Birchwood Casey Portable Shooting Range, Steel Frame + 39 Shoot-N-C Targets
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1-year limited warranty
60 day money back guarantee
- Target holder (heavy-duty welded steel w/footrest)
- 18"x18" weatherproof corrugated plastic backboard (1)
- 12" bullseye Shoot-N-C targets (2)
- 12" sight-in Shoot-N-C target (1)
- 8" bullseye Shoot-N-C target (1)
- 5.5" bullseye Shoot-N-C target (1)
- 3" bullseye Shoot-N-C targets (2)
- 2" bullseye Shoot-N-C targets (6)
- 1" Shoot-N-C pasters (22)
- 2" Shoot-N-C pasters (4)
- Durable powder-coated steel target holder resists rust
- Lifetime frame guarantee
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10 of 22 Birchwood Casey Portable Shooting Range Reviews
Steel frame target holder is the best for pellet airguns I have found for outdoors. Versatile, strong and holds a cardboard target backer in place.
I ordered this for the frame.
Things I Would Have ChangedShipping container is smaller than the target. Thus the target edge is bent to fit in a 14" box when the target is 16''.
Just the stickers
Things I Would Have ChangedGet those metal pieces to be re soldered. As soon you move it a bit it detach .
What Others Should KnowI wouldn't buy it
1st too expensive
Good design.
Things I Would Have ChangedStronger welds. The weld broke on one of the arms the first time I tried to insert a target. The rod appears to be pot metal so I don't know if it can be welded again or not.
**Just the kind of target I needed.I give this item two stars.**
Things I Would Have ChangedOnce I received the product the arm snapped off while trying to assemble it. I would have been better off using the cardboard box I received it in.
Easy to assemble and move to different locations quickly to train for HFTT
Things I Would Have ChangedI would like to see one made about 12" taller for level zeroing
What Others Should Knownothing
Sturdy. Inexpensive. Included Shoot-N-C targets.
Things I Would Have ChangedFitting the backboard in between two clamped metal pegs is awkward and extremely tight.
the targets
Things I Would Have ChangedThe Height,entirely to low needs additional length of rods for the frame. the material used as a back stop behind for targets and the way to mount the back stop. I had to get a screwdriver to open the holder to insert the backstop which had a great deal of difficulty going to it;s final rest spot.
What Others Should KnowBuy something better!! This will never hold up to shot guns or bullets .It barely holds up to BB"s which are shot with a co2 charge at 25 feet. Don't waste your money!!!
Size and overall design.
Things I Would Have ChangedBacking not heavy enough to stop even 300-400fps loads, but good value for price and portability.
What Others Should KnowUse additional backing material to stop or collect fired rounds.
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Apr 04, 2022
By Walter
This target system is well built....I use self stick targets on a cardboard background.
Things I Would Have ChangedMaybe make it a little taller..
What Others Should KnowBut two..When you have two or more people shooting...Extra targets are nice to have.