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Ammo Anschutz 335 Rebuild: Part Four

Anschutz 335 Rebuild: Part Four

Today reader Dean Speidel, whose blog handle is Motorman, nearly completes sharing his experiences with an Anschutz 335 breakbarrel air rifle. He says there is one more part to come. This day we look at the performance of the rifle after the rebuild.

If you’d like to write a guest post for this blog, please email me at blogger@pyramydair.com.

Take it away, Motorman

Anschutz 335 Rebuild: Part Four
Motorman / Dean Speidel

Anschutz 335
Anschutz 335.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

This report covers:

  • First shots on a new tune
  • Can’t stand the suspense!
  • Mounting a scope
  • Preliminary accuracy
  • Breaking it in
  • Re-testing with the chronograph
  • Getting ready for accuracy testing
  • First shots on a new tune

My understanding is that a sproinger (Yes, Yogi — sproinger was the word Motorman used) is less likely to detonate with heavier pellets.  With that in mind I dug thru my pellet collection and found some .177 caliber, 13.1 grain ARS Cobra pellets that I used for the first ten shots or so.  Progressed down to some 10.5 grain Crosman Premiers and eventually down to some 8.2 grain Meisterkugelns.  You can smell the lube, but no destructive detonation. Yaaay! 

Can’t stand the suspense!

I think the new tune will take a couple hundred shots to wear in some, burn off any excess lube and become stable.  But, with only the first 50 pellets thru it I couldn’t stand the suspense any further. Out came the RWS Hobbys and the chronograph.  Here’s what I got:


High = 815
Low = 776
Average = 798
Extreme Spread = 39
Standard Deviation = 11

I’ve unintentionally built the hot rod that I wasn’t trying to build.  I’d have been happy with a 750 f.p.s. average, which is still 50 f.p.s. over the OEM spec.  But, I don’t find anything objectionable with the gun as it stands.  It has no twang.  I think the extreme spread will come down as it wears in some.  If you take shots 3 and 4 out of the string, the extreme spread drops to 20 f.p.s. and, again, I think this will smooth out as it gets some miles on it.

As it is, this tune is a little below an HW50 (~820 f.p.s.).  The 335’s barrel is 18.5” versus the HW50’s 15.5”.  Surprisingly, the HW50’s length of pull is 1” longer than the 335’s at 14-1/2-inches.  Overall length of the 335 is 43 inches versus the HW50’s 40-1/2-inches.  

Comparative cocking effort?  My box-stock HW50 registers a 30 lb. cocking effort on my bathroom scale.  Tom registered a 32 lb. cocking effort in his 23 September 2021 HW50 review, so we’re right there together.  

The newly-rebuilt Anschutz 335 required a 28 lb. cocking effort, so I’m pretty pleased with that.  It might even come down some as things get worn in a little.  

BTW, you’ll notice that I installed an Air Venturi muzzle brake on the 335 to cover up the dovetail grooves for the front sight.  It only projects past the actual barrel about one-half inch.  Point being that it doesn’t change the cocking effort much if at all.  Just keeps me from cutting my hand on the grooves and is a little more comfortable to grip than just the bare barrel.  

Mounting a scope

I sprayed a little rubbing alcohol around the dovetail mounts on the top of the compression tube and the gripping edges of the scope mounts.  Wiped it with a clean paper towel including digging into the dovetail with the paper towel to remove any gunk hiding in there.  Then I mounted a UTG 3-12X32 Bug Buster in the standard UTG dovetail rings that come with it.  As I usually do, I put a 1-1/2-inch piece of friction tape in the bottom of the rear mount to compensate for droop and was pleased when it was almost right on for elevation.  Used my Wheeler Fat Wrench to torque all the screws down properly.

Preliminary accuracy

Just preliminarily, I’ve tested for accuracy and I’m getting a one-hole group at 20 feet.  A larger than 0.177-inch hole, but one hole.  I need to experiment to see what kind of pellets it prefers.  I’m convinced that as it breaks in and the velocity becomes more consistent the accuracy will improve.

Breaking it in

I’m planning on cleaning the barrel after a couple hundred shots to remove all the initial lubricant combustion by-products.  I intend to continue this report with accuracy testing at 10 and 25 yards and another trial thru the chronograph.  Stay tuned (pun intended!).


It’s now a couple days later and I’ve got about 250 rounds on the new tune.  Hopefully, that’s enough to let all the parts settle into whatever relationship they like.  

There was a distinct smell of hot (mildly dieseling?) lubricants for the first 100 rounds or more, but that’s largely gone now.  I thought this would be a good time to clean all those unintended combustion by-products out of the barrel.

The way I’ve been cleaning air gun barrels is to start a felt cleaning pellet at the breach end and use a wooden dowel to push it down into the barrel about 1/8-inch or so.  I then follow it with a couple three drops of Ballistol, give it a second or two for the felt pellet to soak up some oil then slowly push it thru the length of the barrel with the wooden dowel so as not to scratch the rifling.  I repeat that until the felt pellets start coming thru clean.  Lastly, I push a couple dry felt pellets thru the bore to soak up any excess Ballistol.  Here’s what the pellets looked like when I did this to the Anschutz:

Anschutz 335 felt pellets
Felt cleaning pellets in the order they were used.

Number 1 was, of course, the first.  Looking at the pellets as they come out, you can tell it’s getting cleaner each time.  Numbers 8 and 9 were pushed thru dry.  Looks pretty clean to me!

I never shoot a felt pellet thru the barrel nor do I ever use a metal rod.  I guess a brass rod would be okay if I ever found one.  I’ve thought about abrasive particles getting imbedded in my wood dowel, so the brass rod would probably be better.  Brass is, of course, much softer than the steel barrel so there wouldn’t be any chance of damaging the barrel with one.

Hunting Guide

Re-testing with the chronograph

With the barrel clean, I shoot a dozen or so pellets thru the barrel just to “season” it.  

I got my Wheeler Fat Wrench torque screwdriver back out and re-torqued all the stock screws and scope screws to make sure they’d not loosened up.  I think we’re ready for the chronohraph and some accuracy testing.  

Shot……First Test……Second Test


High = 815……………….830
Low = 776………………..791
Average = 798…………..804
Ext Spread = 39………….39
SD = 11……………………..12

After giving the Anschutz 335 a chance to break in a little I was hoping to see the extreme spread and standard deviation settle down to about half of the first test results, but data is data.  I can’t say why it got so hot on shots one and eight.  Once again, if we took those two out the extreme spread would have been 23 and the standard deviation would have dropped by about half.  Maybe if it gets another couple 200 or 300 shots on it is will even out?  Hmmm.  

Getting ready for accuracy testing

For accuracy testing I’ve selected five pellets to try at 10 meters:

RWS R10 Match Heavy (8.2 grain)
RWS Superdome (8.3 grain)
Crosman Premier – cardboard box version (7.9 grain)
JSB Exact Express (7.87 grain)
RWS Meisterkugeln (8.2 grain)

 These are all pellets that I’ve historically had success with in various guns.  That said, you’ll notice that they are all what I’d call middleweight pellets for .177 caliber.  Maybe I should be considering some lighter or heavier pellets???

Up to this point I’ve written this four-part report over the course of a couple three weeks.  I plan to write a PART FIVE (accuracy testing at ten meters) which will be the last installment.  Frankly, I’ve spent hours and hours on it.  Yes, I’ve come to have a LOT of empathy for poor BB when we (collectively) keep asking him to try this or try that.  Good heavens, his HW 50 test last year went 16 parts!!!   And, that’s not the first time!  Oh, my!  Sorry, y’all, I’m no BB!  I’m not going there!

However, I’m going to stop writing at this point.  Before I write PART FIVE I’d like BB to publish these first four parts and then pause before I get into the accuracy part of the test.

I’d like to hear what pellets you, the readers, think I should be trying for the accuracy test.  I’m going to limit it to five different pellets, so what say ye?  Help me pick five pellets to move forward with.  Looking forward to reading your comments!

Eastern Missouri

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

78 thoughts on “Anschutz 335 Rebuild: Part Four”

  1. Motorman,

    Pick at least one H&N pellet; perhaps a round nose.

    Also the Spread isn’t as large as it seems on the few hot MV if you consider it as a percentage of velocity. If it was a 10 meter rifle shooting in the 500’s it would be a far more significant number of FPS.

    In This Report covers: “…eventually down to some 8.2 grain Meisterkugelns.” Meisterkuglen{s} is an embedded LINK with an obvious spelling or plural problem?
    How does that happen? May be one for Tom to sort out.


    PS: Looking forward to the accuracy testing.

    • shootski,

      I take care of the editing. Americans often add an s to foreign words when they aren’t needed. I sometimes leave them, even when they are wrong, because to most readers they look and sound right.


      • B.B.,

        I’ll try to remember that!
        I do need to be less PICKY as RidgeRunner points out.
        Now that the State of the Union has been YELLED at us my personality may improve a little…or not.


    • Shootski:

      To all the German speakers out there, I apologize for adding an “S” on the end of “Meisterkugeln”.

      For all the English speakers, to pluralize a German noun one generally (there are exceptions) adds an “N” or “EN” to the word. English even has some hold-overs from it’s Germanic roots where we do the same thing (i.e. child vs. children, ox vs. oxen, brother vs. brethren).

      A pellet in German is “kugel”, thus “kugeln” is the plural. My faux pas (now we’re throwing French into the mix in typical English fashion!) was adding a Latin-origin plural, “S”, onto a word that was already plural in German.

      The public flogging for this egregious transgression will commence at noon tomorrow!

      Eastern MO

  2. Motorman, great job. A couple of questions for you. How does the rifle FEEL now compared to before the tune? Is it smoother? Is there more or less recoil or vibration? How does the trigger feel?

    The R10 Heavy and the Meisters are pretty similar. I would go with the Meisters and try one heavier pellet. How about Baracudas (10.65 gr.) or Benjamin Single-Die Pellets (10.5 gr.)? They may be slower, but they may help smooth out the shots.

    If you go lighter, your shots may go trans-sonic. Not many pellets are lighter than Hobbys at any rate, unless you go to lead free pellets, but it is hard to find Predator GTO wadcutters (5.25 gr.) And the GTO domes (6.79 gr.) are 12 cents per shot, yikes! The best alternative would be H&N Match Green (5.5 gr.), which I have had do well in a gun or two (Ridgerunner’s Diana 50 loves those, believe it or not).

    After all that, I have to say, if you are not satisfied, try H&N Field Target Trophy in different size heads. Sometimes it’s that extra 0.01″ or 0.02″ head size that does the trick. For example, my Beeman R9 in .22 loves the 5.53″ size heads and few others.

    • Roamin:

      How does the 335 feel? Before the rebuild it was decidedly twangy. I didn’t care for the rather stiff trigger. Performance (500 FPS) was anemic. It just felt harsh and yet weak.

      No twang at all now. Perhaps just a little more recoil than before the rebuild, but then it’s pushing pellets around 300 FPS faster. Still, very smooth and easy to shoot. Quite civilized.

      The trigger moves about 1/8″ (~ 3mm) (first stage) before it reaches the point where a little pressure (about a pound and a half) sets it off. I could shorten that up with adjustments, but it’s easy to live with as it is. Trigger feels pretty crisp when it breaks. Equivalent of my Anschutz 601 or FWB300? No, but very, very nice.

      Overall, I’m delighted with how it came out from the perspectives of not being twangy, having a very acceptable trigger and not having harsh recoil. I find it easy to cock and a delight to shoot, particularly with the Bugbuster on it. Not even remotely interested in selling it at this point. It’s in the “permanent keeper” category with my FWB 124, Marksman 70 (HW 95 / R9), HW30K, and HW77. My executor will have to sell these guns.

      Eastern MO

        • Roamin:

          Wow. How does it compare to the FWB 124? Maybe I should write another guest blog on the comparison? Excuse me while I go wash my mouth out with soap!

          I rebuilt my124 about five years ago. New piston and breech seals, new spring, etc., but I didn’t hone the cylinder. So, I know both rifles are in comparable, excellent condition. The 124 is putting out 7.0 grain Hobby’s at around 870 FPS, so it’s a little “hotter” than the 335.

          The 124 overall length is about 1 1/2″ longer and at 13 1/2″ the length of pull is 1/4″ more. Point being they’re are around the same size.

          The wood, checkering, bluing and such are probably a step nicer on the 124. Not that the Anschutz doesn’t make a quality appearance, but the FWB is a shade better.

          Because you asked, and because it doesn’t take much encouragement to get me to pull a trigger, I pulled the 124 out and shot it and the 335 one right after the other. The 124’s trigger is adjusted a little lighter, but that’s just adjustment. I’d call the triggers about equivalent…not quite Weihrauch Rekord triggers, but very respectable. Remember that I changed the spring on the 335 trigger and the 124’s trigger is box stock.

          Both go off with a relatively soft “thump” and minimal recoil. No twang on either, but keep in mind they’ve both been tuned at this point.

          Although I’ve not completed accuracy testing on the 335, I’d say they are equivalent.

          So, if the FWB 124 is a nine on a scale of one-to-ten, the Anschutz 335 is an 8.5 mostly on the quality of wood, checkering and bluing. That’s also ignoring the 70 FPS difference in performance which really isn’t that important to me.

          My wife says if you ask me what time it is I’ll explain how to build a watch. I’m an engineer. I’m just wired that way. Sorry if you got more answer than you asked for!

          Eastern MO

          • I’m not an engineer, but I’ve been accused of thinking like one (just ask my kids when I help them get to the right answer in their AP chemistry homework just by flipping around their textbook), so no apologies needed. I love the detail. I have the 124 like I said, but I won’t go out of my way to get the 335 since they are pretty equivalent.

            What would you or BB say a Crosman 6500 in excellent condition should sell for?

            • Roamin:

              My 13th edition of the Blue Book of Airguns says a Crosman 6500 (Anschutz 335) in 100% condition is worth $225. It’s shown with open sights.

              Interestingly, the Blue Book shows the Anschutz 335 (pictured with peep sights) in 100% condition is $275.

              Mine had some minor blemishes, no sights, and needed a rebuild. I think I paid something like $130 for it.

              All that said, if I were interested in selling mine (which I most emphatically am not) in its current condition I wouldn’t take less than maybe $300 to $350 for it. Keep in mind that mine has a new breech seal, new synthetic piston seal, new spring, honed cylinder, polished piston and spring guide, and modified trigger.

              I found an OEM front sight and an Air Venturi rear peep, but my eyesight makes using peeps difficult (I see a permanent piece of fuzz in the middle of the peep that makes accurate sighting impossible).

              Hope that helps!

              Eastern MO

              • Helpful as always, Thank you. I think you should try an adjustable aperture like a merit disc or a Gehmann (sp?), before you completely write off peeps. You might discover that a slightly larger aperture may do the trick. If you look through the peep with the other eye do you still see the fuzz?

                I love peep sights. My problem is that I think due to the increased depth of field they actually bring the floaters in my eyes into sharper focus, and then I can see those darn floaters better. So if I have a floater in the way, I have to put the shooting session on hold and do something else for a while, or switch to a gun with a scope.

                • Thank you!!!! I’ll look this over and let you know. I LOVED peeps when I was a young man, but gave them up over this problem. A solution will be greatly valued.


  3. Motorman,
    I would have said to try some JSB RS 7.33-grain pellets as I have had excellent results with them.
    However, that was with 5 fpe rifles and 3 fpe pistols.
    Since you are getting 10 fpe with this rifle (very nice!), I think the JSB Exact Express (7.87 grain) pellets you have chosen will be a better match for that power level.
    I know you said,
    “I plan to write a PART FIVE (accuracy testing at ten meters) which will be the last installment.”
    I don’t wish to add a bunch to your work load (and you have done an EXCELLENT job so far!), but I think a lot of readers (and me, for sure =>) would be happy if you took whichever pellets shoot best at 10 meters and shoot one group with them at 25 yards, just to see how the longer-range accuracy holds up.
    Thank you for all you’ve done so far!
    Blessings to you,
    looking forward to the accuracy testing 🙂

    • TheDaveMyster:

      Let’s talk about the pellets. By this point I should have mentioned that the Anschutz 335 has a VERY tight breech. Maybe the tightest of any spoinger I own. I have been doing some preliminary experimenting with various pellets.

      The 10.5 grain Crosman Premiers (cardboard box version) that I have measure 4.55 / 4.54 mm. They’re just really difficult to force into the breech. They kind of start out at a 45 degree angle and eventually submit, but it ain’t pretty. I can’t believe that they’re gracefully conforming to the rifling and casual shooting at 20′ seems to back up that impression. Accuracy just isn’t good.

      The JSB Exacts (7.87 grain) measure 4.53 / 4.52. The go in much more willingly and accuracy seems (again, preliminarily) decent.

      I’ve got some 8.18 grain Qiang Yuan pellets that go thru the 4.50 mm hole of my PelletGage. The breech accepts them willingly and accuracy appears to be rather good.

      The new Benjamin Match grades are measuring 4.53 / 4.52, so I think I’ll keep them on the list of possibilities.

      I’m just going to have to do some tinkering with various selections from the pellet collection before I boil it down to five finalists, but part of the selection process will be leaning toward finding smaller diameter pellets, I think.

      I can shoot out of my office, thru a hallway and out into the garage to get a 33′ range going. Yeah, the dogs (and the wife!) will have to be fenced upstairs. It won’t be a casual effort, but at least I’m at home while doing this.

      I’m going to have to pack stuff up and go to a commercial (indoor) or Missouri State (outdoor) range for 25 yard testing. Yeah, I, too, want to know what it will do at 25 yards, so there’s a pretty good chance I’ll do it. I’m just trying to decide which one is likely to have less interference from artificial ventilation (in the case of the indoor firearm range) or natural air movement (outdoor range).

      I’m figuring on taking another two or three weeks to work thru all this stuff, so y’all probably won’t see Part Five until the last half of March. That also depends upon what other stuff Tom has in line to publish besides my 335 series. I’m pretty good about finishing what I start, so it WILL come sooner or later.

      Eastern MO

      • “I’m pretty good about finishing what I start, so it WILL come sooner or later.”

        Motorman, thank you for the detailed explanation; you’re doing a great job, and I have no doubt that your report will finish well, and be much-appreciated by the readers here. 😉

  4. Nice report Motorman!
    What size dowel do you use? My hardware stores stock only starts at 1/4 inch. I have had to mail order a few smaller ones. However, they break when I use cleaning patches that catch the rifling and twist the dowel until it breaks.


    You should correct Motorman’s spelling mistakes.


    • Yogi:

      ya realy hav to stop pickin on my spellin, bud!

      The wood dowel is from Lowes. It measures 1/8″ (.129″ or 3.27 mm). I just recently found a brass rod there that measures the same size, so I’m going to start using that.

      I only use them to push felt pellets thru the bore, so there is no twisting action from the rod / dowel.

      Eastern MO

  5. Motorman,

    Superb! Your work on this “old gal” and your documenting of such are most definitely top shelf. Shootski does not even have much to pick apart. 😉

    One day I hope to grow up and be this good. I am certain BB hopes so also.

    By the way, you might give the JSB 8.4 grain pellets a try. I usually have very good results with them. JSB is most definitely top shelf.

  6. Excellent – you can “feel” all the work you put into this and one shakes the old head at the energy level it takes to do these blog posts. BB, FM will have whatever it is you are having.

    FM Wacko Idea suggestion – spray the wooden dowels with clear epoxy so as to seal them and sidestep the debris embedding problem? Maybe it is more trouble than it is worth. Have found cutting up a firearm cleaning patch and pushing it thru with a dowel works well enough with the resident airguns and Wilhelm, the .22 rimfire trainer.

    Do hope you humor us and do both a 10-meter and 25-yard accuracy test when you get your Round Tooit. Seems you have a purty and purty good shooter there!

  7. Motorman, thank you for doing all this. Top notch work! shoot whatever pellets you’ve got on hand for the accuracy test. If you have ARS Cobra pellets in your pellet supply, I’d defer to whatever you feel like trying.

  8. Motorman

    Excellent reporting. The hours you spend shows! Especially like the detailed look at felt pellets getting cleaner.

    Have you ever tried a funnel shaped cleaning rod guide to keep the rod from scraping the lands when forced to clean bores from the muzzle?

    On pellet selection, I second the suggestions for JSB RS and JSB 8.44 grain pellets. Their 10.34 grain dome is another excellent choice if you want to try a heavier pellet. Air Arms also sells these excellent pellets sold under their name but made by JSB. I would leave out the Superdome and “Meisters”. As for H&N FTT sometimes they are more accurate than anything else.

    Thank you.


  9. Motorman,

    Excellent report! I’m glad it is performing well despite the disturbing CRACK on the first time you cocked it. It must have been the spring settling into place as someone (Roamin Greco?) suggested. A very happy result achieving that level of power without undue twang or jarring recoil. Maybe you could squeeze in a 25 yard shot after determining the most accurate at 10 yards/meters range and time permitting.


  10. Motorman,

    This is an excellent report of an excellent tune. You have added a great deal of value to this high-end springer, making it an exceptionally fine shooter. I am excited to see accuracy results.


  11. Great work Motorman! I can see that it took a lot of time and effort, but it was worth it (for us!). Regarding pellets, I will second a high quality heavier dome. I had good luck with Barracudas but there are other pellets probably as good or better.

    And a thanks to BB for all the work you do.

    Have a nice weekend you’all! (Sorry, Rodeo week in Houston.)


  12. BB,

    Did you ever test your Texan at 100 yards?

    Did you have AirForce rebuild your Texan?

    I ask these questions because I am getting ready to test my LSS.

    • Wasn’t trying to give you MORE WORK, BB – but this will be greatly appreciated and FM will make sure to share that with him, once you get your Round Tooit to do it. As one of my business college professors used to say, “make your work your fun;” then work becomes fun.

  13. Off topic, yet relevant because it is about “reeling in” new airgun enthusiasts. Received a text from a good friend down in Miami FL with a pic of his first airgun acquisition, which he blamed on FM because, as he put it, “after you talked about your airguns with me, could not stop thinking about exploring that world.” Well, he did, thoroughly – no doubt he accessed the blog because FM had shared it with him as a resource, and he fell hard into the Dark Side. Not a bad pick for one’s first air rifle…Air Arms S510XS in .22 caliber.

    This gent is a self-taught gunsmith and very good at doing repairs, mods and woodwork with firearms; no doubt he’ll become a proficient self-trained airgunner. FM be thinking he’ll be a resource person to his less-capable amigo up the road. It is gratifying to bring new blood into our hobby, even unintentionally. Talk up airguns with the uninitiated whenever you have an opportunity. So easy even a caveman and an FM can do it! By the way, shared all 10 posts BB wrote about this rifle with him which no doubt he will find to be very useful reads.

    • FawltyManuel,

      Very nice rifle and scope is good for longer ranges.
      Har not to be proficient with that gear.
      He needs to get a scope level to wring out everything that gear is capable of; I use the VORTEX product.


      • Shootski,
        Being a newbie, he is still learning – sometimes the hard way. FM will pass on any tips offered, which are useful for yours truly as well and always appreciated.

        He apparently did not get to the part in BB’s series on the AA S510XS discussing the power of the rifle. He texted last night:

        “Very nice, I shot my (AA) yesterday and used an old metal wheel barrow as a backdrop. I made a hole in my wheel barrow. Didn’t know it was that powerful.”

        Now he knows. As long as he does not use the wheelbarrow to haul water, all will be well. Or he can patch it. Guess will link him to BB’s reports on building pellet traps.

  14. Thanks for the series Motorman!

    Yeah, writing guest blogs takes quite a bit of time but I think it’s worth it to share experiences with the other readers.


  15. This week I brought out my Air Venturi air compressor which I have not used in a long time. I cranked it up and it did not take long to blow out the Wang Po Industries burst disk. I dug through my spare parts and came across an Air Venturi burst disk, put it in and away we go.

    I thought I should order some, so I contacted AV. They sent me a link to PA for a new burst disk.


    Are you kidding me? I will bet they do not sell very many of them.

    I guess I am searching for a source for suitable burst disks.

  16. Today was warm and springlike with little wind which put me in the mood for plinking. And so I got out my Anschütz 335.

    pictured is a close up of it’s barrel (note: close scrutiny of the “U” reveals two little squares/ Umlaut dots)

    • I decided to shoot my Anschütz 335 rested over 25 metres with open sights.

      pictured in the foreground is a pink towel draped over a horizontal stick (garden fork) which is what I rested the airgun on. The white oblong is a steel shield spray painted white

    • I had a choice of pellets and decided on seven grain, RWS Club wadcutters

      pictured below and circled in blue is my favourite pellet pouch because it’s opening is big enough to insert sausage tweezers (my fat fingers), although I’m uncomfortable pushing the flap to close the push button for fear of squashing pellets

    • Motorman, you motivated me, maybe my results will tease you, ie you should be able to beat this:

      Anschütz 335,
      10x 7 grain wadcutters,
      25 metres,
      open sights –
      ten shots in five centimetres (~2″)…


      • Hi3:

        I’m DELIGHTED that I’ve managed to inspire you to get your 335 out! You made my day!

        Yeah, as previously mentioned, I understand the umlaut thing, but my English keyboard still doesn’t give me an umlaut option!

        Well, you’ve given me a yardstick by which to measure my efforts! I consider myself to be an average shot. There’s those shooters that are better and a number that are worse. We’re also working with 75 year old eyes and too much caffeine, but I’ll accept the challenge. Weather is getting better here. I’ll get on the accuracy testing soon.


        • Motorman,

          ah good, it seems I did ‘tickle’ your imagination a little. 🙂
          Weird imaginations went through my mind today, for example, what if you were shooting next to me at the same target?

          Being a self proclaimed “… average shot” tells me that you should easily improve on my efforts, although I had the luxury of playing on home turf! 🙂

          Finally, and more important than my accuracy, is my level of enjoyment. But, besides maybe taking- and analysing/ comparing a blood sample, I wouldn’t know how to measure that… 🙂

      • This report + FM’s friend crossing into Airgun World inspired FM to give his .22 HW95 some 25-yard exercise yesterday with several different pellets – about 3 dozen’s worth. Won’t display target results because what happens in FM’s backyard stays in FM’s backyard. No matter, the experience was enjoyable. Most important, no wheelbarrows were harmed in the making of said experience.

        Nice shooting, H3!

        • shootski,

          thanks. And yes, it was an exceptionally lovely day.

          I could hear the distant sound of many multi-engined aircraft for some time before I worked out their flightpaths were overhead:

          pictured below is the reverse view on my range, ie looking back from my 25 metre target to the shed I shot from – the tree on the right of the picture is a willow that currently bears a multitude of blossoming flowers and was buzzing with bees! 🙂

          (had to repost because I spotted a spelling mistake)

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    During busy holidays, we step our efforts to ship all orders as fast as possible, but you may experience an additional 1-2 day delay before your order ships. This may also happen if you change your order during processing.

    View Shipping Times

  • Shipping Restrictions

    It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products. It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city. If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.

    U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.

    View Shipping Restrictions

  • Expert Service and Repair

    Get the most out of your equipment when you work with the expert technicians at Pyramyd AIR. With over 25 years of combined experience, we offer a range of comprehensive in-house services tailored to kickstart your next adventure.

    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

    View Service Info

  • Warranty Info

    Shop and purchase with confidence knowing that all of our air guns (except airsoft) are protected by a minimum 1-year manufacturer's warranty from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted on the product page.

    A warranty is provided by each manufacturer to ensure that your product is free of defect in both materials and workmanship.

    View Warranty Details

  • Exchanges / Refunds

    Didn't get what you wanted or have a problem? We understand that sometimes things aren't right and our team is serious about resolving these issues quickly. We can often help you fix small to medium issues over the phone or email.

    If you need to return an item please read our return policy.

    Learn About Returns

Get FREE shipping on qualifying orders! Any order $150+ with a shipping address in the contiguous US will receive the option for free ground shipping on items sold & shipped by Pyramyd AIR during checkout. Certain restrictions apply.

Free shipping may not be combined with a coupon unless stated otherwise.

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