Air Venturi Dry Air Intake Filter For Air Venturi 4500 psi Compressor
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Protect your Air Venturi 4500 psi Compressor from potentially harmful moisture with the Air Venturi Dry Air Intake Filter by Hill. The Dry Air Intake filter removes moisture from the air as it enters your compressor. This significantly reduces the chance of moisture entering your tanks or PCP cylinders when you fill them. Easily installs onto the Air Venturi 4500 psi compressor in just minutes. Includes a stand, hose, and enough Hill Dry Pac media to fill the filter.
Tech Note: Do NOT set your Filter on top of the compressor while running. The vibration could cause the filter media to break and turn into dust which can clog the filter and damage your compressor.
Air Venturi Dry Air Intake Filter for the AV 4500 psi Compressor by Hill Pump
- Fits Air Venturi Air Compressor, Electric, 4500 PSI/310 Bar, 110V and 220V
- Easy to install
- Removes potentially harmful moisture from air before it enters your compressor
- Uses two (2) Hill Dry-Pac media refills (included)
- Made in UK
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10 of 10 Air Venturi Dry Air Intake Reviews
Nothing useless
Things I Would Have ChangedOversized fitting does not fit The over sized fitting ruin my 2 week old compressor by having shaved plastic fall in cylinder not needs repair I will be without compressor for weeks
What Others Should KnowDo not get the headache
easily assembled, works pretty good and it is possible to feed nitrogen gas into compressor .
Things I Would Have Changeduse standard pipe threads
After the first use, and upon draining the receiver condensate drain, I noticed very little moisture content. Usually there is a lot of moisture. It looks like this air intake filter is working. If this continues then its worth the cost and I will be fully satisfied.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing at this time.
What Others Should KnowNo comments at this time.
Liv in San Diego and noticed the moisture after releasing presure from just a hose fill and that there was no moisture when using this pre filter. I also protect my tanks by using two, verticaly placed, high presure filters. One uses the same type filter in the machine, the other is a JB.
Things I Would Have ChangedA cap to keep moisture out when not in use would be great and would buy an after market one, so you people with 3D printers get buisy.
What Others Should KnowYes, get this!
It works
Things I Would Have ChangedHow it attaches to compressor and I would also change the orientation it should suck the air in from the bottom my personal opinion and maybe make a cap for the top to stop the silica beads from soaking in moisture from the air when machine is not running or idle in between uses
What Others Should KnowFitting that attaches to the cylinder head intake is oversized and you have to make your own threads when screwing it in
It's simple and straight forward.
Things I Would Have ChangedBuild it into the Air Venturi Compressor. Ship it with four full bags of fill so that the purchaser gets a full 3 refills before needing to anti up again.
What Others Should KnowMoisture is a gun killer. I'll do whatever I need to in order to make sure my rifles stay as dry as possible.
I have only had this product a short time so this review is to encourage anyone who pays a thousand dollars for a compressor and sometimes more for an airgun to take every precaution with moisture. Easy to install.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt would be good if Air Ventura would provide for a better system for moisture elimination.
What Others Should KnowI had been using a 6000 psi nitrogen tank for several years. The regulator cost several hundred dollars, $120 to fill the tank about once a year and $20 monthly rental. I preferred that set up in spite of the price. I gave up the tank because I had to haul the tank in for refills and the weight just got too much to handle.
Fairly simple to set up and works great. needed a little finese to get on the compressor.
Things I Would Have ChangedTaper the mount threading to the compressor.
What Others Should KnowThe threaded portion of the filter mount to the compressor is a tad larger and would not go on at first. I used an Exacto knife and removed the first 2 thread rings to allow the mount to slide in a little before catching the threads. It also would not just thread on, as the stainless end needed to be removed. It would hit the compressor's frame and not allow it to be turned. Easy to take off and put back on.
I really like this dry air intake (molecular sieve). It is well built and heavy duty and made specifically for the AV compressor. I keep my AV compressor covered with the heavy duty shipping box it came in when not in use. The dry air intake comes with easy disconnect connections so it is easy to remove the hose and store the assy. It has a filter disc on the top and bottom of the beads to catch any dust that may be present. The hose is really heavy duty and plenty long enough. It is great to be able to dry the air entering the compressor and am glad this is available for purchase.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe top is open of course for air intake, but I wouldn't mind a top cap for when not in use, but is not really needed with the filter disc on top. Don't set the sieve on top of the compressor when running the compressor. It may break up the beads and cause dust particles. That's in the manual that comes with it.
What Others Should KnowVery easy to install and comes with a easy to understand manual. Just be careful to not cross thread the threads on the compressor intake side. It has a custom piece that screws into the compressor intake.
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Sep 06, 2022
By Wayne
This Dry Air intake filter virtually eliminated all the noticeable moisture when the compressor drain is opened after a fill.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThe intake coupling might have to be disassembled when attaching it to the air intake of the compressor in order to allow sufficient clearance when threading it on.