H&N Grizzly, .25 Cal, 31 Grains, Hollowpoint, 150ct
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- .25 caliber
- 31 grains
- Hollowpoint
- 150ct

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10 of 113 H&N Grizzly, .25 Cal, 31 Reviews
A lot of people call these pellets when in fact they are slugs. A short, squished little slug with a dish base and a hollow point that looks like it was made with a torx bit. The BC on these pretty much sucks, but I don't think the design had long range in mind. They are very accurate at around 800 to 850 out of my m18. I shoot these in my AEA challenger as well, at 1050fps for close to 80 ftlb. They are going to go through anything organic smaller than a cow so be mindful of passthroughs.
Things I Would Have ChangedMake the base shallower, which should get the weight up to 33 to 35 grains.
What Others Should KnowThe shape of these reminds me of a 21 slug in .22 of the same brand. Accuracy is decent, but don't expect much past 100 yards. Inside 80 they stack pretty well. These do seem to tolerate being ran slower than "normal" slugs, probably due to the .07BC. If you can find them on sale buy some, otherwise there are more economical options with close to the same BC.
Good shooting slug and fits the magazine on my air rifle
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowQuick shipping and great prices
Package good weight was good shoot great
Price and packaging
What Others Should KnowNothing
Heavy, hollow point
Things I Would Have ChangedRedesign the pellet to the proper size.
What Others Should KnowFrankly this is the worst pellet I've ever shot. Something about the size is off. Practically falls through the barrel of my Hatsan AirTact . Usually my Benjamin Marauder is spot on, even with the H&N Barracudas, but this H&N is nothing but constant flyers resulting in very poor accuracy. If you are going to try these, don't buy multiple quantities until you are satisfied with how they work in your gun.
Excellent service
Things I Would Have ChangedNAN
Typical top notch H&N quality and performance... excellent. I shoot these outta 3 of my .25 cal PCP's and all 3 really like them. Accuracy and flawless feeding from their magazines too. But especially out of my Air Venturi Avenger and my Air Venturi Bullpup that are regulated at 2800psi, boy do they hit HARD. Expansion is also excellent. Testing in paraffin wax and tightly bound soaked newspaper the mushroom out to almost nickel size.
Things I Would Have ChangedJust wish they had higher count tins and obviously wish they were cheaper.
What Others Should KnowGrab some before the price increase that will inevitably come.
I bought some tins some years ago and try the Grizzlies with some of my HP rifles. Not very good results. I try them with my Vulcan 2 ant it shoots them like a champ. at above 100 yards.
Things I Would Have ChangedMore per tin.
What Others Should KnowAll slugs should be tested on a rifle to see if they work well or not.
H&N quality, decent consistency of shape. These hit HARD! (when they hit the target)
Things I Would Have ChangedACCURACY! This is the ONLY H&N pellet that I have EVER reviewed poorly. I honestly can not hit a paper plate at 20m consistently. This being said , it is from a AirForce Texan SS with less than 100 rounds through it. Very disappointed, HOWEVER we all know the pellet and the rifle are picky.... so you may have better results.
What Others Should KnowI utterly LOVE H&N pellets. I shoot the Field Target Trophy in .22 and .25 with absolutely no issues. H&N is my go to pellet for competition. This one pellet however is not working for me at all. You may have better results than I did.
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Feb 10, 2025
By john lyste
shoot well
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowno