Air Arms Diabolo Field Heavy .22 Cal, 5.52mm, 18 Grains, Round Nose, 250ct
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Air Arms Diabolo Field Heavy .22 Cal
- .22 caliber (5.52mm)
- 18 grains
- Round nose
- 250 pellets
Overall Rating
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10 of 81 Air Arms Diabolo Field Heavy .22 (5.5mm) Cal Reviews
Awesome and very accurate. Last month I purchased a refurbished AV Avenger rifle ($249.99) and I was looking for an extremely accurate pellet and the Air Arms Diabolo 18.0 grain pellets answered the call. The pellets are well made with consistent uniformity, I have yet to find a bent skirt. My backyard range is limited to 25 meters but I have a feeling I'd see accurate results well beyond that.
Things I Would Have Changed$12.99 for 250 pellets = expensive. I like to see the pellets packaged in 500 pellet containers less than $16.99.
What Others Should KnowIf you're looking for an accurate pellet like I was you need to give these a try.
Very accurate in my Air Airs S510.
Things I Would Have ChangedLike everyone else, I wish the price of all pellets would come down.
What Others Should KnowPyramyd Air carefully packs their pellets with special foam surrounding each can.
Very accurate.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowAs good as any pellet in my guns.
Received a really bad Tin. At least 40% were pretty much garbage. Skirts were all bent. I took photos of them but I don't see where you can attach a photo
Things I Would Have ChangedI usually really like Air Arms Pellets. Bought these a while ago and just opened the Tin up today to use then for accuracy check. I had a lot of flyers. After looking at the pellets no wonder. Changed to a tin of JSB 18 and no problem. Way more consistent build quality
What Others Should KnowUsually good pellets but this tin was garbage
These shoot the best out of my Zbroia.
Things I Would Have ChangedThey should make a "monster" in a heavier grain.
What Others Should KnowPA always packs pellets bomb-proof.
Of all the pellets I've tried in my Benjamin Cayden, this shoots the best.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe pellets are made from very soft lead, so adding foam to the inside bottom of the tin would help protect them. PA usually packs pellets pretty well, but not on my last shipment and all the tins were crushed and half the pellets were damaged.
What Others Should KnowI believe these are made by JSB in the Czech Republic.
Things I Would Have ChangedSCREW LID
What Others Should KnowEXCELLENT PELLET
Unquestionably a quality made pellet, and ranks within my top five best pellets shot to date. No seems, very uniform, and seems to deliver a good pop.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe inner cavity of the round is noticeably more shallow than other rounds available. Having a deep cavity is a characteristic I look for in a high quality round, as it is difficult and costly to correctly form. Although the tin is thicker than other brands, it does not come with threads to tighten the lid down on. This came as a surprise, and could lead to a disastrous spillage of all the contents of the tin.
What Others Should KnowThe issue with this product is the price range it falls under, and what the else the buyer could get for the same price or less. I imagine this is due to the air arms branding, but for the same price the buyer could get JSB Diablo Super Heavy, and that alternative is one that will be hard to beat.
One of my go-to .22 pellets. Arrived packaged well with no damage to the pellets.
Things I Would Have ChangedIncrease quantity to 300
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Dec 31, 2023
By Johnny
Shoots well in my beeman break barrel