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As good as advertized?

This report covers:

  • The value of YouTube
  • Airguns?
  • What else there is
  • The deal
  • B-I-L
  • Off track?
  • Lucky you
  • Why bother with this?
  • I gotta tell you

Today I’m going to talk about what you get when you buy something sight unseen. And the discussion is going to run deeper than that, because what works for one person may not work for another. Actually I think the comments to this report may be better than the report, itself. Let’s get started.

The value of YouTube

Remember the blog a few weeks back talked about the atomic bomb and how there is no way you can hear that sound on your smart phone or computer? That holds for a lot of other things, as well. I have taken up the ukulele and before I bought one I “researched” it on YouTube. Now, who do you suppose has videos on YouTube about ukuleles? Times up. If you guessed welders, guess again. The people demonstrating the ukes were/are all great players. So the instruments all sound fine. I know — who would have thought?

But YouTube does have some value. And you’re going to see it today.


How does this apply to airguns? Well, if I shoot a super-small group with a certain airgun it means I am able to do it. What does it mean to you? That’s where the comparison breaks down. I may be a better shot than you. Or I could be lying about the groups I shoot. I don’t, but how can you tell?

So, maybe the accuracy of an airgun as shown in this blog/the sound of the ukulele played on You Tube isn’t the best evaluation criterion. But what else is there?

What else there is

There are people you can trust. You don’t have to spend weeks or longer to find them. And  it’s what they say and don’t say that should guide your decision to trust them — not how accurate they are with a certain airgun.

The deal

But there is a deal and here it comes. If the rifle in question shoots small groups CONSISTENTLY, that might be something to pay attention to. For example, consider the Air Arms TX200 Mark III. Want to know why I am always touting that air rifle? Because over the 28 years I have been writing about airguns and the hundreds of TX200s (Marks I, II and III) that I have seen or read about, only one person ever told me that his wasn’t accurate. When something like that happens I begin to suspect that maybe it isn’t the rifle. Maybe in this instance it’s the shooter?

This is why I recommend TX200s so often. I know for certain that the customer cannot go wrong. Now, as it turns out someone on this blog is having trouble with his .22-caliber TX right now. We would like to hear a report, please. We want to help.

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo


My brother-in-law, Bob, is a blog reader. He tells me he reads the blog every day, like so many of you. Years ago Bob wanted an accurate pellet rifle– but:

1. He has arthritis and didn’t want an airgun that’s hard to cock.
2. He didn’t want to become “an airgunner” (more on that in a bit).
3. He doesn’t like to use open sights because his eyes are bad and he wears glasses.

So, many years ago I gave Bob a Hakim that is :

1. Accurate
2. Easy to cock
3. Possible (though not easy) to scope

Hakim air rifle.

Bob Hakim
No, Bob is certainly not an airgunner. But this is what he did with 10 shots from his Hakim at 25 yards.

The result? Bob still has that Hakim and he tells me he still shoots it. He sends me pictures of targets like the one above from time to time that show great groups. In other words, Bob shoots his Hakim (and likes it?). But that isn’t all.

Bob doesn’t want to become an airgunner (why would anyone want that?) but a while back he asked me about the Umarex Synergis. He saw I was testing one and wanted to know if  it really was as accurate as I was showing. No, Bob. I’m a liar and I shoot all my targets from two feet. You know better! Yes! The Synergis is just as accurate as I showed.

Anyhow, Bob bought a Synergis because it’s a repeater and he has trouble loading those small pellets into a rifle one by one. That’s the first time I ever heard of that problem (I’m being facetious — guys tell me things like that all the time). And he sends me photos of the groups he shoots. But Bob’s definitely not an airgunner. Oh no. Definitely not!

He was invited to come shoot airguns in a nearby neighborhood with a bunch of guys who are airgunners. He went and he liked it. He’s not an airgunner but he likes shooting his airguns with guys who are.

Off track?

It may sound as if I’ve wandered off track, but that’s not the case. We are talking about who you can trust to tell you whether a thing you’re interested in is worth your time and money and I’m giving examples of how you know. I have another Bob story.

About eight years ago Bob wanted a centerfire rifle that was more powerful than his AR-15 that shoots the .223 Remington cartridge. He bought a .308 Winchester and I told his sister who was my wife that he wouldn’t like it. It was going to kick him too hard. 

Bob bought it to shoot wild pigs, which are more than plentiful here in Texas. Well, guess what? That rifle kicked his teeth loose! So I found a surplus Mauser that had been chambered for 7.62X39mm. It was scoped and could put five into less than one inch at 100 yards. Edith and I bought it as a Christmas present for Bob, but she passed away unexpectedly two months later and I gave it to him early. I believe he has taken at least one pig with it, thus far, and he now reloads for it. That rifle doesn’t kick hard, is accurate and is everything Bob wanted.

So Bob knows a guy. Maybe some of you know a guy, too. A guy who won’t steer you wrong, if you will just listen.

Lucky you

And all of you do know a guy. In fact you know several guys. The readers who comment on this blog are the guys you know and you can read what they say and take their measure. Each of them has their strengths and weaknesses — including me. The thing about it is, very few people know their own strengths and fewer still their weaknesses. But they don’t have to know them as long as you do. Then, when someone you trust says something about an airgun that’s in one of his strong areas, you have something you can trust.  And when several trustworthy guys say the same thing, you can count on it even more.

Why bother with this?

You bother with this if you are about to take a major plunge, — a large financial risk. Until then this is all gibberish. But when you need to know and a guy you trust tells you the RAW HM1000x LRT PCP Air Rifle is capable of putting ten .25-caliber pellets into a one-inch group at 100 yards, which is exactly what you are looking for, you are on the right track!

I gotta tell you

Tomorrow I’m going to go back to the Diana Oktoberfest Gewehr BB rifle and I have some good news for you. No — it’s still made in China, so if that puts you off, nothing has changed. But something about the rifle has changed. And you will hear it here first. Stay tuned.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

58 thoughts on “As good as advertized?”

  1. B.B.

    As always hit the nail on the head. No not my head..lol…
    Please do a blog on what happened to the Air Arms Pro Elite rifle.
    I once contacted Air Arms and asked if they would ever do another Break Barrel. Their response was NEVER!
    I know the TX200’s are a jewel. But, unlike Bob, I WANT to be an air gunner. A BreakBarrel airgunner at that.


    • Yogi
      Once upon a time a B. B. called type in an unknown internet blog called the Walther LGV the TX200 of the break barrels. Years later I fell onto a bargain with a 12 fpe, synthetic stocked. What can I tell you is; try to find one. Now.
      Off course that’s a comment from one unknown person in an unknown internet blog…

      • Yea, missed the boat on that one. Really like the fancy stocked one. I thought it was a 14-16 fpe gun. Like the HW 95. When I found out that it was a 12 fpe gun, I became less interested. Now it is too late…


      • When they first came out I got a slightly blemished LGV master in .22 from AOA for 400.00 ish. A little tweaking and a steel “tuning” trigger , it consistently slings CPHP’s 700 FPS into bug hole groups with a Williams rear aperture sight. The LGV’s are refined and very well mannered. Hard to figure how the Walther spingers came back and then went away all too soon much like the SIG rifles. I purchased a spare spring and some piston seals while I could get them because the LGV is an heirloom gun.. I’ve read opinions that the breech lock on the LGV’s are superfluous but I for one like the feature and my globe front sight and receiver mounted peep sight always line up I think because of the breech lock.

    • Yogi,

      I owned a Pro Elite. It cocked hard and buzzed. It just wasn’t competitive with other good breakbarrels.. As for the inside story, I have no idea.


      • B.B.

        Well maybe it is time you found out the story behind why they cancelled and vowed to never again make a Break Barrel? I’m sure with your contacts and knowledge you could get to the bottom of it.



    • Yogi

      While I do own and like all types I will always love my break barrels. No preparation stuff to do. One cock and ready to shoot. Seems like you may need a Feinwerkbau Sport but what FPE do you want? My Olympia Walther LGV will go head to head with anything I own out to 25 yards and with peep sights.


  2. BB,

    Trust is earned over time especially over the internet. Parallels in experience accelerate the timeline. When there is a healthy mix in the discussion which is encouraged that also helps in building online trust.


    • There are some real clowns on youtube purporting to be air gun gurus. One calls himself The Airgun King , I think.. I responded to one of his videos, ” So, Tom Gaylord the Godfather of Air gunning add you are the King ? Well bless your heart.”

  3. B.B.,


    “The thing about it is, very few people know their own strengths and fewer still their weaknesses. But they don’t have to know them as long as you do.”
    A lifetime spent growing strengths and the one that is the hardest strength to master is admitting to myself that there are weaknesses that are built in to this one-off design and build.
    Every night I pray that God may give me the strength to change what can be changed and accept what can’t.

    I am an airgunner with a strong affinity for the Dark Side!


      • RidgeRunner,

        Once again the Lottery has been won by some Lucky Individual and a few dollars were set on fire by my better half and me. I will never be a true BreakBarrel aficionado but it has been fun shooting more in the backyard! I might even have had passing thoughts about some other spring piston airguns but would rather buy more ammo to shoot those airguns I already have temporary custody of.
        Your advice to “…stick with the nice ones.” is solid avice I will certainly take with pleasure.


    • >>> Every night I pray that God may give me the strength to change what can be changed and accept what can’t. <<<

      … my name is Hank and I am addicted to airguns 😉

  4. BB,

    Your brother-in-law should try the Remington 783HBT in .308 Win.. It’s excellent value and has a great recoil pad that’s very gentle on the shoulder – my Baikal MP-513m kicks harder!

    • OK. Time for B-I-L to reply. I have always been a “closet air gunner” but now I have been exposed! As for my Savage 308 Stealth, I added a muzzle brake and what a difference. They really work and are worth it. I also added a nice recoil pad. Because the Mauser was a special gift from Tom and Edith, I have given it the nickname Gaylord. It is very accurate for an old gal and has indeed harvested a feral hog. Thanks for the kind comments

      • Bob-in-law,

        “Closet air gunner”! That made me laugh, but I remember it’s only about 30 years ago that Guns & Ammo ran an article on “adult airguns”, describing a Diana Model 48/52 producing 1100 fps and blowing through a one inch pine board at 30 yards. That article was designed to give the shooting public, who still considered airguns kids’ toys, pause for thought.

        Great to hear you are now enjoying your Savage 308 Stealth. Yes, a muzzle brake can do a great job of taming recoil. That’s part of the reason I suggested the Remington 783HBT (Heavy Barrel, Threaded); it comes ready cut for a 5/8″-24 brake or suppressor..

        Good that you replaced the recoil pad on the Stealth. The factory pad looks like the sole of a combat boot and I can imagine it would leave anyone’s shoulder battered and bruised..

        The Remington 783HBT has a 24″ barrel, but there is also a version with a 16.5″ barrel which would make a great truck gun or rifle for shooting from a blind. And since I’m thinking you are a chassis guy, MDT do a nice Oryx chassis for it, though it does cost as much as the rifle itself.

        Would you mind posting a pic of the Gaylord Mauser? I’d love to see that rifle.

  5. I prefer reviews that describe the good, the bad (!) and the in-between of something.
    I think a 100% trustworthy review cannot exist because that author would have to be so independent that they could not be persuaded by anything or anybody, including themselves, to write it. 🙂

    By the way:
    Like Bob, I also do not (!) consider myself to be an ‘airgunner’.
    However, I would accept the less serious label of ‘airgun plinker’. 🙂

  6. BB,

    I have to ask B-I-L Bob, what is an airgunner? I may be one, but I am not sure.

    Golly gee whiz, but that Pro-Elite sounds like a real break barrel to me! I would hate to see what one with a walnut stock would cost these days.

  7. Great report, B.B. Just from the title, I was expecting a report on buying airguns from the internet auction sites with little to no description. But it turned out to be more insightful. As always, thanks for being you, with all your strengths and weaknesses, and for all the interesting reports and comments along the way. Today is election day, and I am less than enthusiastic about my choices. I hope and pray we as neighbors can find a way to be more tolerant, respectful, and patient, though the political forces seem to only be trying to drive people apart. I miss reading comments from Michael. I hope he is well.

  8. BB,

    Think the most important thing to see/understand about reviews and reports is the bias of the author. Then weight the comments accordingly.

    Being a “touchy feely” sort of guy I hate buying something “sight unseen” from the internet. Specs and numbers are a guide but nothing compares to being able to hold the item and evaluate it yourself.

    Many thanks to you and the readership here who share their experience/knowledge of the products they own!


    • Vana2,

      Hank we need an Airgun Library and shooting ambassadors loaded in a tractor trailer (Combi) to travel around countries with potential airgunners and bring the opportunity to shoot various airguns in the onboard range to the Masses!


      • Shootski,

        Guess I’m a “shooting ambassador” sorta.

        Every year, just before deer hunting season, I go to the sandpits (to pick up brass for a friend who reloads) and bring a couple of airguns along.

        Used to be that I could make quite a bit of cash off the guys sighting in their rifles betting that my PCPs could out shoot their centerfires.

        Well, they’ve wised up and don’t bet against me any more but they do enjoy shooting my PCPs. A couple of them have even joined in and bought airguns.

        So does promoting our hobby makes me an “airgun ambassador” or an “airgun enabler”?


        • Hank,

          You get to choose depending on how hoity toity you want to be!
          But I believe i can Telediagnose that you Sir have a Full Blown case of Airgunitus!
          Only Airgunners get that dreaded disease!


  9. Maybe both sides of the aisle can come together over an enjoyable hobby – such as airgunning. One can dream. Is FM an airgunner? Guess that depends on what the meaning of “airgunner” is, which may in turn depend on what the meaning of “is” is. Think FM heard that somewhere before. What FM know is he’s been drawn in, thanks to this blog commanded by Blogmeister B.B. with strong support from all others who comment and share their knowledge on the subject willingly. FM has been hooked by all ye enablers and he thanks you for that. Wish it had happened sooner. Sure wish there had been a blog by a B.B. on the subject of Kübelwagens 40+ years ago – FM might have a fewer gray hairs now.. He sure learned the value of research and due diligence in the process, much of it after the fact. With this blog and all other resources available “out there” these days, getting into airguns is, maybe not a piece of cake, but a heck of a lot easier.

  10. What makes someone an Airgunner?
    Simple. Somone who choses or prefers to use an airgun over a firearm for certain shooting sports. Be it by choice or circumstance. If I own one … I ‘are’ one. 😉
    The only thing you need to decide is what type of Airgunner are you. Target shooter, Pest Control / Hunter, Plinker, Collector or all the above, and to what degree? Serious or casual?

      • hihihi,

        Better off than an airgunner who is underwater!
        (Because you owe more than your home (airgun) is worth, your mortgage (loan) is considered “underwater.” Sometimes you’ll also hear the term “upside-down” to describe an underwater mortgage.)


      • 3hi
        Now that’s a good one!
        If they were shooting an airgun, they would, but more than likely, they would be called Stupid or a Dumb A. Your chances of hitting anything smaller than a building with an airgun would be nil, assuming they were flying.
        Otherwise, the term door gunner or tail gunner or any other position he occupies would be the correct term, not airgunner. Now, from a hot air balloon or parachute, other names would be more appropriate as well, if using a firearm.
        Now if he had an airgun … An airgunner in the air 🙂

        I could probable be of more help if you told me specifically how this firearms shooter happens to be “In the air” shooting. Otherwise, they would simply be called dead when they hit the ground. Unless of course they simply jumped up into the air to fire.

  11. B.B./Tom, Roamin’ Greco, and Everybody,

    This morning I sat down with my second cup of coffee, opened my e-mail (personal, not work—I’ve been retired for 2 ½ years now). I was happy and surprised to see I had e-mails from two longtime blog readers and commenters.

    When I decided not to comment on the blog some months ago, I also decided not to read it either because if I read the blog, I could not resist the temptation to comment. I recall I read two or three blog entries in the couple weeks after I stopped commenting, followed by one on the Dragonfly Mk2 (Part Two or Three?) a few weeks later, but that was it.

    But both of the readers who contacted me wrote that if I do not read the blog anymore, I really should at least read this morning’s edition. So I did.

    I was surprised to see my being mentioned in the comments. It does feel good to be remembered. As it was pondered, I’m doing fine, still loving my retirement and still shooting at targets and feral pop cans in my backyard. I am starting to consider selling off much of my collection so that the airguns can be taken out and shot more. As they say, you can shoot only one at a time. I had planned to attend the Kalamazoo show, which would have been my first air gun show in more than a dozen years as an enthusiast, but at the last minute a family emergency (minor) convinced me I should stay home that weekend.

    The subject of today’s blog did intrigue me, and I do have a comment to make on its subject (big surprise, eh?). Regarding being persuaded to purchase specific air guns because of enthusiastically positive online reviews, because of B.B./Tom I have owned a Hakim, Feinwerkbau 124, Diana 27/Winchester 427, Air Arms TX200, an Air Venturi Bronco, and a vintage Webley pistol. All are excellent air guns in all the ways Tom described them. And this is also true of many other air guns Tom praised and then I acquired and enjoyed. As for a reviewer’s biases, it is obvious Tom’s bias is for well-designed, well-made, and accurate air guns!

    One of the blog readers who contacted me this morning urged me to read not only today’s edition but also read the series on the Dragonfly Mk 2. I looked them up and just finished reading them – I found 16 of them! (O.K., I did skim a bit.)

    I must say my brief experience with the rifle was entirely different than Tom’s. I bought one back in the Spring and was not able to pump the handle four or five times before exhaustion set in. I dry-fired it one time and then decided to return it as it was utterly unusable. It was the hardest-cocking multi-pump I’ve ever laid hands on, and not by a little.

    Cracking open the pumping handle/lever was extremely difficult. My guess is it took 50 pounds or so of effort to separate it from the rest of the gun. Swinging it open from there took virtually no effort, until the handle/lever was at 90 degrees open. From there the final 30 or so degrees of its arc took what I estimate to be another 50 pounds of effort. (I wish I had rigged up a sling and fishing scale and measured the effort of these stages.) Closing the lever was slightly less strenuous than opening it, but again at the start and the end it was extraordinarily difficult. (For the record, I am 6 feet tall and over 300 pounds. For much of my life I was an avid power-lifter, and I am still quite strong.)

    Tom, it is of course possible that by chance you received for review an unusually fine-operating Dragonfly MK 2, and I might have by the luck-of-the-draw received the worst clunker ever to escape the factory. There is no denying that most user reviews (and every professional review I’ve read) of the model are favorable. Nevertheless, those few negative and mixed online user reviews seem to criticize similar issues to those I experienced. Just my two cents. Perhaps I will give the Dragonfly Mk 2 another chance and order one again.

    I must say it feels very good to stop back at the blog.


    • Michael,

      There is always that chance that I receive an airgun that’s been set up for me. I hope it doesn’t happen often.

      I have also had the reverse — an airgun “they” couldn’t get to work and then were told to send to me.

      But it was much better seeing your comment today than any blog report I can think of..


      • Tom,

        WOW! Is it possible to be both humbled and flattered simultaneously? Because I am. Thank you.

        Regarding the Dragonfly Mk2, I did not mean to imply anything untoward, merely suggesting earnestly that you “might had” (a South Carolinism I like) the random chance of getting one of the really good ones while it happened that my random chance dealt me one that got past during a Quality Control bathroom break. Sometimes during Cold Season a patient goes to his doctor complaining of nasal congestion, cough, and body aches And then, Occam’s Razor be darned, it turns out he has a rare fungal infection of the Upper Respiratory! I will buy one again. Garp decided to buy the house because it had been “pre-disastered.” With Dragonfly Mk 2s, maybe I will turn out to be pre-disastered. :^)


        • Michael,

          Go for it and I would suggest the ten for ten test to be sure all is right. Here is a copy of the 10 for ten test, some cheep insurance.

          10-for-$10 Test! | $10.00

          For just $10.00, you can buy peace of mind that your airsoft gun
          or airgun won’t be a lemon!
          To make sure your gun shoots right out of the box, our techs will:

          1 Remove your gun from its box and visually inspect it to verify there are no defects.
          2 Fire 10 shots.
          3 Confirm that the gun cocks reliably for all shots.
          4 Verify that the trigger functions reliably for all shots.
          5 Enclose chronograph tape of 10 fired shots.
          6 Make sure your gun doesn’t leak (PCP, gas & CO2 airguns and airsoft guns).
          7 List the air pressure used to shoot your gun (PCPs only).
          8 Sign & date a certificate stating when the test was performed.
          9 List the name and serial number of the tested gun on the certificate.

          NOTE: Selecting this service may delay shipment by one business day

          Good luck and welcome back.


        • Michael

          Welcome back!

          Do get the 10 for $10 test as suggested. I was one who had pumping issues with my first Dragonfly Mk2. I finally became convinced by Tom’s last report to order another. WHAT A DIFFERENCE! I am quite satisfied even though accuracy, while good, isn’t quite equal to Tom’s rifle. Barrels are different of course but there is an almost limitless combination of pumps/pellets to try.

          Hope you get a winner.


    • Michael, so glad to hear from you!
      I think of you and your 427, every time I shoot my (new to me) Winchester 425 or my 435. And that makes me think of your collection of airguns that have been reduced to 3 dimensional parts diagrams. And then I smile.

      • Roamin’

        A Winchester 435! I would love one of those, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen any for sale online.

        I do have a 425, and it is as good as my Gen 1 Air Venturi Bronco. It cocks with the same effortlessness, it is just as accurate, and the trigger is almost as good.


        • I found it on American Airguns classified ads. It was a package deal with a Winchester 425. The 435 was a LOT bigger than I thought it would be from the pictures. It was in very good shape. Just a dusting of surface rust here and there that cleaned up with a bit of 0000 steel wool and some Ballistol. There is only one small blemish on the stock. It has a broken spring, I think, but as most of my shooting is in the basement at 10 yards, it is not an issue. Someday if I ever take it apart, I’ll take some measurements and get a new spring for it. It has globe front sights and the standard plastic and metal adjustable rear sight with the leaf you can rotate to the notch you like. I need to get a very narrow wrench to get the front sight apart, and I need to get a few replacement inserts for it. I would prefer a perlcorn, a post and a target circle to the picket-fence-post-like pointer that is stuck in there now. I’m trying to figure out if Anschutz inserts will fit it. It also has the ball bearing trigger with the two screws.

          I bought a vintage Diana peep sight to go with it and it shoots beatifully. Oh, and it is .177 caliber.

          So now I find myself trolling around for a 427 and a 450 in good shape but for a good price. I’ve seen a few 435s too, but they were looked a bit too rough. If I see one, I’ll let you know.

          • Roamin’

            I am at a stage when I am thinking of thinning the herd rather than expanding it, but thanks for thinking of me. :^) If you get a 450/50, be sure it is one of the earlier ones, not one of the later, magnum power ones. The medium-powered ones are the coveted ones. Look for the two little trigger adjustment screws as with some eras of the 427/27. They are looong air rifles to be sure, enough to make your 435 look like a carbine. They are more desirable with the original Diana aperture sight.

            Be aware that they are (concealed) underlevers and taploaders. They tend to prefer RWS pure lead pellets with thin skirts.


    • Michael
      Sometimes I wonder what reasons people have for fading away here. Me thinks old has a lot to do with it. I thought I would drop off for a bit there but really have no reason to. Just thought I was getting out of hand with my purchases and what’s done is done. But I do have a lot of things to get done at home. Mostly I jump in at night before sleeping.
      Decided to wait for big sales when I can now. Gives me a cooling off period with new airguns.

      I was a bit worried that the pump handle on my Dragonfly Mk2 might drop out of the stowed position, it is so easy to pull out. Now, I believe, I have a torn Rotator Cuff in my left shoulder from doing one too many pushups and I have no problem pumping mine.
      You must have got one built on a Monday morning or Friday afternoon.
      My big problem is trying to remember to cock it first.
      This Dragonfly2 just feels good in your hands. I am very pleased with it without doing any serious shooting just yet.
      I wish we would hear more about what causes were found for these sorts of things.

      BB, I may be mistaken but you don’t seem to criticize people or should I say correct people with misleading entries. Lord knows I may be guilty of misleading myself.
      Too much work time as the guy in charge and not being corrected or that short time spent in college may have led me to believe I am always right?

      I remember stating that college does not make you smart just educated but the fact is a lot of already smart people do choose to go to college. A ‘Smart’ choice, so it seems they do go hand in hand for the most part.

      • Bob,

        I’ve been on the blog as a commenter for about 12 years and a reader only for some time before that. Ijn that time I’ve seen a dozen or two regulars I never thought would stop by at least once a week, but I think they are all gone now. Some might stop by every now and then. Every now and then the names of those long gone blog pals come back to me: kevin, Matt61, DaveUK, duskwight,

        Hey, is twotalon still around? Fred PRoNJ?


      • Bob,

        I just reread your comment (sometimes I do that) and saw I missed your having suffered a torn rotator cuff. Ouch! Sorry to hear that. It must cause terrific pain.

        I was born with a congenital defect of my shoulder and hip joints. The hip joints are the same defect — not enough clearance above the ball at the end of the femur (or humerus up above). When the muscle expands as it flexes, the fibers rub against the bone. My doctor said I have enough scar tissue on the underside of my deltoid muscles, that he was surprised I could lift my arms above my shoulders. He was aghast when I told him about my bench-pressing. He then showed me how I have more scar tissue on the front of the deltoids and said that was what power lifting had gotten me. I said. “I thought weight training was good for bones?” He responded, “Good for bone density, bad for joints.” Ah, now I learn that.


        • Michael
          Thought I would give it time to heal on its own, not knowing exactly what I did. Weeks later I still can’t sleep on it but the pain is all but gone and I have full movement. I do take Collagen.
          I hear they just immobilize it for treatment if it’s not too severe, so I wait and see. But I do worry about improper healing. However, the best of life is behind my now and I may be able to live with it.
          Crashed my motorcycle in 1968 and dislocated the same shoulder. They put me in a jelly cast, all ace bandage, and left it for weeks. Did the same for my ex recently but she needs her joints replaced anyway.
          Forty years later something popped, and my collar bones matched each other, and I could finally raise my arm straight up. Similar thing happened to a coworker. The body has ways sometimes.
          Speaking of English, spell checker has graduated to grammar checking and is driving me crazy. I like to create my own. If the communication is successful, I win. 🙂
          I think twotalon just dropped by recently. ChrisUSA has gone quiet also.

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    Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

    Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

    View Shipping Info

  • Shipping Time Frame

    We work hard to get all orders placed by 12 pm EST out the door within 24 hours on weekdays because we know how excited you are to receive your order. Weekends and holiday shipping times will vary.

    During busy holidays, we step our efforts to ship all orders as fast as possible, but you may experience an additional 1-2 day delay before your order ships. This may also happen if you change your order during processing.

    View Shipping Times

  • Shipping Restrictions

    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

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  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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