Diana 54 Air, Image 1
Diana 54 Air, Image 1

Diana 54 Air King

4.571 reviews
25 answered questions


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4.571 reviews
25 answered questions


If you're looking for the ultimate in power and accuracy from a spring-piston air rifle, without the recoil they normally produce, look no further than the Diana Model 54 Air King sidelever action springer.

One of the Diana Model 54's most unique and sought-after features is its recoilless action. Employing a set of rails on which the action hovers, Diana has significantly reduced felt recoil. This not only makes for a more comfortable shooting experience. It also improves accuracy because pellets clear the muzzle before being affected by spring vibration.

The Diana Model 54 Air King's blued steel components are wrapped in a dapper, beechwood Monte Carlo stock with a checkered forestock, grip and raised cheekpiece. With top velocities of 1100 FPS in .177 caliber and 900 FPS in .22, this spring piston air rifle is well suited for everything from plinking and target shooting to pest removal and small-game hunting.

Diana Model 54 Air King Sidelever Air Rifle

  • Monte Carlo beechwood stock with raised cheekpiece
  • Checkered forearm and grip
  • Single shot
  • Spring piston power plant
  • Sidelever action
  • 3.3-lb. trigger pull
  • Two-stage, adjustable T06 trigger
  • Rubber buttplate
  • 11mm dovetail scope mount
  • Rear sight adjustable for windage and elevation
  • Blade & ramp front sight
  • Rifled steel barrel
  • 39-lb. cocking effort
  • loudness: 3 - medium
  • 1100 FPS (.177 caliber), 900 FPS (.22 caliber)
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.22 (5.5mm)
Max Velocity
900 fps
Suggested for
Small game hunting/plinking
9.9 lbs
Fixed/adj. power
11mm dovetail
Front Sights
Blade & Ramp
Rear Sights
Adjustable for windage & elevation
Two-stage adjustable
Trigger Pull
3.3 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Cocking Effort
39 lbs
Body Type

Overall Rating



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10 of 71 Diana 54 Air King Reviews

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I bought this rifle to shoot sparrows off my Purple Martin houses. it is very accurate! no problem hitting sparrows at a distance of 30 yards without damaging my bird houses. all of my shooting is 30 yards or less, so I can't commit on long distant accuracy. I love the fact that the gun is NOT hold sensitive, at all. and it likes the cheap Crosman hollow point pellets. I mounted a vortex diamondback scope on it and have had no problems with scope damage.

the weight of the gun might be a problem if packing it around all day in the field. I shoot from a bench in the backyard so it's not a problem for me.

it is very pellet friendly, not much difference in any of the 5 pellets I tried. and I've read where people were concerned about the breech sliding backwards when aiming upwards, this has not be a problem. if you cock and load the rifle and then set it down stock first on the ground, sometime the breech will slide back. but you can just shove it forward again when you push the safety off.

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Feels more compact and lighter than my HW90. Shoots faster too. Probably will use it for varmints open sights. Yesterday, I missed a 10' shot scoped on my M34. Lol. As much as I like scoped air rifles I need one without an optic that can make a clean kill at 50 yards, hopefully more.

I like dark walnut and metal old Dianawerks and Weihrauch. Yes, extra weight, but more like what I grew up on. That sidelever release is funny. I prefer the sidelever on my old Model 75 T-01. I propose Dianawerks and Weihrauch offer metal sights, the metal instead of plastic by the safety, and deluxe walnut stocks, with the accents in that white porcelain cap like on the old HW35E. Also swing swivels. I want to climb up my hunting tower safely. Make it an option. Or do a run of a few. I bet the older airgun guys will love and appreciate that.

53 years worth of air gunning. I dropped out for a while. I can shoot powder offgrid. Now, my gongs irritate the new neighbors. So, until my new range is built, it's shotguns, and airguns : )

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I'm not in the habit of giving 5 star reviews of anything. But so far the.22 caliber Diana 54 has lived up to what I discovered in my research. It is very accurate, well built, and heavy. This is the first air rifle I've ever purchased, though I have owned and used many types of firearms. I wanted an air rifle that I could bench rest, hold, and shoot like my other rifles. The 54 does exactly that. If you are like me and are planning to put only one air rifle in your gun safe, you will not be disappointed with this one.


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Fine rifle. Well built and we'll designed. An adults pellet gun not for children.

At this point nothing.

This is a heavy rifle, around 9 pounds.

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Fine rifle. Well built and we'll designed. An adults pellet gun not for children.

At this point nothing.

This is a heavy rifle, around 9 pounds.

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Pick up this rifle and you know you have a top quality machine in your hands.

Take 2 pounds off of it. (Not possible, really)

Fit , finish , accuracy , and everything is top German quality. I like to set pop cans on end with the pull tab facing me. My 54 (in .22) w/ Bushy 5-15 AO will take out the rivet of the pull tab at 40 yds. The next two shots just widen the hole. This is off my porch railing resting on my hand. The biggest problem is the few times you miss you can't blame the rifle.

pelletking Jul 08, 2019

Try drilling a hole on the edge of an old CD and hang it off a coat hanger hook any wind will get it swinging good training for small game hunting patience timing shot placement (try it at 50 yrds ) good luck.

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FIT AND FINISH is Flawless , Wood stock has beautifully checkering and feels great in hand. Blueiing is nicely done. I have been shooting RWS supper dome .22 cal at 40 yards bullseye after bullseye!

Not a thing.

The RWS AIR KING IS A HEAVY RIFLE , the floating rail takes a bit getting used to. And I also had to Shim my hawk air max I suggest buying Scope mounts that compensate droop... When you first Handel you AIR KING do not be alarmed over the rattle thats how the floating rail is designed when you cock your rifle the rail moves thus the recoil is reduced dramatically. ALSO INVEST SOME MONEY IN A GOOD SCOPE , I PUT THE HAWK AIRMAX ON MINE . BULLSEYE THIS RIFLE IS VERY ACCURATE.

Ian Apr 30, 2020

Which mounts/rings did you use?

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Build quality , accuracy , lack of recoil. This rifle is made to be the King of Air Guns !

It is a bit heavy , but man up or stay home.

Of course , get a quality scope. No place to pinch pennies.

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Beautiful furniture and attention to detail. A fine example of German machinery.

If you have thick fingers and thumbs, or arthritis a bit like I do, it can be a little challenging loading a pellet into the breach.

Has a bit of heft to it so if you are looking for light and maneuverable, look elsewhere.

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Everything. Beautiful gun. Completely recoilless. Hits like a truck in .22 and keyholes shots at 30 yards(furthest Ive shot thus far.)

Maybe make the front sight thinner to accomodate the pinhole accuracy of this piece a little better. That assuming you arent using a scope of course. Although considering this guns reputation as a scope eater, unless you are planning on shelling out a few hundred for a quality built scope, I wouldnt reccomend it.

I ordered this in .22 off of amazon because I got it new for a little over $150 less. Not that I wouldnt pay full price if I had to do it again. Just a great piece. A little on the heavy side, but I like that personally.

Gary Mar 04, 2020

Airgun scopes are not expensive, I have 16 air rifles & every one has a scope on it ...made for an airgun. Hatsan 135 & 125 models kick the most and I have magnum springer scopes on those. Always paid less than $100 ... Hammers , Tasco, C.P. and others.

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