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Education / Training Air Venturi G6 hand pump: Part 1

Air Venturi G6 hand pump: Part 1

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Air Venturi hand pump
Air Venturi G6 hand pump.

This report covers:

  • Basic questions
  • Easy airguns to fill from a hand pump
  • Moderately easy airguns
  • PCPs that are harder to fill with hand pumps
  • PCPs you don’t want to fill with a hand pump!
  • Maintenance
  • Difficult to accept
  • Air Venturi G6
  • Test plug
  • Feel of the pump
  • Give me your thoughts

You want to come over to the dark side of airgunning (those who use precharged pneumatics), and you’re considering getting a hand pump to fill your airgun. This review will look at the Air Venturi G6 hand pump specifically; but before I dive into the description of this one pump, let me address some basic issues about hand pumps and precharged airguns in general.

Basic questions

The first question nearly everyone asks is how hard is it to fill an airgun with a hand pump, and should they consider going that route? My answer has always been another question. How much work are you prepared to do? If you have a riding lawnmower for a suburban yard of less than a half acre, maybe a pump is not for you. If you pay someone to mow your yard, it almost definitely isn’t right for you.

Hand pumps take work to do what they do. If you don’t like to exert yourself, I think you won’t like using a hand pump to fill a PCP. But there’s a scale of guns that should be considered, as well easy airguns that are a snap to fill with a pump; hard airguns are a chore. Consider the following.

Easy airguns to fill from a hand pumps

The Benjamin Discovery is the easiest mass-produced PCP airgun to fill. It was designed with the hand pump in mind. A USFT target rifle is even easier because of a lower fill pressure (1600 psi), but also takes much longer because its reservoir is huge.

A Crosman Challenger PCP that also fills to just 2000 psi is also very easy to fill. Plus, you get more than 100 shots per fill because the power is set so low.

Moderately easy airguns

Any 10-meter air rifle or pistol that only goes up to 200 bar or 3,000 psi is moderately easy to fill. However, many target airguns now require a 300-bar fill; and, while that’s possible for a pump, it isn’t easy. At least, I don’t think it is. Anything over about 2500 psi takes some hard pumping, and once you go past 3000 psi, it gets very hard. The test we’re starting today is for a pump that is rated to 4500 psi, and I will report on just how easy or difficult that is.

The AirForce Edge target rifle fills to just 3000 psi and also gets way more than 100 shots per fill. So, it’s solidly in this moderate category.

Believe it or not, the entire line of AirForce Escape survival rifles is also in this moderate category. They max out at 3000 psi, yet deliver up to almost 100 foot pounds of energy in .25 caliber (the long-barreled Escape). And, their small reservoirs put them in the moderate class.

PCPs that are harder to fill with hand pumps

Most PCPs that have large air reservoirs and high power are harder to fill because they go through air so quickly. The Escape rifles do go through air quickly, but in their roles as hunting/survival rifles they shouldn’t be shot that much at one time. But airguns like the AirForce Condor and the Evanix Rainstorm are usually shot a lot at one time and will tax you to keep up if you fill them with a hand pump.

Also, consider the maximum fill pressure of the airgun. BSA PCPs, for example, fill to 232 bar or 3364 psi. That makes them harder to fill than guns that stop at 3000 psi. Yes, you can stop filling BSA airguns at 3000 psi, but you lose shots from the total per fill. You encounter the same thing to an even greater degree with those Walther airguns that fill to 300 bar/4350 psi.

PCPs you don’t want to fill with a hand pump!

Any Quackenbush big bore gets 2 shots per fill — maybe 3 if the third shot is close. The reservoir is large. For 15 minutes of pumping (with rest breaks to allow the pump to cool) you get 2-3 shots. That’s a gun you want to fill from a tank. The same holds true for most big bores for the same reasons. The Benjamin Bulldog gets 5-10 good shots on a fill. Even some of the lower-powered Korean big bores still get just 10 shots per fill, and their reservoirs are as large as 500cc. While it’s technically possible to fill all these airguns with a hand pump, it isn’t something you want to plan on doing.


I normally don’t recommend opening your pump and replacing parts. During the time I worked at AirForce, I regularly spoke with pump owners who didn’t follow that advice. Some are maintainable with the right parts, but you have to be scrupulously clean in your work or you’ll ruin the rebuild. Also, these pumps don’t come apart like a flashlight, and many people get in over their heads when they disassemble them. My advice is to leave them alone.

That said, the Air Venturi pump comes with 5 sets of parts for the user to rebuild it. So, I have to assume it was manufactured with the average airgunner in mind. For that matter, I took a look at the Hill hand pump and noticed that they’re selling rebuild kits and other replacement parts. So, if it’s your intention to do your own maintenance, buy a hand pump that’s built for the user to do so.

One of the worst things you can do is wipe off the grease on any hand pump and relube the shaft with something that’s more appealing to you. You’re asking for trouble if you do that.

Lastly, the quickest way to ruin a hand pump is to let dirt get on the pump shaft. That can happen when the air hose is bled outside in the dirt. I lost a 12 year-old Swedish pump that way.

Difficult to accept

At first, there was resistance and even disbelief that a hand pump could generate air compressed to 3000 psi. Edith once gave a demonstration by filling a Career 707 at the Roanoke Airgun Expo back in the 1990s. When a gray-haired lady does it in public, it stopped a lot of the trash talk. But there was and still is some truth to what people say. Hand pumps are not for everybody — nor are they especially easy to use. Some guns like the Discovery stop at 2000 psi and represent a whole different game than the guns that need 3000 psi and more pump strokes to fill them.

Air Venturi G6

Now, let’s look at the pump. The Air Venturi G6 hand pump is the only pump on the market that’s rated to 4,500 psi. For that reason alone I want to test it for you. I’ve owned 6 hand pumps over the past 20 years. I owned one of the first 50 that came to the U.S. and have owned most of the major models that followed. When I look at the G6, I’m looking with some experience behind me.

Air Venturi hand pump box
What the box looks like.

The pump weighs one ounce under 6 lbs. and stands 25 inches tall when fully assembled. It has spring-loaded feet that retract to make it slimmer to carry. Everything needed for operation comes packed with the pump, including spare o-rings. Treated right, this pump should give you over a decade of steady use. It comes with a 2-year limited warranty.

Air Venturi hand pump base
The pump feet are spring-loaded.

Air Venturi hand pump base 2
They swing up out of the way for transport.

The Air Venturi G6 is a pump I’ve never tested before. It is the same general size and shape as all hand pumps, but I notice that the pump shaft of the G6 does not have moly grease on it. Instead, there’s a clear grease that appears more like a high-pressure silicone grease than moly grease.

Like all hand pumps, the G6 comes partially disassembled to fit in the box. Assembly is easy but is not covered in detail in the owner’s manual. I found it very easy to do. The handle is attached with 2 long screws, the gauge screws on where you see it in the picture and the pump hose attaches beneath the gauge. The tools needed for assembly come packed with the pump.

There are synthetic seals in the gauge and hose holes, so no plumber’s tape is needed. I had this pump together in 5 minutes and ready for testing.

Air Venturi hand pump accessories
The G6 comes with spare seals, silicone grease, tools and other accessories.

Test plug

There’s a test plug that blocks the air hose and lets you test the pump. Mine was hard to install, but that’s a characteristic of many brand-new female Foster quick-disconnect fittings. Until they’ve been attached several times, their inner o-ring seal is still tight, making connections difficult. I connected the hose to an airgun inlet port that was easier because I had the whole airgun to hold when making the connection. After that, I got the test plug in with a few taps from a plastic-headed hammer. Now, I was ready to test.

The owner’s manual has a testing procedure for you to follow that I uncharacteristically did. Everything worked fine, and I found that 6 pump strokes filled the air hose from zero to 100 bar. Twenty total strokes took it to 250 bar, where I must tell you, pumping became difficult.

Feel of the pump

Today, we’re just reviewing the pump and the other stuff that’s in the box with it. Yes, I did pump it a little, but by no means is today a test. However, having gone to 250 bar, I do have an observation. This G6 pump is very similar to the other pumps on the market with one exception. This pump is much smoother on the strokes than all the others. I attribute that to the silicone grease on the pump shaft. O-rings slide smoothly over parts when lubricated with this grease.

Give me your thoughts

I’ve used hand pumps for the past 2 decades. Maybe you’ve never seen one and wondered about it. I know what basic things to tell you; but if you have any questions about hand pumps, now would be the perfect time to ask them.

I read some questions online. One person asked if this pump would fill his airgun faster because it pumps up to 4500 psi instead of 3000. The answer is “no, it won’t.” Putting more gas in your car’s tank doesn’t make it go faster, does it? Same thing here.

How does it remove moisture from the air? As far as I can see, it does it by condensation — the way most hand pumps do.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

77 thoughts on “Air Venturi G6 hand pump: Part 1”

  1. I am glad to see they include a deadhead (the test plug) all pumps should come with one. 1. to test the pump, and 2. I use mine to keep foreign matter from getting in the hose/female foster connection.
    I use an FX pump currently, it fills to 3000 easily enough, much easier than the Benjamin pump.
    I use the pump when plinking around the house, and a bottle when at the range. I will be watching to see how this one does.

  2. Okay, am I correct that it has no filter for moisture?
    Doesn’t that mean that it stays in the pump until it goes into your gun or hopefully comes out with the bleeding of the line.

    • Reb,

      The pumps have a moisture trap in the base. The bleed screw is in the bottom of the trap. My Hill has a moisture filter and it does help, however if I am not mistaken Daystate voids the warranty if you use a hand pump to fill them.

      You can buy a moisture filter for the AirForce / Crosman pumps that screw onto where the intake screen is.

  3. I used a pump for about a year when I first got into pcp’s.

    The most important thing I learned about pumping came from B.B. He advised to use your entire body at the end of the fill to compress the pump handle. Don’t pump it like a bicycle pump.

    Don’t remember if he had a video or not but this was great advice that not many testosterone junkies will share.


  4. BB
    I believe this is a Chinese pump that is sold by Mike Melick at flying dragon air rifles or is a direct copy as I have one exactly like it that I purchased with my XS60C 100 dollar PCP I got from him two years ago and it is identical right down to the grips on the handle and gauge with hose and dead head plug.

    It has given me no issues at all other than the o ring that seals the pump shaft to the base where it threads into the base as it stated leaking and when I unscrewed the shaft I found it cut and it was the only o ring not included with the pump kit from Mike so a quick trip to the hardware store and it was back in business and has not missed a lick since. I used it every day filling the XS60C to 1500 psi and it was quite easy but then I have a good bit of upper body mass to use with it so that is most definitely a plus.

    I did find that it does have some desiccant balls in the bottom of the base where the pump shaft threads in as I found those when I replaced the cut o ring.

    I would recommend this pump to anyone looking to get into the dark side with the 2000 psi and under guns.


      • Reb
        Yea the folding floor plate is a nice feature and makes storing it easier and all in all it is a very good pump and I like the fact that the hose is protected by the spring wire cover and comes with its own dead head/dirt protection plug which is a big plus in my book.


        • This was the top pick until I found a good deal on a used one from a reputable source. If I ever go shopping for another all the stuff being discussed here will be points for consideration.

          • Reb
            I got mine with the 100 dollar XS60C mike was selling two years ago as the 60cs are now 165 but also have a safety. It was my first step into the dark side and have not looked back but all air guns have their advantages and disadvantages so its all just a matter of preference and budget.

            if I could not build and repair my own guns I would have far fewer guns as I buy used at cheap prices and spend a few buck to make new again at far less than new costs plus it is how I want it instead of buying new and having to change it anyway.


      • If the glass beads act as condensation medium, where and how does the moisture escape? Finally got my CO2 converted to PCP just to get an understanding as to the lure of the PCP. Presently using a Scuba tank to fill it. Plan on getting a pump later as a back up. Living in a tropical country our local humidity is a big factor against using a pump. Which is why I suspect there are a lot of pump failures reported. Owners soon become familiar with rebuilding their pump. If I were to buy a pump, how do I attach the moisture filter to the air inlet?

      • BB
        That may very well be as they were like clear BB sized balls and I just assumed they were desiccant beads not glass but I would think glass would not work all that well as a moisture trap without a temperature difference involved like on a cold glass of water which does allow the moisture to condense on the outside.

        Could those glass balls be replaced with desiccant beads in paper bags or would the bead bags break down over time with the high pressure they are exposed to and end up plugging up the pump hase or worse get into the guns themselves as I have several of my meds that come with desiccant bead bags in the bottle that I could put in the bottom of the pump.

        I do have them in the bottom of my water separator/air filter on the first stage compressor for my shoebox and change them out every few months or when the paper get stained from exposure to moisture.


      • Doc
        Yes it is very easy to pump to 1500 psi and with only a 120cc air cylinder it only takes about 40 or so pumps to get there.
        I have since tuned and replaced the weak valve retention screws with grade 8 allen head screws and now fill to 2000 psi but even at that pressure it is still easy. It is when you start to get over 2000 psi as BB stated that you start to get your workout going full bore.

        I have since bought a shoebox so my hand pump is for back up only if the shoebox is being serviced or rebuilt but it is nice to know I have it if needed.


  5. I took my PCP plunge just last year; I got a Hill pump to feed a TalonP carbine now, and–theoretically–several other guns down the road (e.g., P-Rod, M-Rod, EscapeSS). I reasoned that with an eventual stable of 4-5 of these “moderate fill” PCPs, I’d eventually want at least two pumps, a bottle or two, and a compressor to cover the bases. Starting with the Hill unit seemed the right choice since it seemed well-regarded, and I made myself aware of B.B.’s tidbits about letting each stroke complete, not wiping grease, etc.

    So far it seems straightforward enough, but I sure would appreciate the fold-up feet this Air Venturi sports (the Hill also seems to want to tip over, toward the hose, if it is set on carpet), and one of the things I do notice is that it seems a little awkward to fill the TalonP’s Spin-Loc tank from the short hose; the gun seems to balance somewhat precariously during the connect operation up to the point when the hose is pressurized. On one hand, a somewhat longer hose would be nice, but then one has to fill it each time!

    It seems to me, somehow, that it takes more pumps to top off the 10-15 shots of the TalonP than I was expecting. This isn’t a complaint–I would just want to make sure I am not pumping incorrectly. It does seem that, based on reading the pump’s pressure gauge during pumping, some pump strokes seem to have more direct effect than others; that is, it can seem that you pump several times with no visual feedback from the gauge, and then an arbitrary next stroke seems to move the needle quite a bit. Is this sort of “hitchy” movement in the gauge normal?

    Thus far, given that I don’t have a lot of experience yet with hand pumps, the Hill has mostly seemed to be exactly what I expected–a few questions, a few quirks to adapt to perhaps, but it does what I want it to, and it seems proportionate to expend that sort of effort to get the TalonP back up to 3000psi*. I do look forward to learning more in this series!

    *I have just begun my chronography experiments with the gun, and I realize that 3000psi may well not be the optimum starting fill pressure, per B.B.’s series on the TalonP (and other AF guns). But I’m a hands-on sort of learner, and I want to see what happens when I run the power wheel up one “major” number at a time, at the same 3000 psi. (Thanks to B.B.’s methodology, I now have an idea what I might see.) Theoretically, if I find one or more settings that really tighten up a 10-shot string somewhere within 15-20 shots on the tank, I might then experiment with a) reducing the starting fill so that the tight string begins on the first shot, and/or b) trying incrementally smaller settings on the wheel to refine it further. The TalonP would seem to have enough power to spare that I’d be able to accept nearly any combination that really tightened up, and of course from a hand-pump perspective it would certainly be welcome to discover an optimum starting fill of less than 3000psi… 🙂

  6. My assumption would be just the opposite of the question you were asked. I would assume that in order to allow a reasonably sized person to pump to 300 bar, the pump probably has a smaller piston size and moves less air with each stroke, which would result in it taking longer to pump, say, a marauder from 2000 to 3000 psi. However, if my theory is correct, while it would take more strokes to pump, each stroke should be easier.

    I’d like to ask about the grease on the pump shaft, and dirt. I live in a very dusty area. It’s dusty outside, it’s dusty inside. My hill pump has a filter, but that isn’t going to help keep dust off the shaft. Would I be better off cleaning off that shaft every few uses and replacing the grease? Do you know what grease the hill uses?

    Something to try for those of you new to pumping, when I pump my gun at home, taking it slowly and easily, it took me almost 100 strokes to go from 2-3000 psi. When I went to the range I wanted to hurry it up so I pumped faster. Not only did I find it easier to complete the stroke at higher psis, as the momentum was doing a lot of the work, but it only took me 60 strokes to refill it the same amount. Overall, working faster got my heart rate up more but was ultimately easier.

    • Tim,

      And your assumption would be correct. The finalm piston size has to be smaller if anyone is going up to 300 bar. I have to say I found 250 bar to be rather extreme and I am in pretty good condition for an old guy.


    • Air expands at higher temperatures, thus higher pressures. When that air cools you will not have the same pressure the pump read, maybe not a huge difference, but definitely a difference. The biggest problem is wear and tear of the pump from too high a temps, friction, lube push off. Continuing like that your pump wont last nearly as long as it could, mechanical certainty.

  7. I use a Hill MK3 to fill my PCPs exclusively. I find it easy to fill my Edge and relatively easy to fill my Talon SS. It is a bit of a pain to fill a friend’s Rogue with it though. You do not get many shots per fill and it takes a good bit of pumping to fill it for so few shots.

    I put a male foster fitting with a rubber cap over the threads in the end of the female foster fitting when I am not using it to keep stuff out. Also, I will put a drop of silicone chamber oil in the female foster when I go to fill so as to keep the seals in the fitting and the air rifle lubricated so as to extend the seal life. I am not sure, but it may also help to prevent rust in the air rifle reservoir.

  8. I recently jumped into the PCP world with a Marauder, and stuck with .22 over .25 specifically because the latter only gets 16 shots per fill, half what the other calibers offer. I knew that would be too many pumps per shot! I got a Hill Pump MK4, and when it arrived I was absolutely flabbergasted to find that the entire lubricated shaft is completely exposed to the elements when pumping! Yeah, I’d love to live in the clean-room world these engineers obviously live in: No dust, no lint, no dirt, no cats, no dogs. Obviously not a single pet owner among the lot of them (or all fish owners perhaps?), with Mr. Clean living in the guest room. The pump seems well put together and has worked fine so far, but I’m skeptical about its longevity in the real world where I have to live.

      • Thanks, B.B. I do, and keep the pump covered with a plastic bag, and keep a Ziplock bag closed as far as it will go over the connector. But with two cats, I’ve got hairs everywhere! 😉

    • Hiveseeker
      I would think that it would not be that difficult or costly to put a boot on the exposed shaft area like motorcross bikes and the old café racer bikes use to keep dirt and dust off the front fork tubes so as to prolong and protect the seals from the severe conditions they are rode in and the biker term for those covers is “Gaiters” in reference to the pantyhose that the vaudeville flapper girls wore with all the frilly fringe attached to the pantyhose.

      So pump manufactures how bout some “Gaiters” on our hand pumps to make them more stylish and protected at the same time.


        • Reb
          That would work provided it was the right diameter ends and the right length to accommodate the pumps stroke and some ty wraps would be all that is needed to hold it securely on the pump but would require the pump shaft be unthreaded from the base to install which is no hard process but just needs to be done carefully and cleanly.

          I have already had mine apart to replace the damaged o ring on the shaft housing to base sealing area so it can be done.


            • Reb
              Yep it would most definitely work well and just surprised that they are not made with them from the factory but then it would add slightly to the cost and they would never need rebuilt or replaced since the shaft would stay clean and dirt free.


  9. BB,

    I like the idea of the fold up feet, but my experience is that I would like larger feet to make the pump more stable when I am fiddling with the connections. It is such a bother to have your pump trying to fall over while you are trying to hook or unhook it from your air rifle. I am in the process of designing a new foot plate for my Hill with hand knob screws to allow quick attachment and removal.

  10. BB and all,

    I always planned to buy a r7/hw30s. But this week I get a champions feinwerkbau 600 for a trail period. If I like it….I’ll buy it for 400 euros. A new r7/hw30s costs 180 euros. I know that particular fwb 600 very well. It shoots like a dream. I have a wife….. so I can either buy the r7 or the fwb 600 🙂
    If I buy it…. fwb 600”s spot in the gun rack will be next to its predecessor, my old 1976 fwb 300s. Beside from the price. …. can anyone give me a reason NOT to buy the 600, but aquire the r7 instead?

  11. Hi Tom, I have a scope question for long-range big bore shooting.
    Let’s assume .45 with 500 FPE at the muzzle.
    For 250 yds, what would be suitable magnification and range of vertical adjustment? (Assuming no shim.)
    Thanks in advance!

  12. B.B.

    I went to the Dark Side (became an owner of PCP rifle) with pump-filling in mind. That is why I opted for big high-pressure tank with pressure regulator for my conversion C62 to save on times I have to pump it.
    Tank is made for 300 atm, tested for 500 and usually used at 275. Pressure regulator gets it down to 120 and that’s exactly 150-155 shots I got from single fill. It’s 15 minutes to fill it with Hill Mk III pump (taking time for the pump to cool down between series of 20 strokes). My pump is stored in closed box in a plastic zip-bag, as dust is the killer. For more than 2 years I only lube it 2-3 times a year with silicone oil and have never changed seals – it works just fine.

    It’s an easy job anyone with average build and training and just a little harder for a size S woman with average physique. And the pump is just somewhat small for myself – I have to bend too much to pump. I believe it’s not the strength, but the skill to use your own weight, hold your hands correctly and let the gravity do the rest.


  13. BB.

    Thanks for the ratings on some PCP rifles when pressurized using a hand pump. I’ve thought about possibly starting with a Discovery and am glad that it’s relatively easy to pump up with a hand pump. How would you rate the Marauder with a hand pump?

  14. B.B. (and/or you other dark siders), I’ve never owned a PCP gun. Is there any one pump that puts out more volume than the others? So from what I gather, in general, the less the PSI/Bar the easier the gun is to fill? That would also be assuming the volume of the tanks were the same. Sorry if these questions were already answered and I missed them. Thank You all……

      • I second Reb.
        However I personally prefer to do a hard job once (big volume, high pressure) than 10 times do an easy job for the same result.

        Another factor that affects how hard the the work feels is your physique vs pump dimensions – your height, leg and arm length and body mass. Average or a bit above average is the best, but being bigger is better than being smaller than average in terms of comfort of the work.

          • Reb,

            How is it that you would know this rather “obscure technical” tip ? 😉

            Ain’t there yet, but it sure ain’t gettin’ no easier to keep it off !

            • Keep drinking beer and your physique will change eventually. I was 120 # in ’86 when I went into boot camp with a waist size of 26″ but that was a lot of beer ago. And still going!

              • Reb,

                🙂 ,……errrrrr…..Burp* Yup,….got’a keep a balance 😉

                We are talking “root beer”, right ? 😉

                This is a family friendly site after all.


                • As long as it’s not too sweet and really cold I’m in. Just got a phone call from my healthcare company asking about my BMI. I believe it’s still under 20 but that’s a long way from 7%.

            • Chris,USA
              That’s a table muscle also so it don’t just grow from beverages. LOL
              The older we get the harder everything is to do so here’s another old saying.

              I used to be able to do all night what it takes me all night just to do now that I have aged gracefully.


        • I have considered it gettin’ a bottle, mainly so I don’t have to take my pump into the field to refill. But that would allow me to get it filled at one of the dive shops here.

  15. Hello B.B. et all,
    If possible, may I suggest using your trusty bathroom scale to measure the peak stroke force at 50, 100, 150, 200 bar, etc as a baseline test for comparing pumps?

    • I was wondering if that would be included in the writeup but I’m sure someone will post some measurements here in the comments. I can say it takes all my 140-150# to reach 2500 psi.

  16. B.B.,

    Nice analogy with the mowing bit there. Besides the expense, energy and time, while getting one’s heart rate up is generally considered a good thing, I do not believe it is desirable for accurate aiming.

    It would seem, that at this time, we have reached the technical limits of hand pumps, automatic pumps and tanks, at least for the most part. So,…it “is what it is”. The cost of all the needed support gear, it would seem, would keep a lot of shooters out the PCP arena. You did give some good options though for people looking to get started.

    Unless I hit the lotto for 10,000 plus, I think I will be sticking with springers. That’s just me.


    P.S.,….I do push mow my own grass. 30~45 minutes at a med. to fast pace, depending how extensive I want to get. That’s all I want. Nice report and nice comments.

    • I also like that analogy because it’s pretty much dead on! I wasn’t willing to pay someone else to work on my vehicles so I became a mechanic and it cost me a lot though my career but I learned and earned a lot!

  17. Tom, do you have this info for the TX August 29th airgun show/activities?

    This is my understanding:
    — The show will be 9 AM to 4 PM.
    — LASSO competition will be 8 AM until ? (actual end time TBD), on Range C.
    — The advertisement says “Smallbore & big bore ranges” and Airgun & firearm ranges”.

    My questions:
    — Other than Range C, which ranges will be open to big bore airguns just for shooting (not competition)? For example, will Range B (100 yd) be open to airguns?
    — What hours will those ranges be open to airguns?
    — Is there a cost for use of those ranges?
    — Is use of those ranges on a “first come” basis? Is there a limit on how long you can use it, or when to let someone else have their turn?

    Thanks again for any info.

  18. B.B.,

    I started out with the Benjamin pump and my Discovery. I found it to be a little too strenuous for me as I do have heart failure. But even if I didn’t I am 5’7″ and 175lbs. This made it difficult for me once I got to over 2,000psi. I just didn’t have enough leverage and/or weight to pump to 3000psi very easily.

    However, instead of a carbon fiber tank I slowly worked up to 3 aluminum scuba tanks. I have never counted how many complete fills I get but by using the cascading method I know it is very many fills. I should think that as a competing target shooter who shoots more than average(whatever that is) that it is quite a few fills.

    How many fills do you get with your carbon fiber tank? If it is very many I may still get a carbon fiber tank for use at competitions and save the scuba tanks for home range use only or sell them. Thanks.


  19. ( Off topic outdoor shooting tip )

    Got “skeeter’s” over, up, down your way,…?

    “Tried” shooting Sat.,..10 shots,..15 skeeter’s. 🙁

    Local news had a tip,….use a fan to create a “breeze”. Did it,…..it worked !!!

    Shot another 1 1/2hrs……..((Zero)) skeeters.

    Tilted back at a 45 degree angle propped with a board, aimed at mid section, 5′ away, on Medium.

    Felt good and no spraying the nasty stuff on me.

    Out’a here,…Chris

  20. BB
    You do what you have to as we will still be here when you can get back to the blog but right now Edith is number ONE, not us.

    Hope and prayers for her well being and swift recovery,


  21. Certainly we miss Edith but we can wait. Take your time too, B.B., and all our best to Edith! I hope she is recovering quickly and I’d like to hear an update from her about her new slingshot sport and hobby, once she recovers.

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    If you're picking up a new air gun, our team can test and tune the equipment before it leaves the warehouse. We can even set up an optic or other equipment so you can get out shooting without the hassle. For bowhunters, our certified master bow technicians provide services such as assembly, optics zeroing, and full equipment setup, which can maximize the potential of your purchase.

    By leveraging our expertise and precision, we ensure that your equipment is finely tuned to meet your specific needs and get you ready for your outdoor pursuits. So look out for our services when shopping for something new, and let our experts help you get the most from your outdoor adventures.

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