Predator Polymag .177 Cal, 8.0 Grains, Pointed, 200ct
Caliber:.177 (4.5mm)
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- .177 caliber
- 8.0 grains
- Pointed
- 200 pellets
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10 of 188 Predator Polymag .177 Cal, 8.0 Reviews
these pellets are devastating on Rats and other small game, they shoot very accurately in all my guns from 900-950fps IMO they need that speed to deliver they shock and tissue damage
Things I Would Have ChangedIn a perfect world they would be shorter and fit my magazine fed guns. They do make shorter ones for this reason but i have yet to try them out
What Others Should KnowLarger Tins?
I was hoping to use these and had very high hopes but because they are pointed they won't fit in any of my co2 pistols magazines.
Things I Would Have ChangedThe design is nice but the pellet itself should be the same length as all the other . 177 pellets so they can be used in all guns. I have a brand new container of these and can't use them because when put in magazines the magazine won't go into pistol because the pellets are longer than traditional . 177 pellets.
What Others Should KnowBefore you buy make sure they'll fit in whatever weapon you are going to be using them in, if not you'll only have a paper-weight full of pellets you can't use.
#1) Extreme accuracy and consistency from tin to tin. The first criteria for any hunting pellet should always be accuracy, and these simply deliver. As a seasoned adult projectile enthusiast, it is always exciting to find a well engineered and executed product that is worth the time / effort of purchasing and using. Inside 25yds they are near laser-beam accurate when sorted. #2) The energy dump is amazing! Even below the 600fps mark, the energy dump is visible. It is the difference between going through small game unabated (off into the distance or ricochet) or flipping it end-over-end on impact. In my opinion, the energy dump in these when coupled with the accuracy is much more effective, ethical, and safer for everything involved. An accurate, well place shot is always crucial for hunting success but, these absolutely lend added impact insurance to the shot. It also adds what I refer to as the (DIP) result. De@d In Place. If you need a longer range pellet try JSB heavies first.
Things I Would Have ChangedNot much - maybe new tungsten core models for adults- ha-ha!
What Others Should KnowAccurate in 95% of all (my) makes / air rifle models out to 50yards (Hatsan, Gamo, Beeman, Benjamin, Diana, AA,) The .177 is far more prone to easily bent skirts so, sort them on a clean hard surface with a light table-top roll. Order from PyramidAir where the pack them correctly for shipping or, you will likely be wasting money by receiving bashed tins. These are the only hunting pellets (I have used and, I have tried a lot!) that perform consistently in 450-950fps air rifles. However, it seems when pushing these in .177 above the 1000fps mark, or beyond 50yds the shape and weight begin to become a deficit, and they start to loose accuracy. In .22 it is not quite as noticeable, and in .25 they are only very accurate In some of my air rifles (seems brand/rifling based). Carefully clean your bores. Give them a 20 shot string before ending any test to season the barrel to the pellet. Store them in-tins or in magazines - no pockets, especially if you have big fat contractor fingers!
have only shot 6 rounds so far, other work keeping me busy, but work fine in my Schofield no.3, have not tried these pellets in my Umarex SA-10 as of yet.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowtry them for yourself, see how you like them, each gun is different, just give them a try.
Not much
Things I Would Have ChangedRedesign the 177 cal to like more barrels.
What Others Should KnowShoots ok out of my at44 hatsan but so far that's all.
Very accurate in 6 of 8 of my rifles
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowMarrauder, buccaneer, bone collector, rws break barrel likes, disco and surge does not.
Don't know - Pyramid screwed up my order and won't fix it.
Things I Would Have ChangedHow about ship to me what I ordered or respond to my emails.
What Others Should KnowI ordered Polymags but Pyramid Air shipped me Beeman Hollow Points instead. They may be fine but worth $5 not the $15 I sent. Buyer Beware. Pyramid Air won't reply to my emails and I can't get thru on the phone.
accurate hard hitting on rats knock down power
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowBuy these u can't go wrong
These things work great, I have these and a similar pellet by I think RWS, strangely their name isn't on the package. Both work great, I live in the city and don't often get a chance to hunt anything but I have taken out 4 scrub jays and several black rats with 1 shot each, they just drop over dead. Interesting story about the Jays: We have a weekend place that we often go to, where we have to park is right below the telephone and power lines and we'd always end up with these greasy poops on the truck, actually a bit difficult to clean off. Scrub Jays could often be seen sitting on those wires. A couple years ago I had some free time around dusk and decided to see what I could do about it. I found a suitable perch and waited, after a few minutes a jay showed up and I dispatched him, 1 shot and he dropped like a rock. Waited a few minutes and another showed up, same procedure. No more showed up before dark. The next day I did the same thing and got exactly the same results.
What Others Should KnowBeen a couple years and no more greasy poop on the truck. Predator Pellets are accurate and deadly.
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May 27, 2023
By Kevin
Cool design and nice to see some innovation in the pellet world. My batch seemed mostly uniform with only some damage to pellets in the tin. The expansion characteristics are solid. They are more accurate than most standard pointed pellets I have tested BUT . . .
Things I Would Have ChangedIf you are familiar with the long range accuracy of many pointed pellets, these being more accurate than most of those is kind of like being the best butter knife for filleting a fish. I really wanted to like these due to my experience with similar poly tipped ammunition in firearms, but it does not seem to translate to the .177 pellet realm. While not horrific accuracy, they don't hit small enough groups in any of my rifles for my needs. The tin is also tiny and needs a screw top lid. For the price of these pellets (very expensive per round), I would expect them to be uniformly perfect, in a great tin, and shoot dime sized groups, but they just don't for me. Your mileage may vary. If all your shots are under 25 yards, they may work fine, but for me, other pellets hit the mark more precisely at longer ranges for less money. You can feed your gun slugs for less money.
What Others Should KnowI hope you have better luck with these than I did in my guns. The expansion characteristics only work if the pellet hits the intended target.