on my indoor range at 15-20 ft and at an airgun club's indoor range at 5m to 15m.
Uniform! Shoot good out of my wildfire, p1 and my sig 226.
Things I Would Have ChangedMore per tin. Would like to see them in .25 cal.
What Others Should KnowVery accurate in my wildfire out to 20 yards. I can cover a 12 shot group with a dime at 15 yards.
I like that they are Lead Free
Things I Would Have ChangedA notice in the description not to use in a single pump air gun
What Others Should KnowThese Lead free pellets will not fire in my Air Venturi V10 . May be because they are too hard. The Company would not make an exchange.
These are as accurate in my guns as any other unleaded pellet, and at shorter ranges are as accurate as the lead pellets I've tried. The skirts are thin enough to fit the bore well, and they all fit the same so must be very consistent in size.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would change the global production of tin so it was cheaper...
What Others Should KnowI shoot a lot of unleaded pellets, and am finding that the normal diabolo shapes are quite accurate, but just don't carry as far or carry that accuracy out as far as lead, maybe only 2/3 the distance.
These are quality pellets.
Things I Would Have ChangedOn the expensive side. Quality costs.
What Others Should KnowI have a Daisy 753 and a HK 75 and these pellets produce one hole groups. I will buy these again given the accuracy.
Storage tin, no lead, alloy.
Things I Would Have ChangedBetter description of the behavior of lead free pellets.
What Others Should KnowThe pellets work just fine from my single stroke pneumatic pistols. The recovered pellets show equal depth rifling cuts on both the head and the skirt. Regarding recovery: I have not hit a target that can deform these target pellets. Best of both worlds. The pellets will engage the rifling on low FPS target pistols, yet I expect to find a fully intact pellet on my carpet. No more poof of lead dust from rifling engagement, nor pellets that splatter when they hit the target. I will follow the manufacturers advice and not use them in a spring air, as they are very light.
Consistency of the pellets, none deformed. All loaded properly in my Beeman P1. Accuracy: They are great, and helping me to improve my bullseye shooting scores. They deform evenly as opposed to the lead pellets.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. The 500 count and secure lid make these very convenient to use.
What Others Should KnowFar more accurate than I'll ever be and the lead-free make me more comfortable shooting in doors and out. If you can wait for a sale price and 4 for the price of 3, they are a good price and value
High quality, no defects found, harder metal than lead so less likely to deform, no lead toxicity to worry about.
Things I Would Have ChangedI can't think of anything to change.
What Others Should KnowI was surprised that at slightly lower ambient temperatures (67 degrees outside today) these repeatedly misfired in my Sig Sauer MCX, whereas yesterday when it was 70 degrees they performed flawlessly. In the past I have never had feed problems with these pellets in this particular gun. Because these are harder pellets, I am guessing that they require higher CO2 pressures to function properly in these repeating gas guns. Because they are harder pellets, if you are shooting against a wooden backstop, the ricochet is capable of throwing the pellet back 30 feet, may even hit you. Since they are a lighter pellet, they tend to group a little higher and may require adjusting your scope zero.
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May 17, 2024
By Jesse
We love not getting lead on our hands, the consistent accuracy and the uniform shape as another reviewer said THESE PELLETS CAN BE RE USED AFTER SHOOTING, we used a cardboard box with old towels inside to catch the pellets , almost all of the pellets are in great shape after shooting and can be shot again. The initial sticker price of lead free pellets can be discouraging BUT when the ability to re shoot pellets is factored in, the cuts price by 1/3-1/2!! Something to consider! If you have kids that shoot, I strongly recommend lead free. Kids can't help touching everything with lead on their fingers.
Things I Would Have ChangedLarger tins and better prices
What Others Should KnowSet up a cardboard box with towels as a pellet trap, and collect those pellets to shoot again!