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Education / Training GSG 92 CO2 BB pistol: Part 2

GSG 92 CO2 BB pistol: Part 2

by B.B. Pelletier

Part 1

The GSG 92 is a very realistic action BB pistol from an airsoft manufacturer.

Today, I’ll report on the velocity of the new GSG 92 CO2 BB pistol. There wasn’t a lot of interest in this pistol, but one reader named Lee was very interested in it. He was comparing several seemingly similar pistols and stated that he was quite interested in the accuracy test. That’s in Part 3, Lee, but I’m also interested. I’ll never forget discovering what an accurate pistol the Umarex Makarov was, and then seeing Crystal Ackley shoot it on camera on the American Airgunner set as the first gun she every shot. We kept backing away from the target but her group never got any larger. Little did I know at the time that she was a natural shooter and would soon be out-shooting Paul Capello and me! Hopefully, this GSG pistol will provide a similar surprise.

How this pistol feeds
I said in the last report that I’d be showing you more of the interesting BB magazine in this report, so I’ll do that first. Because I don’t have video (and PLEASE don’t ask for it in the regular blog!) I’ll have to describe to you what happens when the slide blows back and returns to battery (to the point where it would be locked with the breech if this were– a firearm). In a normal BB gun, nothing happens when the slide returns to battery. The BB remains poised at the top of the magazine, waiting to be blown down the barrel by the blast of gas when the gun fires. Not so with this gun. This gun feeds each BB into the rear of the barrel.

Here the slide is all the way back (to the right) and starting to return to battery. The round projection on the end of the slide will align with the BB in the magazine.

In this photo the slide has returned part way and the round projection has just contacted the BB. It will now begin to push the BB out of the magazine lips and into a ramp that leads up to the rear of the barrel.

Here you see the ramp (the shiny part) the BB goes up to get into the barrel (just visible at the end of the ramp). Once the slide starts pushing it, it follows willingly up this ramp for a positive feed into the barrel.

What is described in the captions of the three photos above is the same feed method used by many semiautomatic pistols to feed cartridges into the breech of the barrel. It is much a more complex feeding process than most BB guns use, but only testing will demonstrate whether it is worth the effort.

Does it work?
The big question I had was if a complex feeding system like this would work reliably. Only testing can show that for sure, so some shooting was in order. And, the answer is that it works, but not every time. The gun was mostly reliable, but there were a couple times when the slide locked back as if the magazine were empty even though there were more BBs ready to go. One function of this pistol is it holds the slide open after the last shot, just like a firearm, but this one was doing it sporadically when there were still BBs in the magazine.

I will watch this trait as the test progresses. It may be that the gun suffers when held with a limp wrist, which is not uncommon with many firearms, as well. It’s possible to make many semiautomatic pistols malfunction by nothing more than holding them with a limp wrist that moves more than expected during recoil.

Using Daisy Premium Grade zinc-plated BBs, the gun averaged 332 f.p.s. The range went from a high of 350 f.p.s to a low of 319 f.p.s., and the velocity decline was linear from the first shot to the last. That means the gun is either cooling very rapidly, despite being tested in 75 degrees F temperature, or it’s running out of gas quickly. A second magazine would tell the story.

And tell the story it did. This time I was more positive about the hold and there were zero failures to fire. Then I limp-wristed a couple shots and behold — no more faulty hold-open events. Apparently, that was just a part of the early break-in.

On the second string of shots I allowed at least 10 seconds between each shot so the gun could warm up, and the velocity averaged 336 f.p.s. This time the velocity also descended for the first shot to the last, but the slope was shallower. The high velocity was 345 f.p.s. and the low was 327 f.p.s. Shoot the gun slower if you want more shots per cartridge.

Remember, this is a blowback pistol and some of the gas is being used to power the movement of the slide. That has to detract from the total number of available shots. The third string of ten shots began at 338 f.p.s. and ended at 316 f.p.s. Unlike many other gas guns, this one is getting progressivly slower as it shoots. That’s probably due to the blowback function that needs about the same amount of gas every time it cycles.

I shot a fourth string after waiting 24 hours. I wanted to see if there were ten more good shots remaining on the cartridge. I actually miscounted and loaded 11 BBs. The first shots was 330 f.p.s., so the gun was still on the charge, but by the fourth shot the velocity had dropped off to just 313 f.p.s. That was a clear sign that the liquid CO2 was gone and the gun was starting to drop in gas pressure with every shot. Shot 8 was 265 f.p.s. and shot 11 was 245. The gun is obviously out of gas at this point. That means there are about two full 20-shot magazines per CO2 cartridge. The slide was still cycling on the last shot, but it was going much slower than normal. Any more shots would be risking a jam.

From a realism standpoint, the GSG 92 is about as realistic as they get. The heavy metal slide imparts a good amount of recoil when it blows back, and that’s what a lot of owners will want from this gun. We’ll look at accuracy next. If this pistol is accurate, it’ll be one of the top contenders in the action BB gun class.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

21 thoughts on “GSG 92 CO2 BB pistol: Part 2”

  1. Lee isn’t alone, I’m very interested in this pistol.
    I bought a used : /product/tanfoglio-witness-1911-co2-bb-pistol-brown-grips?m=2534
    and I LOVED it, it’s a vrey nice pistol.
    So I just ordered a : /product/sig-sauer-p226-x-five-co2-pistol?m=2176
    If it’s as nice as the Tanfoglio (and it seems to be) I’ll also order this GSG 92.
    To me the realism and the fact that they are single action is a big plus for me, I’m always deceived by the HEAVY triggers on other action pistol and the one I have is crisp and light.
    The only other pistol I own like that is this good is the Walther PPk and seeing how popular and liked it is I think these CyberGun pistols will be as popular.


    • J-F,

      I haven’t really covered the trigger on this gun yet, but it’s one of the best I’ve seen on these inexpensive action pistols. The single action pull is light and crisp. I wish all my firearms shot this well. I would say it is easily in the same class as the Walther PPK/S, and perhaps a little nicer.


  2. I have the GSG92, Tanfoglio Witness 1911 and Sig Sauer P226 X-5 Open (the Open version NOT a regular one). The Sig Sauer P226 X-5 Open beats both the GSG92 and Tanfoglio Witness 1911 with hands down. It has a higher muzzle velocity, much greater amount of recoil and amazing accuracy. Please try it.

    • Hi Rob,

      When I got my Sig Sauer P226, I got the regular one, but I was so impressed I might wind up getting the open version eventually. How do you like the adjustable sights? You’re definitely right about the accuracy; the Sig easily outshoots my Walther PPK/S.

      • Hi Lee,
        Yes the adjustable sights are great and obviously greatly improve accuracy. The Sig Sauer X-Five Open (Competition) version costs only about $20 (?) more than the regular one in Pyramid Air but you get the adjustable sights, an aluminium alloy special mount for a scope or red dot and a barrel compensator (personally I removed it). Also, I would like to mention that I am talking accuracy at 25′ (the length of my basement air gun range) NOT at 15′ normally used for BB guns. For shooting air pistols I use a Crosman 25′ rapid fire pistol target. Personally, I am a bit disappointed with the accuracy of the Tanfoglio Witness 1911. It is O.K. at 15′ but rapidly deteriorates at 25′. I am not sure why. Otherwise the Tanfoglio is a very nice air pistol although its muzzle velocity at 64F is lower (average 310 f.p.s.) than that for the X-Five (average 340-350 f.p.s.)(from 10 shots). By the way, always use a drop of Pelgunoil on the tip of a powerlet and put a light coat of a lithium grease on the slide and frame rails of all your blow back pistols for lubrication.

    • Rob,

      I see that the SIG Sauer P225 X5 Open is rated at lower velocity than the GSG 92 pistol I’m reporting on today. And the GSG 92 went so much faster than advertised!

      The Open (actually that name is not on the model PA stocks, but I believe it is the gun you mean) is nothing more than the plain gun with a sight rail and a fake compensator. I don’t like optical sights on handguns, so would it be okay if I tested the standard pistol? They are going to have the same performance specs, because they are the same gun underneath all the dressing.

      If this is a realistic BB gun, I want to test it. And I will test it with an open mind.

      But for now I’m still involved in the GSG 92 test, and I have to give it my undivided attention.


  3. B.B.,
    First of all, I am sorry for not “revealing” myself. I am your friendly Canadian neighbor from Ontario. In Canada the full name of P226 is the Sig Sauer P226 X-Five Open X-Mount. On the Sig Sauer website the true name is the Sig Sauer P226 X-Five Competition. On the PA stock the name is “Full Metal” for both of them.
    On the PA website the Open/Competition model cost measly $10 more (just checked). You get the adjustable sights, an excellent quality sight rail made from a cast aluminum alloy (!), a fake barrel extension (real steel (!)) with an aluminum compensator, an ergonomic beavertail grip and a differently shaped magazine. Like you, I don’t use optical sights on handguns but a lot of people like them so an extra sight rail is handy. The muzzle velocity posted on the PA website is completely erroneous. I chronied my Open version without a compensator but with the steel barrel extension on. Using 10 shot rapid fire string at 64degF (18degC) the high velocity was 361 f.p.s. and the low was 325 f.p.s. I bet that at 75degF the muzzle velocity will be much higher (I’ll try it outside in my backyard). When you are done with the GSG92 try the P226. However, due to the adjustable sights on the Open/Competition version the accuracy will be quite different than that for the standard pistol. I also believe that the barrel extension/compensator slightly improves accuracy possibly by stripping of the turbulent air from around the BB leaving the barrel (just my feeling).

    • Rob,

      Thanks for all that background. I could tell that you are passionate about this pistol, and since you have also shot the others I figure you know what you are talking about.

      I definitely want adjustable sights, so the Open model it is. I can remove the sight rail.

      I’m also impressed that you shoot this at 25 feet instead of 15. Only the Makarov has worked at that distance in my experience. Or was that just Crystal Ackley?


      • B.B.,

        It would be great if you could review the Sig after you’re finished with the GSG! By the way, thanks for approaching each new airgun with an open mind. I think that occasionally these Cybergun BB guns don’t get the credit they deserve simply because they are derived from airsoft models. Your reviews of the GSG have certainly been fair.


        That’s pretty impressive that you shoot the Sig at 25 feet; I’ll have to try that myself and see how the accuracy holds up. Apart from my Daisy No. 25, I usually don’t shoot BB guns beyond the usual 15 feet. Trying it with the Sig sounds like a good challenge.

    • Ah yes, Canada. Home of John Cantius Garand. Home of James Paris Lee, designer of the Lee-Enfield action (the Enfield part apparently was just for the rifling). And home of the Long Branch Arsenal that produced my rifle. I’d say we need to give our northern neighbors the recognition they deserve.


      • Matt61
        Thanks for reminding us those interesting facts. And for all those Canadian contributions to the global firearm development the Liberal governments of Canada gave us the most incomprehensible gun laws I’ve ever seen. Starting from the one which says that any barreled weapon (including air guns) that shoots at a muzzle velocity higher than 500 f.p.s is classified as a firearm (!) either non-restricted (rifles), restricted (pistols having a barrel longer than 105 mm) or prohibited (barrel length 105 mm and less) for which one needs a license and additionally they must be registered with the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police). Of course, for a license and registration one must pay fees!

  4. B.B., I’m curious how far the slide moves on this pistol. If for a firearm, the length of slide movement is determined by the length of the cartridge to be fed, then here I expect that distance would be extremely short. And am I right that length of slide movement is related to how much gas you’re losing?

    Slinging Lead, thank you for sharing a secret treasure of your heart in the form of the Hollywood picture… Sophia is seriously outgunned. On the other hand, I read in a review of the Grumpy Old Men series that at age 70, she could “still make a red dress shout” although I didn’t see her do that. Maybe what we’ve got in your picture is a bit of cultural exchange. In the film “It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World,” the British adventurer, Terry Thomas, says “I cannot understand this infantile American preoccupation with bosoms….” Is it true that the brassiere is an American invention? Perhaps it is all in the service of mere arbitrary convention. I understand that in Brazil the priorities are different.

    Thanks too for your regionalism about the high cotton. So, just what are you all doing down there in the South. 🙂 Seriously, thanks for your congratulations. I had a pretty good time last night running a few stripper clips of A-Zoom snap caps through the Enfield. The rounds were ejected with such force that my gun room was under heavy mortar fire.

    But could it be that one of the large motives of shooting is not the technology after all but how it allows you to become a certain kind of persona. The Enfield gives me a myriad of new identities that I can disappear into. More evidence. What other reason could there be why the fellow at the gun store who signed the final set of papers for the Enfield looked he was from the Planet of the Apes with a large semiauto strapped to his belt. That open carry in the gunstore seemed a little weird. And as another example there is one of the preeminent word pictures ever to appear on the blog. Some years ago, a fellow wrote about how he dressed up in a camouflage outfit and posed before a mirror with his Gamo CFX. I love the honesty! Finally, he aimed right at the mirror, pulled the trigger, and the mirror disintegrated. Appalling safety procedures as I’m sure he would admit, but he had other problems. When his wife returned home, he greeted her with some fulsome comment about her great beauty, and she smiled and replied, “What have you done this time.” I’d say there is history there. He he.


    • Matt,

      The slide cocks the hammer, so regardless of how much gas remains or how long the round is, it has to come back far enough to push the hammer into the cocked position. It either cocks or it doesn’t, and for it to cock the hammer the slide travels backwards just under two inches.


    • I would think that the slide goes as far back as the firearm (altough i don’t have the firearm with me) since when the clip is empty the slide locks back. You can then insert a new mag and operate it just like the firearm it so nicely copies.

      I know Tom doesn’t like to compare guns but these 3 pistols (Sig Sauer, GSG and Tanfoglio) seem so much alike maybe they could have been tested at the same time.

      For me the accuracy that important, I want soda can accuracy at the 30feet (which the Tanfoglio has) and I’m not really using the sights either, I just shoot and adjust my aiming by looking at where the BB’s are going. The 18 BB’s leave the gun quite fast and to me that’s what these pistols are all about… Being 12 again and destroying these empty cans.


  5. Fred PRoNJ,

    It may be a surprise for you, but my acquaintance with this blog and Tom’s studies began with CDT’s GRT-III trigger, that now works in my mod-CFX. So, I know this little unit quite well 🙂


  6. B.B., Matt, others,
    I want you guys to know that I really do appreciate these side discussions on firearms. Reviews like today’s make the connection between air-guns and firearms, but there’s always more to these things. I don’t know of anywhere else where conversations like this just flow. More importantly, can be so educational for someone as ignorant about some of these things as I am. This blog makes so many important details accessible to even novices. If someone isn’t interested in a certain discussion thread here, they can just skip it. More importantly, I’d guess that this blog gives all of us the confidence to ask basic questions, without feeling uncomfortable, and better yet, knowing that we’ll get a good answer.

  7. There was a great article here somewhere in the last month about refinishing a stock. And now I cannot find it. Would whoever wrote it please contact me at peter [dot] zimmerman [@] cox [dot] net?

    Thanks very much!!


  8. I dont have this bb pistol but i really want it. People have left very good remarks and ive watched youtube videos and this wepon sounds GREAT. I would love to receive a great bb gun like this for my birthday.

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