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Ammo The Webley Hurricane: Part 5

The Webley Hurricane: Part 5

by Tom Gaylord
Writing as B.B. Pelletier

Webley Hurricane

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

A history of airguns

This report covers:

  • Remember
  • The test
  • H&N Finale Match Light
  • Sig Match Ballistic Alloy 
  • Air Arms Falcon
  • Firing behavior
  • RWS R10 Match Pistol
  • Gamo Match
  • H&N Baracuda with 4.50mm head
  • Summary

Today we see the accuracy of the Webley Hurricane. I have to tell you, this has never been a particularly accurate airgun in the past, so I’m not looking for much today. I will do my best though.


No — I am not carrying Mr. Spock’s katra — Star Trek III, The Search for Spock. I want you to remember what I am trying to do with this report.

One thing I’m especially interested in with the Hurricane is how well the Extreme Weapons Grease performs. I used it on all the places where there was galling of the metal. You can read about that in Part 3. Normally I would have used moly grease, but I had a small tube of this stuff that was given to me at some SHOT Show and I decided to see if it was really up to the task. So I’m watching how smoothly the pistol cocks.

The test

For this test I shot from a rest at 10 meters. Many years ago I learned that the Hurricane likes a two-hand hold with the forearms resting on a sandbag for stability. That was the way I held the airgun throughout this entire test.  I wore 1.25+ reading glasses that let me see the front sight sharp and still let me see the 10-meter pistol bull well enough from 10 meters. Let’s get on with it.

H&N Finale Match Light

First up for no special reason were H&N Finale Match Light pellets. To my recollection I have never shot these pellets in this gun before. I pulled the first shot and marked it on the target. The next shot went into the bottom of the bull and then the final three dropped below the bull in a smaller group. It felt like I was getting accustomed to the pistol so I fired a second five shots, expecting to see a small group with the last three of the first group. Instead what I got was a splatter pattern. Ten Finale Match Light pellets went into 1.817-inches at 10 meters. It’s not a great start, but at least we are shooting.

Finale Light group
Ten H&N Finale Match Light pellets went into 1.817-inches at 10 meters. I circled the shot that was a called pull.

Sig Match Ballistic Alloy 

The second pellet I tested was the all-tin Sig Match Ballistic Alloy pellet. From this point on I am only shooting 5 shots per target. Five of these went into 1.404-inches at 10 meters. As you can see they hit the target a lot higher and slightly to the left.

Sig Alloy group
The Webley Hurricane put five Sig Match Ballistic Alloy pellets in 1.404-inches at 10 meters.

Hunting Guide

Air Arms Falcon

Next to be tried were five Air Arms Falcon pellets. They went into a vertical group that measured 1.815-inches between centers. It’s almost as big as the 10-shot group of Finale Match Light pellets. This is not the pellet for the Hurricane.

Falcon group
Five Air Arms Falcons went into a vertical 1.815-inch group at 10 meters.

Firing behavior

At this point I must note that the Hurricane fires smoother than before. Not a lot smoother because it never was that rough, but without any vibration whatsoever! That is new. It also cocks without the hint of galling. Cocking is very smooth, though no lighter than before — except when the galling became real pronounced right before I tuned it. I am very satisfied with the way it now performs.

The trigger feels a little lighter. I did lube it with moly when the gun was apart. Now there is just a hint of creep and then the trigger breaks cleanly. It was quite easy to get used to, and once I did I was shooting as well as I’m able.

RWS R10 Match Pistol

Next up were five RWS R10 Match Pistol pellets. They went into a group that measures 1.51-inches between centers. It’s low on the paper but centered on the bull.

R10 Pistol group
Five RWS R10 Match Pistol pellets went into 1.51-inches at 10 meters.

Gamo Match

I just got a tin of these Gamo Match pellets from Pyramyd AIR, so let’s see how they do in a Hurricane. Five went into 2.215-inches at 10 meters. That’s the largest group of the test — even larger than the group of 10 H&N Match Light pellets I shot at the beginning! I guess Gamo Match pellets are out!

Gamo Match group
Wow! Gamo match are not so good. five in 2.215-inches at 10 meters.

Well, I was let down. Yes the best of these groups are as good as the groups I got before, but as sweet as this pistol is now shooting, I was hoping for something a little better. Because I shot mostly 5-shot groups in this test I was still fresh enough for one more, so I selected a pellet that is probably the wrong-est pellet for a pistol of this power that there is.

H&N Baracuda with 4.50mm head

The last pellet I tested was the H&N Baracuda with 4.50mm head. They are way too heavy for an air pistol of this power! What could the Hurricane do with them? Well, they landed an inch below the bullseye and in line with the center. Five are in a group that measures 1.346-inches between centers. It’s the smallest group of the test!

Baracuda group
Five H&N Baracudas made this 1.346-inch group at 10 meters.

The Hurricane put 5 H&N Baracuda pellets into a 1.346-inch group at 10 meters. It’s the smallest group of the test, and smaller than the best group I shot perviously with this pistol, though I don’t have measurements for that group. It was a 10-shot group of RWS Hobbys and it looks like about a 2.2-inch group. Who is to say what happened years ago with a different pellet and a different number of shots, but today’s results look better than that group that was formerly the best.

Webley Hurricane Hobby
Years ago this 2.2-inch group of ten Hobbys was the best I could do with this Hurricane.


Well, this was a thorough test of the Webley Hurricane. And this one involved a teardown and lube tune. We learned that Tune in a Tube doesn’t take that much velocity away when it is used lightly, but it does require something of a break-in afterward.

We also learned that the grease known as Extreme Weapons Grease is a tough product that stands up to pressure during operation. Or at least it has stood up so far.

All said and done, the Webley Hurricane is a fine air pistol. Now that I know how to take one apart, I may look for others to tune. Or perhaps a Tempest?

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

128 thoughts on “The Webley Hurricane: Part 5”

  1. B.B.

    If accuracy is everything, then this airgun is nothing!

    Heavy, inaccurate, and a finger pinch waiting to happen. Sounds like the gun to give to your arch enemy?
    Looks that only Popeye could love….
    Have a nice weekend all.
    Stay safe, stay sane,


    • Yogi,

      I have three air pistols, an Izzy 46M, a Predom and a Webley Senior. My Izzy shoots better than I can possibly hope to. The other two are just fun to shoot and they really do not do that bad. No, you are not going to win the Olympics with these things, but how well do most sproinger air pistols do at 10 meters?

      Yeah, I’ll give you that the Hurricane is b’ugly, but if one was to show up at RRHFWA I might make room for it.

      • Well my Diana 6G, my Diana lp-8 magnum, are more accurate.
        Throw a FWB 65 in there and it is no contest….
        B.B. has taught me that inaccurate airguns are a waste of index finger motion!!!!


        • Yogi,

          Well, I have a little bit different perspective and I personally know that BB has a very similar perspective.

          When you are talking about modern airguns, it must be accurate to be interesting. On more than one occasion he has sent one packing because it would not shoot worth a diddly. A recent example is the FX Dreamlight.

          I have also noticed that with interesting (read accurate) airguns he will wring everything out of them he can. It is not too infrequent that they do not stay where they are. A recent example of this is the Air Arms S510.

          But why does he own this Hurricane? He owns a pretty good collection of antique 10 meter air rifles, so why does he own air rifles that do not shoot near as well? Why did he go “phooey” in the backyard the other day?

          These are examples of history. You yourself own a Diana 6G. BB owns many of these old gals. He encouraged me to open RidgeRunner’s Home For Wayward Airguns. He pointed out the 1906 Lincoln Jeffries Model BSA to me. I saw it and that was it. I was hooked. Many of the old gals hanging around here came from BB. Restoring and shooting these pieces of history is a pleasure in and of itself. If it is truly accurate, so much the better.

          Why the LP-8? You are never going to convince me it is near as accurate as the 6G. If it is, maybe the 6G needs to move into RRHFWA. 😉

    • Siraniko,

      Indeed! I have always enjoyed having a Webley air pistol along as a backup when I am out hunting feral soda cans. When those sneaky little devils jump out at you from close concealment it is nice to have a weapon you can aim and fire quickly.

  2. BB,

    I had a Tempest for a while. I think you would enjoy one, most especially after handling this big honker. It is a light, compact air pistol that will fit nicely in your hand. I wish I had hung on to it now. Maybe a Junior will show up looking for a place to live. 😉

    • RidgeRunner,

      I’ve been thinking the same thing for a while now. A Tempest or Junior would be nice, a small air pistol to slip into my pocket when I go out into the backyard with a cup of coffee. I can’t wait for the mornings to be warm enough to sit out and plink from the patio.


      • Michael,

        I have seen UK Tempest’s selling for around $150 frequently. They are really well made. Many will have the white lettering rubbed off of the plastic nosecone.

        I have seen the Junior going for a little bit more.

  3. With al that is going on I haven’t been able to go to my brothers and trade out my Hurricane for another springer pistol.But maybe I’ll get the chance next week. This is just the ticket to carry while mushroom hunting. You know so I can defend myself from charging frogs and the extremely rare and dangerous hooded albino root snake. Yes they are real…I’ve seen one. really. really

  4. B.B.

    You once said that a 10 shot group should be 30-40% larger than a 5 shot group, all things being equal.
    How much larger would you estimate that a 5 shot 10 meter rested pistol group would be at 10 meters held with 2 hands(not rested) and then shot single handed?


  5. B.B.,
    First off, thank you for this great and informative set of reports. I am really hoping I never have to take my Tempest apart, but, if I do, at least now I know what to do.
    I’m glad to see this Hurricane shooting more smoothly for you, and as for accuracy, I found this interesting:
    So, service grade accuracy is a 4″ group at 25 yards, but the author calls a 3″ group at that range “accurate.”
    Well, how does the Hurricane stack up to that?
    4″ at 25 yards is 1.33″ at 25′ or 1.75″ at 33′ (10 meters)
    3″ at 25 yards is 1″ at 25′ or 1.32″ at 33′ (10 meters)
    Your Hurricane at 1.346″ at 10 meters is better than service grade accuracy, and pretty darn close to the accuracy criterion set by the author of that article with respect to his defensive firearms. I think it makes a nice firearms trainer. That’s how I view my Tempest; it’s no target pistol, but it’s great practice for my firearms pistols, and a pretty nice plinker. It has taken down many a feral soda can. =>
    Thanking you again for a great series,

  6. One of these had been on my list since they came out.
    As a kid, I grew up in the south, Hurricanes are common.
    (A Hurricane HAD to be more powerful than a Tempest.)

    With the accuracy I would say I will stick with a tempest.

    I had a UK made Tempest for a while, a fun gun, accurate enough for acorns at 5-7 yards.

    The tempest I had had a lot of creep in the trigger.
    The previous owner suggested I pull the trigger while on safe, I would hear a slight click, then disengage the safety and the trigger would be light and crisp.

    He was right.



      With a disclaimer like that, you knew I just HAD to try this, hahaha! =)~
      However, with my Dad’s Tempest, safety on and pulling the trigger, there was no movement, no click.
      Then with safety off, there was the usual (for this gun) pretty crisp trigger pull.
      My old original Tempest DID had creep in the trigger like yours, and I believe it would have reacted similarly to the “pull the trigger while on safe” trick. When my Dad saw my Tempest, and asked me to get him one, I had the opportunity to shoot them side-by-side; and I told him he got the better deal, as the one he got (Beeman, 1982 era) had a much better trigger than mine.
      Thank God he gifted it to me while he was still alive; my sister, executor of his will, hates guns of all types, and would likely have thrown his Tempest out (if she realized it was not a firearm), or turned it in to the local police along with his firearms (for free), instead of giving them to me (as his will specified).
      I wish I was kidding, but I’m not; thank God that Dad gave me his S&W 681, Walther TPH, and Tempest while he was still alive; now they can be passed on to my grandkids as family heirlooms. =>
      Take care & thanks for the suggestion,

  7. B.B.
    This is in reference to the Umarex Airbow you did the blog on Wednesday. I am sure you want your blogs to be accurate, both historically and grammatically. I pointed out a couple of things that I felt were erroneous. I saw that you did fix the typo I referred to, but nothing was commented by anyone referring to the measurement you documented for the ID of the barrel. Others will probably be reading the blog at sometime in the future so I am going to mention it again. My guess is that you were using a digital caliper and that you may have inadvertently touched the zero button with the jaws open. That would have resulted in the erroneous ID measurement. No one questioned the ID measurement but me strangely. Take another look see.

        • Geo
          How about dimensions you think are wrong.

          Are you talking about the 0.0135 and 0.0155-inches.

          If so I really didn’t understand what those dimensions were. It’s like BB was going to call that the wall thickness readings he got but called them the inside diameter of the tube.

          So I seen this at the begining and just thought he got untrue dimensions of the air tube or called it out wrong.

          You need to give dimensions so I know exactly what your trying to point out. Kind of not getting what you mean right now. Math tells the truth.

          • GF1
            Yes, exactly. The wall thickness was measured as .022″ and then the ID measurement was stated to be 0.0135 to 0.0155 inches. ??? I was trying to get B.B. to correct his statement of the ID size.

            • Geo
              Ok. But even if we change it to .135″ to .155″ inside diameter it still don’t add up right.

              So that is why I mentioned a burr on the inside of the air tube that BB is picking up on when hes trying to measure it. Heck maybe even a burr on the outside diameter as well.

              Here is BB’s other readings. These are correct when you do the math. Here is his statement.

              “The outside diameter of the gas tube measures 0.278-inches. The wall thickness of the tube measures 0.022-inches. That would make the inside diameter 0.234-inches.”

              For some reason I believe the .0135 and .0155 inches is just no way correct.

              To me all measurements need to be taken again in several places. My answer to BB was simplified. I guess I should of went into more detail with my answer on that report.

              Would like to know the real answer for sure though.

              • BB
                You can if the blade on your measuring device is thin enough. Or should I say sharp enough. Your not going to be off .100″. Maybe a half thousandth if that much with calipers. The correct way to measure the inside diameter that is that small would be with plug gages. Not a caliper if you want to be more precise.

                You got your decimal point in the wrong place with the.0135 and .0155 measurements I believe. And even if you move the decimal point and make the reading .135 and .155 that will be wrong. Those numbers dont add up to be the correct inside diameter of the tube.

                The .234″ inside diameter of the tube should be correct. Let’s act like we know nothing about the .0135 and .0155 dimensions you gave. That’s what I believe Geo is trying to point out. And tell you to remove.

                If someone see’s something different explain please.

              • B.B.
                Sorry, I know you did said the numbers were incorrect. There isn’t a problem, but I thought that others reading the blog in the future could be confused by the numbers. I have the curse of being a perfectionist. But, yes you can measure an ID with calipers. They are designed for that purpose. The accuracy of the measurement will only be within +/- .001″, and like GF1 said, plug gauges or a dial bore gauge would give better accuracy if needed. Stay well.

  8. B.B.
    I’ll have what Yogi’s hav’n. I like the ease of shooting with 6G, but those are all winners.
    The P1 might work well with the Crosman 1377 carbine stock, if not too much trouble fitting it. That’s on my list.
    That pistol likes the two handed hold, forearms rested, circles around the Webley too.

  9. Yogi,
    What the Tempest and Hurricane are is challenges. To me the Tempest is the most fun air pistol I have. One vacation a few years ago I committed to not shooting anything else but my Tempest. I shot coke cans hanging from strings by the tab. I had to start off at about 7 yards. Once I got to where I could hit consistently at that distance, I moved back to 10, 15, 20 and 25 yards. During that week I shot about 1,000 rounds. There is something very satisfying about learning to shoot an unshootable gun well.

    The Tempest or Hurricane will never be a paper puncher target gun. But the Tempest/Hurricane are one of the only pocketable springer pistols. They are accurate enough to shoot rabbits on the trail and are fun to plink at pine cones with.

    I don’t know how you came to classify the Hurricane as heavy and a finger pincher. For a springer pistol, I think it is very light. Compare it to a P1, BSA Scorpion, or RWS P8 and it is pretty light.

    David Enoch

    • David,

      Point on. Part of the experience is learning what an airgun likes. What do you feed it? How do you hold it?

      I owned a Tempest a while back and foolishly let it go. I had my Izzy and it would not shoot anywhere near as nice, so I sold it. Bugga.

      These old gals that live here at RRHFWA are going nowhere, at least not as long as I am breathing. Then I hope my grandson will hang on to them. I am trying to spark his interest in them. I think he is coming along.

  10. Hey All,

    We really should not be too hard on Yogi. Each of us have varying tastes. Fortunately, there are airguns aplenty out there that will fit our personal tastes. Tastes also change. I sold a UK Tempest a while back because it was not accurate enough to suit me at the time. I also had a Daisy 717 and let it go also. Now? Double bugga.

    There are a bunch of airguns out there that many of you are drooling to get your hands on that do not interest me in the least bit. I still like hearing about them and seeing what they can do. Who knows, my taste may change again.

    • RidgeRunner,

      “We really should not be too hard on Yogi. Each of us have varying tastes.” Why should we Go Easy on Yogi?
      Yogi seems to be fully capable of giving as good as he gets! No one has been disrespectful to Yogi.

      And anyway, it is all B.B.’s fault!
      “B.B. has taught me that inaccurate airguns are a waste of index finger motion!!!!


      I rest my case and raise you!

      Taste is in the mouth…The Proof is in the Pudding! Lol!


      • Touché my good man! He is indeed The Great Enabler as I well know! Most of the old ladies hanging out here at RRHFWA came from him!

        I think I need to read back through his old blogs and see what little old lady may want to move in up here.

  11. That’s odd. My Hurricane will (rested) always shoot into an inch or a bit less at 10M, with Hobbys. I think it’s in the same state it came from the factory. Something feels off with yours.

  12. Folks,

    I have been wanting to convert my Sheridan/Crosman 2260 to hpa for a while. Kate would not let me tinker with hers so I had to buy one for me. It has a Maximus barrel and other than that is stock. I decided to use the Air Venturi 3000 psi tank and valve with 1100 psi regulator. I also used an offset block from eBay so I could install the air tank and switched to a Crosman Discovery valve to convert the CO2 cartridge tube to a pressure tube for the regulated pressure. I don’t think the tube should be used for hpa pressures.


    First: I measured the velociy of the stock CO2 gun using Crosman dome 14.3 gr pellets. That is my standard pellet for measuring velocity and is used in all these tests. I did not wait between shots other than to load another pellet. The CO2 cooling is probably reflected in the lower velociy as the shots progressed. The average was 497 fps.

    Second: I changed the stock valve to a Crosman Discovery valve so it would store air in the tube. The tube on the 2260 rifle is much longer than the 2240 pistol so there is quite a bit of volume for the regulated air. I dont know if that means anything related to more consistent velocities. I also added a custom tank block for the Crosman 2240 series guns from magnum-airpower to allow attaching the tank. These blocks are available on eBay. The average velociy was 433 fps. I think the first shot 498 fps was an anomaly, ignoring that shot the average velocity is 537 fps. and the extreme spread went from 56 down to 34 fps.

    I was expecting a little more velocity increase with the hpa but in hindsight that is probalby about what should be expected. The valve spring in the Discovery is stronger than the 2260. To compress the 2260 valve spring half way takes about 3 pounds force. To compress the Discovery valve spring half way takes about 10 pounds. So the stock 2260 hammer spring is having a hard time with the heavy Discovery valve spring.

    Third: The Crosman Fortitude even in my 2nd gen. is notorious for a strong hammer spring. I put a lighter spring in my Fortitude so I had the original one on hand and decided to put it in my hpa 2260 and see what that would do. I could tell right off that the gun was much harder to cock. With this change the average velocity went to 734 fps.

    String No. 1 2 3
    CO2 Reg hpa Fort HS
    Shot Rec. Rec. Rec.
    # Velocity Velocity Velocity
    fps fps fps

    1 517 498 742
    2 521 525 736
    3 503 520 735
    4 493 554 728
    5 506 530 734
    6 496 540 735
    7 490 533 730
    8 489 548 733
    9 478 536 736
    10 478 544 728

    Average 497 533 734
    Low Vel 478 498 728
    High Vel 521 554 742
    Ext Spread 43 56 14

    Std Dev 14.7 16.0 4.2
    Energy ft.lbs 7.8 9.0 17.1

    Let me say right off that the Crosman Maximus barrels are normally very good and accurate. The barrel on this gun is one of two that I ordered last year from Crosman. Both of these barrels had chips out of the lands in the rifling. That has not been my experience with these barrels. When I received this order I mentioned it on this bloq and Gunfun said I wont know till I tried them. He was right but neither barrel has shown the supurb accuracy of my other Maximus barrels. Even with polishing the crown and leade they did not improve. The chips are just inside of the crown so they are also in a bad spot. I think they can be improved with bore paste and more breaking in but the barrels were just under $30 on my last Crosman order so I will eventually replace this one. So I wont be showing any targets. I would say the original 2260 barrel may have been as good or a little more accurate than this maximus barrel. I have not tried different pellets or done much target shooting with this gun yet.


    I think both the second and third configurations of this gun will break in to produce more consistent velocities. The 2260 hammer spring is a little light for the Discovery valve but should be very usable.

    This gun gets enough shots per fill that I will not even go to the effort of counting them. I think the second configuration should get a significant number of shots more than the third with the Fortitude hammer spring.

    The gun is no longer back yard freindly with the Fortitude hammer spring. I am thinking of going back to the 2260 hammer spring it is fairly quiet, maybe a little more quiet than the stock CO2 gun? not sure. Without my hearing aids all my airguns were back yard friendly. With my hearing aids they are all significantly louder.


    • Don,

      While I am the very first to appreciate forward thinking and “out of the box” ideas,….. that “thing” (pic) looks just plain wrong!!!!! LOL! 😉


      • Chris
        You just ain’t into that are you. You keep saying that about my Maximus too.

        Did you ever see the adapter Crosman made for the 1077 to use a 88 gram Co2 cartridge..

        It’s about function. More consistent shots per fill.

        How about this. I’m willing to bet my Maximus will blow your regulated Maximus away in shot count and accuracy. How about that. 😉

        You feel a little Chris USA and Gunfun1 competition brewing again. 🙂

        • GF1,

          Well,… if you are tanked bigger,… then you probably have the lead on shot count. As for shooting (accuracy),…. you have the lead again on that with all of the regular shooting that you do. FPS avg. was very good as I recall. I think I quit counting at 32 shots. For a critter getter with
          32 very consistent shots,… I will take that.

          So yeah,… I will pass at the moment,…………

          The Maximus has been on squirrel duty for the last few weeks. With 3 down,…. they are showing up less and less.


      • Chris U,

        Beauty is in the eye of the beazer. lol

        Many of my guns won’t win any beauty contests.

        I have already put the original hammer spring back in. I can shoot a full session without even looking at the remaining pressure.


        • Don,

          An excellent project for sure, but the tank may make it somewhat out of balance when shooting offhand.

          It also looks like you refinished the stock, not a stock stock so to speak, I like the darker color.

          Made a graph of your data (mostly because lists of numbers do not work in my simple head) and I think you can still get backyard friendly if you get a somewhat lighter spring to try to land your FPS around the 625 to 650 range.

          I like it.


            • GF1,

              Interesting, having not done it I have no experience, it just looks like it would feel too front heavy. I will take your word on it as you have done it and I would guess the 13 cubic inch bottle is fairly light.


                • Gunfun1,

                  That brings an interesting question, Pyramyd AIR says the 13 cubic inch bottle is one half pound or 8 ounces. Filled to 3000 psi it must weigh more, not much, but how much?

                  That was a rabbit hole search and I could not find a conclusive answer.


                  • Mike in Atl,

                    Does pressurized air weigh more than normal air? Volume for volume, yes. And it’s exactly proportional to the pressure. The air in a tank at 200 atmospheres weighs 200 times as much as the air in a tank at just atmospheric pressure. I learned that in dive school to know how much weight to add to your weight belt for when you run low on air.
                    Does that help?


                    • Shootski,

                      I am not sure but I think that 13 cubic inches of air weighs .000607217 pounds and 200 atmospheres is roughly 3000 psi so the weight in a 13 cubic inch cylinder at 3000 psi should be .1214434 pounds.

                      Kinda an insignificant weight gain.

                      Did I figure it out?


                  • Mike,

                    We ran out of thread below… yeah it doesn’t weigh much in the little bottles compared to the bottle…but a pair of (even steel) 100s makes for some significant bouyancy issues when they get toward the end of a dive.


                    • Shootski,

                      So that is confusing, do you gain buoyancy as your tanks lose pressure, it would seem so as the tank grows ever lighter.


                  • Mike
                    I was just joking about the weight of the bottle with the 3000 psi in it.

                    But I see you all got it figured out.

                    So it does weigh more. But not enough to worry about with what we are talking about.

          • Mike,

            Thanks for the graph. I like them too. Sorry I did have a graph but got lazy and did not show it. I will try to make it happen next time. Looks just like yours. I think the first three shots on regulated hpa are things breaking in.

            That is a stock stock right out of the box. I kinda like a bit lighter color lol.

            The added weight up front is noticeable but doesn’t seem to make my offhand shots any worse than they are already.

            You are thinking along the same lines as I did. An in between spring may still be backyard friendly. The Fortitude spring is very stiff, but no preload. The 2260 spring is light but has significant preload.
            I have a box of Crosman parts from a box I got at the west coast air gun show a while back. It has a bunch of different springs I could try. With the light spring there does not seem to be mush pressure left when the pellet exits. So I think you are correct in thinking a heavier in between may not be much louder.


            • Don,

              That was the first 3 shots thru a new valve? Yes the new valve waking up.

              That stock, they used to look like this /product/sheridan-2260mb-co2-rifle?m=3409 is what you got a new wood or is it wood at all? It almost looks like a synthetic, I was thinking you sanded it down and laid down a very dark stain.

              On the spring choice, there is probably a speed at which that barrel and some pellets that will find the ultimate accuracy, on the other hand perhaps that barrel is just bad due to the damaged lands, more experimentation or just next barrel.

              Enjoy the build.


              Oh, does your 2260 have a plastic or rubber buttplate?

              • Mike,

                The new stock on the right is my 2260 from the last two years or less. The older stock on the left is from my wifes 2260 and is from about 6 years old. The new stock is darker and has a thinner butt plate with more curve. Both of the butt plates are hard plastic but not overly slippery. I would not lean either one against the wall on a smooth floor. There are some other subtle differences in the shape of the stocks also. The curve above the butt plate on the new 2260 is longer than the old one. The new one is definitely darker than the older one but that may be the luck of the draw.


                • Don,

                  I agree on the luck of the draw as they will pick the wood that is the most inexpensive at the time, the reason I asked about the buttplate is the specifications at /product/sheridan-2260mb-co2-rifle?m=3409 says rubber buttplate.

                  Perhaps that should be updated.


  13. Don
    I love it.

    Take you a number 3 or 4 center drill and touch the crown on the barrel. I think that will do the trick.

    And maybe try some JSB 15.89 pellets or the AirArms 16.0’s. They work great in my modded Maximus that is very similar to your 2260. And the Hades pellets too.

    But I would like to see what that 2260 barrel will do. I have almost bought a 2260 several times with intentions on converting it like you did. I was afraid it had a hole in the tube were the Co2 cartridge goes like the 1077’s have. In other words if the 2260 had that vent hole like the 1077 you couldn’t do the HPA conversion.

    Now you make me want to get a 2260. And darn I made a order with PA this morning stocking up on some pellets and got some more ear plugs too. I would of probably got one especially after reading your comment now.

    But here’s a picture ofmy modded Maximus. And just to say I’m really happy with the 2 stage Marauder pistol grip parts on mine. It feels just like a Marauder rifle trigger.

    Again I like your mod.

      • Chris
        As they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

        And glad you didn’t say anything about the challenge. You would of done lost before we began. No way can your Maximus keep up with the shot count of my Maximus. Even with your regulator install. 😉

    • GF1,

      All good suggestions. I did a trigger tune as we discussed before with the two screws and weaker springs. It is just fine. I have the Marauder pistol trigger on my 1322 and it is a better and also adjustable two stage trigger.

      I am pretty sure I did a crown and leade job on the barrel and have tried JSB 15.89 pellets. This barrel is just not up to snuff as all my Maximus barrels from other orders.

      The 2260 tube works fine no holes. No hole for the pressure gauge but not needed with the regulated tank and its gauge.

      The instructions for the tank adapter say to use loctite on the threads but once mine was pressurized it will not move.

      I have a Maximus tube and may tinker with it someday. I think Crosman is closed. I need to put in another parts order.

      I may try some different pellets and tomorrow I will show the results. If so I will also show results from Kate’s stock 2260.

      Now the question is did Crosman change the manufacturing process on the 2260 barrels when they upgraded with the Maximus Barrels? Kate’s 2260 is from before the barrels were changed.


        • GF1,

          Well, I have to give you that one. The Hurricane and the Typhoon were without a doubt the ugliest of the Webley air pistols. The funny thing is, they had the best sights of any of them.

            • GF1,

              I cannot truthfully answer that one. I sold my Tempest because it would not shoot near as well as my Izzy. Now, I have BB’s Webley Senior. I have not shot groups with it. I pull it out and plink with it. At 10 yards I can hit a feral soda can or my 3 inch gong every time. The majority of the time I can hit the hanging CO2 cartridges.

              When I pull it out for “range time” I could care less how it groups, etc. What matters is I can hit what I am shooting at with it most of the time. Don’t get too hung up on MOA, FPE, FPS, POI, POA, etc. Just kick back on the steps of the back porch and have a good time.

              To answer your question, I have never played with one of these so I do not know. The sights on the others are quite crude in comparison, but they are quite sufficient.

              • RR
                Hmm. Now that you explained the way you use your Webley’s I think I would rather have a 1377 or a 2240. They are probably more accurate and definitely better looking.

                Oh and much more moldable.

  14. “– I am not carrying Mr. Spock’s katra —”
    I love that reference; my wife and I just watched Star Trek IV, the Voyage Home, where Bones mentions that again, telling Spock that he is glad he is no longer carrying his katra. I loved that show as a kid; I can’t believe 55 years later it’s still going strong! =>
    Take care & have a blessed weekend,

        • B.B. & RR,
          “The Voyage Home” is also a wife favorite. We have all the Star Trek movies…except one.
          The one where Picard lives and Kirk dies…my wife threw that one out, saying, “That’s stupid.”
          Yes, as far as she is concerned, that movie never existed, hahaha! =)~
          Take care, be safe, be happy,

  15. Hi B.B.,

    Hope you are doing well. According to their website, the TX Airgun Show is still on for June 27th, with the Field Target on the 28th. Have you heard otherwise? And if it is still on, you might want to update that section here, with this year’s dates.

    I have it on my calendar and am looking forward to the trip. I believe this will be my fifth year – or however many years it has been at Arlington now.

    Thank you sir!

    Jim M.

  16. Happy Sunday to all!

    I’d like to get some input from those of you who use a ballistic calculator — especially an app that’s available for iOS. I know about the Chairgun app, but have recently seen mention of an app called “Strelok” / “Strelok Pro”, that seems to be in use by some long-distance air gunners. What do you use, if anything? What is it you like about whatever app that might be? What’s missing that it could use?

    Thank you!

    Jim M.

    • Jim M,

      STRELOK Pro is a great App! Of course you will need one of these: https://kestrelinstruments.com/kestrel-weather-meter-applied-ballistics-elite?gclid=CjwKCAjw-vjqBRA6EiwAe8TCk0ojxI91E7hu5b0ZSn3H95jQseTTc66DLWBRwNRyzDtYU_IvhxqA_BoCJ10QAvD_BwE then you won’t really need any App!
      Check out: https://appliedballisticsllc.com/
      And, to get REAL Drag Curves for your pellets of bullets (slugs) a: LabRadar.com and you should get at least one of the Bryan Litz books; Accuracy and Precision for Long Range Shooting: A Practical Guide to Successful Long Range Shooting This is the one recent book every shooter should have if they have any desire to be more than an average Plinker without years, and years, and years of shooting while paying attention…all bets are off if you can’t remember/read in your Shooting Log what caused that last shot to be different from the ten before it!

      A note of caution based on personal experience: Unless you are funded by the Government this Ballistics Rabbit Hole will inflict serious damage on your wallet! I will not be known as an Enabler on your Path to The Poor House!


    • Jim,
      iPhone ballistic calculators that I (a beginner) find useful are ChairGun, StrelokPro, and MTC Rapier.
      ChairGun (free) has tools including scope shim calculator for droop and graphs. For instance for an unregulated gun you can compare 4 plots of POI on the same graph of different muzzle velocities from your chrono power curve data.
      StrelokPro (worth the cost vs the free iStrelock) can store multiple user settings, has lots of reticles and targets, tables, customizeable ballistic characteristics, etc.
      MTC Rapier (free) is quick and simple to use, after setup just enter target distance, magnification and get retical, text, and audio of POI (clicks, inches, …). You do not need to use the bluetooth MTC Range finder. This video includes the use of the app. ‪https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6m3l8k3P54‬
      A source for pellet ballistic coef is the table at hardair magazine  ‪https://hardairmagazine.com/ballistic-coefficients/‬

    • RR
      I checked it out. Pretty cool.

      And here is what I like that they say at the bottom of the guns description.

      “*Velocity results may vary as much as 20% due to pellet weight, pellet shape, temperature, elevation, as well as other factors.”

      Temprature and elevation caught my eye. Makes me remember the conversations me and Buldawg had about getting different chrony readings with the same gun but in a different location. We did use different chronys though. So that could of been part of the different readings too.

      Anyway I like that Hatsan states that in their ad.

      • GF1,

        Hatsan usually states it straight up. They learned their lesson many years ago. Some never do.

        Even using the same chrony you will get different results at different locations. Humidity levels will do it also. I guess that is under “other factors”.

        Hatsan has an amazing variety of airguns. How they can manage is beyond me. TCFKAC will build one sproinger and dress it up ten ways from Sunday and call the same sproinger by a host of different names.

    • RR
      I forgot to mention also when I looked up the Hatsan Invader.

      It not only comes in black but also green and dark earth colors.

      I myself like the dark earth color. That’s what color my Sig MPX is. And as a matter of fact I have been thinking about painting my b,ugly modded Maximus dark earth. I just like that color on a gun for some reason.

      • GF1,

        What color are those paper grocery bags? Light earth, med. earth, dark earth? Whatever color they are,…. yours is a “2 bagger” for sure! 😉


        • Chris
          Or one for old glory.

          You remind me of my racing buddies. One is all Chevy and the other all Ford. Heck we are lucky to get all 3 of us in a room together. It drives them crazy that I even like the old AMC Rambler Scrambler.

          And I never mentioned it but don’t really like how you done up your Mrod. Probably one of the reasons I never did one of my Mrods up that way after seeing yours. What can I say. It just don’t look right to me. See it really is in the eye of the beholder. You better put it back in factory form if you ever want to sell it. 😉

          • GF1,

            Still have the original stock. I like ergonomics and adjustability,.. that is why I went with the RAI stock and FAB Defense 6 position. Plus, the fat UTG AR pistol grip is way better feeling and comfortable. I pretty much did what BB did on his. UTG adj. bi-pod and forward matching pistol grip and it is all good. No regrets.


            • Chris
              I wonder why Dave sold out. He offered me one for half price and I turned it down because I didn’t like it.

              The Prod grip is much cheaper than your aftermarket stock and just as good as a Mrod trigger. And you can get one of his 360° adapters that allow a AR butt stock to be used on the Mrod and other types of Crosman guns with that threaded style end cap. From what I remember your stock doesn’t offer that 360° adjustability. You can only change length of pull. And comb height with the right AR butt stock. And that but stock with adjustable comb can be used with the adapter and Prod type grip.

              Here look at the Prod with Dave’s 360° adapter with a AR but stock.

              I used the 360° adapter on my Mrod that I beat you with that time at 100 yards with a Prod pistol grip assembly. They are way more ergonomic than what you have.


              Notice how in a couple of the pictures the adapter is offset. Your stock won’t do that. And notice how that helps with line of sight. That means you can use a lower scope mount. Plus you can offset the adapter left or right to help the butt stock align better to your shoulder pocket.

              Do you see what I mean. That was the original reason Dave invented the adapter. It was to help his son which was young at that time.

              BB done some reports on Dave’s adapters. Search (Pyramyd AIR blog report RAI adapter.)

              You probably don’t know. I had the first adapter for a Mrod that Dave made. We dimesioned off of my Lloyd Sykes double tube .25 Mrod that was the first also from Lloyd. Same gun I used in our 100 yard competion that I beat you with.

              • GF1,

                I have a 360 adapter, but it does not look like that one. It is a RAI. Just looked again,… yup,.. got it. Originally,… I went with a UTG 6 position and it did not have adj., cheek riser,… hence going with the 360 option. Now,.. with the FAB defense 6 position,… I have both.

                I was not happy with the folder option. Too sloppy for me.

                As for why he sold? Who knows? He had a good product and just sold off the rights I suppose. Probably a pretty good bit of “pocket change”. 0 complaints with what I got.


                • Chris
                  As long as everybody is happy I suppose.

                  And does that adapter work with the pistol grip stock you got that uses the factory Marauder trigger? I dont think so.

                  The adapter will only work with the 1377, 1720, 2240, 2300, Prod and Mrod type grips.

                  The stock you got. Dave bought out a different guy that was making them. He didn’t have many of those if I remember right. So maybe in that case you should hold onto your pistol grip stock. I don’t think they are available anymore.

                  Do you got a picture of your Mrod with that stock on it and one of the adapter and one of the folding stock. I would like to see if it’s what I’m talking about that you have.

              • Don,

                I would say no.


                This one has a bolt that runs up (in) the handle to mount and is the same as used on a firearm.

                The front fore grip matches it but the top is flat and mounts to a P/W rail with a screw that comes in on the top/side of grip to clamp. Not sure where I got that one.


      • GF1,

        A good camo pattern on that Maximus would be nice so we cannot see it. 😉

        I do like the color choices on that Invader. they are also supposed to be coming out with a bolt action version of it. Depending on the price, I would give that serious consideration.

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