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Air Guns Hatsan Gladius .177 long: Part 3

Hatsan Gladius .177 long: Part 3

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2

Hatsan Gladius
Hatsan Gladius Long.

This report covers:

    • First test at 25 yards
    • Sight-in
    • H&N Baracuda Match 4.53mm
    • Baracuda Match 4.50mm
    • H&N Baracuda Match 4.52mm
    • H&N Sniper Magnum
    • Shot count
    • JSB Exact Heavy
    • Evaluation so far

Today we begin to look at the accuracy of the Hatsan Gladius long. Gladius, Maximus — I must have missed the memo that said 2016 is the year for Roman names.

First test at 25 yards

I decided to shoot the first test indoors at 25 yards. That would familiarize me with the rifle and also allow me to test the potential of several pellets. I mounted a UTG 10X50 Accushot SWAT scope on the rifle because it seems to compliment the bullpup styling. It’s short, yet plenty powerful for those longer shots I’m going to take. And it comes with UTG mounts that have a Weaver base to fit the rail on top of the Gladius receiver. So mounting went quick, because the scope was already in the rings.


The power was set to the number 3 for this entire test. I wanted to keep my shooting quiet, and 3 seemed to be a good combination of power and quietness.

I shot the first shot at 12 feet and found the scope was close enough to back up to 10 meters and try again without adjusting. Shot number two at 10 meters confirmed that the rifle would be on paper at 25 yards. So I backed up to my MTM shooting table at 25 yards and began the test. The rifle was rested on a sandbag for all shots.

H&N Baracuda Match 4.53mm

The 10-shot magazine was initially loaded with H&N Baracuda Match pellets with 4.53mm heads, and I had fired 4 shots to this point — one at 12 feet, one at 10 meters and two at 25 yards. So, I fired the last 6 shots after adjusting the scope for 25 yards. Six pellets went into 0.57-inches, center to center. That’s a pretty good start!

Hatsan Gladius Baracuda 4.53
At 25 yards, 6 H&N Baracuda Match with 4.53mm heads made the 0.57-inch group to the left of the dime. The hole next to the pellet and the two holes at the top (they look like three, but there are just two) were made during sight-in.

I’d like to note that the Gladius is so quiet on power setting 3 that one of my cats came into the room where I was shooting and went to sleep! So the rifle is kitty-certified as quiet. On setting 3 the discharge rivals a Benjamin Marauder set to the same power level.

H&N Baracuda Match 4.50mm

I wanted to try a number of pellets, so I didn’t re-shoot this pellet. I went on to the H&N Baracuda Match pellets with 4.50mm heads next. Ten of them went into 0.339-inches at 25 yards. That’s the smallest group of the entire test.

Hatsan Gladius Baracuda 450
Ten H&N Baracuda Match with 4.50mm heads made this 0.339-inch group at 25 yards. This will be a definite contender at 50 yards!

I want to say one thing about the scope. I adjusted it between each group, trying to bring the shots to the center of the bull. I have noted in the past that this particular UTG scope seems to have no stiction. When it is adjusted it goes straight to the new setting — something that cannot be said for most scopes. Now you understand why the groups appear to be migrating closer to the center of the bull as the test progresses.

I wondered about the Gladius’ air usage. At this point, with 20 shots fired, the rifle had dropped from 190 bar to 150 bar, which is in the center of the green band on the pressure gauge. It seemed to be ready for more shooting, so that’s what I did.

H&N Baracuda Match 4.52mm

Next up were 10 H&N Baracuda Match pellets with 4.52mm heads. The 4.53mm heads had grouped much larger than the 4.50mm heads. What would these pellets do?

The also grouped larger. Not as large as the 4.53mm heads, but significantly larger than the 4.50mm heads. Ten made a group at 25 yards that measures 0.543-inches between centers. It seems the Gladius likes the smaller head size.

Hatsan Gladius Baracuda 452
Ten H&N Baracuda Match with 4.52mm heads went into 0.543-inches at 25 yards.

H&N Sniper Magnum

The Gladius has a circular clip that I have been calling a magazine, because that’s what Hatsan calls it. One problem such magazines have is they limit the length of pellets that can be used. If a pellet sticks out beyond either side of the magazine, it can jam the feed mechanism and the entire gun. H&N Sniper Magnum pellets weigh 15 grains and get most of their weight from a very long body. So if they will fit in the magazine, you’re pretty well set for most other pellets. And they do fit — just!

At power setting 3 these heavy pellets are probably moving too slow to be as accurate as they can be. Ten of them went into 1.192-inches at 25 yards, but 8 are in 0.48-inches. I see some potential for greater accuracy, and I will include them in the 50-yard test.

Hatsan Gladius Sniper Magnum
Ten of the long H&N Sniper Magnum pellets went into 1.192-inches at 25 yards, but 8 of them are in 0.48-inches. This pellet deserves a second look when it’s driven at higher power. Notice how well-centered this group is.

Shot count

At this point I noted the manometer was reading down close to the bottom of the green, which is just below 100 bar. I had fired 40 shots on power setting 3, so at 25 yards there are at least 40 accurate shots on power setting 3. Remember when we were looking at the velocities on Part 2 and we saw a large variation as the shooting progressed, I said I would reserve judgment until I saw some results on paper. Here they are. The only thing I haven’t done is leave the scope adjustments in one place, so there is no good way to know whether or not the groups move as the pressure drops. But for the ten shots in each group, the pellets seemed to all be hitting the same place, with the exception of the Sniper Magnums.

JSB Exact Heavy

I filled the reservoir at this point and noted there was about 2,200 psi when the fill started. The final pellet I tested was the JSB Exact Heavy that weighs 10.34 grains. Ten shots made a group at 25 yards that measures 0.416-inches between centers. And notice that it is well centered. I finally got the scope dialed-in.

Hatsan Gladius JSB Exact Heavy
Ten JSB Exact Heavy pellets made this 0.416-inch group at 25 yards. This is another pellet to take out to 50 yards.

Evaluation so far

I have to admit, so far the Gladius has surprised me. Although it is a bullpup it fits me very well and the cocking lever is super accessible. It’s also very easy to cock without removing the butt from your shoulder.

The noise at discharge is surprisingly low. I didn’t notice it as much in the velocity test, but today it was obvious. This is a seriously quiet PCP when it’s run on lower power.

The feeding of the pellets from the magazine seems flawless. I never had a problem in this test. I couldn’t even feel the pellets going into the breech — that’s how efficient the loading arm geometry is.

I am surprised by the number of accurate shots I get on a charge of air. This will be easier to test at 50 yards, but so far it’s impressive.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

23 thoughts on “Hatsan Gladius .177 long: Part 3”

    • GF1,

      I ordered 4 cans (300) of the 33.95 MKII by (mistake) and the order has shipped. Any thoughts?

      From what I gather, (very little), they have a slightly bigger skirt.


      • Chris USA
        In the description it says diameter of the skirt is smaller. Here’s the link.

        But I think that may be worded wrong.

        From what I understand they were designed so guns with rotary magazine’s or clips could use them. They are suppose to be a shorter pellet. Some clips or mags and breech design won’t accept the regular JSB 33.95’s so that’s how the Mrkll’s came about.

        I think the skirt (length) is shorter. Not skirt diameter smaller. Maybe someone should look into that and see if it’s stated correct on the Pyramyd AIr page.

        • GF1,

          Yup on the mags.,.. but the reg. 33.95’s fed fine out of mags.. The MKII is the only one of the 2 that list skirt size (at 6.50mm.). I just checked 3 of the (reg.) 33.95’s and the skirt measured 6.67mm., so you may be right. Odd, as the length is usually the thing that messes up feeding from rotary magazines.

          We shall see, took Friday off,…..again,…. so I will be giving a can a try. Also got 4 (300’s) of the 25.39’s.

          • Chris USA
            It wasn’t feeding problems. Some pellets are to long to fit in some magazine’s like the Marauder magazine design. And some rotary clips the pellets stick out to far. So you can’t even load the clip in the breech because the pellet sticks out the front or back depending on how the pellet is seated in the clip.

            Kind of like putting too long of pellet in your pistol rotary clip or my Brodax clip.

            • And like the clips on the gun BB is testing today.

              That was the original version reason Buldawg wanted me to make him a single shot tray for his Hatsan pcp. Longer pellets wouldn’t work in his gun. Like those pellets that you sent me that had the metal pointy tips on the ends. Pellets like that might not work right in rotary clips or mags.

              I think they now make the predator pellets with the poylmer tips in a short version for that reason.

            • GF1,

              Well,…. feeding/rotary clip rotation,… all the same to me. I do not care if it takes a bit more pressure to push a pellet in. That just says that it has a bigger head and/or skirt.

              Longer,.. shorter,…. bigger skirt,…. smaller skirt,…. I will give a full report of what I find when I get the MKII’s including some shooting results. Stay tuned this weekend for anyone interested in a 33.95 Reg. and 33.95 MKII “showdown”,…… 😉

              • Chris USA
                Ok ts not feeding problems it’s fitting in the rotary clip or magazine.

                You know how you load up pellets in your Marauder magazine. Well the pellet would be sticking out on some guns magazine’s. You couldn’t even load up the magazine.

                • GF1,

                  Ha-Ha! Maybe we (you) should instate a 1 post,.. till a reply,.. rule? Just sayin’,…. 😉

                  Stay tuned,…. also a report on the new stock with cheek riser. Full cheek bone contact. Not jaw bone-ish.

                    • GF1,

                      Not yet. It is about 3/4″ shorter at the top and 1/2 shorter at the bottom (from the lock pin to the butt pad). I shoot the pin full back, so I may need to adjust the scope forward a bit and or get some more thread out. The riser is super solid and feels great. I should have some details by Friday PM sometime. I will do the initial set up indoors as my indoor and outdoor benches are the same. Plus, I want to do repeats, walk away, try again, etc. That will get me real close. I took the full left out of the RAI adapter awhile back and want to put that back as well, so multiple tools and wrenches will be in play.

                      I like the stock full left, a bit down with bit of tip out at the bottom on the pad. The nice thing is that I can do 100% of all that! Sa-weeeet!,… is all I can say.

                  • Chris USA
                    Sounds good.

                    When I had the RAI adapter and AR style butt stock on my Crosman and Benjamin guns. I liked full down and full right and I had it tipped in to the left a little. My Talon SS is tipped in a little to the left also. I’m a right hand shooter remember.

                    So you like yours tipped out. I like mine tipped in. When i shoot standing or bench resting I like my arms to my side. The tip in helps pull the butt stock in to my side to stabilize the gun more. I tryed tipped out and wasn’t as stable to me. It made me kick my arm out away from my side.

                    Have you tryed tipped in by chance? I’m mentioning it now before you start adjusting on your new buttstock. Maybe give it a try and see how it feels.

                    Let us know how it goes.

      • Chris your right about it saying bigger skirt diameter.

        But it I still think they have a shorter skirt length. Or overall pellet length is shorter.

        But they are suppose to be short like I mentioned to work in certain guns.

  1. Me too, I have been saying I have the want for a gladius, I just want to handle and shoot one first.,

    But yes, I am liking what I see.

    Coupled with the hard case, 4 magazines.

    It’s a heck of a deal.

    • The brand Quietkat makes an electric hunting scooter that lets you not scare the game with noise or internal combustion smells. Maybe there is an opportunity for PA to use Tom’s kitty as an advertising endorser?

      So quiet, it lets the cat keep snoozing.
      Punky approved.
      So whisper quiet, it doesn’t disturb whiskers.
      It gets the mouse before the cat even wakes up.

      Don’t say it. I need to get a life.


      • B-I-L,

        Not bad,… not bad,…. I could use one of those to “tool out” to my 100 yarder. After all,… being winded and accelerated heart rate does not make good for a steady,.. “steady”,… or so I have read. Really, I do fine,…. but it sounds like fun.

  2. BB,

    I am certainly liking the performance this is demonstrating. As to appearance, I would prefer it’s little brother the Bull Boss. Both seem a bit heavy for me to want to lug around all day, but I will have to wait until I have a chance to play with one.

    I am glad to see that Hatsan does pay attention to what is going on and moved the cocking mechanism up to where the trigger is. There are manufacturers that are still bringing out “new” bullpups that are merely rifles in a bullpup stock. Not being a contortionist, I find them only a slight improvement over using a sproinger.

    One of the lighter bullpups or carbines just might be the ticket.

  3. Hello BB, et al,

    I’ve been reading your informative and entertaining work here for a little over a year, and finally got up the gumption to comment. Am also recovering from surgery (am doing well!) and finally have time to introduce myself. I rediscovered airgunning in my 50’s, now and have a small collection of mostly contemporary models. My oldest is a Benjamin 397C that still works. Cut my airgun teeth back in the 60’s on the Daisy Targeteer that you reviewed a few months ago. Sure enjoyed your take on that sorry piece of metal. Now that I know how truly worthless they are, I don’t feel so bad that I threw mine away. These days I shoot about 300 pellets and a fair number of BB’s per week, so the Targeteer didn’t turn me off to shooting. I was brought up shooting a variety of long firearms, and have always enjoyed putting lead downrange.

    I’ve really enjoyed my Gladius (.25 cal, long). Am coming up on 1000 rounds, and so far I’ve had only one failure to feed. The jam was easily cleared since the pellet was not lodged too far into the breech. My hunch is that the pellet was slippery from graphite lubricant and was out of alignment. JSB Exact Kings (25.39 gr.) pellets seem to be the best performers, both in terms of accuracy and how well they feed. As you noted, there is no sensation of the pellet entering the breech when everything is working smoothly. I do feel a small amount of resistance when cycling larger pellets, such as Eun Jin 35’s, but overall the action feels really solid…metal slapping metal, almost sounding like a pump shotgun, but feeling more like a t-bolt. The experience is downright satisfying.
    And even though the Gladius is heavy, it feels good once you hold it for off-hand shooting. The design takes a lot of weight off your supporting arm and puts it on your trunk. Now that I’m used to it, I can hold it up as long as I can my Marauder. I have not yet tested the Gladius at 50 yards, but at 30 it is “point and shoot”.
    I’m OK with the trigger’s factory settings, as the break is pretty consistent. It’s stiffer than the Marauder’s trigger and has a little creep in the second stage. But it is predictable, and therefore, very usable. I decided that it was better to accommodate myself to the gun rather than trying to tweak the trigger. Bottom line is, the trigger is fine for hunting, plinking, and target practice. The ping is the loudest thing you’ll hear when pulling the trigger, and it doesn’t bother me at all. Any time I can put this much power downrange without hearing protection, I’m happy.

    It’s a real pleasure, and an honor, to meet you, Sir. I read this blog every morning before I look at the paper. Most days, it’s the first thing I do…Hope you all have a blessed and exuberant 4th!

    • Walt,

      Welcome to the blog.

      You are right, the Gladius does feel something like a Browning T-bolt. I had forgotten that feel until you mentioned it. And your assessment of the trigger is exactly what I have seen.

      There will be another installment on the Gladius this coming week. I hope you enjoy it.


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