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Education / Training A fresh look at the Beeman R9 – Part 2

A fresh look at the Beeman R9 – Part 2

by B.B. Pelletier
Testing and photos by Earl “Mac” McDonald

Part 1

Beeman R9 Elite Series Combo is a good-looking spring rifle.

Let’s continue our look at the Beeman R9 rifle. Today we’ll do velocity. And this will be interesting, because the rifle Mac was sent to test had a 10-for-$10 chronograph ticket included. So, we’ll compare Mac’s results with those from Pyramyd Air.

If you read the 10-for-$10 pop-up, you’ll see that Pyramyd warns you that the first 150 shots may be erratic. So, that has to be factored into this comparison. The ticket that came with this rifle measured H&N Baracudas at 697 to 741. Let’s see how that sits with Mac’s test.

H&N Baracuda
Mac shot Beeman Kodiaks instead of H&N Baracudas (it’s the same pellet). He noted that they fit the breech firmly and consistently. They averaged 732 f.p.s. with a 23 f.p.s. velocity spread. That closely corresponds with the Pyramyd results. The average muzzle energy was 12.31 foot pounds.

Crosman Premier heavies
The Crosman Premier 10.5-grain pellet fit the breech very tight and is not recommended for the R9 — at least not this one. It averaged 679 f.p.s. with a 17 f.p.s. total velocity spread. The average muzzle energy was 10.74 foot pounds.

Crosman Premier lites
The smaller 7.9-grain Crosman Premier pellet fit the breech very well and averaged 816 f.p.s. with a total spread of 39 f.p.s. The average muzzle energy worked out to 11.64 foot pounds.

RWS Hobby
The lightweight 7-grain RWS Hobby fit the breech quite well and averaged 885 f.p.s. The spread was 25 f.p.s. The average muzzle energy was 12.19 foot-pounds.

What we’ve learned
First, we learned that the R9 is not a 1,000 f.p.s. air rifle. Weihrauch never intended it to be because of the harshness they experienced with the R10. Second, we’ve seen that, for some reason, this rifle really likes Beeman Kodiaks/H&N Baracudas. In my experience, that’s unusual for a gun in the 12 foot-pound range, but it’s also the reason we test as many pellets as we can.

Mac measured the trigger-pull at a crisp 29 oz. There was practically no variation from shot to shot, which is exactly what we expect from a Rekord trigger. The cocking is smooth and quiet, and, as noted yesterday, the firing behavior is dead calm. Between shooting at paper targets, Mac plinked at a 12-oz. water bottle set out at 30 yards and reports that the R9 is delightful offhand. In his words, it’s a very easy gun to shoot.

Next, we’ll look at accuracy and the Bushnell scope that comes with this package.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

78 thoughts on “A fresh look at the Beeman R9 – Part 2”

  1. I’ve been searching all though PA’s site for scope mounts and scope. I came across one scope mount that said it had .007 Drop Compensation. Can anyone tell me what this means being that it is the only mount that mentioned it.


  2. Rikib this is what i found out 007 (D7) reises your group so that you dont run out of vertical adjustment and keeps you closer to optical center ———-sounds to me it is a way to go 😉

    • C-S,
      I’m considering that one and also one that I found that is designed for bolt action guns. Then I guess I need to determine the scope I need. I would not be shooting over 40 feet probably, unless I and the pistol get really good 🙂 . Only outside in good weather.


  3. BB:
    Again,what a beautiful rifle.
    No kidding that stock looks good enough to eat.
    I am not sure about the merits of Gas Rams over springs.
    Is it a slam dunk that the Gas Ram is superior in every department or has the Spring still got redeeming features superior to that of the Gas Ram?

    Commiserations for the result last night 🙁
    You are more than welcome to become an honorary England Fan.
    Put on 3 stone,shave your head and drop Kebab grease down your T shirt,you’ll fit right in 🙂

    • DaveUK,

      Re: “Is it a slam dunk that the Gas Ram is superior in every department?”

      My two pence.

      I’ve only owned one gun with gas ram installed. A patriot. I’ve never owned a gas piston airgun but have shot several including an RX2 and the newer nitro piston.

      In my opinion neither the gas ram gun nor an air piston gun is superior to a spring gun just different. The gas ram is harder to cock than the equivalent gun with a spring but doesn’t rebound in both directions like a springer. The shot cycle to some (not me) seems smoother since you’re not experiencing the piston rebound. The shot cycle ends quickly but abruptly. These guns are good for hunting since they can be kept cocked longer but in my opinion are not suitable for plinking and target shooting since the cocking effort is extreme.

      The gas piston guns are similar in their shot cycle to a gas ram but in some (like the RX) they have a schrader valve that allows adjustment for power. I really like the RX2 that I got to shoot. I disliked the nitro piston. A lightweight gun with a violent shot cycle.

      In summary, the gas ram and gas piston guns have a place but they will not replace spring guns. They’re more expensive, have a different firing cycle but with rare exception cannot be modified to shoot harder or softer like a springer.


      • BB and Kevin:
        Thank you for enlightening me even more.
        With so many variables and advantages over dis advantages,it is no surprise a lot of Air gunners have a cupboard full of Air rifles instead of just one.
        And that doesn’t take into account personal taste either.
        The elusive ‘Holy Grail’ of all air gun’s is safe 🙂

        • DaveUK,

          Re: Cupboard full of Air rifles

          I’ve found it’s better to have friends with cupboards full of airguns.

          My collection wouldn’t fill a small car boot but I shoot with two guys whose collections would fill a large flat.


      • Kevin,

        Gas springs ARE harder to cock–except for the Benjamin Legacy, which is a new 12 foot-pound rifle with a Nitro Piston. It is one of the most enjoyable air rifles I have ever shot. Easier to cock than a 124 and in .22 is is a delight to shoot.

        Only available directly from Crosman.


      • C-S-UK:
        Arise from under the table,’Sir Croatia of Serbialand’ Honorary Englishman and slayer of the German team in the 2010 world cup.
        May your Kebabs always be fresh and not made of meat from an unknown origin.

  4. BB:
    Mac’s findings on the performance of the R-9 mirrors my experiences with my R-10 and R-9 clone (RWS 320/ B-20). The R-10 was always buzzy and gave it’s best accuracy with the Kodiaks . Velocity was around 750 fps with the Kodiaks. With a light pellet like the Lasers, velocity was around 930fps when new, and accuracy was good at short ranges only. I shot many tins of the Kodiaks through the R-10 over the years and never broke the original spring, despite advice from the forum tuner gods againist the use of heavy pellets in this gun. It always had a smoother shot cyle with the heavy pellet. Last summer I did finally change the spring and seal and used Maccari’s excellent Hornet kit, and his lubes. The original spring had a slight cant from 22 years of use but had never broken. The original seal was hard and did have a small nick in it, but nothing major. After installing the kit, it now shoots around 815 fps and with a spread of only 3-5 fps. This is with JSB Exacts, which it now likes best. Accuracy is on the order of 3/4″ at fifty yards, with ten shot groups.
    My RWS 320 clone of the R-9 did break it’s original spring and always was harsh with any light pellets. It also recieved a JM kit which were once available for the R-9 clones. The kit transformed the gun from a potenial tomato stake, to a fairly decent gun. It now shoots best with lubed CPL’s at around 840 fps. If I don’t lube, the accuracy goes south in a hurry, and the groups aren’t as tight or consistant. I used your recomendation of the Whiscombe honey as a lube. Accuracy is around an 1 1/4″ at fifty yards, but the clone is not as accurate as the original. At twenty-five yards it will shoot a nickle size group, but when you push it to fifty , the difference shows up. That is with a ten shot group, off a rest.
    A lot of guns and pellet combinations shoot great at close range in my experience, but go to 40 or 50 yards and the quality of the gun/pellet really shows up. Take care ,Robert

    • Robert from Arcade,

      Great observations.

      I had two b26 guns which are also clones of the R9.

      Your post reminded me about the number of guns that have attempted to copy the R9. It’s often said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but imitation also indicates demand for the original.

      Both of the b26 guns were tuned by Mike Melick and shot well at short distance. Long distance they were shotguns in the way they grouped. The other thing I remember about those guns was that although they were out of the same lot, tuned by the same guy they both liked very different pellets. One would only shoot superdomes well and the other started out shooting them well but after several tins (and cleaning the barrel) would only shoot jsb 18.1 gr pellets well.


  5. BB,
    Do you think a review on the new Evanix offerings with the removable air reservoirs is in the near future? Mac or Paul, maybe? Way out of the budget here, but dieing to know how that monster performs!


        • Kid Again,

          I am recovering well, but I’m still less than 60 percent. It will take until the year’s end for me to be back to normal again. I still have an IV all the time and a drain in my pancreas that keeps me from going out in public. I don’t want to gross people out. I haven’t eaten solid food in 10 weeks but I’m hoping I will again by August.

          I get around okay but since I have to carry the IV tree and drain, Edith still has to help me a lot. My current goal is to reduce her work load to below what it was when I was in the hospital.

          Thanks for asking,


          • Re: THE SAINT

            I know I’m not the only one that misses Mrs. Gaylord’s frequent wry comments on the blog. The best thing that came out of B.B.’s extended hospital stay was getting to know her better. Based on who she chose to marry I should have assumed she had a great sense of humor (along with poor eyesight). Her wonderful wit became apparent very quickly while competently filling the void on the blog.

            Hope she’s getting some much needed rest.


            • Kevin,

              Or in this case, Mr Witt, thanks for the “poor eye sight” comment. I’ve been out of sorts lately and the laugh that comment generated got me thinking and moving away from the out of sorts.

              Mr B.

            • Kevin,

              I’m getting a bit more rest…sometimes 🙂

              Tom & I are glad to be together again under one roof. From his vital signs, it appears that being home has improved his health.

              I still have my sense of humor, as does Tom. I could never replace him on the blog. All I did was tread water til he returned. His way of writing the blog is unique to him. Whenever he throws out some oddball phrase, I call it a Tom-ism…like the time he said a certain idea was like “hooking up a manure spreader to a Ferrari.” Tom-isms…I love ’em!


          • BB/Edith,

            Beside every great man is an even greater woman. Stay strong, be well, your efforts are noticed and your presents is of some influence.

            I’m not a big airgunner and don’t spend a lot of time shooting them. I have only a couple lower quality airguns for around the house, but your blog is a daily read and always a base while online. PA is my home page and my wish list is now off the charts. I guess what I need to say here is that the commitment and determination that the two of you have displayed during these last couple of months is admirable to say the least. Be encouraged, my friends, as you have encouraged many through your work here. For these are not times for the faint and discouragement seems to be the constant these days. So It doesn’t matter if we read of bb pistols, Magnum springers, or off the chart expensive pcp’s, or my favorite; a continuation of Josh Unigers’ story of the origination of PA, or even the often controversial friday posts. Just keep it comin’ big guy, ’cause we all know tomorrow’s friday, so let’s see what you’ve got!!

            Anyway, be well & vote


            ps; I’m so broke my reality check just bounced! 🙂

  6. BB, I’ve had some good experience with owining a couple of R9’s and it seems the one tested here is shooting VERY weak for an R9(10-12 fpe). This rifle in .177 caliber should be between 13.5 to 14.5 fpe on the average, depending on the pellet. Most shooters report over and over gain a velocity of 760 fps with Kodiaks. With 7.9g CP’s or JSB Express, the rifle usually averages around the 880 fps mark in stock form with man shooters getting above 900 in stock form with them. Do you think perhaps the rifle tested had a bad piston seal from the factory? I’ve never seen one shoot that low on power, unless it was especially modified with a ‘soft tune’.

    • Parallax,

      What I think is that Weihrauch changed the internals as they changed the cosmetics. I think all new R9s will be like the test gun.

      Remember that the R9 has been around since 1995, but today’s gun isn’t like the early ones.

      That’s just my opinion, I can’t back it up.


  7. Ahh, that very well could be. The power on the one tested here looks closer to an HW50S. I’ll bet it certainly shoots smooth and accurate at that velocity though and with a good tune, it’s probably an incredible shooter.

  8. It’s a great day for International Class field target competitors!

    Pyramyd AIR has agreed to donate 5 air guns to be auctioned off to help pay for travel expenses to the world field target championships in Hungary this year, for a couple of our top shooters, who will be going.

    Thank you PA!

    And you folks can donate a gun or equipment to auction off too. We are just starting the program, so I’ll let you know how it works, as the AAFTA BOG works out the details.

    Wacky Wayne,
    Match Director,
    Ashland Air Rifle Range

  9. BB, I have read before that lighter pellets tend to be better with springers. This is the reason I’ve stuck to CP lights. I have not tried 10gr+ pellets out of fear of harming the rifle (springer, Diana 40). Can I confindently then try this approach? I figure heaiver pellets might be better for silhouette. BTW, CP lights fit very tightly in the breech of this rifle. Should I not use them anymore? (velocity is 910 fps average +/-10 fps).

    Thank you

  10. BB, yesterday at the range I noticed that the POI would shift vertically a lot. To be exact, 1/2 inch at 20 yd over a 10-15 min period. I figure this is temperature effect on the scope’s optics (very hot day, bright sun and frequent clouds rolling by). I keep struggling with this also in the winter. An 8F drop changes the POI also significantly. Just wanted to confirm this is typical and that I have to live with it


  11. I was looking into muzzle energies of airguns and firearms of the same caliber. A .22 magnum has about 20 times the muzzle energy of a 12 fp airgun and a .223 centerfire has about 200 times the energy. Don’t shoot your firearms at pellet traps. I’d say that the miracle of airguns is scaling down the energy of firearms as much as they do to fit it into smaller and quieter shooting environments.

    Slinging Lead, don’t hold your breath waiting to trade for my Anschutz. 🙂 However, if you have a garage full of nice bikes, I would suggest selling one of them off to get a new Anschutz. Shooting one is an education all by itself. A really top-of-the-line airgun like a Feinwerkbau of a high-level Air Arms rifle would probably have the same effect. Go big.


    • I have found that bullet traps are not the perfect solution for 900 fps+ air guns at 13 yd. Pellet fragments almost invariable bounce off the slanting plate in rimfire traps, thus trashing the surroundings. So, other measures are required besides a rimfire trap for close ranges

  12. Tunnel Engineer,

    A couple of questions please. What gun and scope are you talking about? Was it the same gun in the heat and cold? Have you had that problem with any other gun and scope? I am truly perplexed cause I’ve never had that problem.

    Mr B.

    • Mr B.

      To be more specific, I was at the range yesterday with the Diana 40 (almost same thing as 34). It was about 88 F and sunny. Rifle is fitted with Leapers scope and was stored in trunk for quite a while, so it was at about same temperature.

      I zero at 20 yd, and then shoot at 30 and 36 to check POI. 30 yd POI was as expected. 36 yd was 1 inch lower or more than expected. During this time, the sun started hitting directly on the rifle and scope. Typically this means an increase in 10 to 20 F in the temperature of the metal. I then re-check at 20 yd, and was off by half inch (lower). I start all over again, trying to do it as fast as I could, but with other people asking to go place targets I finally decided to quit and do it another day. I want to have a good measurement of pellet trajectory

      In an indoor range, I have experienced POI shifts with changes in temperature after the heat was turned off

      This also happened with the Gamo Whisper and same exact scope in the winter. Shooting late afternoon, temprature drops of 10 F would totally change POI by 2 or 3 inches at 50 yd. This was at the time Gamo was giving me some issues, so I was not sure it was temperature but now I am pretty sure

  13. TE

    I put a hanging file folder (made for filing cabinets) behind my target paper. It perfectly covers the entire opening of my trap and prevents any lead fragments or BBs from bouncing back and littering up the carpet. The same two magnetic clips that hold my targets hold the file folders.

    I also used a layer of the ubiquitous duct seal on the back surface of the trap and then folded up a hooded sweatshirt with a broken zipper and put it in front of the duct seal. With this set up, I can shoot the Air Arms TX200, Diana 52, Benjamin Marauder and Discovery in my 10 yard indoor range with none of the former mess. I do have to vacuum small pieces of target paper sometimes.


    My brother is a metal worker and he built me a pellet trap based on my specifications. I shot several rounds from my Glock 9mm into it just out of curiousity and it held admirably. It was a stupid thing to do however and I don’t intend to make a habit out of it. A beeman or Gamo trap would probably shatter into 1000 pieces.

    BTW please don’t push me into anymore expensive hobbies. My wife WILL hunt you down.

  14. A change to my basement chrono setup….

    I had been using a halogen work light pointed down at the chrono, which was covered with cardboard that had openings cut out to expose the difusers. This worked pretty well, but the cardboard tended to shift a bit from muzzle blast and start giving strange readings.

    I stapled a thin foam display board (white, foldout) to the cieling in the basement and pointed the light up toward the cieling. Works fine with or without the difusers on my old Prochrono. Board is stapled flat to the exposed floor joists and directly above the chrono.


  15. Well I still have not received any recommendations on scope mounts or scopes for a 2240. I have found two scope mounts on PA that are BKL’s one designed for Bolt Action Guns. The other looks like it would also work and is listed as having .007 Drop Compensation.

    I am beginning to wonder though if I am not getting any recommendations because a scope is useless for the range of a 2240, is this true?


    • rikib

      I put a Leapers 3-9x32AO bug buster on my Crosman 1377. The crosshairs are a little thick, but it isn’t a problem at shorter ranges. It’s a good scope.

      I use the B square 2 piece adjustable mounts for the scope to compensate for droop. I am not crazy about these mounts because the hardware is cheap and I have had at least one cap bolt strip out. Also the scope stop pin is poorly designed if you wanted to use them on a springer rifle.

      You can always put shims between the mounts and the scope or red dot to accomodate for droop. Put the shims in the back ring to raise your impact point, put them in the front ring to lower it. This way you won’t have to max out your elevation adjustments.

      • SL,
        Scope sounds good, mounts not so. Have you had any experience with “BKL” mounts? Neither of the two that I am considering have been reviewed on PA’s site.


          • SL,
            I’ve looked at some of the Leapers Accushot individual mounts. They have really good reviews. I was thinking (wondering) I should go with high profile mounts shouldn’t I, being that my pistol is bolt action and I would need the clearance.


            • rikib

              You will need two piece mounts or else you won’t be able to access the breech to get a pellet in there.

              A 32mm objective is not so big, so I would get the medium height mounts. I have the high mounts on my Marauder but the scope objective on that rifle is 56mm.

              The bugbuster is a good scope because it will focus as close as 3 yards away with a good clear picture. I added a stock to my 1377 to make it a carbine however, which means my eye is closer to my gun than yours would be since you are using the 2240 as a pistol. You may need a long eye-relief scope for your gun so that you can see a clear site picture with your head further away from the eyepiece.

              • SL,
                Thanks for all that info. I had planned on going with the BKL designed for bolt action guns, but you have convinced me that two piece mounts would be better. Still a little undecided on the medium or high mount though. I really do appreciate all the help. 🙂


  16. Tunnel Engineer,

    Like I said, I’ve never had a POI change caused by temperature, or at least not that I’ve noticed. I’m wondering if there is something wrong with your scope? I’ve got five different Leaper’s scopes. Hopefully one will be the exact model that you have. Please let me know which model you have and I’ll be happy to give one a test tomorrow.

    Mr B.

    • Mr. B.,

      Glad you smiled at my lighthearted attempt at humor.

      I’ve had poi change because of temperature change. At my place in the mountains it’s not unusual to have a 50 degree temperature difference between inside (where gun is stored) and outside temperature. The glass on the scopes expand and contract (glass is liquid) and on springers the colder temperature affect velocity as well.

      I think tunnel engineer had the opposite. His trunk was undoubtedly hotter than the outside temperature when he started shooting but the affect was similar.

      If the temperature difference between outside and inside is greater than 30 degrees, before I shoot I’ll let the gun get up to outside temperature by letting it sit outside for 20-30 minutes. That usually keeps the difference in poi to a minimum.


  17. BB,
    The R9 is almost perfect at that power level from what I can gather — looking forward to seeing results of accuracy testing. R9 is on my short list of “really nice springer” candidates, but I’ll pass on the Elite model, as I hate scopes when not necessary and would want open sights. Not a big fan of muzzlebrakes either:).

    I wouldn’t have any idea about the scope or mounts for that pistol (or any pistol), but the Leapers Accushot rings are really worth more than they charge. I got a one-piece mount and am very impressed with it — only trouble free scope mounting attempt I’ve ever had on a dovetail (and it held on tight). A one-piece may not give you room to load, but I’m sure the two piece ones are nice as well.

  18. When it comes to guns with springs, HW’s are my all time favorites. That said I have to say the R9’s energy in this test seems on the low side. My HW50S of recent vintage was at 10-11 ft lbs stock and hit about 13 ft lbs max after a tune, since the R9 \ HW95 is the next step I would expect a tad more zip. However, it has been my experience that power out of the box does vary. I’ve had a slow HW97K, a slow HW30S, an average R7, a hot a R7, a fast R1, an average R1 and so on.
    The good news is most can go fast if you want, but whatever the case they do it with perfect style.
    Everyone should own one.

  19. BG Farmer,

    If you ever get around to pulling the trigger on the R9, you want the HW95 version of the rifle. IT DOES HAVE the open sights you desire. PA does carry it also.

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