Winchester MP4 CO2 Rifle
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The Winchester model MP4 CO2 rifle shoots whatever ammo you've got. Steel BBs and lead pellets aren't in short supply like firearm ammo -- and a lot cheaper, too! So, load up your rifle and commence to shootin'. Because this really delivers a lot of power downrange, the gun uses two (2) CO2 cartridges at a time.
Our tech department has done some velocity testing of the Winchester MP4. They got 550 fps with pellets and 450 fps with steel BBs. There were times when an occasional pellet would reach 600 fps.
- Shop related categories: pellet guns, pellet rifles
- Winchester MP4 rifle
- Uses 2 (two) 12-gram CO2 cartridges
- Semiauto
- Rifled steel barrel
- 16rd mag holds pellets or steel BBs (2 8rd rotary clips on either end of the insertable magazine)
- Telescoping buttstock
- Flip-up, front sight (not adjustable for windage or elevation)
- Flip-up, adjustable rear sight
- Composite stock
- Metal receiver
- Integral Weaver/Picatinny rail system on all 4 sides of the barrel
- Manual safety
Do not shoot steel BBs at hard objects or water. They will ricochet! Remember to wear safety glasses. In fact, everyone in the vicinity of the range should wear safety glasses, even if they're not shooting. Remember to remove all pets from the range before you start shooting.
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10 of 53 Winchester MP4 CO2 Rifle Reviews
The Gun seems well-built. A lot of metal parts and the plastic ones are solid not cheap.The scope is decent. Its fun to shoot and fairly accurate.Different pellets do make a difference.
Things I Would Have ChangedNo real issues. Make sure you slap the co2 clip into the gun for a good fit.However insert the mag gently making sure it clicks.It must click.If necessary pull it out and try again.Be gentle.Do not try to rapid fire the gun.For best results allow a few seconds between trigger pulls.The plastic little tool they give you to tighten the CO2 cartridge into the clip is cheap. You may use a 3/8 inch Allen wrench instead. It's the same size and far more durable since it's made of steel .I broke one but it was my mistake. I tried to tighten the cartridge too much and used a wrench.You do not have to tighten them that much. Just hand tight.Also when loading pellets into the mag make sure they are snug and not sticking out either end.Once you get used to the idiosyncrasies of the gun it's very enjoyable shooting.You CAN remove the co2 clip after shooting even if they still have co2 left.When the cartridges are practically empty you will notice the pellets dropping all over the place.
Got this gun today and it has exceeded my expectations. Either Daisy has finally solved all the problems previously reported or I just got lucky, but it has performed flawlessly. I was shooting at 10 meters from a bench rest with a Leapers Bug Buster scope using Beeman Hollow Point Coated Pellets. I made a small tool to seat the pellets to the point where the pellet skirt contacts the ridges in the rotary magazine. I used ONLY ONE 12 gram CO2 cartridge ( yes, the gun will work with only one installed) and got 65 accurate shots and 10 that shot a little low. The 65 easily grouped within 3/4 inch with many going thru the same 1/2 inch hole. The amazing thing was that even those last 10 shots still grouped at 3/4 inch, just a little low. No jams and only one misfire when I pulled the trigger slightly but did not complete the shot. I checked the barrel and it was tight from the factory.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe trigger pull is a little high but linear and breaks at the same place every time.
What Others Should KnowI did not rapid fire and I was shooting indoors which certainly helped getting so many shots from one cartridge. Crosman 12g from Walmart at about $.50 each.
Looks great, nice feel, 16 shot mag, metal upper, I just tossed a tennis ball out in the back yard and tested it using the sights that came with it. I was able to hit is at a good 40 yards no problem. This is a fun plinker!
Things I Would Have ChangedThe butt stock is very loose and just feels cheap. If you advertise 700 FPS you should be within + or - 100 FPS not 300 less than stated. maybe valve it better. would be nice if accessories were listed with the gun.
What Others Should KnowUses a lot of CO2 40 shots per 2 12 gram cartridges. I wouldn't want to try and shoot rats with this just not sure it has the power.
Things I Would Have ChangedNO PROBLEMS SO FAR.
Good weight and balance, seems to perform well, can easily fit M4/M16 accessories like REAL iron sights/scopes/tactical lights/front grips - one of the first things I did is install a M4 carry handle/rear sight and an adustable front sight and a front grip/bipod...
Things I Would Have ChangedThe cheesy sights (the sights on the Crosman MK4 even with the sleazy plastic tool that breaks if you use it to adjust the rear sight are more functional), the clips - as others have noted, a clip with a continous-loop belt rather than two little 8 round rotary clips would be an improvement and doesn't seem to difficult to make backward compatible...), maybe a .22 version (one can dream...)
What Others Should KnowOccasinable reports of loose barrels (remove 4 screws to take off the shroud and screw the barrel firmly into the reciever) and jamming/misfires (usually a faulty CO2 magazine that is replaceable under warranty, though cold weather or chilling from rapid shooting can reduce CO2 pressure before the cartridges are depleted) notwithstanding, yhis seems to be a reliable and fun airgun.
I like my new MP4, shoots very well, easy to use
Things I Would Have ChangedLike to see more rnds in magazine rather than 16, redesign the magazine
the stock is too short when extended.
Things I Would Have Changedred dot sight will not fit on rail.
Metal receiver. Multiple rail mounts. Co2 puncture unit and magazine well developed. Barrel is nice length and rifled. Accuracy was better than to be expected. A lot more powerful then reported in other reviews. The Magazines actually did not fail. Proper lubrication and operation and the magazines operated perfectly. Powerful and accurate. Most people will blame the weapon however. With proper breath control and Trigger control I was able to put bbs through the same hole.
Things I Would Have ChangedI would add a recoil suppression system in the stock. The gun kicks heavier then to be expected. The stock sighting system works however a 4 power scope would be better suited for this gun. Adjustable trigger pull. The trigger is spongey and requires a full digit wrap to work well. However extremely accurate. With barrel rise the gun still put in a good inch group.
What Others Should KnowLubricate the magazine a drop per tube and it will decrease the chance of jamming. It is heavier then it looks.
It has more power per trigger pull then the average weapon. In retrospect compared to the other m4 airguns this
is definitely in the top groupings.
love the look and feel of this gun. not to heavy and not to light. pop up sights are great. looking to add a fore grip then it should b top notch. I personally never give 5stars to anything unless it honestly meets those expectations and this gun does just that. 5stars to Winchester! great price too!$$$
Things I Would Have Changedadd a fore grip for a few more bucks$. it'd be worth every cent!
What Others Should Knowmake sure to have plenty of 12g co2 on hand!
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Mar 17, 2017
By Rick
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowIt is a great gun my son loves using it actually looks forward to using it thank you