by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier
The Hellboy BB gun is a realistic semiautomatic repeater.
This report covers:
- Preparation
- Velocity Air Venturi Steel BBs
- Rapid cool-down
- Loading the magazine
- Velocity Daisy BBs
- Velocity Dust Devils
- Shot count
- Discharge sound
- Trigger pull
- Evaluation so far
Today we look at the power and velocity of the new Hellboy semiautomatic BB gun. According to the website description, we are to expect to see 495 f.p.s. That’s extremely fast for a BB gun!
To get ready for this test I loaded a fresh CO2 cartridge into the magazine. If you remember, though, I told you this first cartridge exhausted a lot of gas before it sealed. I am testing the gun with this same cartridge that leaked a lot. I can’t say how many shots were lost, but it was several. For that reason, I did something different in today’s test to compensate. I’ll explain it when we get there.
Velocity Air Venturi Steel BBs
First to be tested were Air Venturi Steel BBs. They averaged 470 f.p.s. but the spread was large — from 449 to 483 f.p.s. That’s 34 f.p.s.
Rapid cool-down
I was waiting the standard 10 seconds between shots, to allow the gun to warm back up. The last shots three shots were just at the 10-second mark or possible a little less than 10 seconds, and they went 464 f.p.s., 462 f.p.s. and 449 f.p.s., respectively. That made me wonder what real rapid fire would do, so I loaded 6 more of the same BBs into the magazine and waited in my hydraulic library for about 10 minutes.
After that break, I fired the 6 shots through the chronograph as fas as possible. The first BB registered 479 f.p.s. and the sixth BB went 430 f.p.s. That’s a difference of 49 f.p.s. over 6 rapidly fired shots. That tells me we can expect to see that kind of velocity drop or greater when shooting rapid-fire. With the Hellboy, rapid fire is a given!
Loading the magazine
To load the Hellboy magazine you first remove the mag from the gun, then separate the working guts of the magazine from the shell. I showed this in Part 1. The BB magazine holds 18 BBs in a single stack. The follower spring is not heavy and the follower locks out of the way in a notch at the bottom of the BB channel. Then the BBs are loaded one at a time through a port that serves both to load the gun as well as to fire the BB.
I noticed when dropping the BBs into the port that the mag had to be vertical or even leaning slightly forward (toward the BB channel). If the mag is tipped back, even slightly, the BB enters a seat and sticks right there at the top of the magazine. No more BBs can get past it, so you have to bump that BB out of its resting spot if you want to load the magazine. It took me some time to learn how to hold the magazine correctly for loading.
Velocity Daisy BBs
Next up were Daisy BBs, which now come in a 50-tube case that I have linked to. Ten of them averaged 478 f.p.s. with a 23 f.p.s. spread that went from 463 to 486 f.p.s. This string is tighter than the first one because I was careful to allow more time between shots.
Velocity Dust Devils
Talk about a surprise! I expected the lighter Air Venturi Dust Devil BBs to be the speed kings. They were, but the first shot only went 401 f.p.s. Was the gun out of gas? Apparently not, because shot number two went out at 489 f.p.s. and shot 4 was at 500 f.p.s. The average for 10 shots was 474 f.p.s. and the spread was huge — from 401 to 506 f.p.s. That’s 105 f.p.s. And, for the record, the Hellboy did meet spec. for velocity.
If I ignore the first shot the spread ranges from a low of 461 to a high of 505 f.p.s. That’s still large, at 44 f.p.s.
Shot count
At this point the first CO2 cartridge had 36 shots on it, so I fired blanks and then loaded a single BB at the proper time for the next set of data. I waited about 5 minutes between each of these shots.
I stopped at 80 shots because the velocity had dropped so low, but it bothered me that so much gas had been lost the first time, so I installed a second CO2 cartridge. That is the special thing I mentioned in the beginning. This time the cartridge sealed almost instantly, because I was ready for it to leak. I was quick on the Allen wrench that causes cartridge penetration.
I shot blanks to burn up gas then loaded a single Air Venturi Steel BB at the proper time for the following test. Between each recorded number I waited 5 minutes.
The second shot count string looks very similar to the first, until shot 80. This second cartridge still had some gas in it at that point. That tells me that the velocities I got in the first string are representative but they end too soon. Each CO2 cartridge will have a little variance, so this close relationship is pretty telling.
Discharge sound
I will say that the Hellboy is a relatively quiet CO2 gun. Instead of the loud pop I’m used to, this one is more of a quiet snap. Must have something to do with the length of the barrel.
Trigger pull
The trigger is a long single stage that has a lot of take-up slack in front of the spot where it begins working. An argument could be made for it being 2-stage except stage 2 moves through a long arc that can be felt. It breaks at 7 lbs. 7 oz.
Evaluation so far
The Hellboy is well-behaved thus far. It shoots hot, and the shot count is right for that kind of velocity. I think it all boils down to the accuracy. I have heard that this is gun not that accurate, but I will still test it my standard way for you.
You seem to have a good mag in that one. Two of the extra mags I purchased fired two bb’s at once, unless I tilted the barrel down and one would roll out of the barrel end and fall into the Chrony box. Sometimes when one fell out it was the only one and I of course got an error indication . A mag can make or break this rifle.
The velocity spread is very hard to explain. It may have something to do with the short spring loaded air tube that pushes a bb into the barrel when CO2 hits the piston head that the spring works on. It may get stuck once in a while and send CO2 down the mag and into the receiver. Hopefully it will loosen up over time if it is indeed the problem. It may even be the cause of all the problems so far. Could even be a timing problem with the action. Perhaps the magnet as well if there is one.
I thought the follower held the bb’s in place, although I also had one stick there once in a while. Thought it was a design glitch.
When you shoot the dust devils in this rifle try keeping two eves open, very entertaining. Like shooting an Airsoft rifle with a bad hop up.
But as I mentioned before, installing the longer rifled barrel from a Remington AirMaster improved accuracy a lot. Especially using it as a single shot pellet rifle. (3/4″ at 10 meter, 8 shots) It performed as the Remington did at a lower velocity and closer range not being a pumper.
I imagine they were under a lot of pressure to get this one out as soon as possible and may not have spent as much time as they wanted to on the technical stuff. Perhaps they can come out with a new and improved model or mag in the future. Say a full size long barrel A2 with a more accurate barrel. Like mine !
A very good replica indeed !
Bob M
Got to ask about the Dust Devil’s.
So now you have a rifled barrel in your Hellboy. It’s putting spin on the Dust Devil’s and making them shoot off in different directions depending on how the Dust Devil’s banned is positioned?
Did the Dust Devil’s do that with the original smooth bore Hellboy barrel?
Took the day off. It is supposed to be super nice out.
On the 880 and 760 and 499 magnetic induced hop up,…. (I needed to take better notes back then) 🙁
At any rate, the 760 showed a (definite) 10mm rise in POI at 41′ with 8 strong magnets placed on the muzzle end, on top. Accuracy did not appear to improve.
It looks like I tried it on the 880 exposed barrel, but results were poor. bb shots at 41′ were too scattered.
499 magnet data was lacking. It is great no matter what!
After review,… 1) It appears that strong magnets placed on the barrel at the muzzle end (can) induce a rise in POI,… but not in all cases, in my test. 2) No noticeable increase in accuracy with magnets 3) It appears that I did (no) hop up method where an object directly contacts the bb
So there you go,…. 🙂
So steel bb’s do rise when some back spin is put on them like airsoft balls do.
I don’t know what that means with a steel bb. Maybe that they will shoot at longer distances with a hop up? A flatter trajectory maybe?
If so that would at least be good to make plinking a bit easier I suppose. Maybe with hop up in a smooth bore barrel at a higher velocity just might be the trick to getting a steel bb out farther accurately.
Yes, the magazine is the heart of the powerplant on the Hellboy, and is thus very important to its operation.
Was I supposed to measure the spring tension on this mag? I know it is stiff. I suppose someone will tell me.
I believe you have the better spring in the mag with those velocities and you did not mention any double shots or bb roll outs. The one that ‘came’ with mine worked fairly well also.
I believe I have the better spring too. There were no misfeeds or roll outs, as you call them.
You know that nobody is going to wait inbetween shots with this kind of gun. They are going to be for the most part pulling the trigger as fast as they can.
What I think is maybe the accuracy test should be done at a fair plinking distance at a actual can not a paper target. You can secure the can so it don’t jump around. Pull off about 5 shots as fast as you can and see how many hits you get. And if you want rest the gun on a bench even.
Maybe these fast action shooting guns need tested a little different than normal. Not trying to tell you how to do your job. But maybe change it up bit.
I think that B.B.’s testing methodology allows the gun to do it’s very best that it can do. (In other words,… what is it capable of?) That puts it on a more level playing field with springers and PCP’s.
He also makes it clear (and shows) what rapid fire will do to fps and accuracy. Use it different and you can expect less.
I see Co2 guns being used in multiple ways. 1) Deliberate rapid fire. 2) Target, in which the reload and “set up the shot” time would be enough to allow for the std. 10 sec. cool down 3) Long pause,… as in a hunting type situation.
Ooops! 10 second warm up, not cool down. 🙁
There’s nothing wrong at all with how bb tests them now.
I just thought to spice up the accuracy part of the test shoot at a can. Maybe even a short video of him shooting the can at 12 yards out on the ground. It’s always a bonus when BB throws in a short video on the blog. Don’t see how it could hurt.
No, it can’t hurt to do some can rolling. I still want the traditional test and the wait time to see what the accuracy (potential) is. A more accurate gun at a slower pace will be a more accurate one at a faster pace,… just less accurate.
Right. That way it will represent more of the ways the gun will actually be used.
Definitely have to shoot some target paper to see how it does. And roll some cans to see other things it can do.
And believe it or not there are people out there that can action shoot extremely fast and accurately.
Chris USA,
I have tested a lot of co2 BB guns and pellet guns and have used wait times between shots of 20 sec, 40 sec, and 60 sec. I’ve done this with pellet guns primarily because I have many types of pellets to run through each gun and I want to give each pellet a fair chance to shine, but who can afford to change out the co2 cartridge after each pellet’s 10 shot “audition”? With BB and Pellet guns both, I am also looking for max shot count under controlled conditions, just for comparison’s sake from gun to gun. I have found that the wait time between shots needs to be close to 40 sec, with most guns, to give really small extreme spreads for 10 shot groups and there is not a lot of difference from that at 60 sec. After a few shots, from most guns, I don’t think 10 sec will be much different from shooting every 3 or 4 secs or less.
I may try some 10 shot strings from some of my guns at intervals of 2 sec( my chronograph requires a sec or two between shots) to 10 sec just to see.
Everything you say I would agree with. I did not suggest changing out the Co2 after 10 shots. Like you said, ample wait time will produce may consistent shots for a long time.
I have a 92FS and found the 40 sec. (‘ish) wait time to be about the minimum.
I was just sharing my findings with you. I really have test fired a lot of co2 guns and tried a lot of methods, trying to arrive at the best results and I just thought it would be of general interest to those who may not have passed as many, some might say, wasted, hours playing geeky professor, as I have. It would have been insulting to you if I had accused you of suggesting a new cartridge every 10 shots, so let me be clear, I was not saying that. Sorry if it sounded that way. Was just sharing why I feel I need to wait a long time between shots to make my results relevant.
I have the 92 A1 and have not shot it yet. I don’t think there will be too many 40 sec pauses with it, though! 🙂
Do that 10 shot strings over the chrony at the 2-3 second wait time.
I really would like to see what you come up with.
I will do that. I want to do it to satisfy my own curiosity, as well. I plan to do it with several guns and it will be a lengthy and time consuming series of tests, so it will have to come in the future. I am juggling several balls in my personal life right now, but I will get it done.
Ok will watch for it.
This isn’t exactly what you asked for, and I will get to that, but if you look down from here just a little you’ll see a discussion that Chris and I have been having that you may find interesting.
That brings up a point. What accuracy fluctuations will happen with fast versus slow shots? I don’t think that is a 5 meter test, but if I even test an accurate repeating CO2 rifle, I probably need to test that.
I have a MP40 that I can fire from a vise at 12 yards. Maybe 50 rounds slow then 50 on the FUN setting will reveal something. Whatcha think?
That is an excellent test design. I predict a more vertical group on the fun setting and a rounder group if the shots are timed.
Very nice! Shooter pretty much out of the equation (no offense intended), minute rest per shot and then bang out a quick 50. Sounds like about an hour? 😉
BB and ChrisUSA,
I did the test with my MP40 that we talked about the other day. I got some surprising results (to me, at least) that maybe you can explain.
Let me start by saying that I have 3 magazines which, as you know, each hold their own pair of CO2 cartridges. For that reason, I was able to fire with fresh CO2 for each half of the test. I had the gun clamped in a Rockwell Jawhorse with a number of bags of lead shot and sand sitting on it for added stability. I was in my basement at a temp of 69.5 degrees F and 12.33 yards (37 feet or 11.27 meters) from the target, which was just a blank piece of printer paper. I was using Daisy Precision pellets, because that’s what I like to shoot from this gun, mainly because it is easier to confirm that they are stacked correctly in the mag than with Black Diamonds, because the Black Diamonds are, well, black.
Normally I wait 40 seconds between shots when I am testing CO2 guns for shot count and velocity, but since this gun uses 2 cartridges, I felt that 20 seconds might be enough. Also the gun has a lot of mass and the CO2 is housed in a large all metal magazine. At any rate, that is what I decided to go with. The blowback on this gun did jiggle my clamping setup just a bit, as witnessed by my cocktail, which was resting on the vise jaws( it is the weekend, after all, and well past noon, so don’t judge 😉 )as it rippled slightly with each shot.
I fired the slow string first, using a stop watch to keep track of the 20 second interval between shots. I recorded this string over my chronograph and will include a chart and graph of those numbers now
Very nice! Chrony data to boot! I was thinking just group size testing. At any rate,.. it looks to be a need for more time between shots, sorry to say.
And, while I could be off,… but I think that it is more of a matter of the valve cooling more so than the Co2 cartridge. I could be very off on that and perhaps B.B. can correct me?
37 feet is pretty respectable. What did the group size end up being considering that it was in a vice and weighted?
Nice! Good work.
No judgement here. 😉
Next I fired, with a second magazine filled with fresh cartridges, on full auto. (I failed to say that each of the two strings was 50 shots in length.) The chronograph recorded the first shot in this second string as 439 fps and did not record any others in the string because of the short time between shots. After firing the 50, I immediately loaded a single BB and fired it to get a final velocity reading and this is what caused the afore-mentioned surprise. Shot 51 on this string went off at 405 fps, whereas the slow fired string, as witnessed in my chart, finished off at around 370 fps. I expected the rapid firing to cool things down more than the timed, slow firing and result in a lower final velocity. Why was I wrong?
By the way, I gave the gun lots of time to warm back up between these two strings, mixing a fresh cocktail accounting for some of that time.
The second surprise came when I compared the two targets. In the attached photo, “A” shows nearly all of the slow fired shots could be covered by a 3″ circle. “B” shows that Rock And Row was a little less accurate and the group shape was more elongated vertically as you predicted. “C”, in the middle, is the backing board that I used for both targets, just a sheet of cardboard, but I drew the same 3″ circle around the impressions that the first group (group A) left on this backer, being careful to line it up as I did when I drew it on the actual target, then placed the second target over it and fired the full auto string. The full auto string is more vertical, but the surprise is that it is strung HIGHER than the slow fired group. The only thing that I can think of to account for this, is that the very, very slight flex that my clamping system allowed, with this particular gun, let it “climb” a bit as is the tendency when firing a full auto firearm.
I assumed that you were predicting a vertical stringing that would sink lower on the target because the gun was expected to cool more in full auto. Is this assumption correct?
While only a guess,… I think that you were actually staying ahead of the cooling curve in full auto,.. as counterintuitive as that sounds.
I was surprised that the accuracy was that close. Very close.
Thank you for the effort put into testing. Very surprising as you say. Can we say that it does better in full auto? There does seem to be more tight grouping with the full auto target.
I was thinking the same thing. If I had waited, say 3 or 4 minutes, to shoot that 51st shot, it may have been much slower because the cold had a chance to sink in. As far as accuracy goes, both ways are about equal, IMO. A 3″ circle covered a few more holes in group A but more BB would have hit a soda can in group B because of the shape of the group.
I’m going to try a few other things while I have this setup in place. I’ll share the results when I do. Anything that you’d like to see?
Nothing I can think of. I will trust you to do the best testing.
As for heat VS cold,…. it is kind of like your house in Winter. X heat inside being pulled from X cold outside. The more that is transferred, the more the furnace runs. Stored heat factors in as well. Just the opposite in the Summer with the cool inside and heat outside.
Warming up the gun with some hand warmers might get even better results,… but who wants to do that? Or a heat lamp,… typish,… idea,…. ? 🙂
Either way,.. I think you have proven that the full auto gun is best shot in full auto! Who would have thunk that? 🙂 Well done!
Chris U,
I did some further shooting, since I had 2 mags that still had CO2 left in them, and decided to fire to a cadence of “1 and 2 and 3 and 4”, which worked out to about 1.5 seconds between shots. I got 2 more 50 shot strings from each mag, with warm up time between mags. I graphed the results and will include them as a photo.
I label my mags so that I can keep track of them and Mag1 is the one that I fired with a 20 sec delay earlier and Mag2 is the one I fired on full auto. With Mag1 both of the 1.5 sec strings were as accurate as the first string was, more or less, but the 3rd string on Mag2 really opened up. I think one can assume that it is because the velocity is more consistent with the gas remaining in Mag1 compared to Mag2. Mag2 was probably providing a higher average velocity on its first string, which was full auto and therefore unmeasured by my chrony, but at the expense of higher gas usage. That left it with a lower reserve for the next 2 strings.
I will post the targets for these 4 additional strings after the velocity graphs. By the way, the graphs are sized the same and of the same scale so you can really see how Mag2’s performance lags Mag1’s
Here’s the targets.
Interesting. So it would appear that the full auto did better on less cool down, but used more gas. The POI dropped in accordance with the fps drop in the graph. I notice too that the paper did not punch quite as clean on the 3rd run. All in all,.. nice testing.
Chris U
This morning I decided to see if there was any useful CO2 remaining in that MP40 mag that I’ve been calling Mag1. It wasn’t fired on full auto and everything had a chance to warm up completely overnight, so I just thought that I would try it. I fired with the 1.5 second delay between shots and chronographed that 4th and final string and charted it and took a photo of the group.
I recall reading that the MP40 could be fired with 1 full CO2 cartridge and one empty, so I wanted to test that before I broke down my testing setup. I fired one 50 shot string, again with the 1.5 second delay, and, as before, charted the velocities and took a photo of the group.
You will see in the chart and graph that although the fresh single cartridge starts out and remains at a higher velocity than the near-spent double cartridges, it falls off at a rate that almost perfectly parallels the double CO2 string for about 45 shots, at which point it seems to want to level off for a period.
In the side by side group comparison (spent double CO2 is on the left) you can see that the fresh single cartridge gives the same horrible shot gun pattern as the double CO2.
I doubt that any useful CO2 remains and, based on that and the huge vertical group, I think using a single CO2 cartridge would be a waste of good CO2 and not better economics as one might think. It may not be quite so striking at 5 yards, but I wouldn’t get much joy out of the gun at that distance myself. Whadda you think?
All very interesting. It looks as if it pays to stay with two Co2’s. Why one does not work as well I can not explain. At least it does work.
So,… without going back and analyzing all of your fine data,…. what is (your conclusion) on shot count and accuracy with full auto and single shot? I think that is what readers would like to know. A summary of your testing. Your opinion.
Again,… fine, fine testing and thank you for your time and effort,…. Chris
Here’s the groups photo.
Just thought of one last thing to try. 1 cartridge on full auto. If you could get at least one good full power string on Rock n Roll, it might be worthwhile to use a single CO2. Alas, it was not to be. With a new cartridge the first shot was 412 fps and the final was 328 fps for an extreme spread of 84 fps. I think this photo of the 12.33 yard group tells the story.
Out of room so I’ll answer your question about my opinion here. I think that the gun is more accurate than some would expect. 3″ for fifty shots for 3 mags slow fired and at least 2 mags on full auto at nearly 12 1/2 yards with BBs is more than I expected, frankly.
I don’t think much is gained with this gun by taxing your inner child with a 40 – 60 second wait between shots. This thing was designed to be blasted (well designed it seems) just like the little guy inside of you wants to do, so let ‘im have at it!!
I think that single firing is even fun with this gun. The way the bolt operates on each shot actually sounds like you let of a 3 shot burst. It sounds cool.
My gun seems to shoot about 1″ low and 3/4″ to the left at 12.33 yards, with the high rear sight flipped up. That is with putting the sights on center. A 6 o’clock hold is out of the question, at this distance, at least.
I’ve beat this to death, so on to new things. Hope this has helped someone that is thinking of getting one of these make up their mind. It is one of the most expensive action BB guns and I was apprehensive about buying it with no more info than I had at the time, but I’m really glad I did. It’s fun and it has not failed to put a smile on the face of anyone who has fired mine.
Just like your testing,… a fine, fine summary. That would make anyone considering one,… get it.
I like your analogy of not taxing the inner child and to just let the little guy have at it! 🙂
Yep good info. Wonder if other Co2 guns would do the same as your test gun. I know some of my semi-auto and double action gun slow down when rapid fired.
Well, that right in line with tomorrow’s blog!
I am thinking about a different test. But I can’t test it exactly like you or anyone else would because, while it would make perfect sense to you while you were doing it, reading about someone else doing the same thing is much different. Just know that I am giving it a lot of thought.
Read my comment to Chris about the Hellboy or action guns.
I think a short video of you plinking at a can with the Hellboy would be a bonus.
Black tactical rifles are not my thing, but I’ll bet these sell like hotcakes. But when, if ever, are we going to see a CO2, blowback, M1 Carbine? (Sigh.)
Below I have a photo of a replica of the pistol from the Hellboy movie franchise.
Yeah — sigh here, too! “They” know we want one, but “they” haven’t made it yet.
Hi B.B.,
Okay okay you got me.
What is your ”hydraulic library”?
hydraulic library…
Ah right.. As opposed to one’s ‘pneumatic library’ like this one.
I’m thinking to myself. What library would I choose if I had to make a choice.
For me it’s a no brainer. The pneumatic library. I like. 🙂
Nailed it! 😉
These replicas definitely have a cool-factor (if you like this sort of thing) but the use of Co2 and having to wait so long between shots detracts from the whole idea of a rapid fire repeater.
Considering the 400 to 500 fps velocity of the Hellboy wouldn’t a low pressure PCP approach not be a better solution?
Was idly thinking (pre-coffee idea) that it would be possible to have a Co2 cartridge pressurize a secondary reservoir for the gun to draw from to reduce the cool-down effect of pulling the gas directly from the cartridge.
The long-pull, heavy weight trigger would bother me. Might be an improvement to use “blow-back” to load the next shot and relieve the trigger from having to advance the belt.
…don’t mind me, just sort of thinking out loud 🙂
And that’s exactly why I have my WildFire tethered to a 800 psi regulated 13 cubic inch HPA bottle.
I get bunches of shots per fill. Consistent shots. And the gun never slows down. And makes more velocity than my Co2 powered 1077. All I can say is it works.
I have been testing that “long wait” aspect of shooting CO2 action guns this weekend and have a discussion going with Chris USA beginning a little less than halfway down in this comment section. I posted some data that may make you rethink how long you really have to wait with a CO2 gun. I think I will be doing more with some other guns. I know that GunFun1 has expressed an interest.
Disregard the above photo. It somehow remained attached to this post from the post before. Weird!!
I read over the testing that you did – excellent work and interesting results! Thanks for the effort!!
The MP40 sounds like it would be ideal for dealing with the dozens of grackles that ravage the bird feeder – could be effective for some wing-shooting.
Hi BB, I’ve taken your advice and posting to today’s blog…
I live in New Zealand and have managed to acquire a Crosman 1100 Trapmaster – with no ammo. I found that Phox Manufacturing in Linton, North Dakota manufactured, or still does, the Shotshells for these guns. Does anybody know about this company as I’ve tried contacting them but with no reply.
Since I am outside of the US and Canada,I cannot purchase airgun ammunition on eBay and there are at this time boxes of original shotshells for sale there.
Any advice/information or help would be greatly appreciated, I still have to reseal the gun and when I do would like to actually shoot it and reload some spent shells with .375 lead balls as that sounds like a lot of fun.
I have welcomed Jason to the blog. Can anyone help him out? I think he needs the empty plastic Crosman shotshells that he can load on his own.
Hi jasonpia,
congratulations on your Trapmaster 1100 purchase!
I have been the proud owner of one for a few years and reloading the shells with .36 caliber/.375″ lead roundball is the way to go with this AirGun.
You can reuse the plastic shells for a long time.
JG AirGuns in the USA sells every replacement part for the Trapmaster 1100:
Personally, I bought a barrel band from JG AirGuns, but I don’t think they have shells in stock, however I recommend that you email them.
If you are unable to find boxes of shells to buy, then I can mail you a few empty shells to help get you started.
Look at my reply to Jasonpia.
What is the results you have been getting with that gun?
I keep hearing .375 lead balls and shells.
Then I hear air shot gun with shells.
I know here on the blog we tend to talk about single shot accuracy. But does this air shot gun shoot shot shells worth a darn or the round balls if anyone has exsperianced one.
Sounds like a Seneca Wing Shot to me but scaled down. A smaller diameter caliber and I’m sure less amount of shot load for shot gun shooting. And probably not as powerful as the Wing Shot. And Co2 powered. How many full power shots does it get?
And another blast from the past gun. Sure would like to know how it shoots if you find the right shells and ahot and ammo for it.
Oh and what distances it does as well.
The Trapmaster 1100 is included in a past blog post here that was about “air shotguns”, which is a good read.
The Trapmaster 1100 is a beautifully made Crosman AirGun made of metal & walnut that was made around 1968-70. It was marketed as a trap shooting AirGun, and there was a trap shooting kit also available specifically for this airgun 4 decades ago.
It is not powerful like a wingshot.
Obviously Co2 power doesn’t compare with PCP power, but it can still blast a 70 grain(approx.weight) lead ball around 400-500 fps and my guess is that the effective range is up to 40 yards.
I’ve never tested accuracy, but I can destroy soup cans from 10 meters with roundball.
I read someplace that the shells hold 55 #8 lead shot (not a very big load).
I haven’t paid attention to shot count . My guess is 40+ shots per charge.
It just wasn’t criteria that really mattered with regards to shooting my Trapmaster 1100.
I think It is a beautiful AirGun to hold and shoot, and to look at!
Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the info Spinoza! I might have to take you up on your offer if I don’t find any shells, but I should reseal the gun first.
I found somewhere in my search, someone who had alumnium shells machined up, so no worries about wearing them out no matter how many times they are reloaded.
I’ve also just found in a comment on the Internet from last year that Phoxx Manufacturing hadn’t closed down, just moved.
But the email address is the same so I guess I’ll keep trying and see if they eventually reply.
I bought an extra magazine with my HellBoy M4 and tested both magazines with my chronograph. The mag that came with the HellBoy shot as high as 505 fps, and averaged around 475 fps, but the extra magazine shot an average of 425 fps, with a high of 440 fps.
The temperature was very warm, around 85°F.
The results of both magazines are respectable, but inconsistent.