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Education / Training Beeman QB Chief precharged pneumatic rifle: Part 1

Beeman QB Chief precharged pneumatic rifle: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Beeman PCP
Beeman QB Chief precharged pneumatic air rifle.

This report covers:

  • What is it?
  • Description
  • Sights
  • Velocity
  • Trigger
  • Fill
  • Degassing
  • Evaluation

Today we begin looking at the Beeman QB Chief precharged pneumatic air rifle. The first question I asked — is this a price-point PCP? I think not. This is a budget PCP that has a lot of nice features, but it lacks the main ones the price point guns have — regulators, magazines and silencers. On the other hand, this rifle is more than $100 less than the price point rifles, so it’s in a special category, along with the Benjamin Maximus and Benjamin Discovery.

What is it?

If you are familiar with the QB line of rifles that descended from the Crosman 160, the QB Chief will seem familiar. Americans were making this switch from the CO2-powered QB rifles to high-pressure air 20 years ago, and not always safely. The Chief looks to have been engineered right, and I will be examining it thoroughly for that as the report progresses.

The one mistake many American modifiers made was using reservoir tube material that was too thin, leaving little or no margin for safety. Whoever designed this rifle got it right. The reservoir is made from thicker-wall tubing (I can tell by the weight) and they stretched it out to almost the end of the barrel for greater capacity.

They also set up the valve to operate on 2000 psi air. That was a smart move because it allows the reservoir tubing to be thinner than if it had to hold 3000 psi, plus it makes filling with a hand pump that much easier. Let’s face it — anyone buying a PCP for under $200 will probably not spend three times that amount for a carbon fiber tank to fill it.


This is a single shot bolt action precharged pneumatic rifle. It’s offered in both .177 and .22 calibers. I’m testing the .177, which both the box and website proclaim will get up to 1,000 f.p.s. That means the rifle should handle the heavier pellets well. They also claim up to 50 shots per fill, which I find both remarkable and hard to believe. I’ve tested both the Maximus and Discovery that also fill to 2,000 psi and 25 shots is more like it. But I will keep an open mind and we shall all find out together.

If you are familiar with the QB and Tech Force line of these guns, the QB Chief will take you by surprise. It’s hardwood stock is fuller in all dimensions and, because of the heavier reservoir, the entire rifle is both larger and heavier. The test rifle weighs 7 lbs. 4 oz. which isn’t exactly heavy, but compared to a QB rifle that weighs more than a pound less, it’s noticeable.

The rifle is 38-3/4-inches overall with a 20-1/2-inch barrel. The pull measures 14-1/4-inches.


The sights are fiberoptic, front and rear, but not very bright. Experienced shooters should be able to work with them.

The rear sight adjusts in both directions, with screw-driven adjustments that have detents you can feel but not hear. I plan to test the rifle with its open sights initially.

There is also a conventional 11mm airgun scope rail on top of the receiver. The maker has flattened the receiver top, so scope rings should easily clear.


The trigger is one of this rifle’s finest features. It’s copied from Crosman’s 160 “crossbow” trigger, which veteran readers know is extremely adjustable. As it came from the box the trigger was light but vague, and I do plan on correcting that. I will give you the directions when I do. The manual that seems well-written in most other ways does not even address this feature, which I find odd. If you got ‘em, flaunt ‘em!


As I said, the Chief fills to 2,000 psi which is a very important feature for those who are new to precharged operations. It means you can fill easily from a hand pump. It also means that any other source of high-pressure air — carbon fiber tank, scuba tank or compressor — has less to do to fill this one. If that 50-shot prediction turns out to be true, the Chef will be in contention as a world-beater. It just needs to be accurate, too.

And the rifle has a male Foster fitting to accept the fill. The maker got that detail right!

There is also a pressure gauge (manometer) on the bottom of the forearm. That is something the American hobbyists didn’t do when they modified QBs years ago.


The rifle comes with a degassing tool and the manual addresses its use. An airgunner who is new to PCPs might be tempted to fill to 3,000 psi, to see how much more power there is or how many more shots the gun will give. Only then will he learn what valve lock is, and, without a degassing tool, he is up the creek.


I first saw this rifle at the SHOT Show several years ago and have wanted to test it ever since. Now that the price point PCPs are out and we also have the Maximus, this test should mean a lot!

I am hoping for a straightforward PCP that’s ideal for first-time users. One that is easy to operate, accurate and has a nice trigger. I hope that’s what we have here. I’m looking forward to it.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

76 thoughts on “Beeman QB Chief precharged pneumatic rifle: Part 1”

    • This rifle has good potential. But definite quality control issues. I sent two back, and had I know what was to develop on the third would have sent it bad also.

      The first had a severe gouge on the barrel exterior (1st variant). The second had no air in the tube, a bad sign, and would not hold air when pumped up (2nd variant).

      The third (also 2nd variant) had a very heavy hammer spring, shooting from 895 fps down to 790 fps in 18 shots and the hammer spring adjuster had no effect. The plan was a simple hammer spring modification. But the head of the machine screw holding the receiver to the air tube snapped off. This required a significant amount of work to correct (which I could report if desired), and of course once this path was taken, the rifle was well under owner control vs warranty. As to the source of the problem, the rear air tube cap upper threaded hole which retains the receiver to the air tube was not drilled and tapped in proper alignment. BTW PA does not support parts supply for the Chief and referred me to Beeman, really SR Industries, which took an email and four phone calls over two months to get the necessary parts to repair the rifle.

      After re-assembly and tuning, I got it running as desired with a shot string of 785-805-785 fps with the hammer spring adjuster at minimum tension.

  1. Hi BB – nice surpriise seeing this review of the QB Chief. If you remember from a couple of my previous blog entries I have the .22 cal. version. I’ve been shooting it on my indoor range for the last few months, not that much with just over 350 shots to date.
    The valve is now nicely on it’s way to being broken in. The gun is shooting .310″ 10 shot groups at 15 yards now with CPL Domes. I think the groups will tighten up a little more when the valve reaches 500 shots.
    A while ago another blog member asked about CPL Hollow Points in the QB. I put about 30 HP’s through the gun at about 250 shots and didn’t notice any difference from the Domes.
    I’m very satisfied with the gun and looking forward to getting it out on the 50 yard outdoor range later this week.

      • Redrafter,
        Sorry, I see gave that answer already. My trouble is I read a comment, then ask. I need to read down two or three posts later to see if it might have already be addressed. Oh well. Looks like you are getting 20 shots. I was hoping for more. I mean if a guy can get 40-50?? WOW.


  2. Hey Gunfun1
    Just to let you know the Ninja 90 ci carbon fiber tank fills the QB Chief 14 times to 2000psi. That’s a total of 280 shots@20 shots per fill.

  3. Hi BB et al..
    Pursuant to my earlier inquiries re: converting the Winchester M14 to regulated HPA at 1100psi. the conversion is now complete.This evening I put over a hundred fifty shots through the gun to verify all is working correctly. The Air Ventury 35ci 3000/1100psi regulated tank is still showing well over 2000psi so I’m expecting a total shot count of around 300 – 350 shots per fill. All this with standard bulk co2 paintball stuff, mostly by Air Venturi.
    I also mounted the Air Venturi M14 scope mount which some have said comes with incorrectly threaded thumb screws but everything mounted fine on mine.
    On top I put an older Leapers 4 x 40 AO MD scope which seems to match the rifle nicely. After troubleshooting some accuracy problems (see below) the gun is now shooting .75″ 8 shot groups@15 yards sand bagged.
    The accuracy problems were due to the barrel mount bipod I had mounted on the fake plastic gas tube which in turn flexed the barreĺ and just about everything else on the gun. The scantlings of all that plastic are too light to give the gun proper stiffness to shoot from a bipod. Inacuracy due to flexing is the end result.
    Now, shooting off sand bags, the accuracy is acceptable. Because everything flexes so much, even with the higher muzzle velocity competition accuracy is iffy at best. I’m thinking it might be a good long range plinker.
    Will let you know.

  4. 50 shots on 2000 is interesting,… or anything even close. Looking forwards to more reports. If it does well, it looks like a nice entry level PCP.

  5. BB
    Price point pcp’s, budget pcp’s. Whatever we want to call them I’m glad they exist.

    And the way I see it is the Cheif is the distant cousin of the QB guns. Or maybe the brother to a QB79 on a regulated HPA bottle like someone has I know. 😉 😉

    And then that means the Gauntlet got it’s gene’s from somewhere inbetween but with steroids with the repeater magazines and baffled shroud and ergonomic stock.

    And from what I’m seeing they all have the same trigger. And I still say out of the box I have no problem with the triggers on the QB79 and Gauntlet. Very predictable smooth triggers. No second stage feel from the factory but just a nice smooth clean pull until the shot breaks.

    If I didn’t already have my regulated HPA QB79 and Gauntlet. I would be getting one of these Cheifs. And talking accuracy. The QB79 is accurate. But the Gauntlet is very accurate. It’s a toss up between the Maximus, modded FWB 300 and Gauntlet when them guns go out to shoot.

    I’m looking forward to the accuracy test on the Cheif. If they used the same barrel as the QB79 they should have a winner on their hands.

    • GF1,

      The Chief is not a distant cousin of the QB guns. It is the brother of the QB guns. They are made by the same company. You can probably swap many of the parts with your QB79.

      • RR
        Oh you wouldn’t believe the parts that are out there that will fit the Cheif from the QB line of mods.

        They have repeater breeches and shrouds that will bolt right on. Well that is unless they changed the bolt attaching pattern. Which in my opinion would be a mistake.

        If they kept it the same they are knocking on Crosmans door competion wise in the modding department.

        This Cheif could be a big hit. Of course if the accuracy pans out. I’m rooting for it.

  6. Oh and to add one more thing.

    Looking at the air resivoir tube and the 2000 psi fill and the Foster fill fitting and air gauge and location I’m seeing Maximus/Discovery written all over it.

    If you get around to it measure the outside diameter of the air tube if you will. I’m thinking that it’s the same as the Maximus/Discovery. If so that means the Huma regulator like what I put in my Maximus and WildFire should slip right into the Cheif. Then it would be regulated. Imagine that shot count. You don’t want to know the shot count on my regulated HPA QB79. Here’s a hint. You would get a couple thousand shots using your 90 cubic inche Ninja bottle to fill your Cheif. That would put a smile on my face. How about you. 🙂

    • Gunfun1
      Digital vernier caliper measure of the airtube at front, back and middle are all the same at 1.014″. Advertised cylinder volume is 136cc, Maximus is 135cc.
      Hope that helps you out.

      • Dave
        Measured the Maximus and the outside tube diameter is .875″. So the Maximus/Discovery Huma regulator won’t work.

        But maybe they used the same size tube as a Marauder rifle. It’s tube diameter is bigger. I don’t have a Marauder rifle right now to measure so don’t know and don’t remember the size. Maybe someone else with a Marauder rifle can measure their tube diameter.

        If the tube on the Chief is the same diameter as the Marauder rifle then Huma makes a regulator for the Marauder rifle also. Then you could regulate the Chief for some crazy shot counts. I would for sure like to know.

          • BB
            Thanks. That means the Marauder rifle regulator won’t work either for the Chief.

            Darn anyway I was hoping it would. Maybe there is a gun that Huma does make a regulator for that is the same size tube as the Chief. They do make regulators for a bunch of different guns. One would have to know the tube sizes of guns to know where to go with it though. That would be a job in itself. Or I guess someone could directly contact Huma to see if they have one for that size tube.

            Oh well so much for easy.

            • Gf1,

              My .22 Mrod is 1.251″ with a Mitutoyo dial caliper. Maybe mine has a little more paint on it. 😉

              Isn’t it possible that Crosman has manipulated the wall thickness/ID and the tube length in the two guns differently to arrive at the same volume? They could have different wall thicknesses, different ODs and different tube lengths to get the same inside volume, which still leaves open the possibility that the inside diameter of the tube is the same on both guns. I think you need more dimensions before you can say that the Huma reg won’t work in the Chief, unless I am misunderstanding about the ID being the critical dimension. I’m just guessing because I have never installed one.


              • Halfstep,

                It would not make sense to manipulate the material from the norm.. maybe for weight,.. but what would that be worth? Huma I am sure would (know what they make) and what ID they will fit,… even though they may not advertise for the particular rifle/tube. The ID,… (IS) the critical fit. Depending on where the gauge is,.. it could read pre pressure or post reg. pressure. With the Maximus, there is a spacer that allows post reg. readings. I got one.

                Also,.. upon this article,.. I looked the PA reviews and Q/A and found some mixed results,… with most being fair ~ good. There is a fare bit.

                This (is) a China gun from Tyler at PA on the Q/A,.. so who knows what they used? If you (know) the ID and contact Huma,.. I would think that they would be able to tell you if they have anything that will work.

                I like a reg. so far and it will influence my choices in the future. Huma/Maximus.

                • Chris
                  The Chief is a China gun. As well as the QB series guns and of course the Gauntlet too.

                  And not saying this just because I own a QB79 and a Gauntlet. But from what I seen and heard is that these guns are pretty good quality. Like out of the norm from what I have seen in China products. And also looking at my China compressor.

                  It seems to me that some China brands just might be better made than others from China. And even more so in the last few years or so.

                  So now I think what is driving that to happen.

                  • GF1,

                    Competition?,.. in China?,.. for a better? quality? product,….. yea,…. I will take that. Bring it on.

                    But,… do it in a consistent and reliable manner. If not,… NOOOO thanks! Oh yea,… stellar U.S. support too.

              • Halfstep
                Yep I imagine they could change the wall thickness of the tube. And yes the inside diameter of the tube is the critical dimension.

                So it would come down to knowing what the inside tube diameter is. Then finding a regulator whatever brand it be that fits that diameter.

  7. BB,

    This should be a most interesting review for many as you have reviewed both the Discovery and the Maximus in the past. We will be able to compare your thoughts on these three rifles. I am already seriously considering one of these three, but I will withhold my decision until after this review. It is not like I need a new air rifle right now.

    • RR
      Oh and I forgot. No silly silencers on the end of the barrel that can get in the way of accuracy. A down to earth simple gun. Oh and my regulated HPA QB79 is not loud at all for a pcp that’s not muffled.

      • GF1,

        They changed as little as possible on the Chief. That is how they were able to keep the cost down. With common parts across their entire line of air rifles it does not take near as much to set up a new production line.

        This helped Crosman when they brought out the Maximus and now the Fortitude. The Fortitude can trace it’s lineage to the Katana, which at the time was a step between the Discovery and the Marauder. It was originally a limited production but was so overshadowed by the Marauder that it was dropped.

  8. Nice, very nice.

    Looks like it is a well thought out rifle with good features for its price-point. Mostly metal and wood – like that, gives the rifle a solid feel.


  9. B.B.,

    I am extremely excited to read this series. If this is accurate and gets close to 50 shots per fill, I will soon be an owner of one. For me that is a big deal, as it has been almost 4 years since I bought any PCP gear or air rifle, period.

    No magazine doesn’t bother me a bit. I consider it a plus. And I have experience, albeit from years ago, adjusting that type of trigger, so I know that it can be painstaking but also that the results can be a delightfully light and crisp two stages. And I have already envisioned a simple way for a machinist to make the bolt ambidextrous, with a pull that is straight back, similar to the Challenger bolt. (Kinda close to the scope, however.)

    Finally, I find the traditional looks of the Chief a breath of fresh air in an increasingly black, angular, Erector-set aesthetic that has really taken over air rifle design. I like streamlined modernist curves or traditional. But the “black rifle” look leaves me cold and always has. It is probably because of my advanced age. To me the M1 carbine is a beautiful work of sculpture, but M16esque designs look like over-engineered pogo sticks to me.

    Here’s to the QB Chief! May she be a tack driving dream!


    • Michael,
      I agree with the M1 Carbine and add to that the M1 Garand. I love wood and steel. Heck not as much but I do even like the AK 47 and SKS due to blue and steel.


    • Michael,

      Hasn’t there been an add on conversion for one of the QB models to make it a repeater, if a person wanted to go that route, or did I just imagine it? I think it was offered by Steven Archer.

      What is your take on the Maximus/Fortitude’s “black gun” look. I will say I like it, but it has to make a traditionalist like yourself think, ” Hmm, could I ever learn to love this?”.


      • Halfstep,

        I like the Maximus for light weight and the sleek, curvy lines. I like the “black/plastic” for light weight and like the advantage of not having to be so careful. Wood seems to add weight and damage potential.

        “They” could make the most “curvy” wood stock in plastic and it would still look good and probably drop a few pounds in the process.

        To me,… it is nice to have something that you can bench,.. but (also) take for a walk in the woods. I am appreciating light weight and well made more and more. Just my 2 cents on the topic.

        • Chris USA,

          I agree with you. I appreciate the beauty of a nice wooden stock but for practicality I prefer the light, tough synthetic stocks. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but to me, the Air Force airguns are the ugliest guns out there. Even though beneath the ugliness they may have great bones.

          • Geo,

            I have to admit,… I am drawn to the Air Force line. Being a fan of a cheek riser, they are a down side. The high scope rail,… I am not sure about. In line butt alignment I would think? All in all,.. I think that they look pretty wicked. And,… nice power. I think?, the weight is very good. I may never own one,.. but that is my impression. The added sound suppressors were a downside on looks to me. I am Rural,.. but I can appreciate the need for Urban friendly. Keep the sound options open I say.

            I will say,.. now that I think about it,… is that the Air Force line does not offer a repeater. At least not in the Condor/Escape/Talon line. Jam a Marauder mag. in there for heavens sakes!!! 😉

            I am kind of at the point where I do not know what the next thing is that I would buy. Pretty happy with what I got. I do wish the Maximus was a repeater/Fortitude. Other than that,… I am pretty happy.

      • Halfstep
        Yep your right about the repeater conversion for the QB guns. And they even have repeater breeches that come with a shrouded barrel. Look at the Gauntlet. It pretty much is that repeater breech and shroud.

        If I remember right both style breeches (shrouded and unshrouded) also have kits with optional barrel and shroud legnths.

      • Halfstep
        You know what maybe it was another company that made a repeater breech and shroud d barrel for the Discovery and Maximus.

        Heck I can’t remember. I guess I need to search and see.

        • GF1

          The kit I’m thinking of was for a QB gun, I’m almost certain. It was being sold by a big proponent of the QB guns and Steven Archer fits with that. Or are you saying you remember another kit for the Discovery and Maximus?


  10. BB et al..
    Have you or anyone on the blog ever removed the stock from the Daisy Winchester M14. Just wondering if it can be easily done without too many pitfalls?

  11. BB and Fellow Airguners
    Concerning the plethora of low priced, and price point PCPs you have tested recently, I feel the Chief is almost like an old friend to me. I used to own a CO2 powered QB79 in .22 cal. 7, or 8 years ago. It had the custom, ambidextrous stock, and surprisingly good accuracy for a Chinese made barrel. Most of the other components, such as the trigger, bolt assembly, as well as all the parts needed to bulk fill the airgun with CO2 were surprisingly well made, and assembled. I was also quite pleased with the adjustable, and very useable 2 stage trigger that came from the factory at just over 3 lbs. Instead of using 2 CO2 cartridges to fill the gun, I sometimes used one full, and one empty cartridge when I was plinking ferrel soda cans. When the single CO2 cartridge ran out just after 15 shots, I would grab one of my springers, and continue with my soda can eradication. To bulk fill the QB, I found the Benjamin Sheridan Dual Fill Station FAH002 or BNS-AC-001, to be easy to use at a reasonable price of $75.00(8 years ago). I’m not sure which combination of letters, and numbers is appropriate when ordering. One big plus is that it can be used to bulk fill both CO2, and PCP airguns.
    I will be looking forward to the usual tests, such as accuracy, speed, quality control, ease of use, etc. I’m really enjoying the test of the Seneca Dragonfly multi pump, but you really grabbed my attention with The Chief. I know I’ve procrastinated a time or two in the comments section about purchasing my first PCP, but I now feel I have some definite choices that will win me over to the Dark Side.

    • Titus,

      Good to hear from you. Been a few,.. I think? For (me),… the “Dark Side” was more like the “Light Side” compared to a springer. Keep lookin’,… it will suck you “in” eventually. 😉

      • Chris USA
        The “Light Side”. I like that. Thanks for the PCP pep talk, however, this time of year is a busy time for us gardeners. It has often been pointed out to me, there are 2-3 farms within sight of my house that grow, and sell all the vegetables we could ever eat. However, my wife and I have been enjoying gardening together for over 35 years now. When you take into account your time, sweat, and tears ( hail damage, Marmots, etc), everything seems to taste just that much better. It is truly a labor of love.
        As for this Light Side, I’m still straddling the fence. However, should BB show The Chief to be as enjoyable to shoot as my CO2 powered QB78, I might just be forced into joining this fraternity of PCP addicts. By enjoyable, I mean accurate, decent shot count, and build quality.

        • Titus,

          Even if the Beeman Chief does extremely well, I would (heavily) consider what else is out there. Starting at the bottom of the PCP world is a not always the best way to go. Though I will say,.. the category of bottom and slightly higher up is getting quite crowded, which is good. More choices that way. All I am saying is,… take your time and look around (real good) before going to the “Dark Side” if and when you ever go there. You sound a bit discerning, which is a good thing, so maybe something mid level might get you very pleased right out the gate? The bottom end stuff can be made to work well (well enough) through various modifications, if you are into that sort of thing.

          I have gardened in the past. Yes, it is work and you really have to have an appreciation of the end result. While I could do more than I do now, I keep it simple and just grow some hot peppers and some tomatoes. More time and energy to shoot that way. 😉

    • Titus
      I have to say that I’m happy with my QB79. It’s actually a solid nice accurate gun. And with the added Air Venturi HPA regulated bottle the shot count is great. I get well over a 100 shots on a 3000 psi fill. Well actually close to 150 when I did count a while back.

      And from what I remember there was a big following of the QB guns. And I do wish I would of got the target stock for mine instead of the traditional style stock. I would like to see if one of those stocks would fit on my Gauntlet. I like the Gauntlet stock but the other wood target stock would be nice on the Gauntlet.

      Here’s the stock I’m talking about. Is this the one you had?

      • Gunfun1
        Sorry for the slight delay in answering your question. The weather here (interior of British Columbia, or merely BC as us natives tend to say) has been a gardeners delight for the past 2 weeks, and I’ve been trying to do all I can while the sun shines, and the temp is in the comfortable mid 20’s celsius. To approximate what that would be in fahrenheit, just double the celsius number, and add 32. So 20c would be approximately 72F. That’s not to say I’ve neglected regular airgun practice in my back yard. I took a tip from BB’s blogs concerning wind, and I now try to practice early in the morning while the air hasn’t had a chance to warm up enough to start rising, and letting cooler air rush in(wind) to fill the void. I also had plans to extend my outdoor range to 30 meters (33 yards) from the current 25 meters. However, my wife squelched that idea the other day by planting her shrubs exactly where I planned my range extension. Compromise must be made in the interest of a harmonious relationship, not to mention self preservation.
        On first glance, I thoght you posted a picture of your Feinwerkbau 300, until closer inspection revealed the gun for what it is. No, my stock was not only ambidextrous, but had a thumbhole built in as well. I looked up the name, and was informed it goes by the handle AR 2078A, by which I assume it to be a QB78 with an optional deluxe stock, and accessories for bulk fill capabilities , not the QB79, as your picture depicts, and I mentioned in my earlier comment. It also had an adjustable but pad, and with over 14 inches of pull, was very adult friendly, and comfortable to shoot. I would still be able to purchase the standard QB78 today, however I haven’t found an outlet here in Canada that sells the AR 2078A option. Just my opinion based on initial observations, but I assume it has been discontinued. Anyway, it will be interesting to see how the factory PCP model stacks pellets with BB at the helm. Especially at 50 meters, and further.

          • Gunfun1
            Yes, that is the one. Just as an aside, I also exchanged the stock bolt for one a bit more heavy duty. I remember it took a bit of force to close the bolt after charging it, and inserting a pellet. Looking at the airgun now, if I use my imagination, I feel the stock bears a slight resemblance to the Weihrauch HW100 T. All in all, the AR 2078A is a very good looking airgun.

            • Titus
              Yep it sure does resemble the 100.

              But back to the Chief. It is a nice simple gun. I think Discovery everytime I see it. I do hope it is accurate.

    • Titus,

      After struggling for four years with my Diana 34P I finally bit the bullet in March and purchased a Gamo Urban PCP and a cheap ($85) Taousa hand pump. And like Chris, the “dark side” has become the “bright side” for me. I was frustrated with my Diana 34 springer trying to shoot groups under 1.5″ to 2″ at 25 yards. Now the struggle is over and the frustration as well. I am trying to shoot 1/4″ groups at 19 yards with the Urban and having much success. I can’t wait to get back outside and shoot at 30 to 50 yards. I now have confidence that I will be able to shoot 1″ groups, or less, at those ranges. That’s been my goal all along and a PCP was the path I had to take to get there. As Gunfun1 always says, only accurate rifles are interesting.
      Yes, there are some very good options now for those of us who don’t want to spend a fortune on a PCP and a filling option.


      • Geo791
        Springer airguns are notoriously difficult to shoot with consistency. Maybe that’s a big reason I prefer them. Based on BB’s testing, and liking of the Diana 34 model, I feel it’s uber power, relatively light weight, correct pellet, and the consistent use of the artillery hold is even more important for shooting tight groups with Diana’s Model 34 line of airguns. If you demand accuracy without having to worry about correct hold, etc, then the PCP is the airgun for you. The best of luck to you.

        • Titus,

          You summed it up quite well! Ease of shooting without have to have everything perfect. Your Co2’s are a perfect example. They are the same as the PCP when compared to a springer.

          I do not/can’t shoot all of the time. Many times just once a week. I want something that I can just pick up go. So,.. like Geo,.. and as you stated,.. “….. then the PCP is the airgun for you”. For me, I do not want to have to struggle to shoot. I do enough of that already as it is. 🙂

          Planting a bush right at your new, planned, extended range is just plain cold!!!! my man! 😉 We all have to do what we have to do to survive,…. but wow! Perhaps the bush will contract some incurable blight and die? Perhaps the soil in that exact area is just no good? Just trying to give you some devious ideas to get your extended range established. 😉

  12. B.B.

    I wonder if you could answer a question for me? When you disassembled the silencer on the Urban, did you note the clearance between the baffle unit and the body? I measured the ID size of the baffles to be .312″. So there is .046″ clearance on a side between the pellet and the baffle. That seems to be adequate but as Gunfun1 noted, it does not address any possible eccentricity of the baffles to the barrel’s bore. Chris USA said that maybe the baffle assembly did not fit snugly into the moderator’s body. So I was curious as to what you experienced when taking it apart and then putting it back together.


        • Geo,

          I did some shooting with my Gamo Coyote SE the day before yesterday after jacking up the spring tension on the hammer. I was mostly shooting JSB Beasts and H&N Sniper Magnums in .177, which are very heavy and long and hard to stabilize properly. The gun has the same silencer attached the same way as the Urban and I was getting good groups at 28 yards so I decided to try some Crosman Premier Ultra Magnuns (CPUM) which are on the heavy side also at 10.3 grains. After about 4 1/2 magazines my shots started hitting way left and high from where they were hitting just a few minutes before. By the time I finished the next mag they were flying everywhere.

          Of course, coming on the heals of your recent experience with bumping the barrel on your Urban and all the back and forth about baffles shifting and pellets clipping, the first thing I thought of was that the extra speed had destabilized the CPUM and it clipped a baffle before it got out of the silencer and now they were all clipping. I switched back to the earlier pellets that were shooting so good before and now they were leaving shotgun patterns in stead of groups and that convinced me that it happened just as I had imagined.

          I proceeded to do all the inspecting and measuring, just as you did, to verify that the silencer was causing the problem and just couldn’t find any evidence of it. My situation was different from yours in that my gun had never been off the rest, therefore no bumping, but I check the alignment anyway. Then it occurred to me that if the gun was pushing a 16.2 grain Beast at 810 FPS a 10.3 grain CPUM had to be screaming. As I pointed out to you recently, BB has always contended that the antimony in Crosman pellets will foul your barrel if fired too fast, so I got out my cleaning kit and went to work. After a good cleaning the birds are singing and the sun is shining and all is right with the world again.

          The thing about speed and alloy pellets is not just theory to me any longer and I won’t be doing it again.


          • Halfstep,

            Wow! That is very interesting. Actually from the pictures B.B. posted of the baffles and then his reply that the baffles fit snugly in the moderator body, I don’t think we will ever have an issue with the baffles moving around.

            A week or so ago we were discussing Crosman Premier pellets. I recalled B.B. saying that they are harder because of the antimony that is used in them. I think he also said that if the Crosman pellets exceeded 800 fps (?) that they would foul and leave lead in the barrel. Because of this, I decided not to shoot Crosman pellets in my Urban, even though some folks have posted that they get the best groups with them. You now have empirical knowledge of the results of shooting Crosman pellets in PCPs. Thanks for sharing your experience and reaffirming that it is best not to shoot pellets with antimony when the speeds are 800+ fps… unless you want to clean the barrel often.

            • Geo,

              If I remember correctly, you posted a concern about Premiers fouling your Urban and I commented that I thought that I recalled BB writing that it was only a concern if you were shooting somewhere in the 800s and that I seemed to recall that it was based partially on his experience with black powder arms and cast bullets. You should ask him directly what the actual velocity range is and and what he is basing it on.

              I don’t want to see you avoid a cheap pellet that may turn out to be accurate in your Urban based on something I tried to recollect with this memory of mine. I find that it is becoming a mere shadow of it’s former self. 🙂

              From both of my Urbans, with factory hammer spring settings, the 14.3 grain Crosman pellets shoot around 835ish FPS. They haven’t shown any signs of fouling to this point. It was only after firing the .177 version of the Ultra Mag from my souped up Coyote that I had the fouling issue. I just chronographed 1 of the 10.5 grain pellets ( that’s all I’m willing to risk ) and it flew at 1097 fps and apparently that is too fast ! 😉


              • Halfstep,

                B.B. reads all of our comments so I’m sure he will interject his thoughts on Crosman pellets fouling the rifling. But you are not the only one that I heard of as having the fouling problem. Maybe the .177 tends to foul more that a .22? I don’t know. I don’t think springers are affected so much as most of .22s do not shoot in the 800s fps. But many .177 springers do shoot in excess of 800 so maybe they are more prone to fouling with the harder pellets. More questions than answers. B.B. help us out here.

          • Halfstep
            That’s exactly why I don’t like Crosman Premiers.

            You ever done the thumbnail test in the head of a pellet. Basically to see how hard the pellet is. If I remember right I mentioned this to Chris sometime back when he got his .25 Marauder.

            • GF1,

              Yup. Never bought them. For that reason,.. and head/weight consistency. Despite trying RWS, HN, AA and others,… JSB’s have always won out so that is what I stick with.

            • GF1,

              Would you care to share your experience with shooting Crosman Premier pellets. Did you notice that they tended to foul the barrels in your airguns?

              • Geo
                Pretty much like what Halfstep explained.

                And the guns I tryed them in I would just shoot 20 so JSB pellets or H&N pellets to get the barrel back in shape. And I will usually put a couple drops of silicone oil in the barrel where the pellet loaded before shooting.

                If you do the thumbnail test you will see that the JSB pellets are softer than H&N pellets. But both are softer then the Crosman pellets.

                But you know what is crazy. The feild target competitors swore by the Premieres in the box. They use to buy them by the lots. The lots were stamped on the box with like (J) or other letters. And if I remember right they had the dates of the lot on the box too. That was about 10 years ago that they was the pellets to shoot.

                Anyway times change and I probably didn’t answer your question. But some info for you anyway.

  13. After reading the report on the Dragonfly, I would be much more likely to get a Chief than the Dragonfly. More shots for less effort. I think they needed to make the pump lever 2 or 3 inches longer for more leverage on the Dragonfly. Pump effort stacking to around 45+ pounds almost immediately is not going to make it very friendly for any extended shooting sessions. I remember reading in BB’s review of the 397 that the effort for pump 8 was 33 lbs so this is certainly no improvement for us older shooters. My money is still on the Nova Vista Freedom. I think it’s the most promising multi-pump that I’ve heard of recently. Would like to see some testing in .177 caliber. I think it has the most potential for me going pneumatic in field target.


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