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Air Guns 2024 SHOT Show: Part Three

2024 SHOT Show: Part Three

Part 1
Part 2
Media Day at the range, SHOT Show 2024

This report covers:

  • JTS
  • Crosman
  • My take on the show so far

Today we will see more of the 2024 SHOT Show. I attended Media Day and the first two days of the four-day show, but there were so many new airguns and other things to see that this report is still ongoing. At the end of today’s report you will begin to understand why that is.


I’ll start with JTS, and RidgeRunner — you asked for new pellets. Just wait. First, though, what about that photo of the Stonewolf underlever spring-piston rifle I showed you in the Day 2 report? I thought it was the BM8 Black Bunker rifle in its straightened form, but it was the JTS Stonewolf underlever repeater. Let’s now see it from the side.

JTS Stonewolf
JTS Stonewolf.

This rifle comes in .177 and .22 calibers. It’s light and slim and the underlever pops down without a fuss. Best of all, in my opinion, it’s not a mega-magnum! In .22 the max velocity is 800 f.p.s. and the price is under $200.

And by the way, back in Part2 I originally called the BM8 Black Bunker the 3M8. Let me now show you why.

BM8 cover
This is what happens when some artisté designs a cutesy logo or brand name. Oh, and just so you know, I took this picture of the cover of the box my BM8 came in. It arrived Friday. Yes, I will review it for you. It does have some interesting stuff!

Back to JTS. The Airacuda Max now comes in .30 caliber. But wherever will you find pellets for it? How about at JTS?

JTS pellets
JTS displayed many new pellets at the show. The ones in  .30-caliber aren’t even shown in this picture but they are in country

The best news is that JTS .177 pellets are also now in country. I have a number of accurate .177 airguns to test them in, plus I will test them in accurate .177s in the future.

The ThunderLance Pro is a 20-shot repeating bullpup PCP. As you can see, it has an externally adjustable regulator. This one is in .22 and I believe it also comes in .25.

JTS ThunderLance Pro
The JTS ThunderLance Pro.

For serious long range competition there is the new JTS Shawlawk, and no, I don’t know where they come up with that name, but the rifle looks serious. This one is for 100-yard benchrest and apparently has power out the wazoo. The wood stock of this display gun was broken in shipment so Travis Whitney held it tight at the pistol grip.

JTS Shawlawk
JTS Shawlawk.

Then Travis showed me the new Supra9X breakbarrel. It’s priced incredibly low and is very much like the Beeman R9. The one at the show was in .22 caliber but they also come in .177 and possibly also in .25.

JTS Supra9X
JTS Supra9X.

The gun I was most surprised to see (and also liked the most) was the new JTS StealthHawk. It’s a bolt-action pneumatic whose reservoir is a tube around the barrel. I like it because of its simple lines. In fact someone said it looks like a Remington 700 and I have to agree. The bolt cocks as smooth as butter and this is just a nice (and powerful) PCP. In fact, BB is thinking of buying one! This one was also in .22 and .177 and .25 are also available.                                        

JTS StealthHawk
The JTS StealthHawk looks like a Remington bolt action firearm with a bull barrel. It has an externally adjustable regulator. It will retail for $550, but EVERYBODY who saw it said it looked well worth it!

Whew! That’s a lot of new airguns. And I don’t know if I touched on all the new JTS models. See what I mean about the 2024 SHOT Show being big? But there is more to come — a LOT more!


Yes, RidgeRunner — I said Crosman, not Velocity Outdoors. Their booth was smaller than in years past, but it was just Crosman, not Raven crossbows and the other brands.

First up, Ed Shultz was pleased to poke a finger in my eye by showing me their new 3622 PCP that will retail for $130!!! You heard that right, one hundred thirty dollars, American. Well, someone asks, does it have an externally adjustable regulator? Actually — no. At $130 you’re lucky to get a stock! It doesn’t even have a pressure gauge. But it does have open sights! The rear is even a peep. And yes there is also a .177-caliber 3677.

Crosman 3622
Crosman’s 3622/3677 is a $130 PCP! My mouth is open partly in shock at the price and partly because I was recovering from a cold.

This new PCP rifle fills to 2,000 psi. Imagine if a hand pump could be added to the same box and push you out the door at $225. Can Crosman make money on this rifle? Probably not, but they can sure bring a lot of pecuniarily parsimonious new shooters into the world of PCPs and profit when their pockets open wider.

Okay, Ed. You got me. I wrote about the $100 PCP back in 2013-2014 and I’ll give you $30 for a decade of inflation. You did it! Just like you took my idea for the 2,000-psi PCP in 2006 and made the Benjamin Discovery. You’re a good man, Gunga Din! What else ya got?

Oh — you have a 1077? Well, that’s not new, is it? Wait — this one looks — dare I say it — MODERN? What are you guys in East Bloomfield doing? Is the snow so deep that you are actually staying indoors and THINKING about great new airguns???

Crosman new 1077
Ian holds Crosman’s new-styled 1077 Tactical. Yes, it’s a re-skin, but it looks right for 2024. The optic is optional but the rifle comes with open sights.

Crosman is also coming out with the Prospect — a more fully-featured regulated sidelever PCP repeater in both .177 and .22 calibers. This one they say will be out in February of this year!

Crosman Prospect
Crosman Prospect.

Next up is the Benjamin Bulldog M257. You heard that right, folks — a .257-caliber higher velocity (over 1100 f.p.s.) big bore. You know what the Bulldog looks like and this one looks the same but it shoots those smaller big bore bullets for coyotes and such. And BB is working hard to get them the bullets they need for superb performance.

Okay, look at this.

Crosman night vision
Whadizzit? Night vision for $130.

Crosman night vision card
Yep — night vision for $130. RidgeRunner — hoot mon! Ye dinna ken ignore it!

Whew! My feet were tired on that day and my fingers are tired now. And there is still more to come!

My take on the show so far

What I see in 2024 is airgun manufacturers LISTENING to their customers. Not listening to the couch commandos who are all talk and no purchase — the REAL customers who buy and use their airguns.

And, we are not done yet There is still one more report to come from the company that brought out the greatest number of new products this year. And, to my regret, I did not see and photograph all the new airguns that were at the show.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

66 thoughts on “2024 SHOT Show: Part Three”

  1. Tom,

    If JTS and Crosman already put out that many products, I wonder what this other company is? The JTS Supra 9x and Stonewolf indicate that there is somebody in the company on the lookout for the end users with experience. And they are definitely not only listening but seem to be following this blog. Crosman really seems to be making itself relevant by itself by not simply rehashing old designs. Kudos to them and especially Ed Schultz.


  2. How did I miss the Supra9x?

    I guess I was too busy going over the Stealth Hawk and Thunder Lance with a fine tooth comb figuring out what makes them tick.

    I can’t wait to get my hands on them.

    The Thunder Lance uses a straight pull left hand cocking knob that is connected to a magnetically locked bolt. (No side lever to flip out and pushback).

    And as Tom said, the Stealth Hawk cocks easy and manipulates like a .22 Rimfire used in NRL22 competition.


  3. BB,
    It appears that there was a lot of interesting airguns at the show!
    I find that BM8 Black Bunker survival rifle quite intriguing.
    And I thought this short video of how it opens into a rifle was pretty neat:
    But I’m sure you already know all that; as you said:
    “…my BM8 came in. It arrived Friday. Yes, I will review it for you.”
    Yes, that’s a review to which I am looking forward; thank you. 😉
    Blessings to you,

    • dave,

      Thanks for the link to that video. He does a good job of showing how it operates. I wish he had worn safety glasses, but I was glad to see the first look.


      • BB, yes, he should have worn safety glasses, for sure; sadly, not everyone is as diligent as you are about following the right procedures. I’m looking forward to your take on whether this thing has the power and accuracy to actually serve as a small-game-procuring survival rifle. 🙂

  4. Funny, I seem to remember mentioning something about using the barrel shroud as an air reservoir a long time ago. Now I’ll throw this one out … A PCP that never needs refilling. Don’t look at me I’m not an airgun designer. Well, officially anyway. Don’t let them rest!

  5. Well, DEFINITELY pre-ordering a 3662 when it comes out! Possibly the upgraded 1077 as well.
    The StealthHawk has been available in Europe for a while. It’s branded as a Remington in the UK. Saw it on a British YouTube airgun channel.

  6. That Stealth Hawke certainly looks like the Artemis M30, already offered some years now, with a different (uglier) stock. I wonder if all the JTS products are just rebranded Artemis/Snowpeak products.

    • Bill,

      Probably so, but JTS is MARKETING their StealthHawk — not hiding it in foreign markets.

      Ian — do you remember the Snowpeak booth at SHOT? Me neither.


      • Well I suppose that we (EU) and the rest of the world are foreign market but a large one regarding airguns, quite the opposite of firearms. Maybe Artemis/Snowpeak stay away from the US market just because of the attitude of US consumers against Chinese branded products?

        • Bill,

          That could be, but other Chinese companies do attend and display.

          Also Gamo, who now owns Daisy, doesn’t attend and they are starting to slip off the radar. So it’s a complex issue — I think.


          • BB,

            This is just speculation on my part and what do I know, but I suspect that Gamo has learned they have “shot themselves in the foot” so to speak in the US market. I have noticed there is a bigger push in the US for BSA, which they also own. Perhaps they are hoping to revise that brand and make it over here that way, along with Daisy.

        • Bill, I think maybe it’s a case of importers having non-compete clauses with Snowpeak. Also, there’s a certain sort of American consumer who wouldn’t buy a “Snowpeak” based on the name. Quality wouldn’t matter; “I ain’t buying something with that dumb of a name”.

  7. The BM8 is a must for a collector like me. Also watched the video with a .22 nail gun cartridge shooting a pellet, not a slug, at what, 2500fps and cutting a ‘clean’ hole. It outperformed a .22 CCI bullet for penetration and target destruction.

  8. Like Bob M, I do want a BM8. I would also like to know where I can get the bayonet. It is my understanding that it will not be offered in the USA because of stupid laws we have against such. I want to go Jackalope hunting!

    Artemis has been offering quite a few of their unique airguns for years now on the other side of “the pond”. It will be good to see them over on this side now. As is well documented here, I am not a big fan of Wang Po Industries, but with the increased competition it may force some of these overpriced offerings from other airgun manufacturers to be offered at more reasonable prices.

    • FM might have mentioned in his previous comments that Max is a “keeper,” RR. Forever grateful you kindly offered it to your old newly-minted airgun buddy and for a very decent asking price too…FM will send you a peace offering soon to ensure all stays well between friends. That, by the way, makes the 3rd Maximus residing in Casa FM. There seems to be a pattern developing here.

      • LOL! Her going to a good home where she is welcome is a good enough peace offering for me! Now, if you feel you just have to send me something, send me a picture of the first iguana she kills.

        Three Maximus! I thought I was obsessive. The truth is, I do not need another Maximus around here. I have a couple of PCPs that will do just fine, probably better. I just miss the 2000 PSI fill. That new cheapo Crosman made me think of it. Maybe I will tune this Armada down to that fill level.

          • FM,

            Go for it if you are so inclined. I have other PCPs that will do just fine. Besides, I have done more business with that company in Arizona than I care to.

            Anywho, I would be more interested in that Talon P Carbine.

              • FM,

                I myself would like to trade my Texan LSS in .457 to them for a new BSA R10 in .22. I am sure that the “used airgun manager”, who I have not desire to do business with, will not go for it. I guess I will just have to sell it outright and raise the money for one that way.

                You hang on to those Max’s. They are already worth more than they cost. Before long people will be offering “stupid” money for one.

  9. Great report Tom & Ian, thanks! I hope the Crosman 3622 & 3677 rifles will be a big success. Are they expected to be available soon? And I hope that the Stealthhawk starts a trend for shroud/reservoir type guns. The main drawback might be that they could more complicated to repair, etc. But I like the concept.

  10. I’m still waiting for a well made $500 high pressure air pump backed by a reliable company. Seems to me, there have been several that showed up then disappeared a year later, with troublesome reviews along the way. There would be a great market for it. It needs to have a coalescing filter element, a replaceable filter element, and a zeolite trap for moisture. The price ought to be in line with that of a good rifle.

    Seeing 10 hot new PCP rifles is interesting, but almost every PCP owner has a long range challenge in maintaining a reliable/economical supply of compressed air. Maybe there is an answer to that, but I try to watch for it, and have not seen it yet. My local VFD was filling my SCBA for me, but the new chief disapproves.

    • JerryC,

      Two dozen Donuts or so used to be the best way to get Firehouse fills. Perhaps inflation and health concerns require some other item(s) for the Firehouse kitchen to overcome the Fire Chief’s objections; a small appliance or big stewing/soup pot?

      I have talked about 2+ CF Cylinder Cascade Systems being the most cost effective solution if you have a 4,500+ fill source within a reasonable distance. Yes the CF Cylinders are a large sunk cost up front but they last 15 years and in most countries they can be extended to 30 and more years of Service Life with a minimum of care and maintenance.
      Any Very High Pressure system needs to be viewed from a Life Cycle Cost perspective. I have not been able to match the cost (shooting GAS HOG Big Bore DAQ’s) savings of the CF Cascade system even using hand pumps to do the calculations since no one has built your: “$500 high pressure air pump backed by a reliable company.” and i think the cost of refueling and the pump operator maintenance/health care costs would break the bank!


      • I have a 45 minute (6.8 liter) SCBA tank, purchased used, which has been hydro tested once. I’d like to be able to refill it, and/or my gun(s), here at home. The local volunteer FD has a nice Scott system with cascade tanks, and I’ve seen them refill my SCBA in minutes, up to 4,000 psi with little heat. Dry breathable air, too. Apparently the chief has said it is not acceptable practice for safety reasons, or something.

        But to my original point, I think there has yet to be a pump that I really trust within a price range that hobby air gunners can readily handle, with trusted reliability. I spent a while online yesterday, and talked to a couple of guys I know. This looks like it may fit the bill. https://gxpumpofficial.com/products/gx-e-cs4-pcp-air-compressor

  11. BB, Ian,

    Interesting stuff! Thanks for sharing! Great to be an airgunner in this period of innovation.

    Good to see that there are a lot of entry level products, hopefully they will attract new people to airgunning.

    I wonder how many of these new offerings will stand the test of time – did you guys see any that you would consider to be “heirloom quality” airguns?


  12. Tom and Ian,
    Thanks for doing all of that legwork for us. I always like taking a look into the crystal ball at this time of year. Just when I think I have enough air rifles, I hear the irresistible siren song of new products singing to me…

    • OH NO !!!


      thanks for the super sad news that I was actually hoping not to read.
      Though I am honoured to have briefly conversed with him, right now, I am only aware of emptyness…

      Frank Balistreri, you left us way too soon! 🙁

      For those who wish to put a face to the name, pictured below is a portrait of Frank Balistreri, taken from a picture of him in hospital during his struggle with cancer that he shared with us last year [ https://www.pyramydair.com/blog/2023/09/beeman-r7-part-two/ ]. I see him just about smiling, in a Mona Lisa’esque way…

      • I’m very saddened to hear the bad news about Frank. He was a true gentleman and my newest friend. He shared a couple of pictures with me (other than airguns), which I will attach below, but I will never forget how he entrusted me with the Barakuda so I could experience that unique air rifle before I passed it along to its current owner.

        Here is one of his best quotes from the several emails we shared, it sums him up pretty well:

        I’ve always been very willfully me…… And lived what I believed no matter what.
        So I can’t say I’ve changed that much LOL. But I am content with who I have been to an extent……. And that gives me great peace. I wish that peace for everyone.

        Below is a picture he sent me right around last Christman 2023.

  13. BB
    I am happy to see all this new stuff! I have my heart set on the JTS Stone Wolf and the BM8. BB have you noticed that lots of airguns are now using picatinny rails. Th industry is really listening to its customers! That night vision is just what it says or is it a scope too?

  14. Fair Winds and Following Seas Forever Frank!
    May the fish in Heaven hit hard and never slip your hooks!

    Frank Balistreri
    i say your name to the Cold North Wind that took you from us!

    May your body Rest In Peace until the Resurrection Day!


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