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Education / Training Diana Chaser air pistol: Part 3

Diana Chaser air pistol: Part 3

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2

Diana Chaser air pistol
The Diana Chaser is a new CO2 pistol.

This report covers:

  • The test
  • Qiang Yuan Match pellets
  • Adjusted the sights
  • JSB Exact RS
  • Pellets jamming
  • Trigger pull changed
  • Sig Match Ballistic Alloy
  • RWS Superdome
  • The magazine
  • Open sights visible?
  • RWS Superdomes through the magazine
  • Discussion
  • Surprise!

Today is accuracy day for the Diana Chaser air pistol. I threw in some extra tests just for fun. This should be interesting, so let’s go!

The test

I shot off a sandbag rest at 10 meters. I used the single shot tray for the first 4 groups, then switched to the magazine for the final group. There were some interesting results that I couldn’t have predicted.

Qiang Yuan Match pellets

I shot the first group with Qiang Yuan Match pellets. No particular reason for that, other than I had them ready. They hit the target low and to the left, but I left the sights where they were and shot all 10 pellets. They landed in a group that measures 1.052-inches between centers. This was larger than I had hoped for the Chaser.

Diana Chaser Qiang Yuan group
Ten Qiang Yuan Match pellets made this 1.052-inch group at 10 meters. It’s low and to the left intentionally because I didn’t adjust the sights.

Adjusted the sights

After this first group I adjusted the rear sight. I cranked in all the elevation it could take before the screw threads released. It also took a good bit of right adjustment. On the windage adjustment, the left screw is a locking screw that must be loosened before you try to adjust the sight.

JSB Exact RS

Next I tried the JSB Exact RS domed pellet. They fed easier than the Chinese wadcutters. And the first shot landed near the edge of the black bull at the top. It was well-centered.

After ensuring I was on paper with the first shot I didn’t look at the group again until I went forward to change targets. This time the 10-shot group measured 0.976-inches between centers. That’s better but still not as good as I was hoping for from the Chaser.

Diana Chaser JSB RS group
Ten JSB Exact RS pellets went just under an inch, at 0.976-inches between centers at 10 meters. At least we are in the black.

Pellets jamming

Several times in this test the pellets would jam behind the single shot tray, not allowing the bolt to go home. They had to be fished out with a pocketknife. The other way to remove them would have been to remove the tray. I had to hold the muzzle down when I loaded to prevent this from happening.

Trigger pull changed

I have the trigger pull adjusted very nice and when it works it works well. But every so often the trigger becomes stiff to pull and takes a lot more force to get it to break. It goes up to maybe 5-6 lbs. I don’t know what to do about this except hope that it goes away.

Sig Match Ballistic Alloy

The next pellets I tried were the Sig Match Ballistic Alloy target pellets. Ten of them went into 0.908-inches at 10 meters. They landed lower on the bull, though I didn’t adjust the sights this time.

Diana Chaser Sig Match group
Ten Sig Match Ballistic Alloy pellets went into 0.908-inches at 10 meters.

RWS Superdome

The last pellet I tested in the Chaser was the RWS Superdome. Superdomes are good premium pellets, but I didn’t know what to expect in this pistol. Oh, boy, was I in for a surprise! Ten of them went into 0.957-inches, with 9 in just 0.596-inches! It’s a surprisingly small group and easily the best so far.

Diana Chaser Superdome group
Ten RWS Superdomes went into 0.957-inches at 10 meters with 9 in 0.596-inches.

The magazine

Up to this point everything has been single shot. Lest we forget, the Chaser accepts the same magazine as the Diana Stormrider and the Seneca Dragonfly. In .177 caliber the mag holds 9 rounds.

Open sights visible?

There was some concern that the open sights might be obscured by the magazine, because it stands up above the top of the receiver, but that was not a problem. There is plenty of room to see both sights with the mag installed.

Diana Chaser mag installed
When the 9-shot magazine is installed you can easily see both front and rear sights and get a good sight picture.

RWS Superdomes through the magazine

I loaded the magazine with 9 RWS Superdomes. After their performance single-shot I wasn’t going to try anything else. Then I shot them. This is 9, not 10. They fed faster through the magazine, of course, but I didn’t expect the same accuracy. And I was right I didn’t get the same results.

The magazine out-shot the single shot tray! Another time-honored “rule” has been broken. I’m sure those who buy the rifle will be pleased to read this, as that would be the only way to shoot it — scoped with the mag.

Nine Superdomes went into 0.753-inches at 10 meters, with 8 of them in just 0.487-inches! One group isn’t conclusive — even when it’s 10 shots, but at this point it does look like the magazine and domed pellets are the best way to go with the Chaser.

Diana Chaser Superdome through mag
Nine RWS Superdomes shot from the magazine went into 0.753-inches at 10 meters, with 8 in 0.487-inches.


Okay, what I said at the start of Part 1 is now true. This is a world-beater air pistol, and I have to believe the rifle will be the same. Bob — go ahead and buy one — I don’t think you will be disappointed.

I’m not done yet. I wish I had the rifle to test, but I plan to test this pistol at 25 yards with some sort of optic installed.


I have one more thing for you today. It’s a target.

Five Sig Match Ballistic Alloy pellets went in 0.338-inches at 10 meters. Nice group, and I hope to do better!

I shot this target after testing the Chaser. It was shot with a different air pistol — one you have not yet seen because I haven’t tested it yet. But you have heard about it. This is the first time I have shot it. Wanna see it Friday?

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

105 thoughts on “Diana Chaser air pistol: Part 3”

  1. B.B.,

    Good group with that mistery pellet pistol…
    Hmmm???? SIG alloy pelets…Super Target or the M17 way before we would expect you to have one!!!!

    Just guessing!
    My vote is for FRIDAY.


      • Nice shooting! I will have to try theRWS Superdomes. Igor clisegroups with Meisterkugeln 7 gr pellets . I stand by my claim that this is a Best Buy pistol with pretty much target grade accuracy , from a co2 Pistol. Next up should be a wood grip option. Would Beni e to see the gripmodifued to house a second functional co2 . Iwould suggest a reversiblebolt option as well

  2. B.B.,

    Very nice groups with the Chaser. There is probably some roughness in the chamber causing the pellets to hang. Accuracy might tighten up once it has been smoothed out.

    Mystery pistol on a Friday? Must be classic you recently picked up in your buying through the internet since you haven’t given a hint of picking up one in any recent airgun show you presented.


  3. BB
    The chaser pistol is doing pretty good.

    It’s a bummer you didn’t get the rifle. You could of tested it. Then changed it over to a pistol and compare results with the same gun being used.

    And nice group from the mystery gun.

    • Gunfun1

      As you requested, here’s my result using a BSA RD30 red dot sight on the 0.22 caliber Chaser pistol. Using the single shot tray, Meisterkugeln 14 grain wadcutter pellets gave me a 0.875 inch wide 10 shot group. I shot a couple of groups using the red dot sight and the 7 shot magazine. The first 7 shot group of Meisterkugeln pellets was 1.375 inches with 6 out of 7 shots within 1.063 inches. The second 7 shot group using the magazine was 1.25 inches with 5 out of 7 shots within 0.375 inches.

      • Cstoehr
        Yep that’s pretty good shooting. So I’m guessing your liking the Chaser so far.

        That was at 10 yards wasn’t it if I remember right? You going to try it out farther?

        • Those groups were shot at 10 meters. Right now I shoot only in my basement. Maybe after I retire in a year or two I may try to find a local outdoor range. That would definitely motivate me to buy my first PCP rifle.

          To answer your other question, yes I really do like the Chaser. Even with the red dot sight, variability in placement of the red dot is the most significant factor in those shot groups. Ultimately I think the Chaser would be better served with a pistol or rifle scope. With the scope magnification, placing the reticle on target consistently will be much easier. Shot groups should really tighten up then. For shooting indoors at 10 meters I usually use a 4X scope.

          • Cstoehr
            I would probably like the chaser better with a scope maybe. When I got my first pcp which was a Benjamin Discovery. I shot it for the longest time with a red dot sight. And made successful shots at pest birds out at 50 yards. I aimed center mass at that distance and in to 15 yards and hit pretty consitently.

            Maybe your dot is a little too big that your red dot sight has for that distance your shooting at?

            But I do believe your right. I think a a open should help to improve groups.

            And so far is the gun indoor friendly noise wise?

            • I think the noise level of the pistol is very reasonable for indoors. My cat however disagrees. He hides under the bed on the main floor while I’m shooting in the basement. There’s no door at the top of the stairs, so the sound isn’t restricted to the basement.

              Sound tolerance with airguns shot indoors is a subjective thing. You might go back to Tyler Patner’s video review to check the decibal levels for the Chaser. Then find another report for an airgun you already have and shoot indoors and compare the reported decibal levels. If the decibal values are roughly equivalent, then you will have a better answer about the indoor noise.

            • GF1,

              I have a chaser in .177 and I have been using it indoors for the last few days and I think that it is a little louder than my 2240. I have my test vise set up in front of a 60 flat screen TV so I’m sure that I’m getting loads of reflected sound and I’m sitting just a few feet away. It may sound quieter in a garage. The one thing that I know for sure is that the silencer that came on the rifle barrel screwed off without much effort and when I put it on the pistol barrel it made it absolutely “mouse fart” quiet. You more or less just hear the striker hit the valve inside the pistol and then the pellet hit the trap. It’s like firing the last shot that the CO2 cartridge has left in it.


              • Halfstep
                Hmm that’s different. The longer barrels have been quieter than short barrels that I have had anyway.

                So is the gun accurate with both barrels? And I guess your keeping the rifle but stock on the gun with both barrels.

                • GF1,
                  I was comparing the pistol setup and maybe the caliber makes a difference.

                  I have only tested the pistol barrel so far. I posted the results to B-I-L down below. I haven’t put on the stock yet. It takes awhile to test with so many pellets and I’m still taking my brother for his chemo, so that takes time too.

                  I hope to do the 12.5 yard testing with the rifle barrel next week. I think I will do it without the silencer first and then retest at least some of the pellets with the silencer with both barrels just for curiosity’s sake.


  4. B.B.,

    Very nice. Nice evenly scattered groups. The trigger issue is an odd thing. Very concerning if you ask me. I would imagine the set up to be simple(ish). I would be having me a look see. Something is moving, misaligning or is loose.

    On triggers,.. in general,.. you know for sure that (some) people will be popping them open the minute they get it to do a look see, maybe a polish and re-lube. If there is an issue, you might as well the one to investigate. Who better? I for one would like to have an inside peek. 2# 4 oz. randomly jumping to 5-6# is just wrong.

    On the Fri. surprise, sure!,…. bring it on.

    Good Day to one and all,……. Chris

    • Chris,

      Sounds like a bit of play in the trigger parts and a burr or sharp edge catching on something. Agree – a polish and re-lube would probably fix the trigger pretty quick. Guess that it would polish the rough spot out its self after a bit of use.


    • Chris U,

      I have a stormrider that I have already adjusted the trigger on. (I feel as if I ended that sentence on a preposition. Maybe not. I’ll check later) I will want to make this trigger at least as good as that one, if possible, so I’ll let you know what the guts look like when I, inevitably, get in there! 😉


      • Half,

        Very nice. Thank you. I do plan to get the rifle version on the next order, especially if in stock,…. for a Winter indoor plinker. And yes,… after some research,… the trigger would be the first thing I would be looking at. Hopefully,… nothing major is going on.

        Did you just proposition me????? 😉 To be honest,… am not sure I would know one from the other. It has been awhile. Propositions I have some experience with,.. prepositions would be by happenstance. 🙂


      • Half,

        Then again,…. you really don’t want to rush directly into a proposition, depending on the target. One should really do a bit of “pre-proposition” on the way to the actual “proposition”,…. me thinks? 😉 Did I get it close? Like I said,… it’s been awhile.

        🙂 Chris

    • Chris USA,

      Quick update on my chaser trigger. I have been using it just as it was shipped and have put 1800 -1900 pellets through it and have not experienced any changes like BB described. It is getting smoother, of course.

      I have a lot more shooting data that I will probably post this weekend.

  5. BB,

    I have had that happen with single stage triggers before, as if the sear engagement had increased. I had the opposite happen with a Ruger Air Hawk I had at one time. It generally had a horrible trigger but every once in a while it was sweet. Needless to say it no longer lives at RidgeRunner’s Home For Wayward Airguns.

    Now that other pistol is a shooter. I most definitely want to see more. Izzy is kind of lonely.

  6. B.B.

    It is not April Fool’s Day, it is not Friday the 13th. Friday the 14th, that is a new one on me.
    Will check this blog after midnight evening of the 13th. Can hardly wait…


  7. B.B.,

    Like Siraniko I wonder if this is a vintage air pistol, given your selection of a Friday to share it with us.

    A group like that has me wondering if it is a light-triggered target model.


      • BB
        Ok. I have to go back and look now. I don’t remember the different color back behind the target paper.

        But the enhancing the color separation is definitely helping make the group’s stand out. I can see the groups and hole sizes much better now.

        Oh and just to say. Putting the pellet you used by the Hatsan .30 caliber break barrel groups on the target paper definitely gave perspective to how the pellet diameter made a difference in group size.

  8. BB,
    I also was hoping for the long barrel review and comparison before making a purchase. I want to add a scope (UTG Bugbuster???) and am curious as to mounting it with the magazine. What type of scope rings should I order? How high to clear the magazine? It would be wonderful if PA offered a package with long and short barrels, scope, magazine and scope rings.

    Bob in wet Texas

    • Bob,

      You should just go ahead and get the rifle kit. Medium or high scope rings will work just fine. This mount will work also.


    • Bob
      I agree 100% with the PA package or as PA calls it. A combo.

      But yep scope height and correct rings is a big deal.

      If PA shows that it will save alot of headaches. Be less returns on PA’s part. Plus more trust in the company when ordering.

      And here check this out. Here’s the kit.

      And from what I’m seeing I think the rifle/kit version of the chaser pistol might just be more accurate than the pistol version. It tends to be that way with the 1322/77’s and 2240’s converted to carbines and rifles.

      I would say order it I would like to see how it goes I’d you get one.

    • B-I-L

      Although I can’t compete with BB’s reviews, I have the combo and will be doing some testing for my own purposes and will be posting the results here They may be of some help to you if you can wait a few days.


    • Bob,

      I measured my mag height above the dovetail and it is .410″. I put the only low 1″ ring that I have ( a Redfield scope for rimfire rifles) and it clears.

      I found out this weekend that the silencer will come off the rifle barrel and will fit the pistol barrel, so that may be another argument for getting the kit. All of the packing from the box fits into the zippered case to provide a real nice place for the gun(s) to live ( with the long barrel and stock removed).

      I finished the pistol accuracy testing at 12.5 yards today. I shot the gun with the grip clamped in a vice and fired 10 shot strings with 54 pellets. At a timed interval of 20 seconds between shots I was able to get 20 shots with very consistent velocities, on shots 21 – 30 I had to increase the interval to about 40 seconds and shots 31 – 40 required a 1 minute delay between shots. There was about 5 shots left at that point, but I just dumped them and started over with a new CO2 cylinder. The number above “FPS” in this chart is an indicator of whether the string was the first, second, etc group on that particular cartridge.

      I found that the valve was very uniform and consistent and my trigger is breaking at about 2.4 # out of the box as measured the Kentucky redneck way, with a digital fish scale.

      This chart is the 24 pellets that gave sub 1″ groups at 12.5 yards. There were 10 additional pellets that gave 1″ to 1.1″ groups as well. Hitting Vienna Sausage cans at 15 yards is not going to be a problem with just about any pellet that you use. Crosman probably gave the worst showing as a brand. I don’t think the gun will be suitable for competition with any pellet.

      I intend to test the rifle barrel next and I’ll let you know what I find.


      • Half,

        Very nice. Your data collection and representation skills never cease to amaze. That was some very extensive testing. No one can say that you did not try to find the “right” pellet. Overall, it looks like it is not pellet picky at all.

        Thank you for the diligent work,…… Chris

        • Chris U,

          It should be a very able plinker, for sure. I will eventually shoot it, gun in hand, to evaluate the sights, trigger and grips, but for now I’m just judging the barrel’s accuracy. Being able to put the silencer on the pistol barrel makes a pretty compelling argument for going with the combo, don’t you think ? The difference between silenced and unsilenced it very extreme, even with the longer rifle barrel.

          I may eventually modify the transfer port by soldering it closed and drilling a smaller hole, as I did with my stormrider, to get a higher shot count. There is a lot of wasted gas that is being expelled on the first dozen shots that could be “re-purposed” for shots later on in the string, maybe. We’ll see.


          • Half,

            Sounds like you are on the right track for sure. I will for sure get the rifle/combo version. I do not do pistols or open sights well. Yes, 30 count or so does seem a bit low. There is some gas getting wasted somewhere for sure. As you know,…. soon enough there will be mods. out on the net. Then, the aftermarket guys will pick up HP parts mods.. A lighter hammer spring would be my first go-to. It should be a popular plinker.

            The trigger pull variance that B.B. has experienced is a bit disconcerting though. That would be my only hesitation at this point. Of course,…. at first suspect,…. it would be getting tore into for a good look see,….. if not before. 😉 Reviews will be quick, as is the norm these days,… so you will not have to wait long.


      • GF1,

        Unfortunately, I don’t. If someone had these two pistols I would seriously consider trading my HM1000X for them.

        I was just hoping someone might say “Hey, I have one of those. Maybe I ought to sell it to RR. 😉

          • GF1,

            The top one is a Lincoln Jeffries. It was made by the same gentleman that designed my 1906 BSA. Many years later Walther copied this design in the LP52 and LP53 target air pistols.

            The lower one I am sure you recognize as a Westley Richards.

            These classics are rare to say the least. They are also so well made that they perform just as well today as they did then. It has not been until recent times that 10 meter air pistols could outperform them.

              • GF1,

                I understand what you are saying and the HM1000X would be difficult to part with, but that would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. I can buy another HM1000X or some other PCP I would like to have. I myself have only seen pictures of these air pistols. I have never even had the opportunity to hold one of them, never mind shoot them.

                • RR
                  No doubt they would be cool pistols to own.

                  Like my luck goes a good deal comes about and I done spent the money on something else.

                  My problem right now again is I got to many wants and not enough funds.

                    • RR
                      Yep I know I have been there for sure.

                      But now the problem is I don’t want to get rid off any of the guns I have right now. So if I get something I got to save the money to buy it. Right now I would have a tuff time deciding which to get rid of.

  9. “…0.338-inches at 10 meters”

    That’s interesting that the Chaser was more accurate with the magazine than in single-shot mode.
    And I’ll cast another vote for wanting to see the mystery pistol on Friday. =>
    take care,

    • Dave
      But that wasn’t multiple groups shot with the mag. Repeatability is what makes the difference.

      Maybe more groups shot with the tray might produce groups similar to the mag.

      Maybe it was that certian groups of pellets that wasn’t sorted fell into the group that made those groups. Just can’t see it based off of only these few groups that BB shot on this particular day of shooting.

      Nice to think about. But more shots are needed on multiple days in my book from what I have seen through the years.

      Not one day.

  10. BB
    I can understand why different pellets perform better or worse depending on how they interact with the barrels and rifling, not counting the effects of a magazine or single shot tray. But why is it that no two of the same airgun from the same manufactured will prefer the same pellet?

    I’m sure high end manufactures pay a bit more attention when manufacturing their barrels and rifling which probably accounts for their overall better accuracy with most pellets.

    Is it a just question of manufacturing quality from the start or is it the result of letting the tooling wear out as production continues resulting in vastly different bore and rifling dimensions for the same airgun? The results of which may be better, or worse !
    A condition high end manufacturers with limited production probably don’t experience or intentionally avoid.

    • Correction to the above entry, Bob M
      “Is it a just question” …. ?
      How does, ‘ Is it just a question ‘ come out scrambled as it did ? Then it hit me, I change some of the words in a sentence as I go along and fail to go back and proof read the entry. I refused to believe my brain would sabotage me in that way. 😉

    • Bob,

      Wow! You asked a whole bunch of questions there. I don’t know what BB will say to this, but here is my two cents.

      Why do two identical air rifles shoot differently? Despite best efforts, no two barrels will be exactly the same. When you also factor in that no two power plants will behave exactly the same, you end up with a little bit different performance from each. With the “high end manufacturers” you will have better quality materials, better skilled labor and tighter quality control. The differences in performance tend to be far less. You pay for all this.

      With the “low end manufacturers” you have cheaper materials, less skilled labor, looser quality control. As you noted their tooling will likely experience more wear before it is replaced. Their prices are lower with a smaller profit margin.

      Now as for the same pellet, are they really? They may be the same manufacturer, but are they from the same mold? Were they made in the very same lot? Was the formulation identical? Were the temperatures identical? What about the weather on the day they were made, the temperature, humidity, etc.? I know many of these factors will have almost no affect, but some do.

      • BB
        Perhaps it’s just that many of the commenters, here and on P/A for instance report better performance with a different pellet and the generally accepted statement that each airgun requires testing to find the right pellet for it.
        In hind sight it just may be they never really have the luxury of getting to try every pellet ever made in their airgun and everyone probably doesn’t use their airgun the same way or for the same purpose.

        Then as RidgeRunner pointed out pellets of the same brand can actually vary as well and have different results.

        Wouldn’t it be nice if all airgun companies could say “Use this pellet” for the best overall performance in this airgun.

  11. Well, Well, Well
    I see the Nova Freedom Multi-Pump PCP has become available as the Seneca Aspen PCP and has been picked up by Pyramyd AIR.
    Perhaps it will now be receiving the notoriety it well deserves and if we are lucky, might even wind up in the hands of our well respected Godfather for investigation one day. A lot to check out on this one and at an extremely low price for a High Powered Multi-Pump self contained PCP rifle.

    • Bob,

      If I had not picked up my Crosman 101 I was giving consideration to this multi-pump for RidgeRunner’s Home For Wayward Airguns. If the quality is sufficient for lasting durability, I may pick up one yet.

      I too look forward to BB’s take on this.

      • RidgeRunner
        Stephan Archer with Hard Air Magazine has an excellent review on the Nova Freedom however, in my opinion, he is a ‘Matter of Fact’ type reviewer looking for specifics to be reviewed in order to come up with an assigned score used to compare it to other airguns in those respective areas. A very thorough and respected Airgun Reporter if you will..

        Outstanding if you are trying to decide which airgun to purchase or learn some facts about the airgun.

        BB, in my opinion, tends to do about the same thing only in a more personal unregimented way that also involves his readers and often leads to more specific items being discussed.
        His is a blog after all and his personal opinions are highly valued as well.

        Being considered the uncontested “Godfather” of Airguns is definitely a noteworthy achievement worthy of everyone’s respect.

        I would be interested to see if testing results remain consistent or if the air rifle has been changed in some way with the rename. I am very satisfied with mine … considering the price.
        Bob M

        • Bob M,

          Very well said. I often check out several reviewers that I trust before I consider a particular airgun so as to weed out the hype and also to learn as much as possible from various sources. BB is at the top of the list.

          I am glad you are pleased with the performance of the Freedom. It is time for such.

  12. BB,

    I have one of the chaser combos and just started shooting it today. I was trying to get a shot count and average velocity with RWS Hobby pellets just like you did in Part 2 of your report on the gun, but my results are very different from yours.

    You rightfully pointed out that CO2 cartridges differ, so when my results were so far off from yours I tried a different cartridge of the same brand, from a carton that was purchased at a different time. It gave results that were closer to my first results than to the results you got, so I tried a third cartridge, again, the same brand, yet another lot, with the same result, more or less. I have several brands of CO2 on hand, so I tried three other examples, but was only able to repeat my earlier results.

    I’m going to post a chart of my results, along with a graph showing all the shots going down to around 350 fps. I am hoping that you have an explanation for why my results are so different from yours. Really understanding this kind of stuff is an important part of this hobby to me and I am perplexed. It seems to me that your CO2 cartridge would have had to have an unbelievable amount of extra liquid in it to give such a different shot count. A chronograph that was misreading the shots could account for it as well, I guess.

    Judging by the time delay between firing and hitting the target 12 1/2 yards across my basement, I feel that my velocities are accurate. The impact sounds as puny as it usually does at 350 fps and the drop at the target after about shot 45, in each case, is very substantial. In your test the velocity of shot 45 is still around where it was at shot number 3. It just doesn’t look right to me.

    For the record, I allowed 10 timed seconds between shots and I started with three 9 shot mags loaded and switched to single loading after I used them up, but I don’t think that is the factor that is causing the difference.

    I know it is a lot to ask, but is there any chance that you would be willing to repeat the velocity test to see if you get the same results?


  13. BB,

    Good thing you had that tin of Superdomes at hand, otherwise the Chaser would have appeared less a world beater and more another run-of-the-mill, rebranded, plasticky, Chinese CO2 pistol!

  14. Hi Half!

    I think the only way you can resolve this is to weigh your CO2 cartridges before you shoot them and then weigh them after you are done. The only perfect way to do that is to install a full cartridge in your pistol and do a gross weight subtracting the weight of the full cartridge to get a rare weight. Then after you are done you will have the Gross weight of pistol and shot down (NOT Empty) cartridge combo. That will give you the weight of the CO2 actually used for that shot count. Clear as mud is it!

    Next you need to get B.B. to do the same…
    After all that you will be able to compare the average weight of CO2 per shot of your pistol and and B.B.s!

    If there is a difference you will need to see what the physical set-up differences are between your’s and B.B.’s.

    It could be valve and hammer (striker) spring rates, Hammer weight, T port size, barrel rifeling and on and on…

    Two last questions? What was the temperature and was the pellet and weight the same?

    This is going to be interesting to see what B.B. thinks.

    Best wishes getting this resolved,


    • Shootski,

      While I agree that the empirical answer would require all the measurements that you pointed out, I think that, in this case, the differences are so gross that an acceptable answer will be attainable without them. There is only so much energy stored in a CO2 cartridge and I doubt that a Chinese airgun is going to wring that energy out in the most efficient manner. For BB’s gun to be getting a higher velocity at shot 51 than it got at shot 1 just sends up a red flag to me, especially in view of the results that I got with my gun.

      I was using RWS Hobby pellets, just as BB did ( see part 2 of his report) and , although I didn’t weigh them this time, I have in the past and found them to be close enough in weight that I’m comfortable discounting them as the cause of this particular discrepancy is test results.


    • Shootski,

      I forgot to add that the temp was 69.9 F and anytime that I have asked about temperature when BB is shooting indoors he replies that it will always be 70 degrees, if my memory serves.


        • Shootski,

          I have wondered how that would effect a CO2 gun’s performance myself, in the past, but I have looked at the size of the hole in my CO2 cartridges every time that I have fired one for the last 1 1/2 to 2 years and have found that even when they differ in size I can’t attribute any differences in performance to it, no matter the gun that I may be firing them from. Theoretically, a gun could be fired fast enough that the gas could be used up faster than it could be replenished through a small hole in the cartridge but I haven’t done it by accident in my testing or on purpose, for that matter.

          I really can’t envision a scenario that would account for the different results that BB and I got over the chronograph and that Is why I hope he responds to my inquiry, regardless of whether he has time to retest the gun or not. I knew when I suggested it that it was probably a pipe dream. 😉

          Is there anyone else out there that owns a .177 chaser pistol, a tin of RWS Hobby pellets and a chronograph that can help out on this mystery? If you don’t own a chrony, can you at least speak to how many shots you feel you get and at what number do you find that the point of impact begins to really drop off.


  15. Here is another vote for BB to test the rifle version of this airgun. It’s one of the few airguns on my list that I might want to buy.
    I think Tom said he was going to test this pistol version at 25 yards with a scope. I hope this happens. I love my little 1377 carbine, and have found “the” pellet for it. Stock except for a steel breech, scope and mount, and the skeleton stock. I hate to mess with it further, as it’s shooting the Crosman 10.5 grain heavies so well.

    • Birdmove,

      Good to hear from you. That must mean that you have not been blown up, melted or washed away yet. 😉

      The rifle version is on my short list when placing my next order. Well, depending on the review and figure out what is going on with the trigger. (a nicely adjusted 2# 4oz. trigger sporadically jumping to 5-6#)


      • Our third hurricane/tropical storm this season is passing us now. Quite a bit of rain, but not much wind. It hit Maui pretty hard, and they are flooding like we did a few weeks ago in the second storm. Fingers crossed for the people in the Carolinas about to be hit.
        One problem I sometimes had with my Crosman 2400KT CO2 carbine. Sometimes, even when using Pellgunoil, the CO2 can would stick in the gun. The little port this airgun has might help should that happen. Probably a little pressure with a small wooden dowel would work the can lose without marring the gun. For the money, this air rifle kit seems like a bargain. Especially since his has a magazine.

  16. Thought after seeing your target, I would usedup the last half of co2 in mine throwing some Meisterkugeln 7 grainers down range at 37 feet. The last 3 or so started striking low, but this target had28 rounds out of the 9 round mags.

    • Michaelr,

      Since you seem to have a .177 chaser, can you help me out by posting any velocity or shot count results that you have observed with your gun. See my plea for help in the response to Shootski above. If you haven’t used Hobby pellets I think that the Meisterkugeln 7 gr pistol pellets will work as a stand in.

      Thanks for whatever you can offer,


      • To those interested in the Diana Chaser Pistol, I’m gonna recommend that you get the combo. The suppressor will come off the rifle barrel and screw onto the pistol barrel and not only makes the gun super,super quiet, it also makes it more ACCURATE. Mine is, at least. I posted the best groups that I got, out of 50+ pellets that I tested, up above here somewhere. They were just the ones that printed better than 1″ groups. Well, I decided to shoot all 50+ pellets a second time with the suppressor installed on the gun and am I ever glad I did.

        These are all shot with the gun’s grip in a vice, so it just represents the barrel’s accuracy with the various pellets,at 12.5 yards. Because things like the trigger and sights and the shooter’s ability come into play when actually shooting with the gun in hand, I probably won’t get these results, but both groups were shot the same way so I think the results are valid.

        The first chart is of what I call CHEAP pellets. The kind you can usually find in stores, though some were bought online for cheap.
        The second chart is the more PRIMO pellets that you have to get from airgun stores online. They didn’t show quite as much improvement, maybe ’cause they are pretty good to start with, I don’t know, but they did improve some.

        There were a very few that got worse and some that didn’t really change. I left them out.

        Here’s the first chart

    • Halfstep
      Well that’s definitely interesting info. Better groups for the most part with the silencer. Maybe the silencer is acting as a air stripper and removing the turbulence before the pellet exits.

          • GF1,

            The rifle is not showing the same improvement, so far. I’m still testing it.

            Here’s some more stuff on the pistol. I fired it with Crosman Wadcutters with a 40 sec delay, a 20 sec delay, then single shots from the shot tray, fast as I could load it, which gave about a 5.5 – 6 sec delay, and then with one mag filled and fired as fast as I could, which ended up being about 3 secs between shots, then a reload, shoot fast, another reload etc., until I had fired 5 mags (45 shots).

            The two slower firing cycles both gave me groups of 1″ at 12.5 yards for 45 shots. The two quicker shot cycles opened that up to 1 1/8″ which is still great in my book for 45 shots, especially when you see how much the velocity fell off shooting that way. It just didn’t matter at that distance. There is a couple of “flyers” in the pics and they weren’t counted in the groups since they were fired after the 45th shot. I just wanted to see at what point the pellets started really falling.

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