DI GEN3 HDP TP50 13 Joules 480FPS+ With Gen2 Quick Air Release Valve
Shipped & sold by Modern Combat Sports
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This is the generation 3 model, it is the latest production with a reinforced valve for greater reliability and durability. The Gen3 upgrade of the robust and reliable Home Defense Pistol (HDP 50) has been meticulously optimized in both function and design, further enhancing its effectiveness for defense application. This powerful non-lethal/less-lethal solution remains a trusted ally in critical situations. Key improvements in this model include an enhanced grip texture for better handling, a high-contrast fiber optic sight, and the new Gen2 revolutionary tool-free Quick-Piercing system with integrated pressure release. The 12g CO2 capsule housed in the grip is only pierced when neededactivated with a light tap at the base of the grip. This ensures users have full capsules and peak performance even after extended storage periods. A clearly visible and tactile pressure indicator shows when the marker is ready for use, and any residual pressure can be safely released with a simple quarter turn of the screw at the grip's base. The energy output has been increased to 13 joules, providing a significant boost in effectiveness. The HDP 50 Gen3 offering a wide selection of .50 caliber ammunition powered by a 12g CO2 capsule. Six round balls are loaded into the tube magazine beneath the barrel, with intuitively placed controls and intelligent design ensuring proper handling in emergencies. The trigger safety prevents accidental discharge, and a Picatinny rail beneath the barrel allows for the attachment of accessories. The P2P HDP 50 Gen3 is fully compatible with a range of existing accessories. This is the perfect pistol for defensive intent to potential aggressors, contributing to its de-escalating effect. This model shoots spherical .50 cal ammunition This is a factory production version, it comes with a manufacturer warranty. Technical data Ammunition Type: .50 caliber PVC/Rubber/Metal spherical rounds Integrated Magazine Capacity: 6 rds Magazine Range: +/- 60ft Impact power: 13 Joules Air-Source: 12g CO2 Overall Length: 8.4" Weight: 1.5lbs Warranty: Factory Warranty
The Gen3 upgrade of the robust and reliable Home Defense Pistol (HDP 50) has been meticulously optimized in both function and design, further enhancing its effectiveness for defense application. This powerful non-lethal/less-lethal solution remains a trus
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