Crosman MTR77 NP Air Rifle, Carry Handle
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- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
- Crosman MTR77 NP air rifle
- Gas piston
- Breakbarrel
- Single-shot
- Weaver optics rail
- Manual safety
- Ambidextrous synthetic stock
- Sling mounts
- 2-stage adjustable trigger
- Fake mag offers storage
- 45 lbs. cocking effort
- Weighs 7 lbs.
- Includes removable carry handle with incorporated rear sight
If you shoot a lightweight pellet so its velocity exceeds the speed of sound, it could result in your pellet breaking the sound barrier and the gun being louder than expected! The speed of sound depends on humidity, temperature and altitude. Generally speaking, it's between 1,060 fps and 1,115 fps.
Here are the benefits of the Nitro Piston:
- Smoother cocking
- Smoother shooting
- No spring torque
- No spring fatigue, even if you leave it cocked for hours
- Functions perfectly in cold weather
- Lasts longer than a metal spring

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10 of 29 Crosman MTR77 NP Air Rifle, Carry Handle Reviews
Light weight compared to others in this power class also it has sling mounts, very nice. If you own an AR gun many of the rail parts will go right on this, sights etc.
Things I Would Have ChangedFor what these cost wouldn't really change much got one on sale for under 100.00 so have to consider that price point.
What Others Should KnowI think for people that have no experience using the type of sight on this rifle they could have a longer learning curve. I saw people in the service that could never even qualify with the m-16. I switched the front sight for one designed to sit on the rail they are lower and the front blades are thinner. I sighted in with the stock carry handle sights and it did shoot to the left quite a bit. It takes awhile to break this in, I tested 8 different pellet types and the H&N Baracuda hunter 10.3gr will print single hole from a bench rest at 25 yards with both open sights and scoped. I have this sighted in at 40 yards and pellets touch. The gun is very sensitive to pellet typ, it hated RWS of any kind shot 5 inch groups. Beeman Kodiak 10.6 gr were great also .25 at 25yds. Crossman about 1 inch at 25yds.
you need a chrono to really see what is going on. Chp's 7.9gr=928fps, RWS 8.2gr=938fps,JSB exact 8.4gr=812fps, H&N Baracuda hunter 10.3gr=852fps. 7.1 gr=1005fps.
things i liked about the mtr77 was how it looks like a m16 with the full stock..and the sound of some pellets they sound like a 22 rifle
Things I Would Have Changedcocking the rifle takes alot of effort and is brutal first out of the box my arm actually hurt for a whole day ..and the accuracy of the rifle is not to good at all
What Others Should Knowif you like the m16 or military look this rifle is a+..and it can be a deadly rifle .....as for cocking the rifle the weight of the rifle and accuracy..all a big thumbs down
I absolutely Love the appearance and weight of this AR look alike! I haven't shot it yet because I'm waiting for my aftermarket sights to arrive.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe carry handle rear sight is definitely a P.O.S.! The front sight doesn't impress me either. If I was to suggest a change to this gun, it would be that the company put a real carry handle it, not this plastic thing that is neither fish nor fowl. It is only similar in appearance to a carry handle, and doesn't go far enough to be a proper rear sight. The slot into which you place your hand isn't big enough to take an average man sized hand! It is made for a boy! This gun is not made for a boy, as it takes the strengt6h of a man to work the break action. Why put a boys handle on it? Also, and this is a big negative, the carry handle has no hole in the channel to allow for the installation of a carry handle sight base! There isn't any way to mount a scope or dot sight because of this! Many folks would like to be able to mount such sights. The handle channel isn't wide enough to allow for a hole to be drilled into the channel base, so it can't even be modified!
What Others Should KnowBecause the carry handle is real junk, you'll probably have to spend another $30-$40 for a good after market AR/4 carry handle w/ mount, to do what the one supplied should have been able to do! That will necessitate matching the front sight to whatever the height of your new after market rear sight/handle might be. You may (should) buy a different, more sturdy front sight as well? You might want to consider buying the scoped version of this gun and then simply make an after market purchase of a proper carry handle w/ channel mount and front sight? The scope isn't much, but you can probably sell it to someone, if you don't like it, or you can mount it on the channel mount of the new after market carry handle.
I bought a red dot sight to mount on top of the carry handle, so a proper handle & mount are imperative to my requirements. This gun should have come with a proper set of sights and a carry handle that a hand can fit through! But for these failings, I would have given it 5 stars!
This is a very accurate and powerful rifle with the right sights or Red dot optic sight. A Good scope would work very well also.
Things I Would Have ChangedBetter front and rear sights, the factory sights are not very good, and hard to sight in.
What Others Should KnowBuy a UTG low profile sight for the front and a UTG AR Carry handle sight for the rear if you like open sights. I use a UTG Rd/Green Dot now and love it.
The model with the carry handle is the one to buy for value, because the factory scope isn't very good anyway.
looks, feels, and shoots like the real thing, I could not be more pleased in those 3 areas.however, I have shot breakbarrels for app. 11,12 years now,and have read and heard about barrel droop but never experienced it until I got this rifle.i read a lot of nasty reviews on this rifle but still bought it having my hopes up.out of the box the gun was shooting 12-14 inches below bullseye.I worked my way through all sight settings until front sight was all the way down and rear sight was all the way up, and gun was still shooting 4-5 inches too low, this is good slow shooting from a sandbag rest.i removed the front sight post, brought the rear sight half way back down and started in again.by imagening a gold dot front sight centered at very base of where front sight should screw in, and adjusting rear sight to just 4 clicks from top I was finally able to hit bullseye.of course this rifle has to go back.this shooting was done from 10 meter,using the small arpeture target sight.
Things I Would Have Changedfirst and most important, all airguns sold in the USA should be made in the USA, using American materials and put together by American workers.sling holes should be made out of medal or removed.quality control, quality control,quality control!!!
What Others Should KnowI have been shooting guns in one form or another for over 50 years now and I have never, ever failed to get a good sight-in on a gun. any gun,with or without scopes.and I certaintly do not consider myself an expert shooter, just somebody who"s been doing it awhile and have gotten pretty good at it.i have also been around long enough to know what MADE IN AMERICA means.it means not having to constantly send products back due to quality control issues.the owners manual claimed this gun was test fired before it left the factory and it may have been, but it was not tested with the sights on.if it was then there is no way in hell this gun should have been allowed to leave that factory!!!In my mind this IS a safety issue, for if somebody with little or no shooting experience got this gun out of the box and maybe had a quick-footed little brother running around while trying out this gun , I can see how something could go very wrong very fast.we all MUST DEMAND QUALITY CONTROL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PROS:#1 Best Looking Air Rifle. #2 Can not get hand damage @ breach when charging. #3 cosmetic mag. is nice cargo space. #4 Did I mention it is the best looking tactical air rifle(gas piston) out there @ this time. not a tack driver,but fun & looks great in pics...
Things I Would Have Changed#1 weight forward-weight in stock ?might? help. #2 too hard to charge for timed game shooting-longer barrel needed #3 slippery on wooden surfaces-must cradle, not lean, unlike other Crosmans I own. #4 front sight not adjustable enough. #5 Personally, I would like it louder.
How they in the picture of the rear sight of this rifle says Made in_____ It is blank. My guess is China Lol
Things I Would Have ChangedMade in the USA Its a Crosman and a American rifle should be made here, Not in China and hide that it is made in china from the pictures.
What Others Should KnowI'm still going to bye it because it will be hard to find in the near future. This type of look alike Assault rifle will be banned in the USA probably sooner than later. Just my geuss
Power, heft, feel, fun of shooting. My first Nitro piston in .177 cal and the power is amazing. Shots are all over right now but hopeful they'll settle down. Cocking effort isn't as bad as some would have you believe, all in the technique. Loudness isn't that bad either. May turn out to be the most fun of about a dozen air guns I have. Good value for the cost.
Things I Would Have ChangedTrigger pull is different, even with adjustment, very long. If you've got a target in Illinois, start your pull in Indiana. Each gun can be adjusted to but difficult when you shoot several and each has its own unique characterics. This one is no exception. Why not make it in a .22?
What Others Should KnowYour neighbors won't know it from a real firearm, use common sense when shooting/displaying it.
To say it looks real is an understatement, it looks as real as my Ruger Mini 14 (5.56 NATO) with a folding tactical stock, but the 77 actually looks more imposing. It has a solid feel and not one of cheap plastic. The power is there and it goes head to head with few air guns that have a higher rated max FPS. The trigger sucks out of the box, but it is somewhat adjustable. The sling mounts set it aside from most air rifles and is a must in my opinion. My other 3 high powered air rifles cost more, are somewhat more powerful, and have better long range accuracy, but this is my favorite.
Things I Would Have ChangedNow for the bad news, this gun is not for everyone, between the short barrel and the nitro piston, cocking effort can only be described as brutal. I think I tore something the first couple times I used it, but it seems better now, or maybe my shoulder and arm just healed, either way, it’s a work out. Mine shot straight, but too low, so I tried a BSA red dot, but the recoil ate it. I finally put the carry handle back on with a riser.
What Others Should KnowNo gun is perfect, but once I got by the cocking and sighting issues, I can honestly say this is my favorite. I just wish they made it in a 22 version.
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Jan 03, 2016
By Bob
I like the weight, it feels like a real AR. Super gun for the price. Made very well and is very accurate. It is very easy to mount a scope on and the handle and front sight are easy to take off.
Things I Would Have ChangedMaybe a adjustable stock option would be nice. A .25 caliber would be nice.