Diana Airbug CO2 Pistol
Caliber:.177 (4.5mm)
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If you're in the market for an accurate CO2 pistol for target practice, plinking and dispatching the occasional nuisance animal, the Diana Airbug is just the gun for you.
Set in a handsome ergonomic, hardwood stock and available in .177 and .22 calibers, the Airbug produces muzzle velocities of up to 525 fps and 460 fps, respectively. It sports a 9-shot rotary magazine in .177 and a 7-shot mag in .22. Both models also come equipped with a single-shot tray. According to Diana, the .177-cal version is capable of putting out 5 foot-pounds of muzzle energy and the .22 can do 6.6 fpe. Both calibers are powered by a 12-gram CO2 cartridge.
Whether you're looking for a reliable, accurate plinker to take to the range or use to knock down cans or exterminate household pests, the Diana Airbug is up for the job.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet pistols
Diana Airbug CO2 Pistol
- CO2
- Repeater
- Available in .177 and .22 calibers
- Ergonomic hardwood stock
- Bolt action
- Includes 9-shot (in .177) or 7-shot (in .22) magazine and single-shot tray
- 5 fpe (.177), 6.6 fpe (.22)
- .177-cal. Diana Airbug CO2 pistol
- 9-shot rotary magazine
- Single-shot tray
- Softsided pistol case
- Owner's manual
Ballistic & Conversion Calcs
Overall Rating
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10 of 115 Diana Airbug Reviews
Grip fits my hand well, although it’s quite slippery. Iron sights are nice but I removed them and put on a small red dot. Nice that the receiver is already grooved for a mount ( not picatinny, need adapter). I like the mag and the magnetic single shot adapter. The case is very nice but doesn’t fit well with a small red dot attached.
Things I Would Have ChangedGun came with the grip very loose. The trigger is not match quality initially by any means. At first, it had a disturbing clunk before the actual pressure could be applied. The pull was measured at 6 pounds with terrible creep. I removed the grip (you need a 2.5 and 3mm allen wrench) to see what the trigger adjustment was doing and adjusted the 1.5mm screw clockwise until the gun wouldn’t cock. Then backed it off until it could be cocked, then backed it out further to be sure of adequate sear engagement. Trigger pull is now quite good with minimal creep and no over travel. Trigger pull is now 2 1/2 pounds same as my Pardini .22 target pistol. If you were using this for anything other than target shooting, you would be better server and safer at around 4 pounds.
What Others Should KnowDaisy CO2 cartridges don’t work as the compression screw bottoms out before the cartridge is punctured. You will need to add weights to the muzzle as it is not balanced for target shooting.
Planned on this the first time I saw it. Stock/grip is finished so fine and the color is right on too. Got it in .177. Thought I might have to touch it up but its perfect. The grip is a perfect fit to my med sized hand also. Very accurate put on a BSA scope and it is now knocking the center out of any targets fool enough to show up around here. Stock sights are fine but my eyes are slowing down and the scope helped......Loading it one at a time for now but clip is a nice touch and will be trying it soon.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowReally nice quality thinking if you like this you will be very happy with it and Pyramyd air is the place to go. Great service, sales and selection. Thanks for everything.
Great pistol and great to do business with, pursued a defective air gun from Midway USA and their customer service would not back what they sold. I will do more business with Pyramid air, great business
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowPlease buy from a company like Pyramid air even if it may cost a bit more for shipping because it's worth it in the long run
Diana, quality as usual. The adjustable trigger. .22cal co2 gets about 50 good shots.
Things I Would Have ChangedIt’s pretty loud, a moderator would’ve been good. The magazine is kind of a pita, but I prefer single shot anyways.
What Others Should KnowIt’s worth the money.
It comes with a fairly decent soft case, &
you can easily cut holes in the foam
to securely carry tins of pellets & co2.
This pistol is the best I’ve owned in this price range. The trigger is adjustable and very consistent. Accuracy is excellent at 30 feet. All parts fit and feel perfect. Very easy to shoot and feel secure doing it.
Things I Would Have ChangedI’m redoing the wood handle to a walnut finish. Everything else is excellent as is.
What Others Should KnowThe few extra dollars on this one is well spent. Don’t cheap out. Treat yourself, it’s a great hobby and this pistol will make you love it even more.
This Airbug and the Chaser Kit were my first Diana pistols. I am very impressed with the trigger, the accuracy, and the quality of the product. It feels good in my hand and is easy to handle and shoot.
Things I Would Have ChangedExtra effort with the wood stock would have been nice. I plan to do an upgrade on the finish myself. Otherwise, would not change anything.
What Others Should KnowI was intimidated by the bolt on the left side, but that turns out to be something I like. The bolt action is very smooth. The pistol is really nice to shoot. It comes with a magazine but haven't use it yet. I'm getting about 50 shots per cartridge. I put a holographic red dot on it, and it took a long time to find the bulls eye, but it was worth the effort. I also found an after-market 3D suppressor for it at a good price. Two-year limited warranty, a nice bonus. I give it top ratings all the way.
I like Pyramyd Air's game plan... It vallues customers... Now for the gun... I already have the Chaser & looking to have to have a seperate pistol with wood grips and moderator connection... JOE
Things I Would Have Changednothing to date
What Others Should KnowPoof and here its here...
Great build quality. Grip is large but very comfortable in hand. I like the left side mounted bolt as I don't have to take my hands off the grip to introduce another pellet. Nice smooth acting metal trigger. nice metal trigger guard. I really like the removable rod to aid in tightening up the co2 canister - be careful not to over tighten.
Things I Would Have ChangedFactory magazine is pretty fussy and disappointing. Sights are difficult to see so I added a red dot.
What Others Should KnowAll in all, although it has a few negatives I feel this is a great fun air pistol for the money!
After receiving my AirBug I was impressed by the looks the apparent quality, and if other’s reviews are to be believed, it’s accuracy. Unfortunately, because of the heat outside (100+)and inside (96)of the garage where I have a target range set up, I still have not fired it! After next weekend the forecast shows much better temperatures, so I certainly hope to check it out. Good job, Diana and Pyramyd Air!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing so far.Nope
What Others Should KnowNope
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Aug 03, 2024
By Michael
The match style grip fits my hands quite nice. A great value for the price if you want to have fun rather than compete. At 10 meter shooting from a rest it will tear a 1/2" hole provided that you are a competent shooter. It printed a pattern the same vs JSB 13.43 vs Crosman 14.3 pellet. Since I shoot off hand, the price of Crosman pellets are the way to go. The simplicity of build makes this gun doable for the average person to repair or maintain. The adjustable trigger is adjustable and will hold your adjustment. The bolt on the left as a right hand shooter is appreciated.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe provided open sights aren't good. If you have young eyes, you'll have to modify them into working order. If you have 60 year old eyes, a micro red dot is essential. The pistol is loud. Not backyard friendly. A trip to Buckrail.com for a replacement front sight threaded for a silencer will make the pellet hitting the paper louder than shooting the pistol.
What Others Should KnowIf you want to "win" , or compete, this isn't the pistol for you. If you want a well made, simple CO2 pistol that's probably more accurate than you are, then this is it.