H&N Slug HP, .218 Cal., 25 Grains, Hollowpoint, 200ct
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- .218 caliber
- 25 grains
- 200 pellets

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4 of 4 H&N Slug HP, .218 Cal. .22 (5.5mm) Cal Reviews
Consistent, penetrate well.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should KnowI run a stock Kral Puncher Breaker and modded 1322 with 14.5in barrel. In the Kral, these hold 3/8" 5 shot groups at 20 yards off sandbags. At the same range it penetrates 7 aluminum cans filled with water, the first two showing similar hydro-static shock that i get with Crow magnums in 1 can. Drop at range is considerably less than similar weight waisted pellets. The 1322 groups them as consistently as its best wad cutter, but the weight is a bit much to push at 10 pumps. I have experienced similar results with both the .217 27gr and .218 25gr. I will update when I get the .217 and .218 21gr and 30gr.
These fly really well. No oddities in the tin.
Things I Would Have ChangedKeep up with demand. PA consistently out of various grain weights since release.
What Others Should KnowAll my Hatsan weapons shoot these fantastic. It pains me to say it but these in my Flashes out shoot the Nielsen's.
Low drop. All three of my Flashes send these downrange well. Outstanding addition to a fine product line. Thanks PA for the free 4th tin.
Things I Would Have ChangedFix the supply demand problem please.
What Others Should KnowBe ready to be surprised how far these go!
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Dec 27, 2020
By Leo
When pellet slugs first came on the market of course I wanted to try them, but not at the chance of ruining my air rifles as they are designed for pcp rifles.When I seen videos of another trying them in his Gamo break barrels, well, ok, why not? These pellets shoot great out of ALL my air rifles rated at least 1000 fps, even repeaters!!!
Things I Would Have ChangedCheaper value packs!
What Others Should KnowI would NOT waste them on just target shooting due to cost, but once I know how they shoot out of what gun, these are pretty viable for personal defense in my multi- shot repeaters.