Walkers Silencer 2.0 R600 Rechargeable Earbuds
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The Silencer 2.0 R600 Rechargeable Earbuds provide all-day comfort and deliver crystal-clear digital hearing enhancement via Walker's sound-activated compression technology. These earbuds come housed in a USB charging dock with an integrated lithium battery for easy charging on the go or in the field. The set includes three sizes of Sure-Lock sizing fins and three sizes of foam tips for a customized, sealed fit. Coupon codes do not apply to BOGO items. Features: 24 decibel noise reduction rating Touch button controls Advanced digital circuit Sound activated compression Dynamic wind noise reduction Variable gunshot suppression Auto shut off 3 sizes of Sure-Lock sizing fins and foam tips Integrated rechargeable Lithium battery USB charging dock and micro USB cable included
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4 of 4 Walkers Silencer 2.0 R600 Rechargeable Reviews

I have used these very often, usually going to the range but also sometimes for yard work and other activities with high noise pollution. The foam ear inserts work just like standard ole foam ear plugs and help reduce the noise. I have never had any problems with them just falling out of my ears with the foam inserted properly. The bluetooth connectivity is one think I had read was an issue for these. In general I can't say that I have experienced too many issues connecting them with my phone. I did have a handful of experiences with them disconnecting randomly. These were not much of a detriment to me and more of an annoyance. It was easy enough to reconnect them to my phone. My biggest complaint on these are the microphones. While they work well enough in calm environments with no wind, it pretty much ends there. If the wind is blowing, forget about it. You will hear more noise from the wind than you will from anyone really talking. And I also experience crackling from the speakers, even though I don't run the volume high at all on them. While these are comfortable and easier to use than the cheaper electronic hearing protection, they do not rise to the high price tag that these have. A set of cheaper good quality electronic muffs with upgraded gel ear cups would be a better choice for the price difference.

Pros...I had no connectivity issues.. no issues with them staying in place.. charged as stated and held a charge.. Cons.. ear buds tips...I have had these for 2 months and I do wear them almost every day for work firearms instructor. I have exhausted all 3 sizes of tips and they wore out very quickly as I struggled to get a good seal. I ordered the other model of ear buds just to type as the ones for the silencer 2.0 are out of stock and have been ever since I purchased these. I am really hoping the walker is redesigning the tips as they are actually useless. Waiting to see if these will end up in the drawer with don't use and forgotten items. Again love the bud... great for me cause they don't interfere with me wearing my hat like over the head ear muffs so.

Bought a pair 6 months ago for duck hunting. Generally, satisfied. The problems are interference on left ear, fit isn't great trying each of three sizes earpieces. Also, I need to remove them once I go out to retrieve a duck because they will fall out.
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Aug 23, 2023
By SH223
I used these for hunting and they worked fine until a clicking noise started in one earbud. I was never able to resolve the issue and finally stopped using them because the clicking was that annoying.