Air Venturi Tank, Image 1
Air Venturi Tank, Image 1

Air Venturi Tank With Stock & Adapter, 13 cu in, Aluminum, 3,000 psi, Black

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The Air Venturi 13 oz. aluminum high pressure air tank is the perfect pairing for many airguns and a common modding accessory. It's particularly useful for Sig Sauer MCX/MPX owners.

Fill the tank to 3,000 psi, as indicated on the built-in pressure gauge. The tank features an integrated valve to regulate output to 1,100 psi. Equipped with a foster quick release fill adapter, you'll enjoy quick and easy filling from a hand pump, aluminum scuba tank, or carbon fiber tank. Also includes buttstock and CO2 adapter.


Please Note:  This high-pressure tank must be filled through the male quick-disconnect on the neck. Before buying, please contact your local air supplier to see if they can fill this tank. Paintball stores may be able to fill your tank, so you may be able to find a fill source through them.  Many fill sites may be able to fill your tank but may need an adaptor to do so.

Please Note: This product may void the manufacturer warranty when used.  Always read your airguns owner's manual before using.

Air Venturi 13 oz Aluminum HPA Tank

  • Regulated to 1,100 psi
  • Max fill is 3,000 psi
  • Fill directly from a high pressure pump or tank via standard foster quick fill adapter
  • Integrated pressure gauge
  • Two ASTM compliant burst disks
  • Buttstock
  • CO2 adapter
  • Shoot hundreds of rounds before refilling
  • 2" diameter
  • 10" long
  • Includes: buttstock, CO2 adapter





1.25 lbs
Operating Pressure
3000 PSI / 206 BAR

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10 of 34 Air Venturi Tank With Stock Reviews

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It's nice to be able to convert a 90gram CO2 and you certainly can save money filing your own tanks.

The o-rings! The o-rings in these tanks are garbage. I have three tanks, two AV and one Sig (it's the exact same tank), and the o-rings on the fill valves disintegrated after just six or seven months...on all three tanks. And why do these cost twice as much as paintball tanks?

Good luck finding replacement o-rings. Pyramyd Air has a repair kit with replacement parts, but it's too expensive, especially if the o-rings aren't any better. Oh yeah, don't try buying paintball tank parts for the AV or Sig tanks; they don't work. The threads are different.

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Air volume capacity, regulated, easy to fill and gauge makes it all work.

Length of bottle should be shortened. Shoulder plate needs redesign, the 90 degree angle should be 75-80 degree angle.

This system took a co2 working Sig MCX air rifle and caused a major leak which resulted in complete malfunction of the rifle. The tank itself came apart after a few days and everything was returned. Unfortunately my Sig Sauer MCX was permanently damaged and trashed without any retribution.

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I really like this air tank system. It'll save money on Co2 bottles and allows for considerably more shots per fill. The cost will quickly be covered in savings from not having to buy cylinders. The system is very well built, I fell very comfortable filling the tank with 3,000 lbs of air. And just a side note, I found an outfit that sells bu*+ stocks that fit on the 2" tanks perfectly. They have several models in multiple colors. I put a tan one on my Sig MCX and a black one on my Sig MPX. Very pleased, thanks you so much.

Nothing I can think of. Seems like it's made about as well as it can be. The quality is superb and the design is pretty much as good as it could be.

Hope this is ok, here is a link to the outfit with the bu+* stocks.

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Nothing! This is a waste of time and money, and for $100 is an absolute joke! Won't hold air at all, fill it up to 3000 psi, it's empty in no time. Worthless piece of junk!

You might as well save the paper they put in the box for will hold air as well as this does.

Don't buy it, you're wasting your $100 on a piece of junk.

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Pretty much everything except the fact that I don't know how to fill it so it's just collecting dust .

Should come with it's own handpump.

Randy Jul 02, 2023

If you don’t have a hand pump you can take it to a firehouse and they will fill it for you that’s a fact

Whit3Boy8714 Apr 11, 2021

Ordered a Benjamin HandPump but never received it.

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Due to a defect in the product I was unable to try it out. So returned it. Also it is hard to get one of these in my area.

Check the item you are sending before mailing it.

More good guns are comeing on the market every day that require the 88 and 90 refill tubes.

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Ability to shoot up to 5 30 round clips before reloading my Sig Sauer MCX and MPX.

A cover to match my MCX and MPX.

If you're using a pump, at least 150-200 pumps from empty to 3000psi.

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I watched the video made by PA. It is a fabulous alternative for the 90g canisters.

A little too long compared to the original gunstock

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It's nice using compressed air versus co2 cartridge. Unlike co2, shooting with compressed air let's you fire shots repeatedly without freezing your gun up and losing power Unlike co2, you can shoot repeatedly without freezing up your gun and losing a bunch of power.

When replacing the buttock with the adapter piece, tank and shoulder stock piece it adds an additional 5 inches from the original. Making it quite awkward to hold and get into the right position when aiming. I'm 6ft. 2" with a decent arm reach and it still feels unconforatably awkward to hold. Feels way too far from your body.

The extra length when replacing the original butt stock with the tank kinda ruins it for me. Way too long. If your deciding to purchase this just take a block of wood that about 5inches long and put it between the butt stock and your shoulder. That's where you gun will rest when using the tank. Sorry but I give it 2 thumbs down.

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Refillable and a portable

Make it a little bit shorter so the concept of MPX wont disappear.

Im happy to have it I will buy it again

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