If you're interested in competing in field target or do some hunting but don't want to break the bank, the Walther LGU spring-piston air rifle deserves your full attention!
It has all the features you want and none of the ones you don't. For instance, the vibration-reduction system is a boon to those who want to spend time aiming, shooting and hitting targets and NOT spend time listening to a buzz saw in the rifle after every shot! It's a sm-o-o-o-o-th shooter!
How about a trigger that lets you determine the pull weight and travel? Lots of manufacturers say their sporting rifle triggers are adjustable, but most mean only the first-stage travel is adjustable. But on the Walther LGU, the pull weight can also be adjusted. It adapts to you -- not the other way around.
With Walther's proven Super Silent Technology, your gun won't be as prone to disturb your neighbors, spook any critters you're trying to dispatch or deliver that loud crack so common in many of today's powerful air rifles.
This air rifle is beautifully executed and will be the pride of your gun vault.
(In Pyramyd AIR testing, the 11.9 grain RWS Hobby pellet shot at 750 fps. 14.66 grain H&N Field Target Trophy pelelt shot at 650 fps.)
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
Walther LGU air rifle
- Spring-piston
- Underlever
- Single-shot
- No open sights
- 11mm dovetail grooves
- Vibration-reduction technology
- 37 lbs. cocking effort
- Adjustable 2-stage trigger (pull weight and first-stage travel)
- Factory-set pull is 1.97 lbs.
- Super Silent Technology reduces the report
- Vibration-reduction system for smoother operation
- Automatic safety
- Ambidextrous beech stock with twin raised cheekpieces
- Checkered pistol grip
- Ventilated rubber recoil pad
- Can be manually be decocked
- Limited lifetime warranty
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10 of 23 Walther LGU Air Rifle Reviews
I Love the cocking,the trigger, Very accurate,great balance ( Not too heavy like reported by some.) The stock shoulders Wonderfully.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe trigger can be vauge,but I worked it out myself to a crisp,clean break. A bit quieter in stock form,as well. Not a deal breaker,mine shoots Beautiful now!
What Others Should KnowThe more you shoot it ...the More you Will fall in love with this sweet/classy little gem! Get them while You still Can! I have
I gave accuracy a 3-star until I can determine the accuracy of my LGU. I purchased a .177 caliber. The gun weight a little heavier than Spec. The craftsmanship is excellent. The gun looks like a work of art. My LGU shoots hard. My chrony showed an average of 916 fps using JSB Exact 8.4g which comes out to 15.65 ft-Lbs. This feature is a plus in competition. Cocking is surprisingly less for a gun with this much power. I didn't measure it using a scale but just by the feel of it. It cocks significantly easier than my Diana 34 and HW97K. If this gun weighs a couple of pounds less, it will be a great all day Plinker. When fire, gun doesn't jump and very little recoil which surprised me for a spring gun that shoots this hard. Maybe the fact that it is slightly muzzle heavy and weight 9.75 Lbs helped.
Things I Would Have ChangedI cannot feel where the trigger breaks. Perhaps someone can help. Firing cycle is not as smooth as what some reviewers said. There is no thump like the TX200. Even my Diana 34 has a smoother firing cycle. Although LGUs firing cycle has no twang, it does have significant vibration. It vibrates as hard as my HW35, and my HW35 does NOT have Walther's Vibration-reduction technology and my HW35 shoots just slightly under 13 ft-Lbs and this LGU shoots at 15.65 ft-Lbs. I purchased this gun hoping that I can shoot it in my backyard without alerting my neighbors. It is not backyard friendly. The report is significant even when I fire the LGU at arms length. I am disappointed that the Walther's Super Silent Technology didn't work well. It is not as loud as my Diana 34, about the same loudness as my HW35. I was hoping to do accuracy testing in my backyard. I hate the long drive to the firing range.
What Others Should KnowIf this gun is accurate, it will be a great competition spring gun, better than my old HW97K and even the TX200 Mk3 that I once borrowed.
Very well finished,very good trigger, great stock, and extremely accurate, very smooth action, haven't had to tighten mounting screws, and have shot about 5 cans of pellets, love this gun, one of the most accurate I own including my PCPs.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing of any importance, Walther makes great products and I'm very happy with this purchase, actually a little bit surprised how good it really is.
What Others Should KnowMy gun is extremely accurate, one hole groups at 35 yards, and yes still one hole groups at 50 yards although a bit larger 1/2" to 3/4", it shoots most pellets well, but I use the Diabolo Field Heavys 10.3 grain AA's, and JSB Exact Heavy Diabolo 10.34 to get those groups, I've never checked the velocity, shooting one groups like it does who cares.
The quality of this rifle is fantastic! The bluing of the steel. The dark brown color of the stain. Everything is solid. No squeeks or grinds. The cocking stroke is as solid and smooth as a bank vault. It surpasses my RWS34P in accuracy. I have no trouble hitting energy shot bottles at 50 yrds. This is now the most accurate air rifle I own.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing. Did have a slight spring twang at first. But now have about 900 pellets through it and it has dissapated.
What Others Should KnowThe best pellet (so far) for my .177 is the Beeman Kodiak 10.65gr This rifle is a terrific value at Pyramyd Airs price. I recently mounted a Hawke 4x12x50 Air Max scope on it and will update this later. BTW did you order your LGU yet? You will not be disappointed.
Everything! From the sturdy cardboard box its packed in. Finish on stock is dark and evenly applied. Bluing on the steel is deep and lusterous. The cocking stroke is smooth and bank vault solid. Firing cycle is smooth. Match trigger is crisp and let off is precise. The rifle is heavy but shoulders well due to its carbine length. Unbelievably accurate!
Things I Would Have ChangedThe shot has a slight spring twang. This may subside as the rifle breaks in. To me due to the fantastic accuracy this is not a deal breaker. .
What Others Should KnowI installed a basic 3x9x40 center point scope I had lying around. 20 shots to site in. 1/8" groups at my indoor range. Outside at 28 yrds .30 groups. Using Beeman Kodiac 10.65 gr. Outside target shooting placed cans 35-50 yrds hits every shot. To end the day an energy shot bottle was placed at 50 yrds hit it five shots in a row with 1/2 mil dot hold up. I am saving to buy a nice Hawke scope so everyone can imagine the accuracy will be even better with that scope. Without question this is the best quality, best shooting air rifle out of the nine I own. Did you order yours yet? Lol
Beautiful gun
What Others Should KnowAfter 8 shots the gun locked or froze in the open position.
It is on its way to Umarex for repair.
They diagnosed the problem over the phone as a defective bear trap.
It is a very accurate gun! One of the best accurate pelete guns I've had.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe weight is very very heavy.
Finesse and accurate shooting out of the box with JSB Exact 8.44g / 4.52 mm pellets; with no break in/ easily one inch groups @ 40 yds from the bench; no detonation at initial firings or after 500 tin; stock is flawless and cocking arm lever has less play than my TX 200 walnut; extra mass does help accuracy and stability; completely ambidextrous stock; Greatest Service and expertise from Staff at PA!
Things I Would Have Changedupdate with the metal trigger from Walther please; include at least a longer Stage one screw for more adjustment flexibility;
What Others Should KnowGreat deal from PA!! I did not eliminate All of the Stage one trigger movement (as some have done with a longer stage 1 screw) from any of my Walther LGVs or LGU as that lessened my accuracy; BUT a shorter stage 1 movement indeed does help; Carefully done, a judicious amount of DRY lube spray into the trigger housing without disassembly smooths their triggers; on my LGU a compensation mount optimizes the mounted Hawke sidewinder 30
scope (4 X 16);
I purchased this .22 rifle from PA during their fabulous 20% off sale. I was glad that Air Arms didn't participate because that meant I didn't have to consider the TX200. I cannot imagine being happier if I had chosen TX. If you are reading about the LGU, you probably already know its reputation. Let me confirm it. It is a very attractive (to my eye) gun, rock solid-and really not too heavy, and just exudes quality...especially when it shoots. First off, it is quiet. Real quiet. Secondly (but it shouldn't be), it shoots real quietly pellet after pellet into the same hole at 20 yards. Ten plain-Jane Benjamin's into a hole only a little larger than a pencil's diameter. I would have thought it a myth if I hadn't seen it and done it myself. True beauty.
Things I Would Have ChangedBesides studding it with diamonds and giving it wings, nothing.
What Others Should KnowI adjusted the trigger too light...and then farther, until it quit working. I would tell you not to do this but there is no way you can know when to stop. If you do this, don't panic. Just turn the screws back from whence they came until the sear catches again. No problem.
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Nov 16, 2017
By Karl
Near PCP accuracy. Very hold insensitive and easily shot off a pillow. As delivered, the first stage is very, very long. Replaced the slot head screw in the trigger with a longer one and readjusted to minimize sear engagement. Adjusted like this, the first stage will not reset if you decide not to take the shot. Mine loves Crosman CPL 7.9 grain, H&N FTT 8.64 grain 4.52 head, and Air Arms 8.4 grain 4.52 head. By far less hold sensitive than my Air Arms TX200 Mk3 in .177 and equal to the HW97k .177 which I also have.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe European metal trigger would be a better option than the plastic trigger.