FX Air Rifle Pellets .25 Cal, 25.39 Grains, Domed, 350ct.
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Made by premier pellet manufacturer, JSB in the Czech Republic, FX pellets are some of the best that money can buy. Made to provide the quality and consistency that competition shooters require, trust FX pellets to keep you in the 10 ring!
- .25 cal
- 25.39 grains
- Domed
- 350 count
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10 of 38 FX Air Rifle Pellets .25 Reviews
Very accurate through the avenger X
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
out of 12 tins i found only a single damaged pellet, quality control is on point. excellent quality and accuracy as well. shoots just like a jsb.
Things I Would Have Changednothing, you guys got this down to a science.
What Others Should Knowpyramyd air is awesome!
Very accurate. I've tried other pellets and only ever had the JSB exact King 25.39 pellets work well for me. These are actually 25.4 so I figured I'd give them a shot (pun intended) and was very pleased. Nickel sized groupings at 25 and 50 yds.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing for now.
What Others Should KnowIf you like the JSBs give these a try and hopefully they'll work as well for you.
Good quality pellets. They all seemed to be in good shape when received. The shipping was fast, which I really appreciated.
Things I Would Have ChangedPellets Could be a little cleaner as far as burr's but would not change anything else.
What Others Should KnowDefinitely would recommend purchasing these to a friend.
Great general use belles for the 25 cal.
Things I Would Have ChangedQuality control is a little off since COVID. I noticed that pellet head sizing varies even in the same tin.
Very Accurate pellet. A tac driver as they say. That is be expected since it is made for FX by JCB and only use one mold specific to FX.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should KnowIt's a JSB in disguise. It performs equal to JSB Exact King in 25 cal. I only used the 25.grain ones. You could not tell the difference if you did blind comparison. Load the mags with the different brands and have a friend or family member that shoots to test and guess. They won't be able to tell the difference. with these pellets it comes down to price. i.e. on sale, or bulk purchase for a discount if you shoot a lot. A Avenge X 25 cal Tact rifle was used with Athlon Optics Talos 4-16x40 Second Focal Plane Riflescope.
The epic smack down on the big fat pigeon’s that come down and and use my dogs food bowl as a restroom
Things I Would Have ChangedMore to a Tin and a cheaper price
What Others Should KnowThese shoot really well out of the huben gk1 air pistol
I like everything.shape,performance and not to pricey
Things I Would Have ChangedAs for changing anything...I wouldn't.They perform quite well
What Others Should KnowTest with out her brands
Just what I had hoped for
Things I Would Have ChangedPrice shipping to Canada
What Others Should KnowVery good customer service
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Jan 06, 2025
By Charles
My Airforce pcp seems to like this pellet.
Things I Would Have ChangedNone