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Ammo 2016 Texas Airgun show: Part 1

2016 Texas Airgun show: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

This report covers:

  • Weather
  • Started late?
  • Flash flood of people!
  • What kind of show was it?
  • Some finds
  • The gate

Here we go! The 2016 Texas Airgun Show was the most different airgun show I have ever attended. I will try to tell you why, but as I do, you will learn that I did not see the entire show, so I’ll rely on the comments of others to assist me.


The weather was perfect! Normally Texas is above 100 degrees at this time in August, but this day was just 91. And the humidity was down, as well. Rain had been predicted earlier in the week, but the sun was out most of the day and I don’t think a drop fell.

Started late?

Every airgun show I have attended, which is over 40 by now, has had the dealers lined up at the door, pressing to get in even before it’s time. This Texas show was not like that. In fact, at 7 a.m., half an hour after the doors were opened for the dealers to set up, there were still only about one-third of the tables filled. I thought something was up. A few people said the show was hard to locate, but that was because they were using Google Maps to find it. If they switched to Map Quest, the directions were perfect.

Flash flood of people!

I grabbed my camera at 7:30 and started taking pictures and that is when the flood hit! It was a flash flood of dealers who surged through the door and everything was officially on. By 9 a.m. the place was filled and I started seeing early buyers. Since the Arlington Sportsman Club members were admitted free, the early buyers were mostly them.

We had a couple dealers drop out of the show at the last minute, but that was fine, because other dealers had been asking to buy additional tables. The hall filled and dealers started setting up on the porch outside. And then it was 9:30 and the public started swarming in. I think until that moment the club members weren’t sure that what I had told them about an airgun show was true, but they found out in a hurry. By 10 the hall was so packed that you could not move. This was the busiest airgun show I have ever seen!

My tables were 10 feet from the entrance, but I didn’t get outside to look at the crowd on the ranges until 11:30. When I did, I could see knots of 25-50 people on each range, either competing in one of the contests or watching one of the demonstrations. More about them in Part 2.

I had help setting up and manning my tables from my brother-in-law, Bob, plus Otho and Marsha Henderson. Several blog readers got to meet Otho and shake his hand, and Marsha stayed with the booth until my car was packed to go home. What a trooper she is! She held down the tables while I was outside doing demonstrations and filming for American Airgunner for a couple hours. More on that in Part 2.

What kind of show was it?

I saw airguns at this show I have never seen. That’s not unusual, but the types of guns I saw were. There was a Whiscombe JW70 fixed barrel for sale! That is the field target model that’s never seen. Same guy had a Weihrauch Baracuda that I have seen at several shows, but they aren’t common. You never see them at airgun shows.

Larry Hannusch had an antique butt-reservoir big bore air rifle for sale! I came so close to entering into negotiations on it. But tyhen his Mark I BSA Meteor threw me for a loop, and I had to walk away and talk to myself. To my great chagrin, I did not buy that rifle from him! I wanted to compare it to the rMark IV Super Meteor I tested for you several years ago!

Let’s start with AirForce. Their tables were right behind me, and were piled with new airguns FOR SALE!!! People always say they wish they could shoot these guns before making a decision to purchase. Well, on this day, you could. AirForce owner John McCaslin was on the range both demonstrating his big bore rifles and letting the public try them out all day. I don’t know how many Texans he sold, but I did talk to two folks who each bought one after trying it on the range. At the tables they always had three people selling, and they were busy all day!

AirForce 1
The AirForce booth was selling all day.

AirForce 2
Boxes of all their AirForce airguns and BKL mounts were piled high, but they didn’t remain! This is how you make money at an airgun show.

Sun Optics had tables at the show, but the place was too crowded for me to see much of them until the end. When I did get there I noticed some items of particular interest on their tables. First and foremost, they are now selling a mainspring compressor. This is the one B-Square invented years ago, but with improvements. They now have padded all the bolts that touch the guns, where I have to wrap leather around my guns to keep them safe. They made the screws on both ends of the compressor longer to serve as legs that hold the gun up from the table. And the tailstock has a new fixture that holds certain airguns more stable than the old compressor.

Some of the features like the rotating headstock have remained the same. You don’t fool with success! But when I commented that the pipes seemed to be finished better I was told that instead of electrical conduit they used seamless stainless tubing and paid attention to chamfering every hole along the legs. The result is a better-finished product. It retails for $200 and they sold two at the show. If you are going to work on spring rifles and pistols, you have to have something like this!

mainspring compressor
The B-Square mainspring compressor is back, and it’s now being made by Sun Optics! In many ways this is a superior product to the compressor I own!

The other thing I saw at the Sun Optics table was a new line of high-end riflescopes! My right eye was not working well this day, but from what I saw with the left eye, these are of the optical quality of the top-end Leupold scopes. I’m referring to their very expensive sniper scopes — not their lower-priced scopes! This is a line I plan to explore and test.

Sun Optics
Sun Optics has a new line of premium-grade scopes that offer superior optics!

Some finds

I won’t tell you the money side of the show until Part 2, but there were certainly things to buy. I was offered a beautiful RWS Diana 45 for a very good price, but since I have already tuned one for you, I passed. I believe it was sold very soon after that. I also had a Diana model 27 walk up to me. This one was a little tired, but a 27 is still a 27. If I needed another project I would have snapped it up.

I saw a gorgeous HW35 on a table and had to restrain my hand from grabbing my wallet. My HW35 Luxus was out on my table too, but this one was like new. It sold for $350, which is quite good. And then an HW35 Safari walked up to my table! I had never even seen one, so I showed it to Larry Hannusch. The Safari sports a dyed green wood stock and matte finished metalwork.  The seller was asking such a low price that I nearly bought it for resale, but my conscience got the better of me.

The one airgun I did buy was a Crosman 600 in a rocket box. It’s been many years since I owned a 600, and I thought it is about time to revisit them for you. He said it worked the last time he tried it, but I know these oldies are finicky, so I just took a chance. We shall see!

2016 Texas Airgun Show Crosman 600
I bought a Crosman 600 in a Rocket box.

The gate

This show was so crowded that it was impossible to estimate the attendance. I was told at the show’s end that there were 257 paid attendance and they estimated 150 club members attended, as well. That puts the gate right at 400, though it seemed like about 100 more than that to me.

I think the club was impressed with this show. I think it exceeded their expectations — it certainly exceeded mine in many areas. The club where the show was held has 2700 members and doesn’t need money, but they did want to put out the word about airguns to their members. They have field target, airgun silhouette and airgun extreme benchrest matches all the time, but they wanted a broader member awareness of airguns. I think the show managed to do that for them!

Next time I will wrap up the show for you. And that will be later this week.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

43 thoughts on “2016 Texas Airgun show: Part 1”

  1. This TEXAS AIRgun show was the BEST ever! Not only the 4 H, the host(s) but the members with the exception of one! I also was told that the Texas airgun show will return to the same location next year! Really enjoyed J.B. and Rick Ward! They gave alot to the show with instructions on the range! Nice to know that he is a real Texasan from Texas! This show had airguns that I have never seen south of the mason dixon line! Airguns you read about or purchase from Carel! And alot MORE! By the way is Otho feeling better? Semper Fi!

    • J.Lee,

      Yes, Otho is feeling better. He had been working in his yard (6 acres) trying to catch up with the grass, and he was worn out when he came to the show. He was out of it on Sunday, but yesterday evening, he and his wife, Marsha, took me to dinner and he looked fine.

      I’m glad you thought the show was good. I felt the same. It was a show to remember.


  2. I am just going to have to figure out how to work a camper into the budget. 🙁

    Sounds like it was a pretty good show. It really helps when you can get the big dogs to show up and set up. Their support and contributions can help influence the success of a show, most especially if they have a lot of new product to sell. My experience is that most of the newbie airgunners will purchase from them as they are still unfamiliar with what many of the used air rifles and pistols are, especially when they see the price tag some of them have.

    An airgun show is an excellent place to learn so much about the history of airguns. It can be almost like going to a museum, only better. At a show you can most times handle them and sometimes even shoot them.

    I so miss the Roanoke show, but I will be doing my part to help the Hickory, NC show succeed!

  3. B.B.,

    -Very nice. I could have just kept reading and reading. Looking forward to Part II.
    -Interesting too was your comment on the Sun Optics scopes. That is quite the statement. Looking forward to seeing more on these.
    -I looked up the 600 that you bought in the Blue Book. Interesting. 10 round “spring-fed magazine”, CO2, .22, semi-auto. Pellet I assume. (Semi.), magazine, pellets,….. now that Sir is interesting! The book stated that it is “considered by many as the pinnacle of Crosman air gun development”. Nice find. The “Rocket Box” is a bit confusing though. The only Crosman “Rocket” that I could find was a 380 Rocket speargun. Unless you are referring to only the graphics on the box which does appear to have a rocket in flight on it.
    – You are looking pretty dapper in the black T and hat! 😉

    Nice,…… Chris

    • Chris,

      Part 2 will be this week. And the Crosman 600 is a true classic. I can’t wait to review it for you.

      The Tee and hat I got from my store in the internet. But they are way too expensive. I’m looking around for a place to do them for a lot less, so I can sell some at shows.


      • B.B.,

        I did a bit of a search. Turns out you did a short, very short review of one back in 2006, May, 8th. Plus looked up some stuff on you tube. Very cool item for sure. I am not sure if you can do it (capture it) but a short video of the gun in action showing that “arm” that swings in and out with each shot would be cool to see. I hope yours is in working order.


      • B.B. –

        Earlier this year, I picked up up pretty good Crosman 600. Having read your article, along with a few others, I had high expectations, but still wasn’t prepared for what I ended up with.

        From the beginning, the fun level was set on “high”. The only two areas that I thought needed improvement were accuracy and CO2 longevity. I could tell that the gun wanted to shoot, and I got tired of changing the Powerlet every 20 shots. What I ended up doing was enlisting a machinist friend to help fit a longer LW Walther barrel. Well, it certainly shoots better now! Several friends come to my house on Tuesdays to get some trigger time, and there are some nice match pistols on the line. My 600 can hang right there with them, shot for shot. In the hands of a talented shooter, the match pistols still win, but the 600 makes them work for it.

        To get more shooting time and less CO2 loading time, it is now fitted with a new bulk-fill end cap and micro-bore remote line. Our group is really casual and we usually shoot from a sitting position, so shooting with a tether is no hardship at all. It stills barks a lot for a CO2 powered gun, but it’s definitely a keeper.

        I hope that you enjoy yours as much as I do mine.

        – Jim in Wichita

      • Congrats on the 600. I always regretted not getting one as a kid. Now I have two ,and got one for my son. I had one tuned and rebuilt by Dave Gunther a few years back. Now hits over 450 fps. would love to see a reissue of this pistol. There never has been another like it. A high and low setting of 400 , and 600 would be amazing. As stock they hit hard and are accurate. Enjoy

  4. The opportunity to both shoot the Airforce Texan and CondorSS was amazing … certainly see the appeal of those rifles.
    Also enjoyed getting to shoot the Air Bolt!

    Personally, I picked up a Diana 34 with the T05 trigger (2004ish model year) and a fun little Daisy 96 lever action BB gun for $15.

    Since the Air Venturi Pro-guide spring retainer is no longer available can anyone recommend an alternative or know someone with a Pro-guide kit they would sell?

  5. I really enjoyed the show. It was 7:30 before I got there too. I get to work at 6:30 every morning and I didn’t want to get up until 6:00 on Saturday morning. But, I had the truck packed and got on the road quickly and only had an hour and fifteen minute drive. I was surprised at the size of the tables. I believe they were 10′ long. I am used to getting a 6′ table and had extra room. I was able to let two friends use some of my table space. I sold my first gun before I was even set up. I sold a few other things and have better ideas about what to bring next year. For most of the day the isles were packed. I didn’t venture outside until the middle of the afternoon when there was a lull in the action. The shooting ranges were really active. I would guess that there were 150 people at the ranges watching or shooting airguns. I invited a bunch of local friends that are not airgunners. I was disappointed that none of them attended but maybe they will next year. I always appreciate the guns Larry Hannusch brings to the show. I always look forward to seeing what Larry brings. I was surprised to see that Tom Gaylord put a low price on his Air Arms Shamal with a gorgeous figured walnut stock. I was also surprised to see his custom Airsporter on the table. I figured those were two were in the permanent collection.

    Thanks to Tom Gaylord, Jeff Cloud, and all the other guys that put a lot of time and sweat into pulling off a great airgun show. Also, thanks to Arlington Sportsman’s Club and their membership who not only let us use their facilities but also worked all day to make things run nicely. Thanks to the 4H club for providing food for the day. I hope it worked out well for them too. I appreciate the vendors that worked the show. Lastly, thanks to everyone who attended.

    David Enoch

  6. BB
    I was looking back at your August 8, 2016 blog on your Sheridan Blue Streak: Part 2 and realized that you didn’t have the weight for the Sheridan Cylindrical pellet. From my yellow box ( have 6 of them still), the average weighing ten pellets is 15.83 grains. They were always advertised as weighing 15.9 gr. if I remember correctly. Also, I still have two boxes of the Beeman Silver Jet. An average of ten pellets is 11.26 grains.

    Hope the Crosman 600 I sold you performs up to your expectations. Nice picture, by the way. If I do say so myself, two fine looking gentlemen. That was also my HW35 Safari you mentioned.

    The Airgun Show was great. I enjoyed it. I would have guessed a lot more people than the count was given.

    • Jonah,

      Let me end the suspense. Yes, the 600 you sold me works well. It didn’t at first, but I expected that and knew how to get it running again, which I will put into the report. It sure is a fine-looking 600!

      As for the weight of the cylindrical pellets, my powder scale was broken when I write that report. I have since both both another electronic scale and a mechanical one for when this one quits on me.

      Thanks again for the pistol,


  7. So glad I made the trip back to Texas, and it was exciting to see so many friends and airgun enthusiasts. As you may well see, we all wanted to look, handle so many interesting guns, meet and see the most knowledgable people in the hobby in one short day! Planning next year, and Larry H convinced me that Hickory is mandatory! As BB and others said, I was tempted to buy several guns, and now wish I had….thanks again to BB and the great guys at Arlington Sportsman’s Club for the facility and the planning and work

  8. A general question that involves hold over and magnification,……

    It has been my limited experience that,… if shooting at a given distance,… say 70 yards,…. that a 7 mag. level will require a 2 dot hold over,… were as a 12 mag. level will require a 2 1/2 dot hold over. That is with the TX 200.

    With the M-rod, at 100 yards, a 10 mag. level will require a 2 3/4 dot hold over,… were as a 12 mag. level will require a 3 3/4 dot hold over.

    So,…. question: Can it be “generally” said,…. that at a (given distance), the higher the mag. level,… the more hold over will be required? I guess that I am looking for a “rule of thumb”,… so to speak.

    Thanks, Chris (heading out to shoot, back later)

    • Chris

      That’s how it works .
      Some times I do things this way….
      If I know how far I will be shooting , I will measure it out and set up on a bench . Then I shoot a target and adjust the zoom to put a particular dot right on the impact point .
      Hardest thing about it for me is to remember which dot to use and which magnification to use when the time comes . I should make up a cheater card .


      • TT,

        Thank you for that conformation. While I have shot at different yardages, I have yet to document mag. levels at different distances,… with a few exceptions. I do use a cheat sheet. (It is invaluable). Of course, on a PCP,… if you change a setting,…. that list no longer applies. No matter what I am shooting, at whatever yardage, I always write down what worked,.. especially if it is something that I had yet to document.

        What prompted the question was that I was shooting at 7 mag., at 70. I usually shoot at 9 at 70. Then,.. a squirrel pops up out the 100. I shoot 10 mag at 100 and now I was sitting at 7 mag. So,… in that case,… I was at a loss on what the hold over would be. I did not take the shot.

        It takes lot’s of testing and lot’s of lead down range to get “all that” nailed down.

  9. BB– I wish that there were more air gun shows all over the country. There are 10@ gun shows / year that I can get to. All the way from Westchester to Albany N, Y. You would think that there would be at least 1 or 2 air gun shows. the show promoters dont even have a mixed show (like a gun and knife show) . In the Middletown and Matamoras shows, 1 or 2 air gun dealers usually show up, but it cant compare to the shows that you have. I wish that there were a way to get more shows like the Texas show in the rest of the country. Ed

  10. Tom,

    It was a great show. The members of the club did an excellent job. So did the 4H Club. We enjoyed looking at all various guns and other items at the show. I really enjoyed the various demonstrations on the range. I also enjoyed shooting the Condor. The only problem is now that I want one.

    Talking to you and the other members of American Airgunner was a pleasure. Rossi and Jim Chapman tell excellent stories.

    I’m going to say that my favorite purchase at the show was an autographed copy of your book.

    I missed out on the Crosman 1701p that you had on your table. I couldn’t bring myself to spend that much. By the time I convinced myself to buy it, it was already gone.


  11. I think that if you could shoot a gun you were interested in buying, the temptation would be just about irresistible.

    GhengisJan, the thought of service rifle competition has crossed my mind, but travel with guns is just too difficult for me. Taking a suggestion from the blog, if I ever did travel for competition, it would be for handguns, either firearms or airguns. But for the time being, I am running my own private Olympics. My offhand performance last time forced me to downgrade my self-appointed NRA classification.

    Sirinako, yes I’ve heard of getting concussions from guns. One gun writer said that he had procrastinated the testing of 12 gauge shotguns. So, he tried shooting them all in one day and started vomiting. I don’t think my case was that serious, maybe just an incipient concussion. As a matter of fact, this kind of violence is one of the interesting things about the sport. I don’t care to get battered but guns bring you in contact with incredible power. The first time I fired a 30-30, I couldn’t comprehend the violence, and that was a fairly light caliber. One veteran of the Pacific War said that when he was hit, he experienced a violence that he did not believe was possible. No Mike Tyson or Joe Louis can match it. The payoff is being able to control it. For me, this is done with follow-through which is not trying to resist the recoil but not letting it overwhelm you either.

    That’s an interesting question about whether combat soldiers have to shoot more rounds than I did. There are interesting anecdotes. One veteran of Peleliu said that he was tracking and firing at shapes in the smoke. Afterwards, he saw a half-dozen ejected clips next to him. British soldiers at Gallipoli faced by the charges of
    “Johnny Turkey” would keep the bolts of their Lee-Enfields “flying.” And then there is a Medal of Honor winner from the Pacific War who probably takes the prize. He was left by himself for a night and fired 400 rounds from various M1s to defend the position, grabbing a new one when his rifle jammed. When he was being evacuated on a stretcher, both his stretcher bearers were hit by a sniper. So he grabbed a rifle and laid him out too. But that’s why he got the Medal of Honor.

    I suspect that soldiers put out a comparable number of rounds. But while they’re not standing in a pure offhand, they aren’t locked down on double sandbags either. I was only doing that as part of a complicated scheme to save my cases for reloading. But from here on, it will be mostly offhand with the heavier rifles.


  12. B.B.,

    “My tables were 10 feet from the entrance.” B.B., you sly dog! :^) You positioned yourself ahead of the other dealers to size up the walk-ins first! Well-played, Sir, well-played. And congratulations on snagging that 600. I’ve probably read a 1000 times that it’s the greatest CO2 gun and greatest true semi-auto air gun of all time.


  13. BB–When a friend of mine lived in Syracuse, I would go to the gun show with him, and stay overnight at his house. He moved to New Mexico in 1990. I have not gone there since he left. I would have to go alone, my friends and clubmates wont go to Syracuse for the gun show, and they have little interest in air guns. Ed

  14. Sounds like a great show…wish I could have been there. I live near Nashville so I’m thinking the Little Rock, ARK show is the closest?

    I had my own little airgun show weekend. I saw on Gunbroker that a local pawnshop had a Kessler multipump so I went to check it out. Neat gun…the trigger was really light on it. Unfortunately, it would not hold air. Wish I would have had some pellgun oil with me. Didn’t think to run out to the local Walmart…they usually have it on hand. I thought about going back and making a lower offer but I really don’t have the resources to work on it. The guy on Anotherairgun blog was going through a Kessler but when I saw that he had to desolder part of it, I decided it was way beyond me resources. My attempts at soldering haven’t been very successful. Might be a good airgun for those who have the resources…looked pretty clean but didn’t have the rear aperture sight I think. I believe it’s still on Gunbroker. I think I will probably end up trying to replicate GunFun’s 1377/discovery pumper.

    Just walked into a local pawn shop that usually has airguns on the wall. I found a 1998 Crosman 66 and a dilapidated Airmaster 77 earlier. They had a Smith & Wesson MP45 pellet pistol for $19.99 and I walked out with it. It’s missing the BB cylinder but still has the pellet cylinder…I lucked out on that. I really like the feel of it, the fact that it shoots pellets and how you can pull the rear half of the slide back to get a single action trigger (thanks for the review, Tom) If I was a pistol nut, I would have a really nice collection of air pistols now. You can find some really great stuff usually for $20 and under.

  15. Hello B.B.,

    It was great to meet you in person during the gun show this past weekend! As a new forum member and someone also new to air guns I very much appreciate all you do for this great hobby! I really enjoy reading the forum contributions by you and all who actively post on this forum. I have learned so much about air guns in the past month by reading many of the archived topics and associated post, this is a wonderful site and resource.

    I really enjoyed myself at the gun show and to my wife’s chagrin I purchased a Beeman HW77 air rifle in very good condition during the show to go along with my Daisy 853 purchased from the CMP earlier this month. The HW 77 is the long barrel version with San Rafael marking. I believe it to be the smaller chamber Mk2 version of this fine rifle.

    I also saw a beautiful HW30S with a walnut stock that I really wanted to purchase as well but I was already in the dog house and out of funds after buying the HW77 so I had to pass on that one.

    This air gun hobby seems to be just as addictive as my obsession with Dan Wesson 1911’s and reloading for handgun. I may have to take on a second job just to support this gun addiction!

    I am very excited to have picked up the HW77 at the show as I’m hoping to enjoy some local Field Target competition and I think this gun will be a great place to start.

    One thing I forgot to ask you about during the show pertains to the book you wrote about the R1. Do you envision that another printing of that book will happen? I was hoping to purchase that book at the show but didn’t see one on your table. I’ve checked online and while the book is available it’s fetching prices from $70 to well over $300.

    Thank you again for everything you do to support this hobby!!!


  16. This was my first Airgun Show. When I first walked through the door and looked at all the tables I got Airgun Overload!! My head was spinning!! It was awesome. So many airguns to pick up and actually hold. You hear about and see them on the interent, but nothing beats a first hand look.
    I watched you and Rossi do “This Old Airgun”. You were pretty busy each time I came by and didn’t get to say Hi. I got there around 12:30 and getting around inside was tricky because it was still packed with people. Saw a few guns I wish I had bought now. Just could think clearing with so many airguns in one place. I seen that spring compressor and thought it was someones personal Item. I sure wish I would have asked. One would have came home with me for sure. I sure hope yall do another show next year. It was a 2 hour drive and well worth it.

  17. I have a question about cleaning the barrel of my new Discovery .22 airgun (being shipped to me in about 3 weeks from now).

    At this link in the comments section, BB wrote “I clean the barrels of all steel-barreled guns that lose accuracy and often new guns to get rid of the production garbage.”


    I read the whole article carefully and followed links to others.
    I understand if I’m using relatively soft lead pellets like JSB EXACT a new gun or a gun that starts to shoot poorly is the only reason to clean the barrel.

    But, should I clean the barrel when the gun arrives?

    If I should clean it, I could carefully clean from the muzzle , or using a cloth patch in the loop of a flexible and soft (twisted soft braided heavy test fishing line). The line is made by twisting together a doubled strand of soft stranded fishing line (not monofiliment which is scratchy). Is carefully from the muzzle with a solid rod or with a patch in the loop of a soft line from the breach better?

    Here is the flexible pull thru that I could make easy enough with a power drill to twist a soft fishing line.


    Thank you.

  18. Thanks, will do.
    BTW, it is my first pellet gun.
    With the hand pump, and a scope later, it sort is a lot of money for me given my wallet. So I didn’t want to mess it up! :).

  19. It was a great show my sales were 500% better than last year at poolville but I enjoyed that show just as much. I
    made two good buys at the show one which was a daisy no100 model 38 from Larry Hannusch who had tables next to mine. It was a sentimental purchase as I had one when I was a kid. I purchased it from either Western Auto or OTASCO for the hugh sum of $2.00. Although I had a Red Ryder for some reason I preferred the single shot. maybe
    it was because I purchased it myself with money earned from mowing lawns. The Red Ryder was a xmas gift
    The only downside to the show was getting there thru the traffic and road construction. I thought Tulsa traffic was bad
    I didn’t realize wad bad traffic was. I will never complain about T Town traffic again

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    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

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  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

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