Hawke Red Dot Sights VantageRD 1x20, 9-11mm Dovetail
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With superior optics to facilitate a clear sight picture and rapid target acquisition, you can’t go wrong with Hawke’s Vantage Red Dot 1x20 9-11mm-mount-ready sight.
Whether planning to mount it on an air pistol, air rifle or rimfire rifle, this sight is built to take a beating. Its all-aluminum construction is sturdy, fog-proof, shockproof and waterproof. The lenses are 25-layer fully multi-coated for superior image quality and it features nitrogen-purged glass to prevent fogging.
An 11-stage digital brightness control allows shooters to fine tune the 3-MOA dot’s level of illumination, powered by the included CR2032 battery. Its sleek lines and unobtrusive form factor make for a straightforward, reliable and durable optic that will remain in service for years to come.
Hawke Red Dot Sights Vantage RD 1x20, 9-11mm, 3 MOA dot
- 3 MOA red dot with 11-stage digital brightness control
- 25-layer multi-coated optics for maximum clarity
- Integrated 9-11mm-compatible mount
- Parallax-error free from 10 yds.
- High-quality aluminum construction
- Nitrogen-purged glass
- Waterproof
- Shockproof
- Fogproof
- 20mm objective
- weight: 4.4 oz.
- Two-year warranty
- Includes CR2032 battery, lens cloth, lens cover, installation tool and honeycomb sunshade
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10 of 17 Hawke Red Dot Sights VantageRD Reviews
compact size
Things I Would Have Changedmake the dot a real dot not a star burst
What Others Should Knowthe brighter you make the dot the more of a star burst you get
I mounted this on a Crosman 2240XL & it is the perfect optic for this pistol. IMHO Includes a cleaning cloth, removable anti-glint honeycomb objective filter, handy tool to open the battery compartment (battery included), & the windage & elevation caps have a rectangular bar on top so adjustments are tool free!
Things I Would Have ChangedI don’t think I would change a thing here. Way to go Hawke & Pyramyd!
What Others Should KnowComes in a sturdy little box but you won’t keep or store it in the box for very long.
Seems good quality for the price.
Things I Would Have ChangedChange you parallax description.
What Others Should KnowDescription reads 10m parallax which are my intentions for this red dot. It has parallax issues at 10m and be advised, the picture appears slightly smaller looking through it at 10m. The parallax issue can be almost illuminated by centering the dot in the scope, and then center it centered above the front sight post. Used on a Crosman 1701p forward of the loading port for easy loading.
Compact size is nice.
Things I Would Have ChangedSee below.
What Others Should KnowThe turret caps have screw blades molded in for adjusting the POI. They are too thick and don't fit the turret slots / screw driver needed to zero. The turret screws have no click - it's all guess to zero. The 11mm base seems to be soft aluminum. When I attached it to my Weihrauch HW30 the steel of the gun ate into the base so that it was almost impossible to remove it. (I used minimum torque). The dot is too big even on min setting - completely over covers 1 inch bulls at 20 yards. Tight groups nearly impossible. The battery cap has to be tightened really hard to work. This unit behaves like a $30 Chinese unit - not a $110 unit. I would return it but it was damaged when I had to remove it from my HW30.
Love the accuracy of the 3 mil. dot as opposed to a 5 mil. Adjustments are precise and predictable.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowReally brought out the accuracy of my Crosman Silhouette.
The best red dot that I own. The dot is small and sharp. The overall size is small. Works well on my Crosman 2240 carbine.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing.
What Others Should KnowThis fits Crosman's 2240 steel breech and looks proportional. I usually don't spend that much for a red dot but I am glad that I did. Fits this combo perfectly.
It pays to read instructions. I tried dialing windage and elevation adjustments, getting no results. I soon after discovered that the caps unscrew. Once removed the adjustment hardware is clearly revealed -- as the instructions make clear. What wasn't clear was me. As another happy customer mentions, the red-dot fits nicely absent any need for adaptive fittings. I'm impressed with the red-dot's build quality. I've no idea how it would hold up on the slide of a conventional firearm. For indoor pellet shooting it fits the bill.
Things I Would Have ChangedAs elsewhere mentioned, the glass on the eyeball end ought to be recessed. It's too easily smudged. The brightness dial is very tight. I expect it will loosen a bit with use. However, I do like the zero setting as an easy way to turn the sight off.
It pays to read instructions. I tried dialing windage and elevation adjustments, getting no results. I soon after discovered that the caps unscrew. Once removed the adjustment hardware is clearly revealed -- as the instructions make clear. What wasn't clear was me. As another happy customer mentions, the red-dot fits nicely absent any need for adaptive fittings. I'm impressed with the red-dot's build quality. I've no idea how it would hold up on the slide of a conventional firearm. For indoor pellet shooting it fits the bill.
Things I Would Have ChangedAs elsewhere mentioned, the glass on the eyeball end ought to be recessed. It's too easily smudged. The brightness dial is very tight. I expect it will loosen a bit with use. However, I do like the zero setting as an easy way to turn the sight off.
Size. & Weight Mounted on a crosman 2300T Behind the loading area. Seems to be holding zero after sighting in. Approximately 150 rounds shot.
Things I Would Have ChangedThis red dot is not I repeat is not very bright outdoors. It will be just fine for indoor shooting.
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Sep 06, 2024
By Steve
Smooth adjustment, clear view, solid piece
Things I Would Have Changednothing