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Ammo The .25-caliber JTS Airacuda Max: Part Three

The .25-caliber JTS Airacuda Max: Part Three

Airacuda Max
Airacuda Max from JTS.

Part 1
Part 2

This report covers:

  • Pre-test frustration
  • The test
  • Something unusual
  • JSB Exact King Heavy
  • JTS Dead Center pellets
  • Trigger pull
  • H&N Baracuda Hunter Extreme
  • Wake up — BB!
  • Summary

Today we start looking at the accuracy of the .25-caliber JTS Airacuda Max precharged pneumatic (PCP) air rifle. I know how this one ends and I think you’ll be excited about it.

Pre-test frustration

First I had to scope the rifle. I had a scope in mounts from another report that was over, so I thought I would swap it over to the Airacuda Max and be done in 10 minutes. Two hours later I finished, after rejecting two scopes, and one set of mounts. I won’t bore you with the details, but let’s just say everything that could go wrong, did. I finally took a scope from a rifle that’s still being tested; that’s how desperate I was. I had to laugh when it was all over.

The test

Today’s test was never going to be conclusive. It was just a test to get the scope mounted and zeroed and even that didn’t work out as planned. I had shimmed the third scope that was finally mounted on the Airacuda and all of today’s groups landed more than an inch above the aim point. So, before the next test, the shims have to be removed. That is quite unusual, but it means that this Airacuda Max has NO barrel droop!

I shot from 10 meters today. The rifle was rested in a sandbag rest on the shooting bench. Each pellet was fired 10 times into its group and of course they were all shot from the magazine. The Airacuda Max doesn’t have a single shot tray that I know of.

Something unusual

You know how I usually put an American dime next to the group to give you a size reference? Today I also used a single coin for the entire test but it wasn’t the dime. Today the silver three-cent piece that’s called a trime was the coin used for scale. That’s right — all pellets made 10-shot groups smaller than two-tenths of an inch, which is 5.08mm. That’s the distance between the centers of the two holes that are farthest apart.

JSB Exact King Heavy

The first pellet tested was the JSB Exact King Heavy dome that weighs 33.95 grains. Ten went into 0.19-inches between centers at 10 meters. The group is nice and round, indicating the Airacuda Max likes this pellet.

Airacuda King 10
The Airacuda Max put 10 JSB Exact King Heavy pellets into a 0.19-inch group at 10 meters. Yep — that’s a trime. The other pellets have their work cut out for them!

Stock up on Air Gun Ammo

JTS Dead Center pellets

Next up was the pellet that is the reason for this test. I don’t just mean today’s test; I mean the test of the Airacuda Max rifle altogether! The .25-caliber JTS Dead Center pellet is one of those special domed pellets I brought back from the SHOT Show this year, and as I told you, the Benjamin Marauder is the only repeating .25-caliber PCP I own. This Airacuda Max was loaned for me to round out my test of the .25-caliber JTS pellets.

The Airacuda Max put 10 of these JTS Dead Center pellets into a group that measures 0.186-inches between centers at 10 meters. Truthfully, there is so little difference between this group and the last one that it’s difficult to say which one is smaller. This one looks bigger until you realize that nine of the ten shots are in a perfectly round 0.0-inch group. Only one shot — number six or seven — strayed out to the right side, and no, it wasn’t a called pull. Guys — I’m not this good a shooter! Until shot six I never saw the first pellet hole enlarge.

Airacuda JTS 10
Ten JTS Dead Center .25-caliber pellets are in 0.186-inches at 10 meters, with nine in a hole too small to measure.

Trigger pull

After shooting the second group I noticed that the trigger has smoothed out. Stage one is light and stops abruptly at stage two. Stage two no longer has that ever-so-light creep I mentioned in Part 2. I can feel it moving but it’s absolutely smooth.

H&N Baracuda Hunter Extreme

The last pellet I tested today was the H&N Baracuda Hunter Extreme hollowpoint. I haven’t tested this pellet very much — both because it’s a hollowpoint and also because this one is .25 caliber. Like the JTS Dead Center pellet, the first five of these went through the same hole. The ten-shot group measures 0.181-inches between centers, and in this instance I believe I can say this one is the smallest group of the test. I know I measured it that way but even with the possible measuring errors, this one just looks smaller!

Airacuda Hunter Extreme 10
The JTS Airacuda Max put ten .25-caliber H&N Baracuda Hunter Extremes into a 0.181-inch group at 10 meters.

Wake up — BB!

I only filled the rifle at the start of today’s test. Including the four sight-in pellets, I fired 34 shots total. That’s more than the 25 shots I mentioned in Part 2. Of course I’m only shooting at 10 meters so I get away with a lot more carelessness.

This is my reminder to refill after 20 shots when I back up to 25 yards for the next test. Since I’m going to have to sight in all over because of de-shimming the scope for the next test, I will refill right after that and after shot 20, so every pellet has the best chance to excel.


This JTS Airacuda Max is a real contender, folks! And the JTS Dead Center pellet in .25 caliber is also a contender. There is genuine quality here, and that’s always good. I think I can say that we have another premium pellet brand.

For the next test my plan is to remove the scope shims and re-zero the rifle. I’m leaving this UTG AccuShot SWAT 4-16X44 scope right where it is. Then I will back up to 25 yards and we’ll all see just how accurate this Airacuda Max really is.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

78 thoughts on “The .25-caliber JTS Airacuda Max: Part Three”

  1. B.B.,

    Is there perhaps a number (10 or 20) engraved somewhere on that PICATINNY rail?
    You really need to tell us how a PICATINNY rail takes two hours to get scoped!
    25 and perhaps 50 in the future for pellets and rifle?


    • Wow, I have never shot either of my Airacudas at 10 yds, that’s a treat to see a $420 gun shoot like a match rifle.

      From owning a prototype Airacuda Max,and knowing that several improvements were made to the production guns, I think BB might have to go all the way out to 100yds before he starts to challenge the accuracy of the rifle.

      And by chance that’s the same scope I have mounted on my Max.

      The downside, the mag loads into the gun from the left, and if you put the enlarged side focus wheel on the scope, you can’t insert the magazine.

      Happy Friday everyone!

    • “You really need to tell us how a PICATINNY rail takes two hours to get scoped!

      Yes, definitely!!! Would rather learn from your experiences.

  2. Yes, B.B.

    this kind of accuracy needs to be tested at 25 and 50 yards. Maybe, since it is a .25 caliber, it should also be tested at 100 yards. Maybe even testing some slugs. Please give this test the full Monty test!


    • Yogi-

      Ok, oddball question- could you mount a scope upside down so it would clear the sidewheel?

      Set aside that it would be nearly impossible to adjust, would make it hard to mount for good eye positioning, and it would get in the way of the magazine. Disregard the details.

      In the most basic sense, will a scope function and adjust reliably upside down?

      Has anyone ever tried it?

      Have you ever heard of such a tale, Mr. Pelletier?

        • BB-

          I understand the practical problems of using it upside down.

          The core of my question is, would a scope work upside down?

          Mechanically, does it have to be oriented in a particular way to function?

          Would it work upside down?

          • ProfSteelToe,

            The scope does not care about its position, it will work fine upside down just remember that reverses the scope adjustment up=down left=right, the important orientation is front to back if reversed your target at 10 meters will look like about 1000 meters.


      • ProfSteelToe,

        You have gotten a number of good answers thus far.
        Other than the sidefocus wheel probably still getting in the way of the magazine the side cocking lever and perhaps not even clearing the scope ring bases; i would rather start at what for? Unless you are doing Field Target or some other rule driven shooting event/game it makes more sense to use a rangefinder or a Reticle that has stadia to measure distances. Easier to use the Reticle in FFP (First Focal Plane) but can be done in a SFP (Second Focal Plane) at a predetermined power setting (usually 10X) but can be done with simple arithmetic at any other power.
        The design and quality of that PARTICULAR Erector to Scope Body (tube) would determine if there was a chance of position induced gravitational issues.


  3. Tom,

    So this Eastern made rifle had NO droop, accurate without being pellet fussy and has a great trigger after being broken in!? Wake up ALL manufacturers! Somebody is actually listening and DOING SOMETHING!


  4. I am sure glad I am not on a tight budget and trying to decide on my first airgun, or PCP in particular.
    After just getting a DragonFly, TX200 and Sidewinder, there’s not much more I need to satisfy my addiction. Except perhaps something new like a springer with no recoil and the next must have replica.
    And now that my old shipmate is safe and comfortable in his memory care home and I emptied and gave away his neglected and packed 32′ sailboat, perhaps I can get in some real shooting time this spring. If the rain ever stops and things dry out, so I can fix a roof leak, my destroyed dirt road and pull or kill a few thousand weeds. Not to mention the heavy repairs my cars and home need. Put a lot of stuff off for way too long. I think I need to rent some grandchildren.

    • Don’t rent grandchildren. Youl would then need to rent a whip, too.

      You and I have a “grand problem.” The projects are now all “grand” and so are we.! They get longer and bigger as we just get older and weaker.

      • LFranke,
        I have been told “If you don’t set a completion date, it will never get done”. Probably should get a calendar, may solve everything. Just too cold in winter and too hot n summer. Thin skinned these days.

  5. What can I say, but I am impressed. I do not like this stock, but one cannot argue with this performance. So far, it looks to be a real game changer for the PCP world. If it can maintain this kind of precision at 50 yards or more, there is going to be a bunch of people unhappy at spending a couple of grand for what they have.

    As Siraniko pointed out, someone is paying attention. I know it is made in China, but who manufactures the JTS air rifles and pellets?

  6. Not only off topic but off airguns. Just received a link to a short video on the largest model railroad. Absolutely incredible. If you are interested just lookup ‘Miniatur Wunderland official video’ or German Wunderland. Spelling of miniatur may be German?
    They have created an entire miniature world.

    • Bob M
      Just post the link. I don’t think nobody will be offended. After all its a weekend blog..

      And to say I have been thinking about getting into model rail roading. One of my friends when we was in school was big time into model rail roading. He had a layout in his basement that was made similar to the local area’s rail system. He had a switching tower by his house. We would go there and they would let us come up and watch sometimes.

        • pacoinohio, it is easier to understand the pain of the few and numbingly incomprehensible when it is committed to the many.

          Remember also, that today (!) many humans will be put to death at the hands of humans. The murderer’s nationality is as unimportant as that of their victim!

          Beware of those who think the world has too many humans! Always!!

          • It is not about too many humans; it is about too many humans being in the wrong place at the wrong time for the wrong reasons and more so if their behavior is inhuman; would wager the Ukrainians understand that concept, which is why they’re refusing to passively allow themselves to be obliterated by too many humans behaving badly. There is one human too many infesting Moscow, IMO. That’s Moscow in the Russian Federation.

      • GF1,
        Yes, it is. Just looked at the time I made the entry 6:05 am. Well, that was actually 3:05 am my time. Just before I go to bed for the night. Get up around noon. Retirement is good. Always was a night life person.
        Trains around the Christmas tree were a boomers tradition and I don’t think we ever grew out of loving them. Life just got in the way.

        • Bob
          “Trains around the Christmas tree were a boomers tradition and I don’t think we ever grew out of loving them. Life just got in the way.”
          How nostalgic and true as well.
          Thank you for some moments of peaceful happiness.

  7. I just thought I’d comment on the JTS pellets . . . After Tom’s good results in an earlier post, I bought some in .22 cal to try.

    They are very consistent, and are the new best pellet in my Huben (2021 model, but with a 2018 LW barrel installed), beating out the JSB 18.1 grain pellet. They shoot about the same as the JSB 18.1 in my Air Ranger and Marauders. The JSB/AA 18.1’s were among the best in the Marauders, but while they shot well in the Air Ranger they were not the best pellets in it – the AA 16 grain is still the one hole pellet of choice in it.

    I think they will be my new pellet of choice in this weight.


    • AlanMcD

      I too got some JTS pellets in .22 caliber. Tried them in several different break barrel rifles. They are now the best pellet for a very hold sensitive big store rifle I have tried to master for several years finally delivering sub 1 inch 10 shot groups at 25 yards. Other rifles did not like them as well as AA 16 grain or Field Target Trophy pellets. The JTS pellets, as BB said, offer shooters another premium pellet to choose from.


  8. BB-

    I fail to see the reasoning for immediately removing the scope shims. I think this very precise gun warrants testing (as is) at multiple ranges as others have suggested. By having 10, 25, 50 and 100 yard data sets, you will be able to construct a very useful trajectory chart. I wouldn’t test all pellets at all ranges, though. Move to 25 for the next set to see if there is any significant difference between pellets. If so, pick ‘the one’ for further tests. If no significant difference, pick any and go. Trajectory and developing the range card can be its own blog.

    • Pacoinohio

      Seems like a good idea considering that scope is happy mounted as is. Would cant be hard to control? I don’t shoot pellets at targets past 25 yards so no experience for me.



      • Decksniper,

        I forgot to delve into Canting beyond 25 yards.
        The Cant of the rifle is as difficult to control as you let it become.
        It can be seen in the field relative to things that are actually vertical. Most reliable are trees/Sun seeking plants in areas without winds from a routinely consistent direction. A plumb bob or things similar to a plumb bob work like water dripping or falling in little or no wind.
        The true horizontal is difficult to ascertain because of the many optical illusions our bodies and brains fall for. There is one exception that I know off and that is still bodies of water.
        You can use a level mounted on your gun or projected onto a surface to see the relative cant relationship.
        After all that if you are shooting Off Hand, Kneeling, or even Prone and have Surveyed your surroundings and set out telltales…actually! Forget everything I have said. Most all us shooters are not good enough to notice the result of average Cant in the field! Only if you have enough Cant to be called on it by companion shooters will the wind, breath control, and all the other faults that afflict us shooters not far exceed the POI (Point Of Impact) problems of Cant.
        Bet you didn’t see that coming.


  9. Tom,

    Wow. If this .25 Aircuda Max is this accurate, what would you expect from the .22? I would have no use for a .25 air rifle, but .22 is fine.

    I gave up on PCPs years ago. I have two practically unused Benjamin Whatevers that have been collecting dust since the model came out, one a MK I and the other a MK II. They are accurate, but the nearest Scuba shop is 1200 miles away, and who wants a compressor for plinking?

    But in .22 or especially .177 (not offered, I know) one of these would be tempting.


    • Micheal,

      Since you have those guns already, it might be worthwhile looking into the plethora of small compressors that are out there now that are great at direct filling guns.

      My pointing this out points to the obvious fact that I am one that does want (and has) a compressor for shooting, including most plinking. Most of my shooting anymore is with the PCPs as I have tanks that I fill off a Shoebox compressor, and thus refilling is super easy. Those small direct fill compressors are not as convenient as a tank, and I’ll agree that nothing beats a good springer when you want to relax by just shooting a tin of pellets at stuff, but it is an option that can get those guns in the rotation.

      I will add that back before I got the Shoebox, when I had to either go to the dive shop to fill the tank or use the handpump, shooting the PCPs was not as enjoyable – I often shot springers more back then. Since getting the Shoebox things have reversed, and my one remaining springer doesn’t get shot much (since I got the compressor, the only one I kept is an HW-30S and the others are gone).


    • Michael,

      “…but the nearest Scuba shop is 1200 miles away…”
      If you have GOOGLE MAPS or some other Map App enter: North Chicago Dive Shops. As I recall you are closer than 1,200 miles from there and you have man to pick from. You could also enter your actual locality name and: Dive Shops Near Me.

      Where there is a will there is a way.


      • shootski,

        According to search engines there are many scuba shops within 150 miles (round trip) from me in the Chicago suburbs. However, every single time (perhaps six times in total) I have checked the website and or phone number of the shop, it was out-of-business. Serious Lake Michigan divers have their own private clubs with their own high-end compressors.

        Once I happened to be about 30 miles from home and coincidentally near one I had googled earlier that week. I pulled up to the store front and yep, they were out of business. The same has been true for paintball shops.

        I recall twice finding a reasonably local dive shop and once finding a very close paintball facility where I was informed they filled only to 3000 psi, and with pretty strict volume limits, too.

        I also called a few local firehouses, including one whose Chief is an old high school friend, and no-go. The story was always that it caused too much wear and tear on their equipment.

        The only real option would be to find a welding shop that would rent me a steel tank of (probably) many hundreds of cubic feet at 6000 psi along with a regulator. It would be heavy enough that they would have to deliver it as well. A likely problem with that route would also be the limit of how many months (or years) I could hold onto it before they came to get it back. How many shots from a small bore air rifle would that provide? Thousands, perhaps tens of thousands I imagine. After 12 months I’d have used maybe half of the usable air.

        Nope. My impression is still that airgunning is too small of a hobby in these parts to support PCP fill stations. Local airgun hunters no doubt buy and maintain small $300 Chinese compressors, but none of that fuss is necessary with a good springer. :^)

        Actually, I’ve just talked (written?) myself out of an Aircuda. Too much hassle.


        • There are small compressors for under $300 that will capably fill rifles/pistols. They don’t require much other than some simple annual maintenance.

          Here’s one for $298 including tax & shipping https://gxpumpofficial.com/collections/portable-pump/products/gx-cs2-portable-pcp-air-compressor-4500psi-30mpa-oil-free-powered-by-car-12v-dc-or-home-110v-ac-with-adapter-included

          It is also available on Amazon as are many others.

          I’ve used a Hatsan Spark for the past couple of years to fill 3-4 rifles/pistols. A few months ago, I noticed it was filling slower. It took less than an hour following a very nice YouTube tutorial to clean it up and it runs like new again.

          Don’t deny yourself the enjoyment of PCPs over perceived air supply issues 🙂

          • MisterAP

            Thanks for heads up. Just got one via Amazon with 3 year warranty. I only have PCP’s that need low PSI to suit my needs. It also is a compressor small enough to keep indoors.

            I am tip toeing away from hand pumps. Who knows, maybe this opens the lid barring me from getting more PCP’s.

            Hey GF1, Shootski, BB and Chris if you are reading this; should I turn up the power on my Ataman P16 and risk messing up an amazingly accurate hammer spring setting? Maybe just once and try to return it to current setting.


            • Decksniper,

              Up above a bunch of different folks told B.B. to not mess with his scope shim job one of them was YOU. So all of your alls efforts worked and B.B. is staying with the shim.
              I’m all for more power for the right reasons and only IF it doesn’t degrade precision or shooter accuracy.
              NOW for your wanting to turn up the power…why?
              Are the pellets failing to make it to the target? “…amazingly accurate hammer spring setting?” SO…pellets must be getting to the target. Not making it through the paper or backer? I doubt that. Are you planning to pest with it and worry you don’t have enough power to get a clean kill; mind you done without a pass through. That would be excess power for sure.
              You can do it as long as you feel the need for SPEED strongly enough. Document exactly (with a Chronograph) an a video the number of turns and also log everything on paper fill pressure, air temperature, pellet and pellet weight.
              When/IF you want to go back to the current setting you may need to pass by and return ON THE TURNS to avoid lash, binding, to defeat any number of tools the Gremlins use to mess with us and our airguns!
              If i didn’t scare you out of trying then the need to try outweighs the sweet spot you have…Go For It!
              You should be able to get back to it if need be with that data, video, and your Chronograph. Armed to the teeth to beat back those airgun Gremlins.


              • Shootski

                Perhaps Jack Daniel’s Old No. 7 was doing the thinking for me last night. Accuracy with this pistol has not wavered since I’ve had it. Even moderate wind gusts have little effect on the AA 16 grain pellets. The only pest I want to shoot is Ms Murphy but she never appears with this Ataman.

                My sudden more power attack was just me wondering what this pistol could do at 100 yards on the range where noise is no bother to anyone. You have put that thought to rest at least for now. “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it” and I will add don’t fix it til it is broke.

                I do have another question and it’s too early for No. 7.
                Velocity holds fairly steady from 190 bar down to 120 bar (2750 psi to 1750 psi). Is there any permanent threat to accuracy if I put more air in the reservoir to increase the shots per fill? The Ataman holds up to 4350 psi.


                • Decksniper,

                  It is deigned to be filled that high.
                  Is there a 100% certainty that nothing will change, no.
                  I have never seen a change on a regulator output as long as fill is not over INPUT design pressure.
                  But if you want the greater number of shots it should not cause problems or introduce risks.


                • Decksniper,

                  Since you are filling with air any fill above 250 BAR is mostly a waste of air due to the gas laws. For every 1 BAR over you don’t get the same (greater) shot count increase that you get from 0 to 250 BAR. You do however stress the containment vessel and increase the risk and extent of physical injury from pinhole leaks.


                  In plain English fills over 250 BAR with air are not warranted in my opinion.


                  • Shootski

                    Ataman P16 pressure gage read 240 bar when I received it from BB. I plan to let that be my maximum fill. Like in reloading brass cartridges I will gradually work up to it.



            • Deck,

              I’m very happy to have been of help. Happy shooting!! Unless you go messing around with “an amazingly accurate hammer spring setting.“ All bets are off then!

              Perhaps consider designating one of your collection as the tweaker? Whenever the urge to experiment arrives, that’ll be the one you use.

                • Decksniper,

                  Back to your “Jack Daniel’s Old No. 7” inspired desire to go out to 100 yards.
                  I suspect you are shooting to 25yds if my rememberer is working. Given that, i would also suspect you could take it to 50 yds with almost no problem at the range without touching anything on the pistol with a big enough test target. I would go so far as to say 70 yards without running out of sighting system adjustment.
                  Wild speculation from this point onward: Much beyond that it would take much more sight system adjustment, a bigger kick in the pellet’s buttock(s) with a higher regulator output/longer dwell time on the valve or a different projectile.
                  My son and I often shot our .177 10M Competition air rifles out to 100 yards much to the consternation of the firearm shooters at the range.
                  As B.B. has covered many times with his pistol shot accounts that many folks consider Big Fish Stories (I know them to be very posible) to a fixed distance (or a dirt clod) you can LOB them in to the point that it looks like the projectile is hitting the paper side on as if it was a tumble instead of an approach from on high.

                  If you have 100 yards it won’t hurt to try on a low/no wind day as long as the range rules don’t prohibit it. You might give yourself enough reason (the FUN of it!) to adjust the Regulator and the Striker/Hammer preload.


                  • Shootski

                    My pistol averages 496 fps using AA 16 grain domes at the current setting. When it fell off the sweet spot curve just under 120 bar velocity climbed quickly past 600 fps and the shots got loud.

                    While I have no plans to try JSB Knock Out slugs in the Ataman I seem to remember you shooting slugs in your .177 Sig ASP20. If so, any comments? My ASP20 is .177 and itching to try slugs if the barrel twist and bore size are okay.


                    • Decksniper,

                      “When it fell off the sweet spot curve just under 120 bar velocity climbed quickly past 600 fps and the shots got loud.”
                      As you may know those “symptoms” mean your Regulator is throttling the pistol’s valve performance. So simply adjusting the Regulator (and touching no other adjustment) to a higher pressure is going to probably get you close to 600FPS but also a lower shot count per fill. That 600FPS alone will make shooting to 100 much, much easier as any Balistics Program will show.

                      On the ASP20 .177.
                      I did the PA MOA Challenge using JSB KNOCKOUT SLUGS. I tried to use the 13.43gr but could never get them to group under 2 MOA at 25+. So I ordered a bunch of the 10.03gr and got under 1MOA at 25 & 50 on about 1/3 of the 5 (FIVE) shot groups. Most all of the 5 shot groups were well formed and under 1&1/2 MOA. I don’t have enough trial/experience written down in my DOPE (Data On Previous Engagement) to be certain but the ASP20s SEEMINGLY respond well to shooting 3-5 “sighter” shots to get the Gas Spring functioning optimally and then shooting them continuously at similar time interval.
                      IF i take a break for longer than 10 minutes I shoot the “sighters” again before looking for grouping.
                      NB: don’t chase the POI with scope adjustments use your DOPE gathered from your targets to move the POI to the POA. What I mean by that is that if the groups form on the target don’t try to move them toward the 10 dot!
                      (I used 10M air rifle targets at 25 & 50yds for the POA Challenge as well as for most of my rifles all the way to 100yds.) As many have said before: Aim Small Miss Small.
                      CANT is critical (at least for me so use a good scope level TO GET THE FEEL and not to distract!) to get under MOA at 25+ yds. I don’t find the rifles particularly hold sensitive but good form and consistency has already been beat into me at the bench or away from it.
                      One last thought. If the session starts to fall apart get up and end it; even if it is obvious after the first 3 or 4 groups. All you will do is ingrain whatever is causing the grouping issue.


          • shootski, AlanMcD, 45Bravo, MisterAP, Decksniper, and others who’ve chimed in, thanks for the advice, all of it well-thought out.

            I guess I got so excited at Tom’s incredibly tight groups, I forgot to check the price of this air rifle. That plus $300 or so for a cheap compressor is do-able for me, although it would still be a significant expenditure.

            And it would be hard to justify given I don’t really know how much longer I’ll be able to continue with the hobby, given my progressive eye issues. It is easy for me to forget I’m at a point where I should start selling off the air guns I have rather than buying more.


            • Michael, sorry to hear about progressive eye issues. Do consider spending the time that remains shooting good guns! This certainly seems to be one of them.

              There was a recent blog and in the comment section was someone with similar issues—it might have been you. If not, will try to find and link it.

              God bless you!

              • MisterAP,

                I belive you are referring to a thread of comments in which I discussed my losing my sight. I have macular edema which for more than two years now has required that I receive monthly injections into the eyeball, although my vision in that eye is already gone for good. My other eye is also failing.

                I do have a few vintage world-class 10 meter air rifles by Feinwerkbau that on a bench are virtually recoilless, have infintitely adjustable triggers, and at 10 meters also have essentially perfect accuracy, so I’m pretty well set. I just forgot my situation for a bit after I saw how accurate this is for a sporter. But I don’t think much of PCPs, truth be told. They’re just too much of a hassle for me.

                Thanks for your consideration, however. I appreciate that.


            • Michael,

              If it would not be too big of a financial problem to go ahead with the Airacuda Max,
              I say go for it, with whatever remaining vision you have it would be good I think to keep on shooting as long as you can. You could also recoup almost all you spend on this rifle when your vision fades to the point you cannot shoot any more.

              All of us are in a similar boat, many of the shooters here are kinda old and while most do not have vision issues we all face the grim reaper who will visit all of us at an undefined time.

              I say get it, and play on, it may not be helpful for your vision but it should provide some fun. That is what it is all about right?


              • Mike,

                It is indeed all about fun, but I have nearly 200 air guns already, and to me PCPs are just a pain. Too much gear and hassle and not enough payoff.

                Thanks for the words of encouragement just the same.


        • You might look into airsoft fields and stores stores near you as they are starting to migrate to high pressure air on some of their guns.

          So they have fill equipment onsite.


  10. BB blog, Aircuda Max, pt3

    Amazing shooting, BB. Well done, despite a troublesome start.
    This Aircuda Max presents very well. It has flowing contours, with a wide, curving forearm that looks very comfortable to hold. It actually looks like a giant pistol, with a buttstock added…in a good way. The flat sides complement the curves by forming a chine line from the rear of the action, forward. These highly sculpted stocks they’re making are really beautiful, to me.
    The fact that this beauty can cook and is priced about right makes this one a high value purchase.

  11. B.B., and Readership,

    In the first reply above I asked Tom to look for a 10 or a 20 engraved on the PICATINNY rail; I don’t think he will find it! I read the PA as well as the JTS description(s) and there is no mention of any MOA Elevation compensation built into the airguns.


  12. Last Fall I ordered a .22 Max from Pyramid. The Plenum gauge was cross threaded,it leaked and interfered with the stock fitment. Of course Pyramid returned my money on request. Later I ordered a DAR Gen 3 in .22 from Pyramid and with a little tuning it is just right. No plenum gauge, tank gauge only. I believe that Xisco makes both rifles, the similarities are too many to be otherwise. I just got a “ lemon” with the Max and was too impatient to try another.

    • Yes indeed! I think I commented on the similarities in the previous blog post for this rifle.

      I have the DAR Gen 3 in .25 and it is great! It won due to pricing & weight. I’m not (yet?) into any involved tuning, so those features from JTS’, Avenge-X, Avenger don’t have much weight in my selection.

  13. What if…DAQ made his iconic air rifles also in .22 – or .25? That would tick off all the PCP boxes for FM, starting with “Quality Made in USA.” This is probably more than what Mr. Quackenbush wants to take on, but FM would be a customer.

    • FawltyManual,

      Mr. Quackenbush actually built the Knave a .25 caliber air rifle: http://quackenbushairguns.com/outlaws.html
      The above is a great read and revealing on the topic of airguns and the Big Bore evolution.
      But the Knave was quickly bumped out of production by his first .308 the Exile. Many buyers took his Outlaw Pistols and made them stocked pistols (they called them carbines.) those were made in .22 caliber all the way to the .58 canons.
      I have .25 and .58 caliber and they are a BLAST to shoot.


      PS: he takes phone calls! It wouldn’t hurt to call him and ask. Just mind his quiet hours and quiet day.

      • shootski,

        Dennis also made a .22-caliber Exile. They had LW barrels that were left over when Benjamin abandoned the HR93 rifle project. At least that’s what I remember. I had an Exile and was there when Dennis bought 1,000 (roughly) LW barrels from Davis Swechinger for them.


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