Benjamin Airbow M600 PCP Arrow Launcher
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The Benjamin Airbow M600 PCP Arrow Launcher combines the tested and reliable features of the successful original version with improvements that result in remarkable performance. This updated version shoots arrows at velocities up to 600 FPS and with power up to a stunning 300 FPE, delivering overwhelming power for hunting large game.
The updated technology on this model of the arrow launcher means hunters receive a surprisingly large increase in both velocity and power, resulting in velocity that is 30% higher and power that is almost an astounding 80% higher than the previous version. Other updates to this model include a pressure gauge that has been repositioned to the side of the breech for convenience, and a standard male Foster fitting.
One of the main differences between the Benjamin Airbow M600 and standard bows or crossbows is that it eliminates the need for dealing with strings, limbs, and their associated maintenance. Big game hunters can now get incredible power, velocity, and accuracy without having to worry about cocking a crossbow in tight areas with restricted space, with a lower cocking effort as well.
To provide accurate sighting options, this airbow includes a long Picatinny rail on top to accommodate the addition of a scope or other optic, and the synthetic stock is durable and provides all-weather operation.
To get an arrow launcher that provides the benefits of PCP stability and the ability to shoot full-size arrows with broadheads for maximum big game hunting performance, buy the Benjamin Airbow M600 PCP Arrow Launcher at Pyramyd AIR today.
Benjamin Airbow M600 PCP Arrow Launcher
- Precharged pneumatic airbow
- Bullpup
- 3625 PSI / 250 BAR fill pressure
- 3 shots per fill
- Max. velocity: 600 FPS (w/26" 375gr arrow)
- Max. power: 300 FPE
- Integrated pressure gauge on side of breech
- Synthetic stock
- Extended Picatinny optics rail
- Overall length: 33.375"
- Weight: 7.1 lbs.
- M600 Includes 3 arrows and a quiver
- M600 Kit Includes 3 Arrows, 6x40mm Scope with MTAG reticle, Canted Picatinny Base with 20MOA of compensation built in, Sling and Quiver
Benjamin Airbow M600 PCP Arrow Launcher, 3 Arrows, and Quiver
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