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Education / Training Beeman R7 – Part 1

Beeman R7 – Part 1

by B.B. Pelletier

Photos and testing by Earl “Mac” McDonald

The Beeman R7 has always been a handy little rifle. By bobbing off four inches of the barrel, it’s been made even shorter.

Before we begin, here’s another update on the Roanoke Airgun Expo that’s coming up Friday and Saturday, October 22 and 23. Pyramyd AIR will probably be coming, with some new guns as well as some stuff from the back rooms. I’ll be returning a couple years of guns I’ve used for testing, so here’s your chance to grab a bargain on a gun you’ve read about.

Their plans are not solidified, yet, but it looks good at this time. If you want them to bring something particular to the show for you, this is fair warning that you should call them.

I’m also planning on bringing a larger number of my personal guns to sell, including some of those Daisy No. 25s I mentioned a few days ago. I’m also bringing my old 10-meter Chameleon target pistol that I no longer need since I bought Mac’s SAM-10. I’m coming to wheel and deal, and I hope to meet a lot of blog readers. I’ll take plenty of pictures for those who cannot attend so you’ll feel like you were there. Now, on to today’s report.

Here we are, looking at the rifle many shooters feel is one of the nicest spring guns ever made: the celebrated Beeman R7. Only today’s R7 is not the rifle Dr. Beeman designed. There have been numerous changes in the appearance of the current model that Mac will highlight for us. The first is that someone made the decision to omit the open sights. I think that was a mistake on a rifle of this power level, but we’ll see what the world thinks.

Next, the barrel was cropped noticeably shorter. It won’t affect velocity or accuracy, of course, but it’ll boost the cocking effort. The aluminum muzzlebrake was added to make up for this. The actual rifled barrel of the new R7 is about four inches shorter than the previous model. Mac says it feels to him like cocking an R9, but when he measured it, the effort required was only 18 lbs. That’s a solid youth rifle number and a force you can tolerate all day long.

Mac has his own R7 made back in the 1990s. I tuned it for him years ago; and from time to time, he’ll make comparisons between it and the new R7. My tune was just to quiet the powerplant, so the factory mainspring was retained.

While the R7 is touted as a youth rifle, the pull is 14.25 inches, making it ideal for full-grown adults. However, with the shorter barrel, the balance has now moved decidedly toward the butt, and the scope that must be mounted on the rifle accentuates the butt heaviness. The aluminum muzzlebrake doesn’t offset the loss of four inches of steel barrel.

The overall length of the new R7 is just 37 inches on the nose, putting it deep into carbine territory. If you look at the new design, it looks very inviting from that standpoint. It’s a faster-handling air rifle, which should thrill those who like carbines.

The fit and finish is high quality, both wood and metal. This is still an heirloom-quality air rifle, made to Weihrauch’s highest standards. However, Mac noted a few differences. The palm swell is gone. That’s a swelling on the right side of the pistol grip that feels better in the hand than a flat pistol grip.

The stock forearm is now checkered, along with the pistol grip. Before, only the pistol grip was checkered. The stock is no longer contoured at the triggerguard. And speaking of that, the trigger and return screw are both plated gold, as Beeman has been doing with several R-series guns in recent years. The Rekord trigger is set to break at 20 oz., which Mac feels is just about ideal.

The old Rekord trigger in a triggerguard that’s sculpted into the stock.

The new Rekord trigger is gold-plated and simply set in the stock without the sculpted look.

The stock comb is not as pronounced as before, and Mac has provided photos of this so we can see the difference. The baseblock is also no longer tapped for open sights. Of course, this makes mounting sights much harder, but it also means you don’t have to buy a separate plate to cover the holes if you use a scope.

The new R7 butt (top) has a longer, lower comb, and the pistol grip is slanted more than the old one.

Mac’s rifle came with a Bushnell Banner 4-12x40AO mounted in rings. Although he noted that the barrel seemed to have a lot of droop, the scope was pretty well sighted in, which surprised him. We’ll hear more about that in the accuracy test to come.

The bottom line thus far is that Mac likes the new R7. He’s presented the most significant changes, and some, like the loss of open sights, he doesn’t like. But most, like the extra checkering and the shorter overall length, he likes just fine.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

79 thoughts on “Beeman R7 – Part 1”

  1. Been a while since I placed a quote. With all the talk about cats I did a search for cat quotes. There are many, but I picked this one to post:

    “Happiness is like a cat, If you try to coax it or call it, it will avoid you; it will never come. But if you pay not attention to it and go about your business, you’ll find it rubbing against your legs and jumping into your lap.”
    William Bennett


  2. I want to say thank you for re-igniting my passion for air guns. Called one of my shooting buddies from my early teenage years (were now in our thirties) on the off chance he may still have his rifles. He was surprised to hear from me, but not as surprised as i was when he said he had collected all his fathers and grandfathers rifles in the last month and put over 2000 pellets through them. The haul consisted of three falke rifles an 80, 60 and 33 (Im pretty sure). I’m waiting on my own copy of the blue book to see what there worth for him so they can get some attention from the gunsmith if their rare. Thanks again and keep posting your blog, i can’t get enough.

    • David,

      The value of those airguns depends on where you live. In the U.S. Falke airguns are relatively rare. The 80 is particularly desirable. The 33 pistol is also fairly scarce and desirable.

      Condition drives everything, of course. Without an accurate description, pricing is impossible.


  3. Hi BB,
    I suppose the omission of open sites or more to the point the facility to fit them is because the maker knows most folk will fit a scope anyway these days.
    Personally,I like Iron sights on guns and kick starts on bikes.
    You never know when you might need them 🙂

    • I like open sights too under some circumstances.
      When shooting at fairly close ranges with considerable variability in distance, a scope is a real pain. Parallax and poi/poa differentials are a severe problem. Then there is a problem if you breathe on the scope lens in cold weather. Thats a problem at any distance.
      At really close distances with a scope, the scope becomes completely useless, and the best you can do is point and hope for the best.


  4. Dave,

    It wasn’t the maker (Weirauch) who omitted the open sights in this case. It was the importer (Beeman) who asked for them to be excluded. That is a cost-cutting move, which in this case probably wasn’t a good decision. In this power range, people like to plink with these rifles.


  5. I had both a scope and open sights on the R7 I bought from Mac last year. While the scope worked fine, I thought it was a bit overkill and ended up mounting a Williams aperture sight. To me, the biggest problem with excluding the open sights is the challenge of finding a set to install – especially the front sight. The HW front dovetail seems to be smaller than standard. I finally found one dealer who had exactly one in stock. With the aperture, it made a great indoor rifle for the long winter. Like learning the artillery hold on a springer, open sights add an element of challenge that helps to make shooting interesting. Jay

  6. Update on the Marlin Cowboy:

    I had hoped to give you folks a mini review by now, but… no Marlin. Yup, it went out of stock and of course I didn’t get mine. Mine happily continues on backorder since January, and it’ll be fun to see how the perpetual in-stock out-of-stock see-saw game will play out. Maybe some day ALL the items in my order will be in stock at the same time and Pyramyd might deign to ship. Will this alignment of my lucky stars occur in 2011? More likely 2013! But then again, who cares, the world’s supposed to end on December 21, 2012 anyway.


  7. AlanL,

    From PA’s description and the reviews on the yellow, you’re not missing too much by not getting the Marlin. It is a youth rifle of questionable quality. If you want a little lever gun the Daisy 499 is nice or for multi shot an old Champion 99 is good too, just not as accurate. Then if you do get that little Chinese pea shooter you can make proper use of it, as a target for a Daisy.

    The R7,
    If you want the open sights, just get this:

  8. Volvo,

    I checked out the Daisy 499. Interesting little gun. I was surprised by the very low MV posted. Is that accurate? it’s over 100 fps slower than the cheap bb plinkers- yet it’s supposed to be accurate. Can that be right?

    Incidentally, about the accuracy, I got a chortle out of the blather on Pyramyd’s product page for this gun, where they say “This rifle is so accurate, that even seasoned shooters cannot shoot beyond its potential.” I didn’t know any rifle could be shot “beyond its potential”!


    • AlanL,

      You have misread/misunderstood what the 499B description says:

      This rifle is so accurate, that even seasoned shooters cannot shoot beyond its potential.

      You said:

      I didn’t know any rifle could be shot “beyond its potential”!

      What the original statement means is this:

      It doesn’t matter how good a shot the SHOOTER is, they can’t say that the gun isn’t accurate. The gun is so accurate that it will stand up to any shooter regardless of how well they claim they can shoot. If you’re a good shot, this gun is up to the job of pinpoint accuracy.

      BTW, I wrote that entire description…except for the quote about shooters, potential & accuracy. That’s a direct quote from Tom. I believe he used those exact words when he reviewed the 499B in the Airgun Letter years ago and again when he reviewed it for Airgun Illustrated magazine.

      Apparently, he really likes that sentiment 🙂


    • Alan, read any of the independent reviews of the 499…it is definitely the most accurate off the shelf b.b. gun around…and yes, it is a good bit slower than the Red Ryder (for example). This is due to the fact that it is meant for target shooting at a distance of 5m (15 feet), where as most guns like the Red Ryder are designed to be shot up to 25 feet.
      It does seem to me that you are letting your shipping ‘woes’ bother you too much…it’s as if you’re now on a mission against anything ‘Pyramyd’.
      Just my observation.

    • AlanL,

      Okay, here is the exact quote from the website:
      “This rifle is so accurate, that even seasoned shooters cannot shoot beyond its potential.”

      That means that even seasoned shooters–SHOOTERS– cannot shoot better than the potential of the 499 GUN. They cannot out-shoot the 499. We are not saying that the GUN cannot shoot beyond its potential. That wouldn’t make any sense.

      What the statement means is that seasoned shooters will not be hampered by the 499’s lack of accuracy. It will always be able to group tighter than they can shoot.

      That gets proven every year at the International BB Gun Championships in Bowling Green, KY, sponsored by both Daisy and the Jaycees. There are kids shooting ten shots into an aspirin-sized group at 5 meters (16.404199 feet). Of course they don’t shoot groups, because this is a target match. But if you compiled all their shots and plotted them, that would be the result.

      You don’t need velocity to get accuracy. At 240 f.p.s., the 499 is the world’s most accurate BB gun.


  9. AlanL,
    I knew you had the HW30, that note was just in case someone wanted the open sights on an R7.
    Another alternative to the Marlin, albeit pricier is the Walther lever action.
    I have not owned one, but have been watching them for some time.
    Recently, pricing has come down; leading me to believe that may be discontinued soon.
    Reviews are usually positive and they appear a quality adult sized rifle.

    (I would love to see someone make these as a PCP with a slim factory shroud shooting 12 ft lbs)

  10. AlanL,

    Never got around to blogging my 499 vs. 99 shoot off, but the 499 can be shot past what it was intended for.

    My 499 is actually for my kids, so I still have it. They are designed for 5 meter shooting but they are accurate well beyond that. My example is “hot” at around 311 fps.

  11. WARNING: Rant to follow

    Yes, I’m one of those guys that doesn’t like change especially when the original product worked so well.

    I think the R7 is the perfect springer for most elevations. It’s a little anemic at 5,200 feet but power can easily be increased without sacrificing a wonderful shot cycle in this powerplant. I like the fit and finish of the stock on the older R7’s better than the plain, hogsback comb on the HW30. Beeman got it right in my opinion. In my opinion, you can’t be called an airgunner until you’ve owned an R7. It’s a true classic.

    I took a newer R7 in on trade recently. I think this is the 5th R7/HW30 I’ve owned. From this bunch I kept an early 1990’s R7 with the longer stock and hand cut checkering. I like Mac’s side by side comparisons but will add my two cents. Need to start by admitting I’m very shallow and quality of finish on a gun rates almost as high as performance to me.

    The lack of sights and more importantly the lack of provision for easily installing open sights on the newer R7’s is a blunder. The checkering looks pressed since it’s not even sharp enough to pass for laser cut. Lowering the comb on the new version is especially bewildering since you’re forced to scope these newer guns. The finish is muddy and the bluing is not on par with the older weihrauch’s at least on the one I just received. Not deep blue and it’s uneven. The biggest complaints I have are the shorter barrel and lower comb. Not only is it harder to cock (yes, it’s still relatively easy) but the rifle is very unbalanced to the point it doesn’t feel like an R7 anymore. I used the lowest mounts I owned and put a small scope on the newer gun. Still had my cheek above the stock for alignment.

    Some things just shouldn’t be changed.


  12. B.B./Mrs.Gaylord,

    I’m going to buy an Air Arms S200 sporter with the conversion kit for the 10 shot magazine in .22 caliber. I’d like to buy it from PA and intend to call them later today.

    In the meantime I have several suggestions to improve the PA website that I think will help PA sell more of these guns:

    1-Provide a link to Part 2 of the articles that B.B. did. Only Part 1 is linked to the gun on PA’s site. If B.B. did a Part 3 as he indicated in Part 2 I couldn’t find it.

    2-If PA sells the .22 caliber version it’s not listed on their site.

    3-If PA sells the conversion kit for the magazine I can’t find it on their site. When you click on the “Accessories” link under the gun on the PA site it shows that they sell the magazine but not the conversion kit? Maybe they do sell it but I can’t find it. If they do sell it, they might want to consider listing that as well in the accessories link:

    Don’t mistake this for a rant. I’m just trying to help.


    • Kevin,

      Thanks for the heads up. It’s my job to link products to related articles & blogs. There were times I forgot to do that.

      I’ve fixed the link so the S200 Sporter shows part 2 of the blog. I don’t see a third part to that series.

      Pyramyd AIR used to sell the .22 but not anymore. I’ve changed the description regarding that caliber.

      I didn’t realize we got the .177 conversion kit in. I just linked it to the .177 gun.

      Thanks for letting me know about these issues.


      • Observation: PA, Edith and BB provide more effort towards listening to customer feedback and issues than any other 5 or 6 airgun retailers on-line, combined. (and I’m not including those retailers that don’t even answer phones or emails, at all)

        We “afficionados” of all things airgun have it pretty darn good here at El Blogo de PA.

    • Kevin, I can’t wait to hear your report on the S200. I’ve always been intrigued by that rifle and–fan of magazine rifles as I am–with its magazine conversion. Let’s hear how it works out.


    • Kevin,

      Rowan Engineering makes a .22 kit for the s200. No personal experience with it, but it looks to be well built and I’ve seen a number of good reports about it. I am really pleased with my .177 s200 – very accurate and nicely balanced, but I haven’t managed to get the trigger adjusted to what I want yet.


  13. BB,

    sounds like the Roanoke show is going to be great this year. I have finally decided to see what all the praise and plaudits about the Rekord trigger are about and will be shopping for an HW30 or R7 and perhaps work a trade with my RWS350. Look forward to seeing you there.

    Fred PRoNJ

    • Fred,

      Definitely go for the Weihrauch HW30/S. You won’t regret it. Make sure the rear sight screw is really tight before you make any sight adjustments. But be careful- use exactly the right blade for it in your driver. (Derrick38 saved me with the gift of a new one handmade by himself after I screwed up the original.)

      Play with the different front sight inserts until you find the one you like. As for the Rekord trigger, I’ve never touched it. I liked the way it was set right out of the box. The gun is so well balanced, light, and easy to cock that it overcomes all my desires to feel that recoil, ahem, and shoots so that even I can live up to the rifle’s potential (barely). It likes CP’s and Baracudas, and even shoots H&N precision balls very nicely.

      For crying out loud don’t get rid of your 350! That is a real keeper (if it’s a .22). Instead, go for the new T06 trigger upgrade (which it’s been said is even better than Weihrauch’s Rekord.)

      Okay SL, that’s it for my blog!


      • AlanL,

        I remember when you were a newbie on this blog and now you have a fine collection of airguns and feel confident enough to share your experiences and opinions with us. If you’re not careful, you’ll end up in Field Target and challenge Wayne for championship of the blog – that is if we don’t let some of the lurkers here who already possess a couple of trophies in Internatioinal and National Competition, compete :). Anyway, I’d love to keep my 350 except (1) I’m running out of discretionary funds and (2) I’m running out of room! Darn kids and their college education. I already told my daughter to add a new word to her vocabulary – elope.

        Fred PRoNJ

        • I might post a pic of my favorite pole rest technique for the HW30. That, along with B.B.’s “thumb along, not over, wrist” artillery hold and dang!- I actually manage to hit something!

  14. No sir, I don’t like it.

    I think what we are witnessing is the Chinese-ification of Beeman. Lessee, just the front sight inserts for the front sight without the actual site is $45 from PA. Then throw in the front globe and the rear sight. All this is replaced with an aluminum muzzle brake. How much do you think that thing costs vs. the front and rear sights with inserts? Also, if the brake were made of steel it would balance the rifle better, no? Weihrauch makes some of best open sights in the business. BIG mistake.

    A rifle of this low power needs no scope more powerful than the Leaper’s golden image 3-9×32


    This scope fits very nicely behind the rear sight. Also, the rear sight does not obstruct the view from the scope an iota.


    The new checkering is definitely pressed. It looks no different than the checkering on my Diana 52. I was thinking of burnishing it with something to get a little contrast. Any suggestions? I agree with everything you said above, especially about being shallow when it comes to stock finish. That is why I am such a sucker for the TX200. It GLOWS. I would like to find an older R7. I think if I play my cards right, I can trick Volvo out of his prized .20cal.

    Alan L

    What that copy meant was that the shooter could not shoot beyond the capabilities of the gun, not that the gun could shoot beyond the capabilities of the gun. Also the fair and lovely Edith writes much of this copy, so ix-nay on the athering-blay. I would definitely recommend the Daisy 499. It is not a power-house, it is not meant to be, just like the R7/HW30S. The range used in competition is only 5 meters if I am not mistaken.

    You write pretty darn well, and don’t take too bad a photograph either. Perhaps a guest blog on the HW30S is in order? I would be most interested.

  15. The report on the new R7 will be interesting to me for the reasons that Kevin articulated. I will use it to test my theory about radius of creativity. Once you get further away from the creative genius working in isolation, the quality will go down even if you are moving forward in time and keeping up with the latest trends. The classic example is the M1 Garand. As far as I’m concerned, little if anything has been done to improve on the original design from the late 30’s and that includes destroying its balance by hanging a large magazine off of it and dirtying up the profile with a so-called ergonomic stock. (I admit that the short-stroke piston which makes the mechanism less sensitive to ammo loads might be an improvement.) It is better-known that there has been little if any improvement to the original Mauser bolt-action design. The modifications to the Winchester 70 in 1964 pretty much sunk that rifle, and they have been trying to recover ever since. Beeman was one of my examples of the creative genius, and my theory says that the new version of the R7 should be worse.

    TobyT, that’s interesting about the hypoallergenic cat, but I believe that I will observe from a distance. As I tell people walking their dogs, my rc vehicles are much lower maintenance, and it’s easier to change out their bad servos.

    BG_Farmer, so you’ve been muzzle-loading and rimfiring. Now that I don’t have the wind blowing in my face from the range and can indulge some abstraction, I’m feeling better about my wind reading methods. Solution number one: just ignore it by looking only at the vertical displacement. He he. If that doesn’t suffice, the word is that wind alternation runs in cycles of around 5-6 minutes duration, and you’re supposed to time to compensate. That goes for fishtailing winds which sounds like what you have. Still I wonder how well these high-powered techniques translate to rimfire and airguns. My Anschutz groups at 100 yards in a high wind were spreading out a good 4-6 inches.


    • Matt,
      Wind works the same on decent sized c/f as on .22LR and pellets, but there seems to be an order of magnitude difference between each:). Shooting a .22LR at 100 yards versus a .30-06 is night and day.
      I’ve tried to follow your Anschutz saga, but I may have missed a segment or two; hope its working like you want. Don’t worry too much about 100 yard groups until 50 is boring — just a wee bit of a breeze will challenge the mighty .22LR, although sometimes on the internet you get the impression that 0.5″ groups at 100 yards are typical:). The upside is that 100 yards with a .22LR is good practice for much longer range c/f, at least in my opinion.

      I’ve been ML’ing more than anything else powder-burning lately, going to matches a couple of times a month and practicing with it about 1x/week (not counting airguns). Its a good time, just open sights on decent length barrels (no muzzle brakes, either) and offhand only. Your area may have smallbore rifle competitions or silhouettes or even serious 10M, but ML’ing is the best thing going here for antiquarians like me:), and I’m fascinated with the design and building of the rifles and their importance to the history of the region.

      • BG Farmer,

        Because of our affinity for guns that were designed and purpose built their importance to the history of the regions, among other reasons, I hope we can meet someday. I think we would have a lot in common.


  16. Will the R9 be made anytime soon with a (gasp!) synthetic stock? It seems like this rifle is past it’s due date to offer more than just a wood stock! Check out the new CAMO Diana/RWS 350 P Magnum in synthetic… https://www.diana-airguns.de/index.php?id=298&L=1&width=1152&height=720 perfect for the weather here in the North West and for those of us that spend more time in the woods with our guns than on the bench rest (I don’t have anything against a beautiful wood stock, i just don’t find it as practical). Come on… it’s time for a R9 in synthetic! Who can I contact for a custom laminate R9 stock, and when can we expect to see the R9 in the equivalent of Crosman’s Nitro Piston/Venturi Ram/Theoben system ?

    As a side note, it looks like Pyramid Air bought the distribution rights to Beeman’s upper end line of air rifles, and Air Venturi is the wholesale distributor to the HW Weihrauch line of guns. This industry just keeps moving!

  17. B.B.,

    Joe B in Marin Says:
    September 13, 2010 at 12:32 pm
    Hi B.B.

    Which bbl length do you recommend for the .25 caliber on the 2240?

    B.B. Pelletier Says:
    September 13, 2010 at 1:39 pm

    Is it to be a carbine or a pistol?


    Joe B in Marin Says:

    It’s a 2250 carbine. What would be the difference between a carbine and a pistol in terms of .25 caliber bbl length?

  18. B.B.

    After getting the new barrel installed in my 2300 I ran into a problem.

    The first 3 powerlets blew co2 out of the gun everywhere except the cart endcap. I was sure it was tight enough.

    Ran some Pellgun oil down into the breech to get it down into the transfer port and dry fired it a few times ( no cart). Then held the gun vertical and let two or three drops fall directly into the co2 outlet hole were the cart seal is.

    New cart fired right off without a hitch.


      • Could be.
        I had to leave the barrel a little loose to get it to fit back together right. The little metal transfer port was not seating right and would not let the barrel and reciever lay down right. It finally dropped into place and tightened up ok. Has not been shot in quite a while either.

        Quick check showed 8.4 Exacts running in the 490’s.


  19. B.B. I am speculating that since Pyramid Air bought out Beeman… that you will have some input for future models. Why not consider a STAINLESS rifle with match grade barrel and trigger in the Beeman R9, and call it a “Special Edition”. They would be “lining up” to buy it (right behind me!).


      • Edith –

        I personally spoke with Beeman on the phone this a.m., and they told me in there own words that Pyramid Air bought them; maybe this person intended to imply that Pyramid Air has the “Exclusive Rights” to the distribution of Beeman products ?? I was also told this morning that Beeman would handle the “lower end” models, and Pyramid air would handle the more expensive stuff, and that Air Venturi (which Pyramid Air reportedly has its arms around) would handle the wholesale line of HW Weihrauch products. Does anyone have a link to learn more about the Beeman sale/purchase ??

    • gregoryb02,

      Who said that Pyramyd AIR bought Beeman? They didn’t Beeman was bought by the Shanghai Industrial Company, who then negotiated with Air Venturi to handle the high-end Beeman guns. Whoever you spoke to isn’t aware of the facts.

      This is in tomorrow’s report.


      • Thanks B.B. – The gal that answered the phone for Beeman is the one that shared this with me, and then directed my efforts to Pyramid Air. Thank you for setting the record straight… and I look forward to tomorrows blog. Does this mean the Beeman manufacturing will eventually be moved to China?

        • gergoryb02,

          There are now two separate and distinctly different entities applying the Beeman name to airguns. Shanghai is putting it on the guns they make, and have been doing so for a good many years. All the Beeman guns you see at Wal-Mart are made in China.

          Then there are the high-end Beeman guns, coming mostly from Weihrauch. These are the traditional Beeman models, though as we see in today’s report, somebody is adjusting the specifications on those guns.


        • gregorybO2,

          To put a finer point on what’s already been said, Beeman never manufactured anything. Someone else made “it” to the Beeman specifications and when they were done they put the Beeman name on it.

          Earlier you said, “Why not consider a STAINLESS rifle with match grade barrel and trigger in the Beeman R9, and call it a “Special Edition”. They would be “lining up” to buy it (right behind me!).


          To a large extent this has already been done. Beeman called this finish an AW (All Weather). The metal has an electroless nickel finish and the stock is black Kevlar/graphite/fiberglass. Stunning combination. Jet black stock and silver metal. I really like these guns with silver mounts and a silver scope. Gorgeous.

          The AW was offered for the R1. Don’ think it was offered in the R9. Could be wrong. You can still find the R1 AW models. Have it detuned to the R9 velocity and you’ve got your airgun solution you were asking about earlier without the cost of a custom stock.


  20. B.B.
    Just got the Titan back together with a new seal. Fit very tight compared to the old chewed up one.

    Two detonations with superdomes followed by a half dozen normal sounding shots later (and with a lot of smoke from the moly) I hit the chrono for a few.

    Running around 730 fps so no real mv change over the old beaver eaten seal. Should the new seal rub it’s way into fitting better? Possible mv increase once it wears in a bit? Not worried about getting much increase. Just was terribly tight fit…. but then again the chamber is no prize even after honing.


  21. BB
    Did Mac actually compare the cocking effort of the new R7 to his older one? He said that the new one needed 18 lbs effort. I am going to buy an R7/HW30 one day. I want the ambidexterous stock of the R7 but I dont think I like its new changes with the lower comb (I will use a scope) and altered balance! Why would anyone change a winner?

  22. BB/Edith
    Sometime ago you told me that the HW30S had the Rekord trigger. I see on PA’s site that it is listed as 4.5 lbs and when I compare it to the R7 using the compare list the R7 has in the trig. adj. row 1.25 lbs while the HW30 field shows a blank? I think this will miss lead customers to think that the HW30S is sans Rekord.

  23. Alan L. – Patience is a virtue.

    Weihrauch – nooooooooo The R-7/hw30 is a favorite or many around the word.

    There is no substitute for quality. Although I do spend about 99 percent of my playing time on my old laminated Yamaha acoustic guitar, I would have a hard time living without my Martin.

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    During busy holidays, we step our efforts to ship all orders as fast as possible, but you may experience an additional 1-2 day delay before your order ships. This may also happen if you change your order during processing.

    View Shipping Times

  • Shipping Restrictions

    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

    View Shipping Restrictions

  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

    View Service Info

  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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