H&N Excite Plinking, Image 1
H&N Excite Plinking, Image 1
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H&N Excite Plinking Pellets, .177 Cal, 7.48 Grains, Wadcutter, 500ct

4.516 reviews


$0.014 / Rd

Caliber:.177 (4.5mm)

.177 (4.5mm)
.22 (5.5mm)


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  • .177 caliber
  • 7.48 grains
  • Wadcutter
  • 500 pellets

These economical pellets have a ribbed skirt, and the manufacturer suggests they're ideal for plinking with CO2-powered pistols. Of course, you could try them in rifles and pistols with other powerplants to see if they also perform well in them.
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.177 (4.5mm)
Ammo Type
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Ammo Diameter
.1772 (4.50mm)
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10 of 16 H&N Excite Plinking Pellets, .177 Reviews

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Not much

I have no idea what's wrong with these things I think I got a bad lot

There is absolutely no reason why I got the absolute miserable performance out of these pellets. I've been seriously shooting air guns for 50 years these pass all the checks that they should at least be a decent indoor plinking around at low velocity. They're all over the place. I tried them out in six different air guns and just gave up. Three rifles and three pistols. I've got a 70s vintage Daisy 880 that will shoot anything decently. I was getting close to a 4-inch random group at 20 ft! I mean prior to this I think the worst pellets I ever shot where some I got out of Canada made in China came in little boxes of 100 rounds wrapped up in rice paper like a piece of candy. They were match grade in comparison. I think for plinking pellets for the kids to play with in the backyard I'll just stick to the daisy match grades. You know the junk you know

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the price

quality control. on of the wadcutter tins of 500 had half of the tin filled with pointed pellets

i have 32 air rifles & revolvers & these pellets shoot accuratly out of most of them even the smooth bore revolvers. i find them to be just as good if not better than the more expensive pellets.

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Great for Beeman P1 and Beeman P17 indoor plinking fun on these cold winter days. Consistent enough size that they feed well enough, shoot straight enough, and dont break the bank. Pyramid Air really sold me with the buy three get one free special and about the best price per tin I have run across against their competitors.

Nothing, for the shooting we do these pellets work great.

Greatly appreciate that Pyramid Air took care to ship product well packaged and free from damage. Will buy again.

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Given the low base price and the incredible deal here (for every four ordered, only pay for three!), this is essentially my go-to pellet in .177 now. It used to be Crosman hollowpoints, far and away my old number one choice, as every .177 air rifle I own, including my best, is VERY accurate with them. Unfortunately, for some reason, they ceased to be the fantastic buy they were back in late '21 to mid '22, so I had to look elsewhere for something that all my airguns will shoot as accurately without upsetting their delicate stomachs. This pellet fills that need, and if they aren't available, there are other wadcutters available here in quantities of 500 for seven bucks and under that do the job, so I haven't bought a tin of Crosman Premier Hollowpoints for ages (and I've finally run down my stash supply, with only two tins left). These are every bit as good as CPHPs and maybe even better, so no worries there. My new number one choice for general purpose use.

Not a thing!

Excellent affordable, accurate, general-use pellets in every .177 airgun I own, and when you buy 'em here, the superlative PA packaging guarantees they arrive in pristine condition. I feel kinda nostalgic about a total switchover from CPHPs (my former go-to pellet) to these, but I can't find a better pellet available anywhere, from any manufacturer, that beats these for price and performance. Sorry Crosman! EXCELLENT pellets!

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These are great pellets for excactly what it says on tin plinking, they shoot well in mostly all my co2 guns and break barrel pistols.



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Accurate, inexpensive pellet.


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Forma del pellet.


Funciona bien.

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Inexpensive. Decent pellet. Available.

This pellet is fairly accurate in my 1377 converted to carbine. I use it for trigger control practice. 2 inch knockdowns at 25 yards are not a problem. Helps with wind training as well given the low velocity of this setup and West Texas wind. My normal shooting is .22LR out to 300. Some of the close range characteristics of a low velocity pellet gun can help. Though others are more accurate, these pellets keep you shooting since they are almost always available and budget priced, also keep my round count down on my target .22LR.

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Resonablely priced


They shoot great

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Good pellets shots will.



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