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Education / Training The Colt Python BB revolver: Part 3

The Colt Python BB revolver: Part 3

by Tom Gaylord, a.k.a. B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2

Colt Python
Colt Python from Umarex looks like the real deal!

This report addresses:

• Sighting in.
• Corrections to the manual.
• Accuracy at 16 feet, 4 inches (5 meters).
• Accuracy at 25 feet.
• Summary

Today is accuracy day for the Colt Python BB revolver. I know this is a test many readers have been waiting for, and I think it’ll be worth the wait!

I shot the revolver from a rested position, using a 2-hand hold with my hands forward of the rest and unsupported. My forearms were resting on a cushion, and the revolver was steady in my grip. The target was lit brightly, so the sights were in sharp relief.

I charged the gun with an Umarex CO2 cartridge and shot only Umarex Precision steel BBs in this test. I loaded the cartridges individually, and I found that was faster than using the speedloader. It eliminates some steps that take time.

The first few shots landed too low on the target and also a bit to the left. I first adjusted the elevation of the rear sight and left the windage alone. I did this without consulting the manual, because we all know that the rear sight must move in the direction you want the round to move on target. The gun was shooting low so the sight had to come up — it’s as simple as that. There are directions for elevation adjustment on the rear sight, and they told me to turn the screw counterclockwise to raise the sight. It worked perfectly, but I had to make several adjustments before the BBs were hitting as high as I wanted.

Then, I shot my first 10-shot group. Yes, I shot a complete cylinder and 4 more from the next cylinder. And I’m glad I did. The first group was the best of the day, putting all 10 shots into 0.537 inches between centers. Until I walked up to examine the target, it seemed as though all shots were going into the same hole. But as you can see, the group isn’t quite that spectacular. It’s close, though.

Colt Python target 1
This first 10-shot group was the best of the day. It measures 0.537 inches between centers.

Manual has errors
Next, I wanted to adjust the group slightly to the right, so the rear sight had to be adjusted again; but this time I was stumped. The windage adjustment requires a 1.5mm Allen wrench, while the elevation adjustment is a plain slotted screw. I carry a pocketknife that has a screwdriver, but now I had to find a small Allen wrench. It turns out neither the windage nor the elevation adjustment tools are provided with the gun. I think that’s a mistake because the typical buyer of a gun like this in not likely to have a lot of Allen wrenches laying around (there’s an Allen wrench included, but it’s larger and for removing the cap that holds the CO2 cartridge).

There are no directions for the rear sight adjustment on the gun, so I consulted the manual. That’s when I discovered that both the windage and elevation instructions are backwards in the manual! This is of no concern for elevation, because the instructions are on the gun — but for windage, you have to stop and figure it out yourself.

Then, it was back to shooting targets. This time, I used the slightly smaller 10-meter bulls instead of the 50-foot rimfire bulls I’d used for the first group. The BBs landed higher on this smaller bull, and it appeared that I adjusted the rear sight too far to the right.

The next 10-shot group measures 1.119 inches between centers. The first shot was a flinch that went high and right — out into the white, and the other 9 shots were in the black and measure 0.941 inches between centers. It’s twice the size of the first group and represents the second-worst group shot from 5 meters.

Colt Python target 2
This group is still good, but much larger. The shot in the upper right that missed the black was a called flyer.

I didn’t change the sights before the next group. Eight of the BBs went into 0.602 inches, but the other 2 shots opened the group to 1.166 inches. It’s the worst group; yet, it contains a remarkable smaller group inside the main group. I think concentration is what determined the group size, more than the accuracy of the gun. In other words — I was tiring out!

Colt Python target 3
All these shots looked perfect at the release. That one in the white was not a called flyer. This group measures 1.166 inches, with 8 shots in 0.602 inches.

25 feet
Finally, I tried shooting a group at 25 feet. This time only, I fired all 12 shots from 2 full cylinders. The group measures 2.121 inches and demonstrates how quickly the accuracy of a BB falls away as the distance to the target increases.

Colt Python target 4
Shot at 25 feet, these 12 shots went into 2.121 inches.

The Colt Python is accurate
Without a doubt, this Colt Python revolver is an accurate BB gun. I don’t like to make comparisons, but I know a lot of readers want them. I looked at other accurate BB pistols I’ve tested over the years and found this one to hold its own. In other words, about on par with the other accurate BB pistols, and quite a bit better than an average BB pistol.

I like the trigger in both single- and double-action, I like the sights, I like the speedloader and the way the cartridges grab each BB so positively. The power is good and so is the shot count. There’s nothing to dislike, save the lack of sight adjustment tools and the small transposition in the owner’s manual.

If you have a hankering for a Colt Python and cannot or will not spend $1,400 to buy one, this revolver scratches a lot of the itch.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

64 thoughts on “The Colt Python BB revolver: Part 3”

  1. You know, the first thing I spotted was the wrong dime, and I instantly thought if there were any comments yet, people would be going crazy about that dime. Boy was I not disappointed! Hahaha… So BB, give us the scoop, we just have to know what happened to the official “B.B. Pelletier Official Group Sizing Reference Dime® ©1962”

    • I saw the wrong dime and immediately clicked the comments to see if the world had tilted on its axis! Whew! Now I can go back and read the article. Does anyone else get disappointed on the weekends because there is no column to read?

  2. B.B.

    Well, that was a real failure 🙂
    The weather was fair and warm, but there was slight yet choppy wind, going diagonally. As a result – no constant airspeed and pellets dragged sideways. Pellet drop is significant, but nothing too horrible. I was able to make some inconclusive but almost horizontal strings of 5-6 pellets (A3 sized), but that’s surely nothing to boast about. Will try once more, also with heavier pellets (and more “mortar” trajectory, alas).

  3. I dunno. No real itching here for a Colt, but personally, I think I have an allergy to those replica BB guns – about the last thing I desire. You might as well make it out of plastic and put a laser in it, maybe an electronic “bang” when you pull the trigger. And the accuracy at 25 ft?? Maybe the dime is symbolic of the replica without any real silver.

    • I am of the same basic opinion concerning the “replicas”. I would like to see a bb rifle and/or pistol made like the old Diana with some real steel and nice wood. I would be willing to drop a decent chunk of change down for a decent made bb gun.

    • Hear hear. Sure they look cool, and I’m sure some are drawn to looks over performance. I have no desire for a gun that only groups decently out to 15 ft. There’s only so much you can do with a short barrel BB gun. I find the inexpensive Beeman p17 far more satisfying. With a rifled barrel, jsb rs express pellets, a red dot sight, and no need for cartridges, it will group 1/2″ or less at 15 YARDS from a rest, depending on your skill. Instead of just hoping to hit a soda can at all, you can pick the spot on the can where you want to punch a hole into.
      …But it doesn’t look like a Colt python, and I’m okay with that. I think there must be enough people who value the look-alike and short range plink factors to provide a market for the manufacturers. Now imagine if it looked just like a python and had a rifled barrel for pellets.

    • JerryC,

      I think you’ll find many of us here share similar opinions. Then ironically, you’ll find about half or more of those own and shoot at least one plastic replica….. 😉 Count me in among those with my Daisy 1894 that was given to me by a reader here. But my real passion lies with wood and steel, rifled for pellets only airguns.


      • All the more reason for a CO2 powered, all metal and wood, pellet-shooting M1 Carbine using the Umarex 8 shot, rotary pellet magazine found in their pellet pistols and the Walther Lever Action.

        Basically, I want a Walther Lever Action in M1 Carbine clothing.


          • B.B.,

            So my not-so-subtle hints, as annoying as they must be to you, have the potential to bear fruit!

            Man, my Croswood M1 is kinda weak shooting, hard to cock, and can just barely hit the broad side of a barn at 5 meters. But I have no other airgun that feels as sweet in my hands. A curvy, just-the right weight carbine that balances perfectly no matter how I hold it.

            When I think of the same thing but wood, CO2, and a lead pellet repeater with a rifled barrel, well, to quote Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon, “Its the thing dreams are made of.”


  4. speaking of replica air guns, while I have no interest in a replica BB gun, I enjoy very much my replica CO2 Smith and Wesson model 41 that shoots .22 pellets. I have started to use it again in the basement to practice trigger control for my 25 yard bullseye competition. At 28′, I can produce one hole groups. I absolutely cannot do that with .22 LR at 25 yards but my groups have shrunk! As I told our team, I’m missing by less and less. 🙂

    Thank heavens you haven’t loss the original “B.B. Pelletier Official Group Sizing Reference Dime® ©1962″

    Fred DPRoNJ

    • Thanks for that link. That show looks quite a bit more sedate than Findlay was. Findlay was a bit of a mad house this year, but in the best way possible. Maybe the video was taken before it officially opened? At any rate, makes me want to attend other shows, but to make it there to them would likely involve rental cars and hotel stays if not airfare.

    • Kevin
      Thanks for the look into the Malvern air gun show. You guys south of the 49th sure are fortunate in being able to enjoy these air gun only shows. Up here, there are a few gun shows that might include an air gun of two. I would dearly love to attend one of these exhibitions, however at the end of the day, I would probably be caught at the border attempting to smuggle in a beautiful Theoben break barrel shown half way through the clip. The idea of becoming a “Snow Bird” is beginning to look more appealing the closer I get to retirement age. For those who may be wondering what I am talking about, a Snow Bird is usually a retired Canadian who spends the winter in the warmer climate of the Southern States.

  5. I was one of the people waiting for the accuracy test. And not bad for a BB pistol. But it just makes me wonder what a pellet version with a rifled barrel would be like. It would have to be more accurate. A pellet version could make it more appealing to me anyway. But as it goes different people have different likes about things. So for a BB pistol I think its a winner. But…

    It is a nice replica gun also. But I think my money is going to have to be saved up for a TX 200 if you know what I mean.

    • “It just makes me wonder what a pellet version with a rifled barrel would be like.”

      It would be like the Crosman Vigilante or its predecessor, the 357 or ITS predecessor, the 38T, or the Daisy 44 or, the Umarex/Smith & Wesson 586. If the fake cylinder behind the real but thin cylinder bothers you, Gamo made a few models (different grips and barrel lengths) of their R-77 that had a full size working cylinder. Diana marketed one of the Gamos under their brand. Crosman Western revolvers like the 1861 Shiloh and 44 Peacemaker also had full-size working cylinders but were, of course, SA.

      At 5 meters the accuracy differences are negligible, but at 25 feet, every single one of the above would shoot rings around any BB pistol. The difference would be even greater at 10 meters (around 33 feet.) At 40 feet they would all outshoot the world’s most accurate BB gun, the Avanti 499, and that’s a long gun. Their power limitations would make pellet drop an issue past 15 yards, I should think, except perhaps for the S&W 586, which shoots a CPL at around 500 fps.



      • I was going to get some airsoft pistols even. But I decided not to do that.

        Im going to stay with the thought of purchasing the pellet rifles like the TX 200 I mentioned. And Im not much of a pistol shooter. I like rifles. But that was a nice list of pistols you put together.

        • Gunfun,

          After working my way through the German springers like the HW50, FWB 124, R1, RWS 350, 34 & 54, I finally bought a tx200 mkiii in .22 and love it. Then I got a tx200 HC in .177. They are so much smoother shooting, have the best triggers, and are by FAR the easiest to break down and service; no spring compressor required. They are the least hold sensitive and you can bench shoot it well on a pad. You will love it.

          For comparison, although the HC is shorter and handles easier, the longer mkiii is significantly easier to cock. They are really worth saving up for. I don’t shoot the older ones as much any more except for my 124. It was my favorite in the 70’s and I just graced it with one of the last of the Maccari custom laminate stocks, replacing the plain beech stock. It’s just 12 ft lb but it’s a smooth classic sweetie that’s extra easy to cock.

          • I’m a lousy pistol shot overall, and I find myself getting less excited about anything new pistol-wise that comes along.

            Someday perhaps I’ll get a TX, but if I did, it would be the full size for sure, not the carbine, precisely because of what Feinwerk wrote above.

            I also have an FWB 124, and man is that thing smoooooth. Actually, what it really is is QUICK. The lock time is so short and the trigger adjusted so crisp that you squeeze the trigger and there is a crack that is — no kidding — faster than the blink of an eye. I can’t tell if there is recoil or not as the whole thing happens so quickly. No vibration AT ALL. No twang or spring sounds AT ALL. It’s just a loud, quick SNAP. And the front sight goes right back to the point of aim every time. It is incredibly accurate with any pellet I put in it, almost as accurate as my FWB 300s (in my hands). That is one of a few airguns I will absolutely not sell, ever.


            • These are the kinds of posts I don’t need to read. I’m a sucker for fine spring piston rifles. The best I’ve had to date is probably my LG-380, but I still miss my Diana M54 alot sometimes. You certainly state a solid case for FWB 124’s and TX200’s however guys. To be honest, I’ve never really paid the 124 much attention, opting to drool over 300S’s instead, but now that I have a fine match rifle and don’t have the money to reasonably own 2 at one time, I’d be much more likely to pick up a 124 or TX200 at this point. After all these years of airgunning, I’ve realized that 12-15ft lb .177 guns basically do everything that I want them to, so I’m trying to round out my rifle selection with the finest examples I can afford. I have this idea built up in my head that I want to try some impromptu backyard field target / mini-sniping type stuff, something with a nice sidewheel focusing scope, and to that end I also have to wonder if I wouldn’t be better served in the long run taking the PCP plunge for the first time in my airgunning career? One things for sure, its a good time be into air guns.

              • Mitchell and Gunfun,

                Despite its weight (more than a FWB 124 but less than a FWB 300s Mini), the .177 Marauder synthetic might be the one for you, especially if you use a small, light scope (a bugbuster with AO, perhaps), greatly lower the hammer striking distance and weight, and lower the fill pressure to maybe 2300psi. That way you’ll get lots of shots per fill, pump ups will relatively easy, the gun will be even quieter than it is a full power, and it will still have the excellent trigger and accuracy.

                But Mitchell, I know you will not rest until you have a Feinwerkbau 300s. My advice is that you get a really nice, recently rebuilt (blue synthetic seal), hot-shooting (above 600 fps. with Hobbies) FWB 300s Mini from Jim E. He has his European sources, and if you let him know what you’re looking for, you won’t probably have to wait too long.

                And FWB 10 meter triggers are the absolute best. Better than Rekord, Air Arms, nothing compares. Also, the 300s cocks at about 11 pounds and is as quiet as a marauder, perhaps slightly quieter. And of course, it shoots as calmly as a Marauder because there is no felt recoil.

                Do you like your Anschutz LG-380? If so, someday it ought to have a stablemate, a cute little 300s Mini.

                Get some Mentos, mini marshmallows, and Wintergreen Lifesavers, set up at 25 yards and have at it.


                • Michael I just got a synthetic stock .177 cal. Marauder a few months back. So you right it is the one for me. 🙂

                  But what I’m looking for is a spring gun this time around to go with my 54 Air King. I don’t even want a break barrel. The 54 is a fixed barrel side lever, and what I like about the TX200 its a fixed barrel under lever. I have not owned any under lever guns yet so that’s kind of why I’m attracted to the TX.

    • Gunfun1,

      ASG announced at the 2014 Shot Show that they are issuing a pellet version of their Dan Wesson revolver which is very similar to this Colt Python.

  6. BB,
    I couldn’t wait for the NP2, when Pyramid just had the Stoeger X20S in sale, I ordered one in .22, have you got to play with one yet? I was wondering how they compared to the NP2 in the noise area. I must have got used to seeing that 1962 dime. The reports just don’t seem the same without it. 🙂


    • Jim
      I got one a few weeks back. The neighbor is borrowing it now. I’m not going to say what I think about the x20.

      But when you get yours and you get some shooting done with it I would like to hear what you think about it. So definitely post a reply about your results. I’m interested to see what somebody else thinks about them.

      • GF,
        I will do that once I break it in, I hear it takes a lot of shooting for these to settle down. I know I will want to mount a larger scope, and possibly the GRX trigger, but I want to see if the factory trigger smooths out with a few hundred rounds first.


        • Jim I was shooting over the weekend and my neighbor came over when I was shooting my Monsoon. He said he almost has a tin of 500 shot through it right now. He says he likes it.

          What I’m interested in is what you think about how the gun sounds when you shoot it. When I was shooting it before I let my neighbor use it. It seemed kind of loud to me. But now that he has been shooting it when I’m standing by him the gun definitely seems quieter to me now. So Yes I would like to know what yours is like. Oh and I forgot the one I got is a .177 cal. and it is a x20s. I left the (s) out on my first reply.

  7. Five yards! My shooting distance. Those are pretty fair groups for a bb gun.

    Rifled DNA and Pop’s SLR, fellow enthusiasts! Yes, if you’re talking Batman, the old TV show was beyond the pale. That was the one with special effects consisting of the animated words, “Biff, boom, pow.” And that’s where Batman walked around addressing people as “citizen.” At least, I don’t believe they had Robin, the Boy Wonder, running around in that green webbed bikini. Even at a youthful age, I thought that was a bad scene.

    But even the Batman movies of the 90s are passe compared to the new crop. Batman’s cape always seemed to get in the way. The new Spiderman is supposed to really take things to the next level. After all, he has 40 times the strength of a human being with other heightened senses. Captain America merely represents the pinnacle of human development by being able to benchpress 1200 pounds. What is funny about these superheroes is to read the elaborate stories of their origins and their various powers described in great detail. That is quite the job to sit down and dream all of that up.

    Wulfraed, I thought the sabot was some kind of dart, and I’ve only heard of it otherwise very fleetingly in the Bob Lee Swagger novels. That’s quite an invention you describe of something that adheres to the bullet tightly enough to impart a rotation of something like 1000/second but can also fall away as soon as it clears the muzzle.


  8. Does anyone here have experience with FX airguns in terms of reliability, accuracy, ease of adjustment and service?

    I really like the concept of the FX Independence self-contained design. I don’t like having to stop and pump up my existing PCP and bottle filling is neither practical for or desirable to me. I’ve got plenty of arm for the pace of shooting I do and I’ve read that the pump strokes on the Independence aren’t very heavy.

    The things are pricey but the closest thing to a dream gun for me. I would appreciate any info you can provide.

    • Feinwerk,

      People must like the FX Independence. I don’t see them for sale on the yellow very often and when I do, they’re still pricey! I still have my AA S410E and like it but I’d really like to be able to afford an Indy some day. I guess I should put the brakes on some of my other hobbies….


    • Feinwerk
      The FX Monsoon is well worth the money they want for them. And I would love to get a Independance. But I hope Crosman will produce something in the future. And hopefully for a cheaper cost. And I was thinking about one of those new quiet Hatsan pcp rifles. But the TX 200 is what Im shooting for. O vertime is kicking in again. So will see.

    • Feinwerk,

      I’ve owned a few FX airguns. A ranchero, a cyclone and two tarantulas. They were/are reliable (had to have the ranchero resealed because of its age…normal), all are accurate, I don’t work on pcp’s so I can’t answer ease of service and the ranchero and cyclone have the external power adjuster with 3 distinct power settings. I like the external power adjuster better on the cyclone and ranchero better than my AAS410 for this reason.

      I don’t own an Independence but a local shooter does. He bought an early version and had lots of problems with the pump linkage. He’s here in Colorado and you can find his old posts on the yellow if you search his name, Scot Heath.

      I’ve shot his Independence. It’s accurate and has a nice trigger like most FX airguns. I didn’t like the bulk, balance or handling of the gun. I like the self contained concept but will never own an Independence.

      Another local shooter, DeCapio, owned a monsoon and it was great fun to shoot when it worked. He had constant problems with cycling and the trigger. The trigger would not return and he sent that gun back for repair several times. Never did get fixed.


      • Kevin I have to ask about the Monsoon. And I’m sure you knew I probably would. And what I’m going to ask will probably help that he is a local shooter so that means you know the history of what problems he had. The reason I say is because there was a learning curve that I went through with the Monsoon.

        But I guess the first thing I have to ask is where did he send it to get it worked on? I would like to know just in case I have problems with mine. Second question is does he still have the gun and does he want to sell it. Ok done with the questions.

        But back to the learning curve. I actually got mine from a friend and it only had about 200 shots fired through it when I got it from him. he brought it over a day or so after he got it because I told him I was interested in one. He said well you just might end up with it because I don’t like the way it cycles. He said it wont fire the next round sometimes. Long story short I got it.

        But what I found was the gun was sensitive to the weight of the pellet you use to the guns fill pressure. And I read about it in some other places about how the Monsoon acted. Topairgun.com has some good info about how the Monsoon works. And I did have cycling problems at first. If I used a 14grn pellet I had to use a different fill pressure than what I used for a 16grn pellet and on up to the 18grn pellet.

        You know what fixed my gun. And after I did this fix I could use all of the above weight pellets I mentioned on a 3000 psi fill with absolutely no cycling problems. Matter of fact I’m sure I have over 2500 pellets through the gun now. But here is what made the gun work for me. I took each magazine that I have for the gun and wound the spring one more revolution tighter.

        Oh yes and the trigger. They say its a 2 stage but I never touched mine. The best I can say is compares to the trigger on my the 1720T that I had. Very short first stage were you have to pay attention to when you think your going to hit the second. And all of a sudden as you keep applying the trigger you feel a slight amount of tension then it breaks. It cant be more than 2 pounds. But I read that if you don’t keep the adjustments balanced on the trigger that it could wear the trigger faster. But again I didn’t need to adjust mine.

        But the main reason I wrote this reply was to see if you knew if he went through anything like I just described with his. And did the other guy get the linkage straightened out on his Independence. You never really did say.

        • Gunfun1,

          DeCapio sent his monsoon to aoa several times for repairs. He also had a very talented local smith work on the gun. Never did get it working flawlessly. It did work better but you occasionally had to return the trigger to fire the next round. Don’t know if he still has the gun. He lost his home in the flood. He lived in glen haven. Suspect he lost all his guns but I’ve lost contact with him.

          Yes, Scot eventually got the bugs worked out of his independence. He’s a very talented man with an incredible woodshop/machine shop. The posts of his I mentioned on the yellow were sharing his fixes complete with good pictures (Scot is also a very talented photographer). I don’t have the time to find them but if you search his name + independence I’m sure you can find his details on the fixes.


          • Kevin I remember now when you talked about him loosing his home and guns in a flood. And that is a shame. I’m sure the Monsoon wasn’t the only one he had.

            But I just wanted to throw one more thing in about the trigger. It seems that air pressure affects the cocking of the trigger. I had this happen in the beginning when I was learning about the Monsoons personality and it relates to the trigger cocking.

            I was playing with the fill pressures before I wound the springs tighter in the magazines. I let the pressure get to low because I was trying to find out how many shots per fill I could get. And the gun will warn you when that happens because it will not cycle and the same if you over fill ( it says that in the instruction manual ). And then it might cycle 2 more shots then mis again. And you have to make sure you take the magazine out and fire the gun to make sure the barrel is clear. But here is what is interesting about the smooth twist barrel. About 2/3rds of the barrel is smooth bore then the last part of the barrel has the rifle twist. If the pressure gets low that rifling will stop the pellet on a dime when it gets there. I was down at around 1600psi so I should of known better. But I wanted to know what the gun would do. Well the pellet stopped there once and I had the magazine out and when I fired the gun it blew the o-ring out of the breech that seals the bolt after it pushes the pellet in. It split it in half. I got some various size o-rings and tryed them. But the gun wouldn’t cycle right or cock the trigger till I got one that sealed good.

            So maybe something like that with the breech o-ring was going on with that gun.

            And I will have to check out the article about the Independence linkage. Just in case I do end up with one in the future for some reason. 🙂

            But you know I was going to say this also before and just never did for some reason. But just about every gun I have owned I had to figure out the guns personality. And it wasn’t just a certain brand over another or a certain type. And for some reason I can always find something I want to change on a gun. But I have also finally learned to leave well enough alone. Maybe the next 52 years maybe better. Yep I hope if I’m still here at 104 years old that I can still enjoy a airgun shooting session.

  9. Lee posted this to the wrong address, so I’m putting it here for him and will answer it here.

    I’m trying to locate an item you spoke of in one of your articles:
    Not sure what it is called but one would use it to bulk fill Crossman from 12 gram powerletts. Where or who could I contact for this item?
    Thanks for your valuable time.

  10. I don’t get all the complaining about the gun being innacurate… this is a bb gun! It’s a plinker, a gun you shoot at cans for fun in your backyard with friends. You’re not going to the olympics, you’re shooting empty soda cans.

    I have both very accurate rifles / handguns and plinkers / replicas. There’s enough place for both in my airsenal. Bring a few empty soda cans and some RedRyders type guns out at a family reunion and everyone young and old will want to give it a try, why? Because it’s FUN.

    If there’s a pool party bring some refillable bottles from the dollar store, the one that are like window cleaner or to water your plants, throw away the bottle part and give the “shooting” part of the thing to the people in the water. Everyone young and old will want them and will be shooting at each other in no time, just because shooting is FUN.

    Only accurate guns may be interesting but fun guns have their place too and if it’s not super accurate but it’s fun you migth as well make pretty don’t you think?

    Some women might be better at cooking than your wife but if she’s pretty and fun to be with who cares?


    • Not at all, I specifically don’t want a pellet or BB gun that can be (mis)taken for a weapon. To me, the effort and expense to make it look realistic is worse than wasted. I like fun as much as anyone, and it’s more fun to hit the target.

    • J-F
      You remember when I said I was going to try the airsoft guns and use them to plink with. Well we had a lot of fun with the pistol in the house over the winter. We got one of those gell targets that look like a dart board. And we put a red laser on the pistol. So yes that’s a fun little gun. And I don’t know why I seem to have better luck with guns then some other people. But that bolt action sniper airsoft rifle I got with the 3-9 power Bushnell Banner scope on it kicks but at 35 yards or less with the .25 gram bio airsoft balls. And I heard that the Bio’s weren’t that accurate. So who knows.

      There’s some people that like the airsoft guns and some people don’t. And as for as bb pistols go the only thing I have is that Umarex Steel Storm and its fun to shoot. So everybody has their own wants you know.

      I think the python is cool that BB is reviewing. And I believe it shoots just as well as anything in its class. But I’m going to try to restrict myself a bit on my gun purchasing. And I decided what I will get is probably some higher dollar rifles here on out. And I’m going to make myself be more choosy also when I buy something. Not get something I think I want. And the gun that keeps coming to mind is the TX200 Mrk III.

      All I can say is shoot what you think is fun. What else can you do. You know what I mean. 🙂

  11. >If you have a hankering for a Colt Python and cannot or will not spend $1,400
    >to buy one, this revolver scratches a lot of the itch.

    I don’t know where you’ve been shopping, B.B., but I haven’t seen any nice Pythons for $1400 lately. Geesh–even Diamondbacks are selling for $1400 these days!


      • Thanks for the review and information, B.B.! Sorry if I my comments are slightly off-topic (a Python “price watch”) but I can confirm the Texas prices are the same as prices for guns on the tables at the Pacific northwest gun shows. Also, you are right. I actually DO want to buy one of these BB revolvers even more, because I’ll never own the original Colt firearm. Of course that wouldn’t be the case, if the gun had not performed well for you.

  12. I do not see the reason for replica BB pistols when there are replica pellet pistols such as the SW 586. Mine is very accurate, has a better double action than the real 586, and fits the 586 holster.
    If you do a Google search Air IPSC you will find that Air IPSC is now a recognized division of IPSC with it’s own rules and targets. I got my Airsoft pistols for practice and training but now find that it is a recognized game of it’s own. In some countries with severe restrictions on firearms Air IPSC is a big deal. Shooting at the reduced paper and steel targets is about as much fun as I have had with guns. I was a very early IPSC shooter (my number was 511) but put those guns away when houses built closer to me and it became a problem to shoot enough. By the way, the 586 is perfect for steel challenge type shooting on the reduced steel IPSC targets.

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