Gamo Rocker Pellet Trap, Reset w/Center Paddle
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- Gamo Rocker Pellet Trap
- 5 metal paddles
- 4 paddles flip up when hit -- hitting center paddle resets the other 4
- 6.50"x6.50"x8"
- 5 lbs.
- For .177-caliber LEAD pellets
- Use .177-caliber airguns with a max muzzle velocity of 750 fps
- To help prevent ricochet, place trap at least 15 feet from muzzle of gun
- Do not use steel BBs or non-lead pellets, as they could damage the trap and increase ricochet
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10 of 68 Gamo Rocker Pellet Trap, Reset Reviews
Bought one of these from Pyramid a few years ago, still going strong. It became my favorite target quickly.
Solidly built. Mechanically reliable
Things I Would Have ChangedFor pistol shooters, it needs to be at least 50% bigger - even at 5 meters. OK for air rifles with scopes at 10 meters, if you're pretty good.
What Others Should KnowShipping was pricey.
It's really built well. Solid, heavy construction, ports for dumping pellets out...it's well designed and well built.
What Others Should KnowThis is lots more fun than shooting paper!
Sturdy construction and challenging targets.
What Others Should KnowIt's smaller than expected. Make sure you understand what you're getting.
Fun little pellet trap. The small paddles are a nice challenge and forces you to work harder to get them versus the big bigger paddles.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe side slots to dump pellets out could use a sliding door to keep pellets in until you are ready to empty the trap.
What Others Should KnowIt has been said before but is worth repeating. This little gem is for lead BBs and pellets only. Stay below the velocity listed and this trap will last a long time. If the trap is too loud wrap it in an old blanket or comforter.
The different size plates makes for fun challenging shooting. The center reset plate is a very nice feature.
Things I Would Have ChangedPellets stick to plates. Quality control is a little lacking. One of the stamped star nuts that assemble the thru rods was missing. Required a repair on my part.
What Others Should KnowI greased the paddles, and that solved the problem of the pellets sticking. Expect a little fine tuning on your part. Still like the trap. Cant get to fussy for the price.
It works well.
Things I Would Have ChangedEverything Gamo is quality. But it should be clarified that it is only for low-powered weapons. I would make it bigger. It is very small.
What Others Should KnowDoes not perform well with higher powered guns.
Great little trap .
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowDon't shoot it closer than it says to , pellets will stick to the paddles .
The reset is a cool idea
Things I Would Have ChangedThe targets dent too easily. Don't think they will last very long
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Feb 13, 2024
By Dwayne
Not a whole lot that I liked about it. I liked the reset and the weight of the target box.
Things I Would Have ChangedThis is made for slower moving pellets. 177 tops. 22 pellets are just way to much at any speed. 177 pellets are way to much out of some guns. It needs to much MUCH bigger. This is a very small trap. Smaller than might imagine. I would say thicker and heavier targets. better reset and catch mechanisms.
What Others Should KnowThis is fantastic for KIDS fun. weaker pellet rifles will work fine. It is very small, so do not expect
anything spectacular.
The target is small enough, that it sits VERY close to the ground. This can be really annoying.
Don't expect the target catchers to keep the already hit targets up to be reset. They may
come falling down when you hit another target from the vibration.
Keep in mind, the targets are SMALL!.... probably great for 10 yards. Young kids that are
not good shots may get bored trying to hit the targets.