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Education / Training Walther PPQ M2 pellet pistol: Part 2

Walther PPQ M2 pellet pistol: Part 2

Walther’s PPQ M2 pellet pistol.

Part 1

This report covers:

  • Is it semiautomatic?
  • First two shots
  • Trigger pull
  • However
  • Blowback!
  • Loading
  • Velocity with Air Arms Falcon pellets
  • H&N Excite
  • Sig Match Ballistic Alloy
  • A second word on velocity
  • JSB Exact 8.44-grain domes
  • Shot count
  • Cartridge out and trigger still works
  • Summary

Today I test the velocity of the Walther PPQ M2 pellet pistol, and I will also answer several questions that we have been discussing.

Is it semiautomatic?

No, the Walther PPQ M2 pellet pistol is most definitely not semiautomatic! The people who say that it is must believe that a semiauto is a gun that fires with each pull of the trigger. Where does that leave a double action revolver? It would have to be a semiauto, too.

With this pistol each pull of the trigger advances the 21-shot pellet belt, and yes, I counted the chambers and there are indeed 21 in the belt. You feel the belt advancing as a gritty start/stop motion of the trigger. I will have more to say about that in a bit.

On the other hand, the pistol won’t fire until the slide is pulled back. “Racked” is the term used by shooters. (note — BB discovered later that this is not the case.) Now let’s talk about that trigger again.

First two shots

As I said, I had to rack the slide to get the first shot off. The first shot took well over 40 pounds of effort. So did shot number two. I had to use two fingers to pull the trigger for both shots. I thought the safety was on, but it wasn’t.

And then shot three then went off before I was ready. Apparently the trigger and belt feed mechanism needed a little break-in to function normally. I tell you that so you won’t be surprised if it happens to you.

I’m almost certain this trigger breaks in over time. Each magazine will probably have some influence on the trigger pull, as well. That is just like the magazines that hold the Crosman rotary clips in the 1077 rifle. The trigger pull gets smoother and lighter with use — of each magazine box.

Trigger pull

So, where are we now with the trigger? Well, it’s double action and there is a very long and MUCH less creepy pull that advances the pellet belt. It comes to a definite stop. Keep pulling and the gun fires with no additional trigger movement I can detect.

What is the pull weight? Well, reader Yogi read something into the comments of Part 1 that I didn’t put there. He said “B.B., We thank goodness it is not that 10 lbs. trigger pull of the last pistol!”

No, Yogi, it isn’t. This trigger pull of the Walther PPQ M2 pistol is heavier than 12 pounds. How much heavier I can’t say for sure, but that long first part I just mentioned is 10 pounds 10 ounces. My trigger pull gauge then tops out. I will guess that the final break takes another 5-6 pounds.


Yes, there is a however for the trigger. Once you have pulled the first part, you are resting against part two and instead of 16-17 pounds it feels more like a 5-6 pound pull. It’s something an owner will have to get used to, and as the pistol and magazine wear in it will probably get smoother and perhaps a bit lighter.

Hunting Guide


I was impressed by the amount of blowback the PPQ M2 has. It’s quite similar to a .22 rimfire pistol’s recoil. And it is also something that I will return to later in this report.


I normally don’t make blanket pronouncements, but I will today. I don’t like the PPQ M2 magazine. First, I find the loading process clumsy. You hold the mag in your hand looking at its back side. Then push in a switch that the manual calls a door, to give you access to load the pellets on the right side of the magazine, one at a time.

Walther PPQ magazine
Push in the “door” above the pellet belt you see here and load the pellets one or two at a time. Then advance the belt to the next empty chamber.

I found the belt difficult to advance. It took two fingers, one on either side of the mag, and the belt kept bunching up as it moved. Maybe that is another thing that will get smoother with use.

I’ve used belt-fed magazines before, but they had a door that opened to show the entire belt. This one doesn’t. So unloading the belt is very tricky.

Velocity with Air Arms Falcon pellets

The first pellet I tested was the Falcon from Air Arms. They fell out of the belt if I tipped the magazine while loading so I had to be careful about that.

A string of Falcon pellets averaged 393 f.p.s. The high velocity was shot number two at 417 f.p.s. and the low was shot nine, at 380 f.p.s. The spread was 37 f.p.s., which is pretty high. At the average velocity the PPQ M2 shooting Falcon pellets develops 2.51 foot-pounds of energy near the muzzle.

H&N Excite

The H&N Excite is an affordable wadcutter pellet that I have been testing. In the PPQ Excites averaged 375 f.p.s.with a high of 381 and a low of 364 f.p.s. That works out to an average 2.31 foot-pounds with a maximum spread of 17 f.p.s.

I will note that these pellets were tighter in the pellet belt. I could feel their skirts pop as I pushed them into each chamber.

Sig Match Ballistic Alloy

The next pellet I tested was the Sig Match Ballistic Alloy pellet that Pyramyd AIR no longer carries. These tin wadcutters weigh 5.25 grains and average 407 f.p.s. in the PPQ. The spread went from a low of 386 on shot 10 to 433 on shot one. That’s a difference of 47 f.p.s. At the average velocity this pellet generated 1.93 foot-pounds on average.

A second word on velocity

I haven’t shown each shot in each string, but if I did you would notice the velocity starts out high and drops as the string progresses. In other words, as the pistol cools down it shoots slower. This is normal for a CO2 pistol and in fact it’s odd when it doesn’t happen. And that sets us up for the final pellet test.

JSB Exact 8.44-grain domes

I had to stop shooting for several minutes at this point, so the gun had time to rest and warm up. The first shot with the JSB Exact 8.44-grain dome went out at 397 f.p.s. But shot number two went out at 373 f.p.s. The average for this string was 368 f.p.s. With the high of 397 and the low of 354 f.p.s. on shot eight. That’s a spread of 43 f.p.s. At the average velocity this pellet develops 2.54 foot-pounds of energy near the muzzle.

Shot count

After testing these four pellets I shot the Sig Match Ballistic Alloy pellets exclusively for the test of the shot count. The first pellet went out at 395 f.p.s. and you will remember that the previous average for this pellet was 407 f.p.s. with a low of 386 f.p.s., so we seem to still be on the power curve. In other words, the liquid CO2 in the cartridge we started with is still evaporating. But look at the next shots.

49…….. no pellet
50…….. no pellet
51…….. no pellet
52…….. no pellet
53…….. no pellet
54…….. no pellet
55…….. no pellet
56…….. no pellet

Okay, BB is a doofus! He didn’t recognize the magazine was out of pellets because the gun kept firing.


Now we are out of gas — right? Looking at these results it seems there are perhaps 50 good shots per CO2 cartridge.

The slide continued to blow back on each shot, but the movement got weaker and weaker and slower and slower. This let me know the gun was out of gas long before the chronograph told me. I kept pulling the trigger 27 more times and the blowback got even weaker. And I kept on pulling the trigger.

Now there were close to 100 shots on the cartridge and the slide still moved when the gun fired, but it was only a tiny impulse. And yet the trigger kept firing the pistol, so my earlier remark that the slide somehow had something to do with the trigger was apparently incorrect.

Cartridge out and trigger still works

I removed the CO2 cartridge and now the trigger still works as it should. This will be another air pistol whose trigger could use some off-time exercise.


We have learned a lot about the Walther PPQ M2 today but I can summarize it all in one phrase — break-in. This is an air pistol that needs to be used. Next time we shoot it for accuracy to discover whether it wants to be used.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

70 thoughts on “Walther PPQ M2 pellet pistol: Part 2”

  1. BB
    I think it was on part 1 of this gun RidgeRunner made a comment about if the blow back could be disabled on a blow back gun.

    If so it would be interesting to see if the gun was more accurate with or without the blow back.

  2. I just found the Crosman 362 multi-pump rifle is in stock at PA. I could not help myself and ordered 2 of them.


    I was surprised that the 10 for 10 testing was not available for the 362. Maybe the page was not completed when I ordered.


    • Don
      Really. I just looked earlier after I got a notification from Crosman that they have them in stock. PA said they weren’t in stock.

      I just checked your link and they said in stock. I just ordered one. Also ordered a steel breech. Thanks for the info. 🙂

          • GF1,

            My thinking was a longer barrel would give you more power. The trigger is identical to the Maximus, I do believe.

            If I was not rebuilding a 101, I would be getting a 362.

        • RR
          I’m thinking Crosman used thier new barrel making tricks on the 362 barrel just like they did with the Maximus barrel. So bet it’s accurate.

          As far as the length of the 362 barrel it just might be the perfect length already. We will have to see how good the 362 shoots first before a barrel change is even thought about.

      • I got a Diana Chaser rather than waiting for this one to be available. Yeah it’s a CO2 but sub 1” groups at 25 yards is easy and sometimes sub 1/2” with 10 shot groups. Quality is impressive too. Will be fun to see how the modding goes with both.


          • GF1

            My Chaser likes JSB RS 7.33 gr pellets. Gets 40 shots per CO2 cartridge at 25 yards and likely more at 10 meters. Here are all my 10 shot groups at 25 yards dating back to early October: .70”, .68”, .43”, .77”, .89”, .39”.
            Scope is a CP 4-20×50. I have the pistol barrel but have never shot it. Silenced Carbine barrel is my quietist airgun. Winter temps interfere with shooting the CO2 more.


      • This seems a good one for the $ but FM must control himself now. Maybe if a wood stocked one is made available, that would be the time. And with a steel breech option, for those of us who fear mangling our airguns attempting to “fix” or “modify” them.

        • FM
          Long story short. I posted pictures before of the rifle I made from using a Benjamin Discovery and modifying them and putting them on a 1377. I talked to Crosman a few years back about maybe making it from existing parts they already have.

          My main 2 things was to have a wood stock and the steel breech so you could put whatever sight you wanted on the gun. Well you see what they did with the 362.

          Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad they made the 362 but I would of jumped even higher with joy if it would of had the wood stock and steel breech.

          I don’t believe Crosman see’s that they could of had a bigger winner right out of the box if they would of already had those things done. Oh well at least they are trying.

          • This seems perfect for my visually-impaired friend’s backyard plinking and possibly even “pesting” but for him not being able to scope or “red dot” the 362 is a no-go; still, sent him the link to Crosman so he could see for himself and told him PA had them for less. He shot a Daisy pumper back in his “puppy” days so this is nothing new for him. He had mentioned a Disco or Mrod – not sure which – combo/bundle, including compressor, he’d seen at another online retailer so possibly he is leaning into PCP world. If it were yours truly starting from scratch, would go with the 362 first before plunging into the Good Dark Side.

            Think this is the steel breech kit that you are all refering to? Seems even FM might be able to handle that installation. “So easy even Fawlty Manuel can do it.” 🙂


        • FM
          They don’t make the Disco any more. The Maximus took the place of the Disco. And in my opinion is a better gun because of the new barrel making process.

          And yes that is the steel breech kit. And trust me. It is a straight forward swap. Undo two screws and slip the plastic breech off. Slide the steel breech on and replace those two screws and a then there is a extra set screw on top of the steel breech that locks the barrel to the steel breech that the plastic breech does not have.

          It will be the best mod done to that gun that should of already been done from the factory.

          If Crosman would of tacked the $40 on and added the steel breech I would of still bought the 362. Probably even would of been more happy then I could of used that install time doing something else. I know like shooting the gun more. 😉

      • Don & Gunfun1,
        I eagerly await the reports from you guys as to how cool this rifle can become. I’m sure you two will have them modified within hours after you get them. 😉
        Happy shooting,

    • Don,

      Awesome! I have been really curious about those. It seems to be based on the Crosman 1322.

      You should be able to upgrade these to the metal receivers like for the 2240. You may even be able to get a longer barrel, like for the Maximus.

      • RR
        Yep it will accept the parts you said. But it does not have the same compression tube as the 1322/77’s. The 362 tube is longer and pretty sure has the bigger diameter tube like the Maximus has.

          • RR
            Right. I was just saying the 362 has a bigger diameter and longer tube than the 1322/77.

            And I think I can safely say the 362 is going to eliminate the 392 especially if they come up with a wood stock 362. People will still like the 392 but there is so much more you can do with the 362. The gen1 Marauder trigger assembly should work on the 362 even.

    • Benji-Don,

      Just followed your lead and ordered 02 362’s for myself. One stays here, the other gets a permanent change of address to my cabin. No more dragging 101’s back and forth. Too much wear and tear on the old girls!

      Let’s keep our fingers crossed and see how good the barrels are.


      • Bob
        I was going to buy 2 also but I decided to wait to see if they might add a wood stock to the lineup. And maybe include the steel breech also.

        Got to keep dreaming. 🙂

        • GF1,

          It is not so much that the barrel is made of steel, brass or bronze. Many of the old 100 series had brass barrels and compression tubes. With the Benjamins and the Sheridans the barrels were soldered to the compression tubes and could not be “tuned”.

          With the 100 series, the barrels could be swapped out or if need be, bent. Power can be easily upped a bit by giving it a longer barrel.

          For some time now shooters have been taking their 13XX and putting the grip stocks on them and longer barrels. The longer pump arm of the 362 will be an advantage over the 13XX, but only through ease of pressurizing.

          The longer metal breech will help with securing the barrel and mounting a scope. You might think about adding one of these.


          You’ll like it. I know.

          • RR
            Your preaching to the choir. You forget how many different 1322/77’s, 2240’s and so on that I have done.

            I myself prefer the new steel barrels and your forgetting something. Longer barrels usually do equal higher velocity. But also then more drag on the pellet in the barrel. So just maybe the barrel on the 362 is the right length.

            Kind of funny how it is that nobody has even posted any data on how the 362 is performing and its already being re-engineered.

            The only reason I’m doing the steel breech is so I can scope it or put a dotsight on it and maybe even a peep sight. If my eyes were better I would probably even leave the plastic breech on it with open sights. Well for a bit anyway.

        • GF1,

          If these 362’s shoot as good as I think they will, I’m going to stop rasping on my latest hickory flatbow and break out a piece of walnut I have stashed in the root cellar. It has been a long time since I’ve inlet a rifle stock but a nice piece of wood might really do wonders for a 362. It won’t make it shoot any straighter but if I flub an easy shot , the rifle will look so good I won’t get too upset about it.

          Like I said before, lets keep our fingers crossed about the barrels! Really hope Crosman is going to use their new manufacturing technique on these.

          More snow tonight here. ” YES!!!! ” If Shootski is home he is probably out having fun right now.


          • Bob
            I have a good feeling about the 362 also.

            If I really wanted to I do have a extra Discovery stock setting in a closet that I bet I could get to work on a 362.

            But I would rather have a nice walnut or maple stock though for it. And another dream I would like to see come true.

        • GF1,

          It does have a peep sight, just like the old 100 series did.

          I do not recall your fiddling with the 13XX and 22XX before. You are really going to like this thing, I can tell.

          • RR
            All through time I have modded these guns and said so many times how interchangeable they are. Guess you forgot about some of Hiveseekers blogs. I have so many comments in his reports that I could of probably wrote 10 blog reports.

            Looks like you need to go back through and read all the blog reports and and comments again for a refresher course. 😉

            And I know the 362 has the factory peep sight like the old 2240, 1322 and 77’s. That’s one of the big reasons I want a steel breech so I have a dovetai to put what sight I want on it. Not thier silly little factory peep sight. It may be good for some. But not good enough for the shooting that Gunfun1 does. 😉

        • GF1,

          Until DonaldA gave me the target grips for a 2240 and I bought one, I have never had much interest in fizzers. I had read Hiveseeker’s blogs as I read all of them, but I did not read the comments much.

          Now that I have broken down and purchased a 2240, I have to upgrade it. I have a left-hand metal breech and a trigger shoe for it. I also have the magazine I sent you a link for. I have a few ideas I would like to try with her.

          She may end up being my Buck Rogers Modular Mega Blaster, most especially since all of the manufacturers are hung up on building replicas of firearms and will not make us any Sy Fy ray guns.

          • RR
            A Marauder pistol true 2 stage fully adjustable trigger grip assembly will bolt onto your 2240. Try that and see what you think of your 2240. There is no way you won’t like it.

          • RR,

            I think that was RobertA, we have not heard from him since the summer, here is your winning link; /blog/2021/06/air-venturi-seneca-eagle-claw-lever-action-repeater-part-2/#comment-476418

            Hope he is ok, it seems to me that was right around the time of a major lock-down in New Zealand and my rememberer cannot remember if it was guns or covid or both.

            Anywhoo it seems you are coming along great with the 2240.


  3. B.B.,

    Just wondering why you used the, no longer available, Sig Alloy instead of the Excite pellets for the shot count test. I have been saving mine but don’t really know why. I think I have one gun that likes them.


  4. B.B.

    When I went to a day camp at the age of 11, we had a 50 foot .22 lr range. I started out with the prone shooting position. I moved up the NRA marksman medal range quickly. After I once shot a 47 out of 50, I moved to the sitting position. The camp counselor then changed my gun from the standard Remington to the only Mossberg rifle. He said you should shoot this rifle because nobody else can shoot this gun well. The Remmington’s had a normal trigger pull, maybe 3-4 lbs. The Mossberg rifle had a trigger pull closer to 6-7 lbs. The best that I could do with the Mossberg while sitting was only in the mid 30’s.
    Ever since then, I believe that excessively heavy trigger pulls are biggest impediment to accuracy.


    • Yogi
      Probably maybe.

      I bet if you shot that Mossberg more you would do alot better than when you took your first shots with it. And probably so with the Remington.

      I shot many guns with many different trigger pulls and once I shot enough I would always do better the more I shot that gun.

      One thing is I guess is some people can adapt easier than others.

    • Yogi,

      You are most correct when you are someone shooting different “guns” all the time. Many of the reviewers we see, read and hear take a bit of time to “learn” the airgun. I have some that I am afraid to put my trigger scale on. I do not want to know. I just pull that trigger until I no longer pay attention to the trigger pull. I learn how that old gal likes to dance. 😉

  5. B.B.

    I experienced the same heavy trigger as you did immediately after taking the PPQ M2 out of the blister pack. The trigger was so heavy when I tried to dry fire the pistol that the sear would not release even after racking the slide. After about a dozen successful dry fires, the trigger pull measured an average of 11 pounds 10.3 ounces.

    After about 130 to 140 total shots including dry fires and powered pellet shots, the trigger pull measured an average of 6 pounds 6.8 ounces.

    After reading today’s blog, I measured the trigger pull again. At this time the total shot count on the pistol and magazine is about 190 to 200.

    1: 6 pounds 0.3 ounces
    2: 5 pounds 4.6 ounces
    3: 4 pounds 14.9 ounces
    Avg: 5 pounds 6.6 ounces

    Due to the spread of those measurements, I thought my technique pulling the trigger gauge was not consistent, so I did another three measurements.

    1: 5 pounds 0.8 ounces
    2: 4 pounds 12.3 ounces
    3: 5 pounds 4.3 ounces
    Avg: 5 pounds 0.5 ounces

    “Each magazine will probably have some influence on the trigger pull, as well.”

    I can confirm the accuracy of your statement. I installed my accessory magazine and tested trigger pull again. The first pull was so heavy that the gauge could not measure the pull, and the sear did not release. After a few very heavy, but successful, dry fires, I was able to record trigger pull measurements.

    1: 11 pounds 3.2 ounces
    2: 8 pounds 3.9 ounces
    3: 6 pounds 13.3 ounces
    4: 9 pounds 15.6 ounces
    5: 9 pounds 1.6 ounces
    6: 11 pounds 11.3 ounces
    7: 6 pounds 6.9 ounces
    8; 7 pounds 3.9 ounces
    9: 4 pounds 2.5 ounces

    I also observed that the more slowly the trigger is pulled, the heavier it feels. I observed the same correlation in the trigger pull measurements.

    To get the best performance from this trigger, I think it needs to be pulled all the way through very fast. Faster pulls produce lighter trigger pull measurements.

  6. BB, I think that the DA trigger pull is a shame because I like the belt concept for managing the pellet ammo, you do get allot of pellets in a magazine. Why they cant let the co2 do the work of cycling the belt? Is it because the powder burning version also has a DA trigger? What is the benefit of DA trigger on a semiauto pistol? I think that it is a safty feature, so the pistol can be carried with an empty chamber, and the first shot will not need to be racked, but all subsequent shots will be single action. But after firing, you are still left with a gun with a round in the chamber. Maybe I have it wrong. I ordered the new/old Sig .45 BB gun, with a real grip safty, and a real single action trigger.
    My question is it safe to carry a single action pistol with a round in the chamber, only relying on the safty, like a Colt style semiauto?
    I was going to get it for my brother, but changed my mind because he baby sits a few days a week now, I got ‘them’ a slot car set instead. Looking forward to testing out the very nice looking Sig.

    • Rob,

      I have to say no, that isn’t a safe carry condition for a single action pistol. Why am I saying that? Mostly because I don’t know what pistol we are talking about. A 1911 is certainly safe that way, but there are too many variables for me to say anything other than no.


    • Rob,

      I’ll add this to B.B.’s comment on round in chambered carry about 1911 ONLY carry in Condition 1. If you don’t do these tests on a 1911 on a regular schedule you shouldn’t carry one at ALL:
      I have carried a number of Automatic Pistols over the past 5+ decades (with the complete and proper training) I have never had an Administrative Discharge.

      The key is proper training, complete hands on knowledge through regular drills and mastery of ALL the pistols function/malfunction.

      PS: During administrative handling is when almost all negligent discharge occur.


    • The DA trigger concept on a semi pistol is to allow you to carry a round in the chamber. Most of these pistols decock when the safety is applied. When the safety is released, the DA trigger will cock the striker/hammer and fire the round in the chamber. With the next round, the striker/hammer is already cocked, therefore the trigger now operates as a SA.

      With the 1911 style pistol, it is strictly a SA trigger. The striker/hammer must be cocked and a round chambered to fire. There are three active safeties on the 1911. One safety is located at the back of the slide and prevents the hammer from striking the firing pin. Another is the grip safety which prevents the trigger from being pulled. A third that many do not realize is the slide must be all the way forward and the barrel locked up in battery or the pistol will not fire.

      Personally, I like the 1911 for several reasons. One is the KISS rule. Way fewer parts than most DA pistols. Less things to go wrong.

      Another is I advocate the .45 ACP over the 9mm. It makes a much bigger hole.

      Another reason I like the 1911 is almost all small kids cannot pull that slide back while I can jack it on my pants leg.

      • Thanks for explaining that. I think of the 1911 as a fighting tool, pure and simple. I have read that it is not a good novice gun. When the chips are down,
        the only thing more you could ask for is a fixed barrel design. I watched a sad video of a Trooper being killed by a bad guy who had the drop on the cop from behind an open passenger cruiser door, and instead of the officer taking cover on the driver side, he chose to exchange fire exposed. He was able to get several rounds off, but he missed.
        I only have a.22lr, but it only takes one to the ‘bean’ for a show stopper, it’s hard to know when accuracy and traing makes the differance, sometimes it’s just bad luck.
        I get the new Sig co2 pistol today!

        • Rob,

          It is not bad luck. It is training. I saw a study where police officers were confronting a video of “bad guys” at a traffic stop. Some of these police officers were expert shots. Most of the time the police officers missed the “bad guys” due to the adrenalin.

          You are talking about hitting someone in the brain with a .22LR in the middle of a gunfight? Really?!

          John Browning’s pistol is amazingly simple and military grade 1911’s very rarely jamb. It can be field stripped very quickly by hand with no tools. Novices are afraid of this pistol because of the recoil. Once you learn how to deal with that recoil, this pistol is awesome.

          At the beginning of the 1900’s the U.S. Army did a big study to find a suitable sidearm. At the time they carried the S&W revolver in .38 Special. It would not stop the Philippino’s at close range.

          What they found was that the .45 ACP (which John Browning developed) was a man stopper and his semiautomatic pistol was VERY dependable and easy to work on.

          After Vietnam, the bean counters won out and we went to the 9mm, which is nothing more than a shortened down .38 Special.

          I will take the 1911A1 any day.

          • I was wondering that they didn’t have body armor at the turn of the century, and that center of mass bulls eye shooting with a pistol at close range may not be as effective because of the prevalence of body armor now, and that there may be a need for tighter groups, and maybe more emphasis on precision shooting, under stress. I have read the reports that multiple officers confronting a suspect at 25 yds, at night, unloading more than 30 rounds at twenty five yards were only able to get three hits, only one of which being fatal. Thats what 6 mos training at the academy gets you. The suspect had no body armor, just a phone. I think I would want lead target loads in my .45., but maybe something a little hotter for the big boys! The Emporor Scorpion is nicer than my Luger, shoots low, a little to the right of my six o’clock hold, hope it lasts longer than the P08 did, and I don’t run into any Morro tribeman!

  7. Off subject, New Crosman Pump now at PA (362)? How did that sneak by me. At $100 it sure seems like a winner. /product/crosman-362-multi-pump-pellet-rifle?m=5323

  8. BB,

    Looking forward to this series since I’m trying to decide between this one and the P320 M17. What are your thoughts?

    I have the P365, although I wonder if I ought to have gotten the PPK/S instead.

    My primary use for them is daily practice at home, to build and maintain pistol skills.

    One question on CO2 guns—should they not be stored with a CO2 cartridge installed?


    • AP,

      I’ll only answer the CO2 cartridge question. These days I think it’s best to not store a gun with a cartridge, as construction methods and materials have changed


        • As for you, my naughty little friend, I do know that trigger assembly would be nice, however if I am going to start spending that kind of money on this 2240, I am going to have to convert it over to PCP. I could just save my money and buy a P Rod to begin with.

          I am trying to do this on a real low budget. I have put a lighter spring in and I am putting on a metal breech, but I have no intention of taking this to the extreme. In truth, I want a shorter barrel, not a longer one. Like I said, I want to turn this into my Buck Rogers Modular Mega Blaster. Come on all you little space heroes. We must battle the Green Meanies From Mars.

          • RR
            I would have to say you could of done had that trigger assembly if you saved your money on that repeater mod.

            Oh well it’s your gun you know how you want to spend your money. 😉

        • GF1,

          Ah, but the repeater mag is for the Maximus. It works on any of the metal breeches for the 13XX, 22XX, etc. It will fit the metal breech you are putting on the 362. I can move it around until it finds the right home.

  9. Mike in Alt,

    It was RobertA in NZ. No, we have not heard from him in quite a bit. I was wanting to work something out for him, but he seems to have gone off the line.

    • RR,

      A lotta folks come and go on this blog they have their reasons so it is all good.

      RobertA was a real kinda guy, miss his posts, but that is what it is.


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    We work hard to get all orders placed by 12 pm EST out the door within 24 hours on weekdays because we know how excited you are to receive your order. Weekends and holiday shipping times will vary.

    During busy holidays, we step our efforts to ship all orders as fast as possible, but you may experience an additional 1-2 day delay before your order ships. This may also happen if you change your order during processing.

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  • Shipping Restrictions

    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

    View Shipping Restrictions

  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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