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Ammo Crosman 362, 100-Year Anniversary Edition: Part Three

Crosman 362, 100-Year Anniversary Edition: Part Three

Crosman 362 Anniversary
Crosman’s 362 100th Anniversary Edition. This is not a stock photo: it’s the actual rifle being tested.

Part 1
Part 2

This report covers:

  • The test
  • Crosman Premier
  • Sight adjustment
  • JTS Dead Center
  • RWS Superdome
  • H&N Baracuda Hunter
  • Changed the way I looked through the peep
  • Surprise!
  • Final sight adjustment
  • Second group of Benjamins
  • Summary

Today we conduct the first accuracy test of the .22-caliber Crosman 362, 100-Year Anniversary Edition multi-pump air rifle. As you read you will learn why this is only the first accuracy test.

The test

I shot five-shot groups today so I could test more pellets. The rifle was rested directly on a sandbag on the shooting table and the distance to the targets was 10 meters. Each shot was made with five pumps of air. Let’s go!

Crosman Premier

The first pellet tested was the Crosman Premier. It required a sight-in shot that hit low and to the right, so I adjusted the Williams peep sight up and to the left. I got it up okay, but the pellet still hit the target a little to the right. Actually the first shot was farthest into the bullseye, and I never looked again until all five shots had been fired. Five shots went into 0.921-inches at 10 meters.

Crosman 362 P{remier group
The 362 Anniversary  put five Crosman Premier pellets into a 0.921-inch group at 10 meters.

Sight adjustment

After seeing this group I looked at the Williams sight to see what adjustments could be made. The adjustments are made by loosening jam screws and sliding the peep hole left and right and the shaft it sits on up and down. I adjusted the sight up and as far to the left as I could, though I didn’t go as far as possible, but I’ll cover that later in the report.

JTS Dead Center

The second pellet tested was the 18.1-grain JTS Dead Center dome. Five went into 0.794-inches at 10 meters. This group landed lower on the target but, as I will be testing other pellets of differing weights, I did not adjust the sight again until the end of the test.

Crosman 362 JTS group
The 362 Anniversary put five JTS Dead Center pellets into a 0.794-inch group at 10 meters.

Hunting Guide

RWS Superdome

Next up was the RWS Superdome pellet. The 362 put five into a 0.814-inch group at 10 meters.

Crosman 362 Superdome group
Five RWS Superdomes went into 0.814-inches at 10 meters.

H&N Baracuda Hunter

The fourth pellet I tested was the H&N Baracuda Hunter Extreme. Five of them went into a group that measures 0.792-inches between centers. But with this group I noticed something I had seen in the last group of Superdomes. Three of these pellets are in an extremely small hole in the center of a horizontal group. Look at the Superdome group and see something similar.

Crosman 362 Baracuda Hunter group
The Crosman 362 Anniversary put five H&N Baracuda Hunter pellets into a 0.792-inch group, but look at the hole in the center. Three pellets passed through that one!

Changed the way I looked through the peep

While shooting the RWS Superdome group that was before this one I noticed I was sighting with the peep several inches from my eye. I moved my head forward on the stock until my sighting eye was about an inch from the peep. I believe that really made a difference in my sighting. That’s one reason why I said at the beginning that today was just the first accuracy test of this rifle. I’m making plans…


The last pellet I tested today was almost a joke, except it wasn’t as you will see. Several days ago a reader asked me if I ever shot the old-style Benjamin High Compression pellets that were made in the 1940s through the 1960s. I said that I didn’t, but the comment got me thinking. So today I made those pellets the last ones in the test. Wait until you see what happened!

Crosman 362 Benjamin pellets
These are Benjamin pellets from over 50 years ago.

Well, surprise, surprise! Five of them grouped in 1.185-inches, which is the largest group of the test. But look at where four of those five went! That group measures 0.302-inches between centers!

Crosman 362 Benjamin group
Five Benjamin High Compression pellets went into 1.185-inches at 10 meters, with four in 0.302-inches.

Final sight adjustment

After seeing that tiny group I had to look at the sight adjustments once more. There is no way Crosman would build this rifle and not make the sights center the shots! Indeed, when I examined the top left-right peep sight slider I saw there was a small sliver of space left to slide the peep more to the left. So I did. I also slid the post the peep sits on up just a little to try to center the pellets in the bull.

Crosman 362 sight detail
The peep slider is now adjusted as far to the left as it will go.

Second group of Benjamins

After the sight was adjusted I shot the second group of Benjamin pellets. This time five pellets went into 0.776-inches.

Crosman 362 Benjamin group
The Crosman 362 put five Benjamin High Compression pellets into 0.776-inches at 10 meters.


The Crosman 362, 100-Year Anniversary Edition multi-pump pneumatic is a good shooter that’s also powerful and easy to operate. Today we have discovered that the rear peep sight can be adjusted to hit the target in the bullseye and we have also learned that holding the sighting eye close to the peep hole probably increases accuracy though more precise aiming.

I plan to conduct this test again with many of the same pellets, if not all of them. I also want to shoot several more pellets, just to see which ones are the best.

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Tom Gaylord (B.B. Pelletier)
Tom Gaylord, also known as B.B. Pelletier, provides expert insights to airgunners all over the world on behalf of Pyramyd AIR. He has earned the title The Godfather of Airguns™ for his contributions to the industry, spending many years with AirForce Airguns and starting magazines dedicated to the sport such as Airgun Illustrated.

47 thoughts on “Crosman 362, 100-Year Anniversary Edition: Part Three”

  1. B.B.,

    In Sight adjustment you wrote:
    “After seeing this group I looked at the Williams sight to see what adjustments could be made. The adjustments are made by loosening jam screws and sliding the peep hole left and right and the shaft it sits on up and down.

    I adjusted the sight up and as far to the right as I could,

    though I didn’t go as far as possible, but I’ll cover that later in the report.”

    I sure hope that is a Left – Right mixup!

    Too bad there isn’t a way to move the sight closer to the eye with a good cheek weld! Maybe some aftermarket type will build a cantilever mount for the Williams peep sight.


  2. Tom,

    With that consistent three shot grouping happening I suspect that there might be something loose. Or you have an inconsistent head placement in relation to the rear sight.


    • A Merit may be a good choice. I do not know what size this aperture is, but Williams also offers different sizes.

      If I am not mistaken, just about any adjustable aperture for 10 meter air rifles will fit the Williams. This also will bring the aperture back some.

      • RR-

        Yes, Williams offers a couple of fixed diameter apertures. The Merit, as well as those of other makers, offers a quick adjustability to meet differing user and lighting conditions.

        If you are planning on using some of the other makers’ units on a Williams/Redfield, you’ll need a thread adapter.

        • The best prices I have found for the Williams apertures was at Midway. I bought a couple. The standard sized one is a bit large for target work in my opinion. There is a smaller size and then they have a version that has a slightly longer barrel. They also have a larger sized aperture that would be great for hunting. So three size apertures in two lengths, plus they have a large target disc one as well.

  3. BB,

    Should you decide to keep this air rifle, you may consider contacting Williams to see if they have a smaller aperture or you may change this aperture out for an adjustable aperture.

    The Williams I have has the adjustable target knobs. They are real nice.

    I would really like to have one of those stock medallions. The truth is, they should have done as Daisy and made a working replica similar to their original air rifle.

    • RR-

      Your Williams sight would be the FP (FoolProof), available with or without target knobs (TK).

      I believe this sight on the 362 is the old, reliable 5D- which stands for 5 Dollar (the original selling price) to give some idea of how long it’s been around.

      • Paco,

        It is the FP-TK. I cannot remember which off the top of my head. You may be right concerning the need of a thread adapter with other apertures. I recall the Edge block was not in need of an adapter.

        • The Merit Disc screws right into the Williams Peep. The only problem was to space the chassis of the MD away from the chassis of the sight by a bit. I found a red hard fibre washer that was just perfect as it added friction to the two chassis pieces (sight and disc) so that turning the iris adjustment didn’t screw in or out the disc itself.

          I have a William Sight with a Merit Disc on my 1989 RWS/Diana Model 36 and it really makes a difference in sight picture and accuracy. It also allows for opening the aperture in low light situations and closing it up in bright conditions.

          • That Merit disc has some merits (pun intended). I may have to see about getting one.

            I was going through my “parts” box the other day and found what I do believe is a rear aperture sight for a FWB300. I may just have to pull it out and play with it some, maybe on my “new” Diana 34.

  4. I’m wondering if the sights are mounted properly from factory, possibly machined wrong. Does the front sight slip on and hold with a set screw ? Might be canted.

  5. Looking at the photo in part one, the Williams sight appears to attach to the breech on a machined flat spot on the side of the breech. Are these unique breeches and sights that are different than the normal ones from Crosman? The typical Williams sights that are sold by PA use the dovetail for attachment. I have one on a 362 with a steel breech, but it cannot be adjusted low enough to hit the aiming point. And the other sight that is supposed to be for this steel breech (LPA MIM) cannot be adjusted high enough to hit the aiming point. Plus it’s groove is so much wider than the front post that it makes aiming difficult. Are there other sights available that would attach to the dovetail on the steel breech that might work better? How about filing the front sight post so that it is lower? Or installing an adjustable front sight. What would you do in this situation?

    • Williams makes two sights that fit a dovetail. The FP-AG and the FP-GR, which sits lower than the AG. I think P.A. sells the AG. I have a GR on a small Diana 23 and it is perfect. See if Midway or another retailer has the GR.

      • Thanks, I will look for the GR. For what it’s worth, the description of the one I have is: Williams 70809 diopter Low Sight w/5D-AG Bulk. This same description is on the packing list and the plastic bag that the sight came in. I also find “AG” stamped on the part of the sight that clamps to the breech. If the GR sits a little lower, it might work well for me also. Thanks again.

      • B.B. are you concerned at all shooting the vintage pellets indoors? They appear to be covered with white dust (oxidation?). I have asked around and have not been able to determine with certainty what that white powdery substance is, so I worry about shooting such pellets indoors where I might breathe in that dust. Also I read somewhere that powder is very abrasive and could damage rifling. Maybe that would help break your 362 in, but not for longer term use. I have about 4000 Crosman Copperhead pellets from when I was 10 or so (40 years ago) that have varying amounts of that white powder encrusting them. They are packed away in a double layer of ziploc bags until I can melt them down. My understanding is that the heat and the flux will change the powder back to elemental lead.

        • Roamin Greco,

          Is what you see an oxide? I believe it is more likely salts.

          “Lead metal is unstable when it is in contact with air and water. It corrodes and forms hydrocerrussite, the white coating seen on old bullets in museums.”

          More in depth information: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/11/041104005801.htm#:~:text=“Lead metal is unstable when,on old bullets in museums.

          https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lead(II)_oxide#:~:text=Lead oxide exists in two,°C (907 °F)

          There is a great deal of BS about Lead (Pb) out there; especially from The Left Coast and a few notable high school drop outs.



          • OK, I’m not going to be the guy who says lead in any form is bad under all circumstances. However, I looked up cerrussite and hydrocerrusite and they both have warnings against breathing the stuff. So again, for my peace of mind, especially because I have little kids, I will err on the side of prudence and not shoot the stuff out of my airguns in my basement, because I don’t want to breathe the stuff, and I don’t want my kids breathing it either. There is enough crap in the air and water as it is. As for others, your mileage may vary, but I would urge prudence and take precautions. I don’t eat or drink when shooting lead pellets (or lick my fingers), and I wash my hands, twice, when done shooting. Live long and prosper.

            • Roamin Greco,

              I don’t put Lead in my mouth, eat, drink, or lick my fingers. I also wash my hands and face especially after a firearm session. I also use the sticky sheets in front of pellet/bullet traps both indoor and out to catch Lead dust and fragments.

              I only supply the best most logical information i have found to keep the conversation based on good information and not on the basis of any biased agenda.
              I’m glad you read the information and have the strength of character to make your own personal decisions for yourself and your family.

              Thank you for your strength!


  6. Hmmm. I have had two 362’s and ordered two more for friends, at the moment due to donations I don’t have one. I’m pretty sure I did better than that with the stock peep sight. I feel certain Tom can do better than 7 MOA (0.8 inch group @ 10 M) with most any gun.

    A certain Mr. Cloud is working on a Silver Streak for me, and I’m anxious to see if I can do 2 MOA or better with it – it has the Williams peep.

  7. B.B.,

    If all the other good suggestions do not work…

    Since the rear sight is mounted to a FLAT on the Larboard side of the steel breech instead of the dovetails could you (and other owners) shim the sight out to get more Windage adjustment if needed?


  8. B.B.,

    I looked at your at targets again.
    The Crosman Premier and the RWS Superdome pellets made the least round and consistently shaped holes. The other pellets; even the geezer pellets made nice round holes with good Lead print Halos…
    Would a pump or two more over five get better stability for those two pellets?


  9. I’m sure a lot of people consider finding “The right pellet” a challenge but I’d prefer knowing that when I purchase the airgun and save a lot of time and money.
    You would think the manufacturer would at least design it to work best with a pellet they actually sell or could recommend. And not one they just happen to sell that is not “The best one”.

    Then you have a situation like this that may overlook the best pellet because of something affecting your aiming at any given time or situation.
    I remain convinced that any testing of an airgun for accuracy should be done with the airgun securely held down in place and shot without any human assistance other than pulling the trigger and even that could be done mechanically. No sighting device is needed. The point of impact may be off from initial alignment with the target but there should be one hole someplace that things could be sighted to if the airgun is accurate and perhaps the center of a group if not. It would also help find the perfect pellet.

    But what about the Artillery Hold? That comes into play after the shot is fired and has to do with recoil. There would not be any in a fixed type holding device and you could adjust to maintaining its accuracy once ‘you’ shoot it.

    At least for now, thanks to BB and others, we have a pellets reputation for accuracy to help us out and narrow the field. But you will never know for sure unless you try every single one. Hopefully we will find the one-hole wonder with a capable airgun before that’s necessary.

    Disappointed with this 2023 Special Edition especially after reading they may have changed or improved the way they produce their barrels.

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