Air Venturi Air, Image 1
Air Venturi Air, Image 1

Air Venturi Air Compressor, Electric, 4500 PSI/310 Bar 220V Version

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1.01 review
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The Air Venturi 4500 psi compressor is all that you need to become your own air fill source. Whether filling a PCP air gun directly, carbon fiber tank,  or even a SCUBA tank, the Air Venturi Compressor can do it all.

This European version of the compressor plugs into a 220V outlet, and can fill paintball guns, airsoft guns, and airguns for years to come! With a built-in automatic shut-off feature that allows for adjustment of the output pressure up to 4500 psi, you can fill anything and everything air gun. Long gone are the days of relying on someone else to get the air you need for your air gun fun.

Each Compressor comes with a hose with a female quick disconnect fitting, a replacement output air filter, male to male fitting, oil breathing plug, and extra seals and O-rings.

Approximate fill times:

  • 90 cu-in. bottle from 0 to 3000 psi in 10 minutes
  • 90 cu-in. bottle from 0 to 4500 psi in 15 minutes
  • 74 cu-ft. tank from 0 to 3000 psi in 35 minutes
  • 74 cu-ft. tank from 3000 to 4500 psi in 17 minutes
  • 74 cu-ft. tank from 0 to 4500 psi in 52 minutes
  • 88 cu-ft. scba tank from 3000 to 4500 psi in 20 minutes

Each compressor will be shipped via Fedex. 

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Air Venturi Air Compressor, Electric, 4500 PSI/310 Bar European Version

  • Max fill pressure 4500 psi
  • Adjustable output pressure, up to 4500 psi
  • Automatic shut-off feature
  • Internally water-cooled
  • Digital Temperature gauge (reads in Celsius)
  • Uses European 220V electrical outlet
  • Noise level while running is 90 dB. This is similar to a food blender in terms of real world noise.
  • Weight: 76 lbs (without water and oil)
  • Dimensions: 18”L x 17”W x 17”H
  • For PCP airguns, Airsoft and Paintball tanks

When filling air bottles, do not leave the compressor unattended! Do not use for breathing air!

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76.0 lbs

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1 of 1 Air Venturi Air Compressor, Electric Review

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Easy to use and works very well when it does. The build quality is very good. Easy set up and good instructions/manual.

Add an hr meter and temp in fahrenheit. Warranty for hours of use not calendar days.

I purchased 2 110 models 2 years ago. One for my buddy in the Coast Guard and one for myself. His is stored at my home while he is deployed. We both installed hr meters on the units before any use. Mine has 43 hrs and still fills at the same time and speed as when new. 24 minutes from 3000 to 4200.
His froze up last week 20 seconds after starting it. It has only19 hrs! Oil changed earlier and more often than even recommended. Both are always run with a good 10-15 minutes cool down after a filling.I put in a ticket last week 5/31/23 and I know it is out of warranty. I still haven't received a response yet on 6/7. With the cool downs, the actual run time would be closer to 12-13 hrs. Unless Pyramid steps up to the plate would you buy one? We now have a 1300.00 anchor with no support in sight.

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