Firebird 50 BIO Target, 10pk
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The Firebird 50 BIO Target is an industry first: a detonating target that is entirely biodegradable and safe for transportation. It can be used across a variety of distances with things that shoot with the appropriate power, including powerful airguns, crossbows, and firearms.
These pyrotechnic reactive targets make a flash, a bang, and release smoke when hit. No more wondering or grabbing binoculars or a spotting scope to see if the shot hit. They are legal to use and are safe with the proper precautions, and they have an adhesive backing and a width of 50mm, so they can be affixed to moving targets such as clay pigeons as well as stationary targets.
Training with these targets provides the instantaneous feedback needed to help increase accuracy, and they are also fun to use. To get a biodegradable reactive target for an exciting training session with no cleanup needed after use, buy a pack of Firebird 50 Bio Targets at Pyramyd AIR now.
Firebird 50 BIO Target, 10 Pack
- Pyrotechnic reactive design
- Fully biodegradable
- Compatible with airguns, bows, and firearms
- Uses adhesive backing instead of staples or nails
- Width: 50mm
- 10 pack
Safety and precaution first. Always read and follow the safety instructions on the package.
- Practice gun safety at all times
- Do not ignore safety information as it may result in injury or even death
- Do not use the Firebird near dry grass, crops, stubble fields, or trees
- Do not attempt to affix the Firebird Target to a surface by driving a nail, screw, or staple through it
- Do not attempt to affix the Firebird Target to a surface in any manner except by using the included self-adhesive stickers, or the included striker plate
- Do not use at distances less than 50 feet
- Do not burn or incinerate Firebird Targets. Do not store Firebird Targets near an open flame. Do not smoke in the vicinity of Firebird targets
- Do not attempt to dismantle or modify Firebird Targets in any way
- Do not use Firebird Targets indoors, including a home, barns, garages, sheds, or any other building or construction that has a roof and more than two sides
- Do not shoot more than one Firebird at a time
- Do not use in any manner other than that for which this product has been designed – for the purpose of accurate shooting practice
- Do not eat, or otherwise ingest, any part of a Firebird Target
- Always wear proper eye and hearing protection
- Store Firebird targets as you would ammunition, in a cool, dry area away from flammable materials, or excessive heat
- Ensure a properly maintained fire extinguisher is available when using this product
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10 of 11 Firebird 50 BIO Target Reviews
Goes off every time
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowEasy to stack and set off
good report. like a Very Big cap from a cap gun. out in the desert with nothing to reflect off of but the barrel i attached it to it was not super loud but a nice bang and a decent smoke and spark show. i would be Careful with them but they are pretty low fire risk as long as you have a good 10 yard clear area around them.... i was only using a crosman 1077 CO2 gun so i had to be fairly close, 10 yards but it did trigger them easily.
What Others Should Knowfairly safe but not for use in a super dry forest, there is a fire risk with these. i use them in a very clear dirt area in the desert
Huge explosion
Things I Would Have ChangedToo loud
I got both the 50's and 65's.....What a pleasant surprise!!!! Glad I didn't try them in my own backyard since the yard isn't big enough! You want to be more than 25 feet away when setting these off!!
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing....I was surprised and delighted with them just as they are.
What Others Should KnowI first stuck one on a 3/4" thick particle board with a smooth,hard face....it blew a 2 inch hole right through it! Lucky it didn't damage anything behind it. I next tried a sheet of 12 gauge steel for a backing-both materials produced good reports but the steel was only dented and not pierced.
on my 2nd pack, had a couple duds and a few huge booms . i will buy more, they are a ton of fun
Things I Would Have Changeda little pricey
What Others Should Knowthey seem to vary, be very careful burning off duds, they flash, use a long stick. be careful of fire, check your area well, have fun
good boom
big bag from a small disc
Things I Would Have Changedsell product that actually works
What Others Should Knowdon't waste your money
Great reliable targets with a big "BOOM", stick em on something, stand back and shoot and enjoy the big explosion. Pyramid Air has the best customer service, variety, prices, and shipping, ever order I've placed through Pyramid Air has been shipped and delivered on the date it says during checkout, thanks Pyramid Air for an honest and reliable online airgun shop.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing, great fun targets
What Others Should KnowIf you have neighbors, think twice, these make a loud noise, if your neighbors are cool with it, buy them!!!!....you'll love them for sure
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U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzle or an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms.
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Dec 15, 2024
By John
Good explosion, decent amount of smoke and some pretty good sparks, VERY FUN to shoot.
Things I Would Have Changed1. Make them so a hit explodes the target, I have many times hit a full round (.22") inside the outer edge of the target and it does not ignite. 2. Make them smaller. 25 to 40 mm. (but maybe a touch thicker to allow for a good bang) 3. Make the inside section dayglo orange/yellow/green .... the part that needs to be hit to ignite. Leave the inert outside black. 4. Sitckier backing, like the gel/gooey stuff not tape, it gives way too easily.
What Others Should KnowThey are great, but the area that needs to be hit in order to ignite them is quite a bit smaller than the disk size (in my case 50mm). So, you can hit them and they break up a bit and often fall off (tape is not strong) and then you have to go find it and reset it. Also, they have to be hit pretty hard. I hit them with my .177 and it's 50/50 if they ignite, the .22 at 30 ftlbs does it each time. But!!!! They are super fun and all my friends REALLY enjoyed shooting them. I am more an FT or paper guy.