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Ammo Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter: Part 2

Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter: Part 2

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Part 1

Today’s report is the completion of a guest blog from Pyramyd AIR employee Tyler Patner. He finishes telling us how things turned out with the Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter.

If you’d like to write a guest post for this blog, please email me.

Okay, let’s look at the accuracy of the S510. Over to you, Tyler.

Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter
Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter

This report covers:

  • Accuracy testing
  • 25 yards
  • 50 yards
  • Pyramyd AIR Cup
  • Trigger
  • Noise level
  • Filling the gun
  • Final thoughts

Accuracy testing

With chrony numbers like we saw in part 1, I had a good feeling about how the gun was going to do on paper. But you never know until you get there. I mounted an older Leapers 3-12×40 AO scope with BKL single-strap rings. The scope is one I’ve had for a few years and has always been one I’ll keep around since it’s good to mount on anything for testing.

The Pyramyd AIR Cup was also steadily approaching, and I felt this combination gave me a good setup for the Gunslinger event we had planned. Twelve power was enough to be precise at distance but not enough to give me trouble finding targets. And, before I get hazed by you airgun style experts out there, I used the silver BKLs, as they were what I had. I’m a huge fan of BKL rings and was going to use them one way or another. Had the black single straps been in stock at the time, I would have ordered a pair; but alas, Pyramyd was not expecting them for another week or two, and I didn’t have time to wait.

25 yards

The testing began with a quick 15-yard sight-in, just to make sure I was on paper and ready to go. I tested 8 different pellets at 25 yards to see what showed enough promise to test at 50 yards. Two stood out above and beyond the rest — the JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy 18.13-grain domes and H&N Baracuda Match 5.52mm pellets at 21.14 grains. At 25 yards, both pellets produced 0.25-inch 5-shot groups. The JSB 14.35-grain Exact Express shot well on the lower power settings, but not quite this good.

Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter JSB target 25 yards
Five JSB Exact Jumbo Heavys made this 0.25-inch group at 25 yards.

Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter Baracuda target 25 yards
Five H&N Baracuda Match 5.52mm pellets also went into a 0.25-inch group at 25 yards.

50 yards

Stretching the rifle’s legs to 50 yards showed just how good the S510 really is. A 0.31-inch 5-shot group at 50 yards with the JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy was as good as could be expected. The worst group from the JSB came in at 0.66 inches. This is still well within an acceptable accuracy range for me and most hunters, too. Most of the groups were averaging between 0.40 inches and 0.48 inches, so I was more than pleased with the performance from the gun with the JSB Heavy pellet.

Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter JSB target 50 yards
Five JSB Exact Jumbo Heavy pellets made this 0.31-inch group at 50 yards.

Switching to Baracuda Match with 5.52mm heads yielded good groups at 50 yards, as well. But they were not quite as good as the JSBs. The best 5 shots was 0.57 inches and the worst was 0.75 inches.

Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter Baracuda target 50 yards
The best 5 JSB Baracuda Match pellets went into 0.57 inches at 50 yards.

At the end of the day, it was clear the Lothar Walther match-grade barrel in this S510 preferred the JSBs and that’s what I was going to stick with.

Pyramyd AIR Cup

Prior to the Pyramyd AIR Cup, I put about three tins of pellets through the Ultimate Sporter. I used the gun for the Gunslinger event, which is comprised of 16 shots at 1/10th scale silhouettes at 15, 25, 40 and 60 yards. With the Leapers scope set up at 12x, I was able to achieve an optimal sight-in for using my mil-dots.

I sighted the gun in at 15 yards, which also left me sighted-in at 40 yards. This next part, I wish I could say I planned for, but I did not and lucked out. At 25 yards, I was one mil-dot high; and at 60, I was just a hair over one mil-dot low. This was optimal, as it required very little work from me aside from adjusting my parallax for the different distances.

I felt good about the gun but still needed to figure out the process of loading. The rules prohibit pre-loading magazines, so I would have to do that on the line after the clock had started. I chose to go a different route. With the help of a good friend who does a lot of work with 3D printing, we were able to develop an easy-to-use single-shot tray for the S510. While I had to pay attention to how I was loading the pellets (as the S510 doesn’t really accept pellets loaded backwards), I found the method of single loading much faster than using the magazine. All in all, I would say it worked out well, since I was able to take third place in the Gunslinger competition, which helped me tie for the overall lead in the Pro PCP class.

The only shots I missed were the 60 yard targets. Between 40 and 60 yards, the amount of hold off required to dope for wind jumped significantly; and, because the wind in each round was different, it took a shot or two to figure out what it was doing. Hopefully, Pyramyd AIR will be picking up these single-shot trays for the S510 line, as it’s one of the only high-end PCP’s on the market that does not currently have one.


When I unbox a new rifle, aside from the fit and finish, one of the first things I look at and get a feel for is the trigger. Being a field target shooter, I suppose you could classify me as a bit of a trigger snob. I like light triggers. Is that so wrong? While the S510 trigger is not light by my standards, it was just to my liking as far as the transition from first stage to second is concerned.

Out of the box, the trigger broke at about 1 lb., 8 oz. and had a longer travel than I would prefer. I adjusted out the travel and shot the groups for this review with the trigger left in its stock setup. For the PA Cup, I adjusted the trigger down to just a hair under a pound. It can probably go down to about 8 oz., but I felt good about where it was. Adjusting the trigger was quite simple and is well detailed in the manual.

One thing I’ll never like and never understand is why they put the safety on the trigger blade. This has never made sense to me and is more of a potential issue than a safety measure. That said, the safety functions as it should and works well. For hunters out there, the function of this safety is a lot quieter than the safeties on a lot of other rifles.

Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter trigger safety
As you can see, the safety switch is incorporated into the trigger blade.

Noise level

Anytime you have a gun with an adjustable power output, you will find that the sound level can vary. On low power, the gun was very, very quiet. I’d say somewhere in the same range of the Benjamin Marauder, which is about 85 db, from tests I’ve seen. I don’t have a sound level meter, but I’m confident the S510 Ultimate Sporter would be in the sub-85 db range on low. Turning up the power brings the gun into a slightly louder category, maybe 93-95 db. Still backyard friendly, for sure, but a small pop.

Filling the gun

Another new point on the gun is a new-style gauge that doesn’t use a traditional needle. I’ll let the pictures explain, but basically the gauge is color-coded. As you fill it, the red is covered with green. It’s a neat design, although it doesn’t seem as precise as a needle. After using it a few times, I got the hang of it and found it very easy to use.

Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter gauge
The gauge is located under the forearm.

Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter gauge explanation
The back plate rotates like a needle under the faceplate, showing where the fill is.

The gun comes with the brass adapter to connect to the fill adapter on the gun. If you prefer to use a standard Foster quick-disconnect setup, you’ll need a male quick-disconnect with 1/8” bspp threads.

Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter fill connector and accessories
The brass fill adaptor comes with the S510. If you want to fill with a more common Foster quick-disconnect coupling, you need to get the Pyramyd AIR adapter mentioned in the text and attach it to the threaded end of this adapter.

Final thoughts

As I said to begin with, the S510 series of rifles has a lot of value in the high end market. The Ultimate Sporter is packed with quality and great features at a price point that won’t make you totally lose it. Compared to other brands/guns with similar features, the S510 is at the top of my list.

The Ultimate Sporter brings a lot of new features to the table that the target shooter and the hunter can enjoy and make good use of. The new adjustable cheekrest and buttpad are very welcome upgrades and will help shooters get a better fit. The laminate stock is gorgeous, and the stippling on the grip and forearm provide excellent feel and feedback.

Most importantly, this gun shoots the lights out! The ability to tune the power adjuster for almost any given scenario is almost as nice a feature as the phenomenal accuracy of which the gun is inherently capable.

While I think the trigger-blade safety is not the best and the magazine indexing system can be prone to issues because it’s an exposed part, I didn’t have issues with either during my testing. Overall, the S510 Ultimate Sporter is a welcome addition to the Air Arms product range and one that I’m fortunate to have gotten my hands on. Air Arms’ slogan is one I’ve always found to ring true, “You and Air Arms, a winning combination.”

Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter Pyramyd AIR Cup

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

51 thoughts on “Air Arms S510 Ultimate Sporter: Part 2”

  1. Tyler,

    Right nice little set you have there. I am so thankful you did not bring this rifle to the fun shoot. My short list is way too long now. I am trying to concentrate on a sproinger at the moment and this is a very serious distraction.

    Seriously, I can see having a grand old time with this. With the power adjustment you can tune this to be superbly accurate. Although you might want to go .177 for FT, you can tune this down for such or crank it up for the hunt. Also, it is some mighty sweet eye candy.

    Yeah, it’s a short lister alright.

  2. Very nice rifle and review. As for a single shot loader, there is a great one available from Rowan Engineering in the UK. I have one for my Daystate Huntsman XL and they work really well, popping out as the bolt is pulled back.

    • Yes I am aware of the Rowan one and they make some nice bits, but the price for the tray is up there. Because these are 3D printed the cost would be quite a bit lower. Granted it wouldn’t snap out for loading like the Rowan, but would be a great, affordable option.

  3. Tyler,

    Very nicely done with Part 2!

    Did you do some of your own photography and graphics (besides the target groups)? Looks good!

    And on the targets, I noticed you did the exact same thing I did with something I just sent B.B. — overlay the target on a contrasting background to highlight the groups. And we both ended up picking hot pink!

    Amazing accuracy on the gun itself! So that’s what sixteen hundred bucks can get you…Wow!

    This was a “Just wishing” post at my budget, but a very enjoyable read and, again, well done.

    • Thanks!

      I wish, luckily our photographer here at PA was kind enough to snap the photos and clean them up for me.

      The pink was there, contrasted well and just so happened to be on top of my current sticky note pile, so I went with it! Glad great minds think alike!

      Just remember, the barrels in the Ultimate Sporter and the standard S510’s are the same, they pretty much all shoot lights out!


    • I have Mike. I prefer the .22 personally as I don’t have a lot of use for the larger caliber. I have shot a few here in house that have come through for testing and what not, They seem to preform just as well. Maybe a little under powered compared to some .25’s but when you buy an Air Arms, it’s all about the accuracy!


    • Mr Meener
      I like the way you worded your comment. And my. 22 caliber LGU will do the same at 50 yards with 15.89 JSB exacts. Very good shooting fixed barrel springer.

      • I was on the fence on getting the lgu in 22 being easier to load for my bludgeoned fingers. but I figured being slow it would lob pellets at 50 yds. I am no speed freak and know magnum guns are almost useless for accuracy. Now I see I should have gotten the 22. glad your gun is like mine and isn’t it amazing the gun thinks it is a PCP?

        • Yep don’t care for the magnum springers either. And yep it is amazing. Its one of those springers that don’t care how you hold it. And like you I knew that when I saw the fps it was producing and what fpe that its listed at that it would indeed lob the pellets to the target with accuracy.

          But I will say that at 600 or so fps with the 15.89 grn JSB’s that it still has a pretty good punch when it hits.

  4. Tyler,
    This S510 Ultimate Sporter looks like a winner. The accuracy shown here is phenomenal, but did you ever see just how accurate this gun is in a real Field Target competition? Such as when the temperature changes throughout the competition, then the sun came out after a cloudy morning and starts shinning on your S510, which causes the temperature to climb a lot more.

    I have a Daystate Huntsman that can shot a 5-shot one hole group at 20 yards, BUT it shoots like a Shotgun during a Field Target competition under those condition I described above. I feel like just throwing my pellet at the targets.

    • Joe

      Being a .22 and about 30 FPE, it would not be suitable for FT. In .177 it would be. In hunter class, it would have done very well or with a knee riser added it could have been a good rig for open class. I am sure it would have some temp shift issues since there is a fixed barrel band and as the cylinder flexes in the heat, it would in turn move the POI slightly.

      Part of successfully shooting FT is learning to manage that temp shift or modifying the gun to get rid of it. It can be hard with shrouded guns. Even my FTP 900 does it from time to time. I have to experiment with removing the shroud completely. My barrel is free floated and the shroud do not have a contact point on the barrel, but I am still skeptical.


        • Joe

          Most guns consistently shift in the same way/direction when they do. It’s a matter of knowing at what temps the shift occurs or under what conditions. For example, off of a fresh fill (since the air tube is now expanded a bit from the heat) my FTP would move up about a half inch at 50 yards. This was before I free floated the barrel. So for a time, I had to either fill it very early to give it time to cool or shoot through it. Obviously, I tried to give it time as best I could but every now and again, I would have to compensate for it, typically with hold over since that corresponded with my 2nd mil dot in my scope at that distance when it had shifted.

          It’s a lot of work, and if you can get rid of the shift all together, I would recommend it first and foremost. If you can recognize a pattern of where and when the gun shifts though, you will be ahead of the curve. If it does not have a pattern (I would think this is unlikely) then look to remove the shroud and see what it does. Without the shroud there would be no connection between the cylinder and barrel. Not sure if the barrel band itself is removable on the Huntsman.

          Yes the FTP does have a regulator. A very good one at that. Does about a 12 fps spread over 100 shots. Very consistent, runs 8.4 grain JSB right around 785 fps. Haven’t seen any issues with my reg so far and appears to be very stable, even in very cold weather.


          • Tyler,
            Thank you for your insights. Some of us that shoot Field Target are now wiser and perhaps increase our score.

            The heat produce from the fresh fill is not the only problem with my Huntsman; it is when the ambient temperature starts to climb, from a cool morning to a hot late morning, and it gets much worst when the sun is shining on the Huntsman. If we are shooting under canopy or shades this is less of a problem.

            With the correct ammo, my Huntsman can shoot one rag hole, 10-shot group at 25 yards, IF I shoot that 10-shoots within a short time such as 10 minutes for example. This is NOT the case in a Field Target match that takes about 2 hours or more depends on how many shooter shows up.

  5. Hi BB,

    I recently purchased a .22 cal Talon SS. I’ve owned it for about three weeks.

    I was wondering if these numbers sound right to you:

    Pellet: JSB 14.35gr
    Power level: 5

    After first ten shots, ave vel: 842fps, pressure goes from approximately 2830psi to 2700psi
    After second ten shots, ave vel: 834fps, pressure goes from approximately 2700psi to 2500psi.

    The first shot is at 843fps, the 20th shot is at 825fps, but I’m already down 330psi, from 2830psi to 2500psi. Does that seem like a lot of air used, for 20 shots taken? I feel like if I tried to get 40 shots on one fill, the velocity would be way way down by the 40th shot.

    Thank you,

    • Doug,

      No one who cares about accuracy gets 40 shots from an SS. I’m talking 50-yard group accuracy.

      30 shots for sure, but not 40. The people who claim 40 shots are plinking at cans at 35 yards.

      Next, that pellet isn’t the best in the SS. Try the 15.8 grain and at power setting 8. Then see what you get for 30 shots.


        • Joe,

          When designers make an airgun they talk about what features the gun should have and how difficult it will be to put those features in the gun they are designing.

          Personally, I think omitting a power adjust on a PCP that expensive is the kiss of death, but nobody asked me.


          • BB and Tyler,

            Weihrauch has been making airgun for over over 100 years, and they make very accurate airguns. For these reasons I am reluctant to dismiss the idea that they simply overlooked putting an external power adjustment screw/knob on their HW100, especially when it is a expensive airgun. Their must be a very good why they decide not to do so even when they know competitors are putt this feature on their airguns.

            Perhaps is a secret that Weihrauch will never tell. I will keep using my HW100 in competitions until I find another airgun that can shoot more accurately than the HW100 under ADVERSE CONDITIONS.

        • One can adjust the power on an HW100 but you have to know what you’re doing. Playing with the hammer spring tension would do some adjusting and adjusting the regulator pressure would allow you to do just about whatever you want within reason.


        • Hi Joe,

          You can adjust the power of an HW100 but you have to go inside to do so. I dropped mine down to 950 fps and get an easy 70+ shots per fill.

          Personally I don’t prefer a power adjuster – mainly because I feel it would introduce another (major) variable where power consistency one of the keys to accuracy.


      • Hi BB,
        Sorry, my response should have gone here.
        I do most of my shooting at 50 meters (small round metal spinners). I love that distance with this gun! The accuracy is terrific, no matter which JSB pellet I use (14.35gr or 15.89gr). My velocities (ave 815fps) and accuracy with the JSB 15.89gr pellets are very good I think. My question is, does going down from 2830psi to 2500psi in 20 shots, sound like it’s using a lot of air, or does using approx 330psi for 20 shots, at power level of 5 or so, sound about right to you?

        Thank you,

  6. Tyler’s review is spot on because I agree with it LOL!

    The Air Arms S4xx and S5xx series of airguns are a great value.

    The single shot trays and magazines from RC Machine are a must IMHO. Never tried Rowan Engineerings single shot trays but I’m a fan of their adjustable trigger and barrel band that accepts O rings. They also have a setback trigger but I’ve never tried that.

    The power wheel on these airguns can easily get knocked out of adjustment but there is an allen screw on the bottom of the action that can “lock” your preferred power setting in place.

    Some folks don’t like the proprietary “banjo style” fill adapter. There is a kit to replace the T fill with a male foster but I don’t remember who makes that. It never bothered me so I never converted any of my AA S410’s with it.


  7. Hi BB,

    I do most of my shooting at 50 meters (small round metal spinners). I love that distance with this gun! The accuracy is terrific, no matter which JSB pellet I use (14.35gr or 15.89gr). My velocities (ave 815fps) and accuracy with the JSB 15.89gr pellets are very good I think. My question is, does going down from 2830psi to 2500psi in 20 shots, sound like it’s using a lot of air, or does using approx 330psi for 20 shots, at power level of 5 or so, sound about right to you?

    Thank you,

  8. Tyler,

    Great review, and nice shooting! And I’ll second what was said above — good choice on the pink background for contrast on your targets. Have you also spent time with the Beeman (Weihrauch) HW 100? I really like everything I have read and seen about the HW 100, and am looking seriously at that in .22 cal for my first PCP. Can you give any pros / cons about that rifle vs this Air Arms?

    Thank you.

    Jim M.

    • Thanks Jim!

      I have shot the HW100 and it’s a very nice gun. Great feel, smooth side lever and one of the best triggers you will find on the high dollar non-target purposed PCP’s. I’ve seen them adjusted as low as 4 oz safely. .22 would definitely be the way to go. The one draw back on the HW100 is that it’s not quite as powerful as the Air Arms. Both are going to be tack drivers. No question about that.

      The adjust-ability of the Air Arms is a nice feature but not one every person will need or utilize. The HW100 is a bit louder also. Not too bad, but definitely more so than the Air Arms.

      While the regulator is a nice feature, the chrony numbers in part 1 will show you that the knock open valve that Air Arms uses is not very far behind a regged gun in it’s sweet spot. If the HW100 had a larger air cylinder, this would not even be a argument but with it’s small cylinder, shot count is not very high, even with the reg.

      If you’re not after the Ultimate Sporter specifically, get yourself an S510 in the stock of your choice and use the extra money you save on good glass!


      • Thanks Tyler. I appreciate the detail. Another question — I called PA’s tech support a couple of months ago to ask some questions about my HW 90 – pellet selection, etc. I was told there was someone who could better answer some of my questions, but they were off that day — shooting, I think. I thought I was told it was “Tyler”. Would that have been you, by any chance?

        • Jim M. (cc Tyler),
          The HW100 air cylinder is made from Stainless Steel. It will last forever with a little care. I don’t know any airgun company that made an air reservoir with stainless steel. Also, perhaps that is the reason WHY the HW100 shoots better than any airguns I have or had or used. When ambient temperature climbs and the sun is shining on it, it distorts less, but I don’t have any fine instrument to measure this so I don’t know it as a FACT and Weihrauch will NEVER disclose their secrets. If they come out an explain why they don’t have an external power adjustment on their HW100, they will HAVE to disclose secret(s). I do KNOW that my HW100 shoots better than any PCP air rifle I have under adverse conditions.

          Perhaps Weihrauch is weak in marketing, perhaps, because it seems that buyers think that a gun having more “Bells and Whistles” is a better gun. I strong believe there is a very good reason why Weihrauch didn’t put an external power adjustment feature HW100 or any of their airguns, that reason is accuracy under adverse conditions.

          My Huntsman has a aluminum air reservoir that distort even more than regular mild steel when temperature changes.

          I think Weihrauch uses the more expensive Stainless Steel because I place a magnet next to it and it won’t grab. Most likely the 300 series Stainless and not the cheaper 400 series. The 300 series is even more resistance to corrosion than the 400 series.

          My only gripe with my two HW100 is the stock. It is a beautiful walnut stock and does NOT have any tree knots like my Hatsan, but I need a higher cheek and wish it have an adjustable butt so that it is easier to shoot in different positions.

          Like they say “You get what you Pay for.” The S510 or the HW100?”

          I hope I didn’t offend anyone with my comment.

          • Joe,

            Thanks for the additional info. I appreciate it. I’m leaning toward the HW 100. I like the looks of the S510, and it seems to be a shooter. Two things that bother me — the safety location, and the way the magazine sticks up. I really like that the HW 100 does not have a spring-loaded mag, and that the mag is not so exposed.

            Thanks again.

            Jim M.

            • Jim,

              I wish HW100 have an adjustable stock like the S510 Ultimate Sporter. If that is the case, I may be able to increase my score in a Field Target match by a couple of points. This is my only gripe with the HW100. Now, I am thinking of making my own custom stock for my HW100. It will have a rail at the bottom of the fore-end, and an adjustable butt, but not the cheek. The cheek will be made high enough to fit me.

        • Jim

          Yes, last time I checked at least LOL

          Was probably at a match. Feel free to give me a shout if you’d like to chat. Just asked for me when you call.


          • Thanks Tyler — I will do that. I’ve had some real challenges with my HW 90, as far as getting the “right” pellets. Would like to get your input.

            Jim M.

  9. Wow, those are some amazing groups. Doesn’t the Marauder get about 1 inch at 50 yards?

    Mike and Sam, thanks for the input on my range day. Mike you are the man with those groups. Since the Arsenal uses the same barrel and action as the Saiga, I’m going to enjoy your results vicariously and take them as my goal. And thanks to you both for the tip to check the mounting system. I found out that the screws on the scope rings were very loose. I had taken care not to crush the scope tube by overtightening and went too far in the other direction. That might explain my problems all by itself. I had a similar problem at 5 yards with an airgun and the difference was noticeable.

    Trying out the BugBuster again, it looks like I’m about an inch short in eye relief. Mike what is the parallax adjustment that you mentioned? When I move too far from center, the image starts to gray out. Is that it. I now doubt that the parallax was really the problem. The BugBuster is on the short side but still workable. I confess that I picked this partly for the cool tactical value that would give the rifle extra capability without compromising its function. I have accurate rifles, so there’s no need for one more. I might buy one of those longer Leapers scopes for $50 if necessary. But before that I’ll try another piece of equipment–a 3 inch rubber eyeshade. Another chance to buy Leapers equipment! While this won’t shorten the eye relief, it will help with parallax and with positioning my face in the same spot reliably.

    As for the red dot sight, I know the trick about shooting the four corners but I somehow blanked out and kept lobbing rounds into the same place. But I have a plan for the next outing. I’m going to take the rifle to the pistol range and shoot standing at the 7 yard target. If I don’t hit there, I will have discovered something new.

    Incidentally, I don’t if other people have observed that you see the weirdest things on the 25 yard line as opposed to the longer distances, maybe it’s because you have the biggest concentration of new people. There was even a little kid–he couldn’t have been more than 8–shooting a semiauto pistol a few lanes down. Mindful of the little girl who lost control of her Uzi at a gun range, I was pretty nervous. The kid’s father was standing behind him, but that wouldn’t necessarily protect me standing to one side….


    • The parallax adjustment is on the scope objective bell on the current model. Turning it will both focus and correct parallax at the set distance. I won’t go into it here so do a quick search for a full explanation of what parallax is with scopes. Perhaps an extension ring with let you move the scope back a little more to correct the eye relief problem if it is too far from your eye. If your eye is too close to the scope the edge will gray out. Or it can be due to a somewhat small exit pupil. As you move out from the center you loose the light. The higher the power setting, the worse that will get as the exit pupil becomes smaller. Exit pupil is the diameter of the light beam that transmits through the scope. Ideal is 6mm. Your eye can’t use more than 6mm even if you have it. If the edges of the field of view are unclear, it means a poor lens.


  10. Tyler,

    Excellent report, thank you very much. I don’t know if you frequent this blog but you may not know that we have become somewhat suspicious of 5 shot groups here. B.B. almost always shoots 10 shot groups. The primary reason being that 10 shots basically removes the element of “luck” playing a role in good groups. We would expect your .25″ to be app. 40% larger with 10 shots. It would have been nice to see if this rifle could have done better than that.

    Also, can you tell me if the S510 is available in walnut for left handers or at least ambidextrous. I suspect it’s not which I find a little offensive on the part of Air Arms.


    • G&G

      Thanks. I do read the blog a good bit and I have read B.B.’s reasoning on 10 shot vs 5 shot groups. Personally, I will still be shooting 5 shot groups. No doubt a 10 shot group would be a bit bigger, I wouldn’t argue that. But what’s so wrong with 5? I mention in the article the largest 5 shot group with JSB at 50 yards came in around .6″. I shoot 4-5 groups (a full fill almost) with each pellet at the longer ranges to get an idea of how it really shoots. That will take care of any “luck” that may or may not be in play.

      Brings to mind that statement, “I’d rather be lucky than good”……I totally disagree LOL


        • There is currently no ambi or left hand only walnut option for the S510. The poplar stocks and the Ultimate Sporter stocks are the only left hand friendly stocks for the S510’s.


  11. My new tuned xs46u as tuned by Mike Melick is getting about two inches at 50 yards with occasional 1 inch groups within. I even got a group with 4 shots touching. This is with CPHP 7.9 pellets and a shaky shooter. It does not seem to be hold sensitive as I’m shooting it off the same rest as I shoot my powder burners with. It’s sad that this gun is being held back by the capabilities of the shooter 🙂

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    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

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  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

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  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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