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Education / Training The Beeman P1 air pistol: Part 11

The Beeman P1 air pistol: Part 11

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Beeman P1
Beeman P1 air pistol.

This report covers:

  • Good things happen
  • The test
  • The “Holy Cow!” group
  • Adjusted the sight
  • Second group of Sig Match Ballistic Alloy pellets
  • Discussion 1
  • H&N Finale Match Pistol pellets
  • Discussion 2
  • Crosman Premier Light pellets
  • Summary

Good things happen

Sometimes everything works as it should. No, even better, things sometimes work like you think they are supposed to. Today’s report is such a day.

This report is now 11 parts long, so I will summarize. I’m testing a Beeman P1 pistol that someone traded to me at an airgun show. He included the parts I needed for a rebuild, so I did that for you in Parts 4 and 5. Then I tested it for accuracy again in Parts 6 through 9.

In Part 10 I introduced you to the UTG RDM20 Reflex Micro Dot sight that Pyramyd AIR doesn’t currently carry — but they had better do so! Because I am about to show you a dot sight that was made for the Beeman P1!

The test

I shot the pistol from 10 meters off a sandbag rest. I will describe how I held the pistol as we go, as there was a significant change that revolutionized the entire test. I think people are going to come away from this test with a different opinion of the Beeman P1 when I am finished.

I shot all targets on low power only, as I learned in past testing that low power is the most accurate setting most of the time — or at least that was how it looked when I shot with open sights. Also, the point of impact shifts down by several inches when you switch to high power, and I didn’t want to re-sight the pistol in today’s test.

My aim point was the center of the bullseye. I will have more to say about that, but a dot sight allows you to do that, where open sights do not.

The “Holy Cow!” group

I didn’t bother sighting-in the gun. I simply started shooting at 10 meters, and I began with Sig Match Ballistic Alloy pellets. I held the pistol in two hands, with my forearms resting on the sandbag. That supported the weight of the pistol and still left it untouched by the sandbag. The first shot hit the target slightly left of the centerline and about 2.25-inches below the aimpoint. Shot number two landed close enough to the first one that I knew I could safely finish this group without changing the sights. So, I tried an experiment. What if I rested the butt of the pistol directly on the sandbag? Would that move the shots too much? I wanted to do that because hand-holding wasn’t as steady as I wanted to be.

Shot three, which was with the butt rested on the bag, landed close enough to the other two that it looked as if I was holding the pistol the same way. Then I fired the fourth shot. Holy cow — the hole made by shot three just got slightly larger! Could this really be? The next shot proved it — a 5-shot group measuring 0.682-inches, with the last three — all with the butt rested directly on the bag — measuring 0.134-inches between the centers of the two shots farthest apart!

Beeman P1 Sig Match alloy group 1
The “Holy Cow” group. Five are in 0.682-inches with the last three — all with the butt rested — in just 0.134-inches at 10 meters.

My gosh! The best group in Part 6 on low power with open sights and this pellet was 0.912-inches at 10 meters. On high power in Part 6 five of these pellets went into 1. 138-inches. This time was significantly better.

Adjusted the sight

Since I could do it easily enough I now adjusted the sight 9 clicks up and by pure chance it was almost the perfect amount. Maybe I could drop back down by a click or two, but since I will be testing two other pellets I will leave the sight where it is set.

Second group of Sig Match Ballistic Alloy pellets

This time all five shots were with the butt resting directly on the sandbag. And this time all five shots went into 0.524-inches at 10 meters. Compared that to the 0.912-inches with open sights and you can see it is a significant improvement.

Beeman P1 Sig Match alloy group 1
Group two was with all the shots fired with the butt of the pistol rested on the bag. Five went into 0.524-inches between centers.

Discussion 1

I was elated at this point. The UTG dot sight was doing exactly what I had envisioned it might when I first saw it. And it clearly is not moving on the gun. You wouldn’t get groups like this if it was.

H&N Finale Match Pistol pellets

Next I tried a pellet I had not tested in the past — the H&N Finale Match Pistol pellet that weighs 7 grains. It’s no longer available. The closest you can come to it today is the Finale Match light pellet that weighs 7.87-grains. Five of these pellets went into 0.619-inches at 10 meters. This group is slightly lower and more to the right than the last groups of Sig Match Ballistic Alloy pellets. This is why I didn’t adjust the sight again.

Beeman P1 Finale Match group
From 10 meters the P1 put 5 H&N Finale Match Pistol pellets into this 0.619-inch group.

Discussion 2

The pistol keeps right on performing. That sight seems to have a magical ability to put those pellets exactly where you want them. And, with the butt of the pistol rested on the bag, the P1 is a cinch to shoot.

Crosman Premier Light pellets

Last to be tried were some Crosman Premier Light pellets. In Part 6, using open sights, 5 of these went into 1.19-inches with 4 of them going into 0.478-inches. Using this dot sight all five shots went into 0.896-inches with the closest 4 going into 0.497-inches. From these two sets of results I would say the Premier light is not the pellet for this pistol, though you would be hard-pressed to find a sporting air pistol, that could do better. Note that this even heavier pellet is still lower on target and has moved right to the centerline.

Beeman P1 Premier Light group
Five Crosman Premier Light pellets went into 0.896-inches at 10 meters. The bottom hole looks like the pellet went through sideways, but that’s just the way the paper tore.


What a test! The UTG RDM20 Reflex Micro Dot sight is a winner on the Beeman P1 pistol. And this P1 that I got in trade and overhauled has turned out to be a fine shooter. I’m just sorry I can’t leave the sight where it is, but there is more testing to be done.

I need to test the sight with the same pellets on high power, too. Will it remain in place under the harder recoil? I believe it will but we shall see.

Then I want to test the sight on the Diana Chaser pistol as well. So it isn’t going to stay on one airgun for long. It’s now one of my best test dot sights and you will see it on other airguns to come.

The bottom line is — this is the dot sight for the P1. I have been looking for a lightweight dot sight for a Beeman P1 for years and now I’ve found it. Pyramyd AIR needs to stock this sight for you, because I have a feeling it’s going to work on a lot of airguns.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

23 thoughts on “The Beeman P1 air pistol: Part 11”

  1. B.B.,

    Nice shooting! Think I can get my group size under one inche at 25yards on my S&W model 29.44Mag If I rest the gun’s butt on the sandbag? Just joking!

    Are you using the red or the green Dot version of the UTG micro Reflex Sight?


  2. B.B.,

    Nice shooting. My first question(s) is how much of the target was covered by the dot? The bull? The 9 ring? The 8 ring? Is it even possible to post a shooter’s point of view pic? What would it look like at 25 yards?

    Second, in the last installment, I asked about all of the different types of electronic sights and terminology and if you had ever done an all-in-one report covering the different types, best use, most accurate, etc.. I know you have done some articles in the past on a specific one/brand/type, but I figure that an all in one might provide a good primer for those first looking at an electronic sights.

    Good Day to one and all,….. Chris

  3. B.B.,
    That’s some excellent accuracy!
    It looks like you’ve found the perfect marriage of pistol and dot sight.
    Looking forward to another year of great reports,
    P.S. Here (under The “Holy Cow” group section) I believe you meant shots:
    “Would that move the shoots too much?” =>

  4. B.B.,

    Great sight or not, that is some fine shooting. Of course, it was with this sight, so indeed, “Wow!”

    Like everyone, I can’t wait to see what will happen at high power. A question: do you think that slightly heavier pellets, say in the 8 – 10 grain range. might do well at the higher power level?


  5. BB
    Nice shooting.

    And what I’m waiting for is if you test this dot sight on a pcp. Like a Marauder rifle. And I would like to see what you get with that gun at the 10 yards and 25 and 50 yards.

    I want to see how much point of impact changes verses point of aim when you place the dot sight on target for all 3 distances.

    I think that would show people that are curious about trying dot sights how much hold overs are needed with them.

    But so far I like the dot sight your testing. I got my Tasco red dot back on my WildFire. I would like to try one of the dot sights your testing on my 1077.

    Heck maybe even on my bullmaster. By the way that arrived today. Getting ready to open the box as I speak.

  6. Ok here it goes.
    Yep going to like my Hatsan bullmaster.

    First remember I got it as a refurb from Hatsan USA. And for a killer price of $349.00 and free shipping. That’s over half off of what they are new!

    And the first surprise when I opened the box it shipped in was I saw the hard case that comes with them new. The surprise is that in the description of refurb guns it says the hard case won’t come with the gun. But the gun will come with however many mags the new ones have and a fill probe. Well I got everything even the owners manual and a quality checklist and how many fps the gun is shooting at. Which it stated 1075 fps with lead pellets. It don’t say what pellets they used though.

    Also the gun had 3500 psi in it which is a good sign of no leaking. But the gun is flawless. Not a mark on it. It looks brand new.

    And here’s the scope I put on it. And yes I used the 3/8″ scope rings that came with the scope.

    And sighted it in at 35 yards and shot 3 mags of 14 shots per mag at 35 yards and 4 mags at 50 yards. The last mag I shot rapid fire and I got right at 1-1/2″ at 50 yards. The 35 yard groups normal fire was right at .500″ the 50 yards was right at .800″ normal fire. So pretty happy with that. And the gun cycled flawlessly. Even the rapid fire. No miss fires and most importantly no jams. Very happy about that. Oh and the 7 mags used from 3500 psi down to 1500 psi of air which is 98 shots per fill. And on Hatsan’s sight they say 100 shots per fill in .177 caliber. So pretty dead on to what they say also.

    And I do like whatever they used on the stock. It’s got a rubberized texture. So no cheap plastic feel to it and benchrests great with my normal bag under the front of the gun and no rear bag. I use my off hand under the trigger hand part of the stock like I have been doing with my other guns. And it is no problem shooting off hand. The weight is back and I’m able to lock my forearm into my ribs and steady the gun nice.

    Getting ready for some free hand plink at some feral cans right now.

    Oh and yes. I still believe the Hatsan bullmaster is a renamed and badged FX gun. To much looks the same. Anyway that’s besides the point. But if this gun stays working I’ll be a happy camper.

    • GF1,

      So I guess no feral can was left standing, all were wasted. Glad the gun is working out ok and I looked at the Hatsan site and saw that they may ship in the hard case if they do not have other packing that will safely ship the unit, so you got an extra deal there. Looking at the Hatsan site further there are some deals to be had as referbs ah, if i only had some bucks.

      So many choices, so little money. Perhaps later.


      • Mike
        Yep happy with it for sure. Shot it yesterday till it got dark. Didn’t even pick up one of my other guns to shoot yesterday. And even standing unsupported the feral cans didn’t stand a chance. I was even hitting them out at 50 yards. It’s a point and shoot gun for sure.

        And yep glad the case came with it. But can’t use it with a scope on the gun though. It won’t fit now. Not that I need to take it anywhere anyway. But it is nice to have the hard case if I do ever decide to sell the gun. Which I doubt from what I have exsperianced so far with it.

        And yes there are some good refurb deals on the Hatsan USA site. And I didn’t realize that Hatsan made that many guns. And like you. Need some more money for all my wants. Right now it looks like I’ll be spending my extra money feeding the bullmasters apatite. Which is fine with me. Been wanting a good semi-auto pcp for a while now.

  7. Howdy all!
    Witness the importance of B.B.’s reports:
    19 years ago, a friend sold me a really nice Beeman P1.
    It was a good pistol, but it wasn’t shooting accurately for me, which, thanks to today’s report,
    I now know was due to poor technique and the wrong sight.
    If only I’d had the patience (I’m sadly short on that) and the presence of mind to look into my crystal ball,
    I would have seen this report was forthcoming, and set the pistol in a drawer till I read today’s report;
    then I could have bought the UTG RDM20 Reflex Micro Dot sight, and I’d have been in fat city!
    Alas, like a dummy, I SOLD that gun…*hangs his head in shame”
    The moral of the story is, if you have some airgun that you’re struggling with, and B.B. hasn’t reported on it yet,
    he’s most likely GOING TO at some point in the future; so hold onto that gun till he does! =>

    P.S. Happy 3rd day of Christmas…here’s some French hens…

  8. B.B.
    Resting the grip, and the improved performance ,on low power, I think is interesting, especially for a springer .
    Maybe on high power a different result. I think the P1 format, with the spring tube below the barrel, and that lets the barrel not have to deliver the cocking loads,scaled up with a RI sized spring tube, would have the trigger group and the piston sear in the right location to be an awesome bullpup design. The rearward traveling piston is absorbed by the shooters shoulder body mass, and might allow for a more powerfull and controlable/ accurate rifle, in a compact design. A conventionally operating spring gun, the piston impact occurs away from a shooters body and helps account for their notorious reputation for demanding concentration and hold awareness. One of the reasons I got into PCP’s was that I wanted a less demanding gun to shoot well, and they are for sure. Hope it goes well on high power.

  9. BB,

    That’s impressive shooting! Those groups look more like what one would expect from a single stroke pneumatic than a spring-powered air pistol. Intriguing that resting the butt on the bag resulted in tighter groups – who woulda thunk it?

    Am I the only one here though that thinks the P1/ HW45 looks just wrong with those slim Colt 1911 grips? I much prefer the look of the HW45 Black Star/ Silver Star grips. Have you tried those versions of the pistol? The grips on them are chunkier and look to me more conducive to a steady aim.

    • Bob Ryan

      Have had good results shooting a Ruger .44 magnum and T/C .223 pistol rested direct on a range bench with only a firm sandbag protecting the pistol butt from recoil scratches. This hold best overcomes my shaking. My Beeman P17 seems to like it okay. Maybe it is a repeatable hold even for springers.

      Nice grips.


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