Sheridan Silver Streak, Image 1
Sheridan Silver Streak, Image 1

Sheridan Silver Streak C9

5.012 reviews


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5.012 reviews


Don't forget to click on the AMMO link for a list of recommended pellets. The ACCESSORIES link has a list of scopes, fun targets and safety gear you'll need.

To scope this gun, you'll need an intermount. The Crosman intermount has an 11mm dovetail. The others are Weaver rails. Match up the right rings with the intermount you select!
To maintain the seals for a long time, remember to put one pump of air into the gun when putting it away after shooting. Whether you plan to shoot again the next day or not again for another 2 years, always put one pump into the gun when you're done shooting!

An American favorite for 50 years! The Sheridan Silver Streak continues to be one of the best-loved airguns. This .20 cal. rifle is a multi-pump pneumatic. The hardwood stock is sleek and lightweight and fits perfectly in your hands. The rifled brass barrel is finished in nickel and throws lead up to 675 fps! You can vary the velocity by the number of pumps (up to 8). The Silver Streak is ideal for hunting small game, plinking, target shooting, spinners and paper targets. It's a "must have" in every gun locker!

Although this gun has been made for decades, the manufacturer continues to put extra fine details in the rifle, such as a swelling in the forearm to make it easier to pump and a fully adjustable rear sight. If you want to drill out every last bit of accuracy (0.50" at 33 ft.), pop a scope on it. Use the B272 intermount to do that.
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.20 (5.0mm)
Max Velocity
675 fps
Suggested for
Small game hunting/target practice
Multi-pump pneumatic
6.0 lbs
Front Sights
Blade & Ramp
Rear Sights
Adjustable for windage & elevation
Two-stage non-adjustable
Trigger Pull
5.5 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
1 round(s)
Cocking Effort
1-8 pumps

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10 of 12 Sheridan Silver Streak C9 Reviews

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Every thing seems to be great. A great hunting piece and it groups verry well..

Sheridan seems to have put it together with a lot of fore though. I wouldn't change a thing.

I use this air rifle for gray squirels and found it good out to 50 yards. Heart shots seem to kill on impact and they are dead before they hit the ground. A great all around small game getter,
To date my silver streak has taken over 100 kills and never once let me down. Fun for plinking and very well made..Mine is a 20 cal. and is everything I could ask for in a fair priced air gun.

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I have had a Silver Streak for about 35 years and it is still like new. I mounted a 2x Redfield Long Eye relief scope on it and it shoots tight groups and hits hard. This is a quality piece of work, with excellent materials and will never go out of style. Of course, when I bought it, I paid about $55 for it. I am the original owner, and I will pass it down to my son. The gun has enough power for hunting, can be used for target shooting, and is a lot of fun.

The trigger pull could be a little lighter, which would lead to better shooting, but it is better than some air guns I have shot.

A great gun that is built to last a lifetime (or more)!

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I like everything. I am a long time Air Gun user and have owned the Sheridan and Benjamin before. I also have the RWS 300R and RWS 52. The odd thing is that right out of the box, I am better able to hit my plinking target (Full size coffee can on a string, located over 110 feet from the firing point) with the Sheridan than the RWS Rifles. For reference, a .20 caliber pellet held at arms length entirely covers the can located downrange, despite being a large can, at the distance it appears quite small. The impact point was perfect, I had no reason to readjust the sights. I made sure that the Sheridan was still made in America before I purchased. Before I purchased, I thought the trigger guard was plastic, but it appears to be cast, perhaps aluminum. The trigger assembly is a drastic improvement over the Sheridans made 20 years ago. The trigger is a well formed apparently steel trigger (my RWS Rifles have plastic triggers, plastic trigger guards, and a plastic front sight). The safety has been updated to a cross bolt type, great improvement, as the old safety was too easy to bump to the firing position. I used one drop of PellGun Oil in the tube assembly, lubricated the pump assembly hinge points, and the receiver bolt as well. The gun performed excellently.

It appears that the Sheridan and Benjamin look the same. I wish there were cosmetic differences to motivate me to purchase the Benjamin as well. (The Sheridan and Benjamin formerly had different shaped stocks). Also, I wish the plastic grip over the front of the receiver was available, it cushions the hand as the gun is pumped. It was installed on all Sheridan Air Rifles from years ago.

I prefer an Air Gun that can be ready at a moments notice, not one that I refill from a Scuba Tank or need to take a large CO2 Cylinder to my local compressed gas store to fill. The Sheridan fits the bill perfectly. Oh, worried about the multiple pumps necessary for each shot (I usually use 6 pumps or less)? Ever hear of exercise? I'm sure that the calories lost would benefit many of us after the Holidays. Also, improved muscle tone will likely result in the muscles required to pump the Air Gun. In a world of people who are increasingly not getting enough exercise, don't downplay the significance of multi-pump pneumatics. Use and enjoy.

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I have had my silver streak since Christmas, 1958. It was my first gun. I was pleased then as now with its performance. If you want energy, it is good. The newer spring actions like the Gamo 177 guns will approach the same knock down energy, but the larger 20 cal bore in the Sheridan will have greater projectile strength inside the game breaking bones.

Making it easier to lube the inside of the pump wuld be nice. I hade to use a throwaway nozzle tube (like what is attached to a bottle of compressed air cleaning gas) to pick he oil up out of the dispenser and insert it into the small hole behind the pump lever slot. The non compression side of the seal are easily accessible in the slot but the compression side of the pump ram is only accesable through that small port.

I have had the gun in storage for 40+ yr with no use. The seals on the pump had dried and shrunk giving no comprssion. I talked with a gunsmith about rebuilding the seals. His suggestion was to do nothing other than opening the pump arm and lubricating the pump tube on both sides of the piston with gun oil. The oil would be absorbed back into the leather seals and be a quick low cost fix.

I have done this using Rem Oil and re-waxed the stock.... eureka, I have a "new" gun. It is as fresh as when I opened it for Christmas when 12 in '58. It then like now takes 8 pumps to gain maxim performance.

I will see if this is effective in keeping it useful for the long haul.. I still can rebuild the seals if that becomes the only option.

I will keep it with my Gamo Hunter 177, Mossberg International Plinkster 22, Winchester 67 - 22, M1 Garand, SKS 7.62x39mm and Winchester Mod 12 20 guage.

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My childhood Silver Streak C9 is over 25 years old now and I still treasure it as much as any rifle or shotgun I have ever owned. These guns are truly heirlooms to be passed on. Well made, beautiful lines and very very hard hitting. The new pellet designs make this gun even more powerful and deadly. Had to have the seals replaced recently and it shoots like brand new again. I have owned several bb and pellet guns over the years but nothing I have owned has held that special place in my childhood memories like the old Sheridan dad gave me. He did a good job in picking the right gun. Buy one for you or you boy and you will never regret it.


Remember to not pump it more than around 8 times or it could cause premature seal failure. This gun is powerful and will go through old fences so be careful if shooting in the backyard of a neighborhood.

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well built, light, compact, quick to the shoulder.

get rid of the small amout of plastic,

i have been shooting the c9 everyday for about three weeks, i am out of work and have a lot of time on my hands(not a bad thing). i have owend a Beeman spring rifle that i bought at wal mart for about 11 years, the c9 is my 2nd air rifle and i couldnt be happier with it. it shoots much harder than my other rifle and much much smoother. the c9 is much louder than my old Beeman spring gun, but i live out in the hills so no one can hear it. i love things that are old school and built in the USA and while looking for a new air rifle i fell in love with the Sheridan history and now the gun, if you buy one you will love it. i will be taking it out to do some rabbit hunting and some pest control on the farm down the road.

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The Sheridan Silver Streak in 5 mm (20 cal.) was my first gun. Actually, it was a hand-me-down, from my brother and I have no idea if he was even the first owner. We're talking 1977 when I got my hands on it. The gun still fires beautifully, accurately and plenty hard to take squirrels, birds and other small critters (I bagged a large canebreak rabbit when I was 15 on a 30 yard shot). This gun, now approaching 40 years old, is a gem. I have since gotten into springers because of faster load times, the lack of a need to pump, etc. But with open sights, my springers don't shoot as accurately as the Silver Streak.

My old gun wasn't made for a scope. I guess I could take it and have it modified to receive one, but I don't want to touch it. Not sure about the current incarnations, but if they're scope-ready, that would be a big plus.

This gun shoots HARD. I don't have the tools to measure fps, but based on the performance of my 1000 fps springers and my daughter's 550 fps springer (and assuming these rifles hit near their advertised veolocities), I'd estimate it in the 700 fps range (I would say 750 if it were .177 because that's what I am comparing it to, but as noted, it is .20 caliber which is bound to slow it down some). Still LOTS of energy and stopping power.

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The Silver Streak is everything I expected it to be.....I have an old Benjamin Franklin Model 347 that I have owned shot countless times since purchasing in the middle '70,s and have never had to replace seals (It still shoots as well as ever). I expect the Silver Streak to perform as well and I really like the appearance! I don't hunt....just like to plink using soft drink cans and plastic water or soft drink bottles. Accuracy is excellent.....and I consider use of the Silver Streak to be great practice for off-hand shooting at longer distances with a .22 rimfire. I put a Williams Aperture sight on mine the first thing when I got it. Much easier to see a good sight picture especially for older eyes.

A good fiber optic sight on the front would be a great and welcome addition!

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Its a decent gun, I thought very seriously about returning it because its just not the gun I remember from a kid. I purchased this to teach my kids how to shoot. I like the fact that its like a real gun (size shape weight) I like the heaviness and the fact that my kids arms hurt after pumping it :)

The wood stock on the pump moves slightly when not pumping. It has a slight wiggle in it. The sights are made very cheaply. I was able to get it to sight in, but it took some effort. The sights out of the box were WAY off, and like I already stated, I think the sights were cheap, but I was able to sight in and shoot some pop cans at about 50 yards

I had one of these when I was a kid. They were made much better back then before crosman bought Benjamin Sheridan. Its still a nice solid gun. But I wish I could buy an original, the craftsmanship was a 100 x better.

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This gun has held up for me for 40 years with no problems. As a teenager I used to hunt birds, chipmunks, squirrels, or whatever came into view. Lots of critters fell to this gun. When I was young there was not a thing I could have complained about with this gun. Now as an older guy with a messed up wing of my own, the pumping has become difficult. I'll pump it through the pain though because it is an old and reliable friend.

It is as perfect as you want it to be. No gun is perfect for everyone. Adapt to it and there is little to find fault with. I would change nothing.

This gun has never had any work done to it, other than lubrication and refinishing the stock, in it's long service. I bought a rebuild kit for it on eBay about three years ago, just in case I could no longer get parts for the gun. I have never had a reason to use the kit yet. How many 40 year old guns can have that said about them.

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