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Benjamin Airbow PCP, Image 1
Benjamin Airbow PCP, Image 1

Benjamin Airbow PCP Arrow Launcher

4.58 reviews
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Benjamin Soft Rifle Case, 48"

Upgrades:Ready To Hunt

Essentials Kit
Ready To Hunt


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The Benjamin Airbow is like a powerful crossbow combined with a PCP airgun, giving shooters the best of both worlds. Shooting arrows at velocities up to 450 FPS with up to 168 FPE, it has more power than a crossbow, and better ease of operation, plus the consistency of a regulated PCP airgun.

A big benefit for hunters who may have trouble cocking a crossbow or drawing a compound bow is that the top-cocking lever on this airbow cocks with just two pounds of force, allowing operation with just two fingers. Even people who are comfortable with the difficulties of bow hunting will enjoy the convenience of easily cocking and decocking this Airbow, particularly where space is limited.

Another benefit of this air bow is that, unlike traditional bows or crossbows, it doesn't require complicated maintenance procedures, since it doesn't have strings or limbs. With a single 3000 PSI fill, the Airbow will yield 8 shots at full power, and it's more accurate than typical bows as well, with average groups smaller than 2" at 50 yards.

The secret to the accuracy of this air bow is the fact that arrows are propelled by pulling from the front of the arrow, rather than pushing from the rear as with a crossbow or bow. Combined with the PCP powerplant, this gives it the accuracy and power required for big-game hunting.

With an all-weather synthetic black stock and a long Picatinny rail, plus an additional Picatinny base with a 20 MOA cant, it gives shooters the features and options needed for long days in a field or tree stand. The Ready To Hunt package also comes with a CenterPoint 6x40mm scope with an MTAG reticle and aiming points to 75 yards.

To get a convenient and effective airgun that's part PCP air rifle and part crossbow, Pyramyd AIR offers the Benjamin Airbow for sale.

Is the Benjamin Pioneer Airbow legal to hunt with?

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Benjamin Airbow PCP Arrow Launcher

  • Precharged pneumatic airbow
  • Bullpup
  • 3000 PSI fill pressure
  • Regulated
  • 8 full power shots
  • Max. velocity: 450 FPS
  • Max. power: 168 FPE
  • Ambidextrous top cocking bolt
  • 2 pound cocking force with trigger lever
  • Free floating barrel with patent-pending stabilizing system
  • Synthetic black stock
  • Extended Picatinny rail
  • Additional Picatinny optics rail base with 20 MOA cant
  • Overall length: 33.5"
  • Ready To Hunt Kit Includes: Three 375 grain custom full-sized carbon fiber arrows with field tips, 6x40mm CenterPoint scope with MTAG reticle, custom sling, quick-detach quiver system
  • Essentials Kit Includes: Three 375 grain custom full-sized carbon fiber arrows with field tips, Scope Rail, Quiver


6x40mm CenterPoint Scope Features:

  • 6.2x magnification
  • 40mm objective lens
  • 1" tube, one-piece aluminum construction
  • 2.83" eye relief
  • Field of view: 16.8' at 100 yards
  • Fingertip turret adjustable
  • Length 13"
  • Weight .97 lb.
3 carbon fiber arrows, scope, sling and quiver


Max Velocity
450 fps
Muzzle Energy
168 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Pre-charged pneumatic
7.0 lbs
Max Shots per Fill
Fixed/adj. power
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Body Type
Operating Pressure
3000 PSI / 206 BAR

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8 of 8 Benjamin Pioneer Airbow Reviews

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,,,,Everything!!!,,,,this is the Game-Changer Guy's!, especially if you're Hunting w/ any kind of Disability!,, I had practically given' up Hope of ever Enjoying another Deer Hunt, as the Injury I suffered in the Military became ever more debilitating as time went by, but the Benji' Pioneer Changed A-l-l of that!,. Now, I'm back in the Field, and Shooting like I haven't been Able to in Year's!

,,,,,this Should be made available for Use across the Board!,,,,E-v-e-r-y!! State/Province in the U.S. & Canada should make this "Rig" Legal for Use for If not Everyone, than those w/ any kind of Issue that would Keep them from using a standard Compound/X-Bow in the Field!

,,,,this Will Definitely put a Smile Back on your Face!!, if You thought that your Deer Hunting Day's have Passed You by!,., I've had my Benji' ever Since they arrived on the Scene!, and have Yet! to encounter any kind of Problem, or Issue's,,, You can expect 8! full-Power Shot's from a Fill,. also, if you're having any Difficulty Zeroing In your 'Bow, then Get yourself a "SightMark" Laser-Tipped Field Point, and It'll get you in the Black 1'st Shot!,,,after that make your Minor adjustment's to get it Dialed In. The Scope supplied w/ the Benji' is Good Glass!, but You may want to consider switching to a Red-Dot if you're going to be in the 'Bush', I'm Using a UTG 4.2" ITA Red/Green T-Dot, and it's Fantastic! in Both Small/Large Game application's, and Don't be Afraid of taking your "Pioneer" out for Small Game!,,,just put on a Bludgeon-Tip, and You're Good to Go for any Rabbit Sized game. I wouldn't Use it on anything Smaller like Squirrel,.,,Cheer's, Andy.

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Like what I see and I heard so far

1. built with extra storage for air refill for Airbow to get more shots if ever need it 2. Built with Choice of Camo not camo tapes 3. Better design its stock and the whole Airbow. When I buy thing I 9 out 10 choose its look too. 4. Choice for self cranking so dont have carry extra refill tank

Only approve for bigger games n Kiyotes for most states...
Hope to get it pass through legislator for white tail hunting .. I can guarantee you it will help improve the hunting world in benefiting bother hunters n DNR in encouraging more hunters to buy licenses since its more convenient

Luke Mar 03, 2019

Dude, English.

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Can you say accurate !!! Shooting at 20 yards for now with ( 3 targets in line ) to stop the arrows. I use the Birchwood Casey orange Target Spots. They are 1 inch circles with a 1/4 inch diamond for a bullseye. This thing shoots 5 for 5 bullseyes every time. I'm talking dead center !! its almost boring how stupid accurate this Pioneer is!! DO NOT shoot to the same spot on your target or you will be digging out your arrows and replacing fletching. I have two different high dollar crossbows and this out shoots both of them hands down in the accuracy department. . I cant wait to stretch out the distance when the weather breaks. Many videos out there on long distance shooting with this and thats what sold me on it. Benjamin delivered with this one ( as advertised ).. Pyramyd was great with this purchase. I like ordering by phone and their customer service is 1st rate.

Make it a full camo dip like the one we saw when it was released.

I shimmed my rear scope ring to get more adjustment out of the scope. Now she's perfect.

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I will not be able to try the air-bow out until spring, it is 9 below her in Rockford IL. But Iam sure I will love it after watching many of the great Youtube videos.

Have the whole air-bow camouflaged like in one of the deer hunting videos.

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Unbelievable power so much that you can't even shoot a Target at 30 yards cuz it'll suck the feathers right off of it I end up going through the target I have a yellow jacket it knocks it over every time at 30 yards

An adjustable power setting like a power wheel with three settings

Not backyard friendly little loud butt one thing you should know put a laser tip on an arrow cite your scope in then set your target back at 50 yards or otherwise are going to go through a lot of arrows because it pulls the feathers right off when it goes through your target it is super accurate and has so much power should have a Power Wheel on it so you could have 3 settings definitely going to be good on deer could tell you that one shot will definitely drop them if it doesn't tag them right to the ground

RonaldDale Jul 10, 2017

In Washington State, It is legal if you are Handicapped ONLY!! No target, varmints, etc.

uglymike Nov 29, 2016

Not legal in my state and many others.

732500610 Sep 24, 2016

Keven snyder helpt me at crossman hes making sure it gets done right and gets back to me fast

732500610 Sep 12, 2016

I can tell you this from experience if you have any problem with this product and the first 30 days or so Pyramyd Air will back the product of that they are selling if you have any problem with it after that Crossman backed it up 100% I had a problem and they have UPS label at my email within 2 hours just send it back for your charge and fix it and send it back to me these are two great companies working together to service Hunters thanks guys for doing such a wonderful job I also had a problem with my Nardi air compressor bang was fixed within four days turn around like I said great people great companies serving great hunters

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Light weight, maneuverable, easy to cock and shoot, fairly accurate, hard hitting...descent first try.

Five different size wrenches to install (really Benjamin?); The cammo pattern is a bunch of stickers; the fill tool is separate from the airbow and should have been built into the air magazine; there's lots of "empty" space on the airbow that could have been used as storage (for the fill tool as an example) or increased magazine air capacity; the scope is too big; the quiver is awkward and should have offered a preference to install it either vertically or horizontally.

A pricey novelty one may enjoy; a good option for me as I tore my bicep tendon and a bow would not be currently feasible. I replaced the scope with a red dot sight with a riser and it is much better, imho.

Andy Aug 19, 2016

Agreed!,,,,I used a "Sightmark" Laser-tipped broad head, and after dialing my R/G Dot scope,,,First shot was in the Black!,,,,I took it out already, and used "Bludgeon" Small-Game Broad Heads, w/ the same amount of accuracy as a Field Point, or your Favourite Broad Head, which in my case was the "Muzzy" 4 blade, my first practice shot went straight through my Arrow Bag/Stop, my backstop, and 6" through my 1" pine board fence!!!,All from 55 ft!,,,The "Power" on this is Incredible!, At least If I hit a Deer w/it this yr, I know it'll be an extremely Humane Kill!

732500610 Jun 06, 2016

Scope with speed selector thats what i used 1,5x32 @439fps right on the dot 20 3p 40 50 60 70 yrds illuminated 2 you will never miss a deer with this thing

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The product came in the mail the carton was a little beat up but the Benjamin was fine as far as I can tell

The amount of time it took to receive the product the back order on it was a little redickulas

it seems to everything they said it was

732500610 Sep 11, 2016

they do there best to keep there costermers the best way threw SERVICE so it pays off in long run when a problem dose acure

732500610 Sep 11, 2016

NOTE if you go hunting bring back up crossbow i had my airbow leak first time on opeming day i was so pissed today air leaked out and had to go home with no time to come back POINT BLANK ur srewed if the air leaks out never had this happen till today BUT i know permyd air will make good that why i MEEP buying from them,mike b

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A friend let me test fire his new toy, this thing is nothing less then fantastic.

As of today, Monday 2016-05-16, the Benjamin Pioneer Airbow CAN NOT BE USED for Hunting in the State of
Iowa. Per a phone call I made to the States DNR, it will take action by hunters to get a couple of State Senators on board to up date the States hunting Laws to allow the use of this device to be added to the list of allowed hunting devices that can be used for hunting in the State of Iowa. Brianag618 Semper Fi. Stay Safe out there.

Alton Apr 09, 2021

DNR=Darn Near Russia

Wolfgang Jun 25, 2016

Except for the state of Arizona, you can't use this airbow ANYWHERE, regardless of whether it's bow, gun or any weapon season.

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