SA XDM 3.8", Image 1
SA XDM 3.8", Image 1

SA XDM 3.8" & 4.5" .177-cal CO2 Blowback BB Pistol Magazine, 20rds

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It's never fun to run out of ammo or air. Prevent this bummer in your airgun-shooting sessions and pick up a couple extra 20-round .177-cal. BB magazines for your Springfield Armory XDM 4.5" standard or 3.8" compact blowback pistol so you can shoot more and reload less.

SA XDM 3.8" & 4.5" CO2 Blowback .177 Pistol Magazine, 20rds

  • Capacity: 20rds
  • Fits both 4.5" standard and 3.8" compact SA XDM CO2 pistols
  • Holds (1) 12-gram CO2 cartridge
  • Features easier to use, larger BB follower


0.6 lbs

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10 of 14 SA XDM 3.8" & 4.5" Reviews

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I bought a Spring Field XDM 4.5 but the magazine came with a problem, I contacted the support and they promptly sent me another one for replacement.


this store has the best after sales service in the US, congratulations to the whole team.

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Built good a solid. Only one problem is the spring loaded slide for loading BB's. I did not get the adapter/helper like Tyler used. I did make two. Two incase I misplace the one. Thinking I can take the mag apart and remake the slide to work better with out the 'helper'. Also a good idea when selling pistoles would be to enclude a mag in the selling price. When a person gets inot shooting it is no fun to stop and reload a mag. If you have a second mag you can practice shooting the way it should be.

Change the loading helper to enclude a longer/longer finger tap.

Buy the extra mag when you buy the gun. It will save frustration when shooing.

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NICE UPGRADE to the original mag. Very solidly made mag. great feeding of bb's.

Put a notch at the bottom so you can lock the follower down for loading bb's.

Nice upgrade from the original.

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not much

Make the hex screw better and the plastic load taps on the magazine. Seems like its a poor design, many people are complaining about the same issues.This screw strips very easy. There should be a warning in the manual in "RED"

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Identical to firearm magazine except inner workings. Great Design and high capacity. Like others have said, "Built like a tank!" It is! Out of 6+ air guns I have tested the Springfield XDM 4.5 is the most accurate, most reliable, best clone other than the Sig P365. XDM is the only one that will perform after CO2 cartridge has been left idle for an extended period of time. P365 doesn't last 48 hours.

The plastic tab to contract the spring. Breaks easily. Lower price. $29 ea or 2 for $49. Work out the kinks with bottom pin and maybe a slightly thicker more easily expandable seal to help release the cartridge when empty would get it 5 stars all around and would justify the higher price of $39+.

Get multiple. Tab broke on 1st mag. Others have been fine. Be delicate when loading.
Don't over tighten the CO2. It will get stuck. Even with oil this has happened often even though I've been careful to not turn much past the CO2 cartridge tapping point. Tapping the butt of the mag to a flat surface and also tapping the side of mag to a flat service or another mag eventually releases the cartridge but after having to do this to a mag multiple times it does indent the outer casing and causes feeding issues.

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It fits well in a nice looking gun. You can actually pascal 24 shots in this mag if the BB s are stacked perfectly.

A heavier tab on the spring or a cut out stopper to make loading easier. The piecing system should be more square to the bottom of the mag to eliminate the strong possibility of crossthreading which can seize that piece right in the access hole. Little nun that is there to hold the bottle cover in place is attached to the spring loading system which makes it prone to not returning high enough to hold the cover in place.

I just ordered my second replacement, so third overall because I was finally able to figure out what was wrong with the XD when I disassembled it and was able to remove the stuck BB right at the initial opening of the barrel and now think this gun is awesome. The same thing I thought when I ordered it. Careful how you screw in the co2 cap and try to figure out a decent loading system and you have a classy, beautifully weighted, accurate, not the hardest shooting, high capacity semi auto pistol.

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The Gun itself it awesome. Its built very well. And very accurate in detail. Both the black AND dual tone. Very real heft and has strong blowback recoil action making seem like you could be shooting a real gun. Almost. Lol I do like it. But the magazine needs some work.

The magazine should not be aluminum and should not be 50 bucks. You must be very careful when screwing in your CO2 tank because you can cross thread the cap and make the magazine useless. I just did that and had to buy a new one. However I'm asking to return the defective magazine for a new one so I can have two. At 50 bucks a pop, i think i deserve a working magazine for a gun i spent over $100. All in all, it's a good gun. But bad magazine quality. If you have the money, buy extras...

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Pretty much identical to my 9mm XDM mags.

The plastic follower lever used to assist in loading breaks very easily.

This plastic follower lever broke after just a couple of uses, there are no provisions to fix or repair it and these mags cost $50!
The manufacturer needs to get this right!

Kevin Jun 06, 2020

They need to change the threads to steel, not aluminum, the threads are not strong enough to hold the Co2 capsules. You must carefully make sure your threads match up realigning the cap screw when installing the Co2 capsules.and they weaken the threading and that mean striping out when tightening and it will leak, so now I have a training mag, not a useful tool and my xdm cries for action, at 50 bucks and ship and tax, it can sit there until Springfield fixes this problem. warranties are a dime a dozen.

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90% is well constructed and "built like a tank"

The plastic follower broke the 2nd time I tried to use the magazine. It has a small plastic tab that is not easily accessible and broke the 2nd time I tried to use it, thus making the magazine useless. If the follower was made of something stronger than plastic, or instead of the plastic tab, there was a small hole that you could insert a tool into to retract it, this would work and not break. I don't know if this was a rush to market with this product, or what, but it wasn't well thought out/tested.

Do not buy this product until it is redesigned/re-engineered. I would definitely buy this once it is redesigned.

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I like the mags had no issues

I wouldnt change anything

Great product go ahead and buy em

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