Umarex Komplete NitroAir, Image 1
Umarex Komplete NitroAir, Image 1
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Umarex Komplete NitroAir PCP Rifle

4.529 reviews
14 answered questions


Caliber:.177 (4.5mm)

.177 (4.5mm)
.22 (5.5mm)


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The Umarex Komplete NitroAir Rifle is the first airgun on the market to use the recyclable/disposable NitroAir Nitrogen Cartridge for remarkable performance. It reaches velocities of up to 1025 FPS in .177 and 975 FPS in .22 for the consistent and accurate performance needed for plinking and target shooting.

What makes this air rifle so groundbreaking is the advancement made by using nitrogen instead of CO2. It has internally regulated high pressure, providing the advantage of operation comparable to the steady performance of a PCP without requiring expensive compressors or the necessity of refilling tanks at a shop or using a hand pump.

Additional benefits of the system used by the Umarex Komplete include not having to exert effort on breaking the barrel for cocking each time and the ability to use this air rifle in various temperatures with very little change in performance due to the stability of nitrogen compared to CO2. The NitroAir cartridge gets over 45 shots and combines with the multi-shot rotary magazine to provide more time shooting and less time reloading and switching cartridges.

To ensure accurate shots with no additional equipment, this air rifle includes a 4x32 scope and rings, and the Picatinny optics rail allows for the addition of a different scope or optic based on preference. The all-weather synthetic stock is lightweight for portability and ease of shooting, as well as durable for use in a variety of situations.

To get a value-packed and innovative airgun that uses the exclusive NitroAir Nitrogen Cartridge for increased distance and consistent increased power versus a CO2 rifle, buy the Umarex Komplete NitroAir Rifle from Pyramyd AIR now.

Umarex Komplete NitroAir PCP Rifle

  • Unique NCR system with NitroAir recyclable/disposable nitrogen cartridge
  • Sidelever cocking
  • Internally regulated
  • Multi-shot rotary magazine capacity: 12 rounds (.177), 10 rounds (.22)
  • Over 45 shots per NitroAir cartridge
  • SilencAir noise suppression
  • Max. velocity w/ lead pellets: 1075 FPS (.177), 950 FPS (.22)
  • Synthetic stock
  • Picatinny optics rail
  • Includes 1 NitroAir cartridge, 4x32 scope with rings, and 2 magazines
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Umarex Komplete NitroAir Rifle, NitroAir cartridge, 4x32 scope with rings, and 2 magazines


.177 (4.5mm)
Max Velocity
1025 fps
Muzzle Energy
18 ft/lbs
Suggested for
Small game hunting/target practice
Pre-charged pneumatic
5.0 lbs
Fixed/adj. power
Front Sights
Rear Sights
Two-stage, adjustable take-up
Trigger Pull
2.25 lbs
Barrel Length
Overall Length
12 round(s)
Body Type

Ballistic & Conversion Calcs

Overall Rating



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10 of 29 Umarex Komplete Reviews

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This weapon is very light. I found it easy to sight in and it is extremely accurate. I really like that it has multi shot capabilities.

Nothing so far.

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Accuracy is pretty good, especially for the price. I'm getting 1/2"-5/8" groups at 50 yds. Power is on par with what I was after for a small game hunting gun. I'm getting 860 fps with 18.1gr jsb pellets. I really like that it's regulated, this gives really good consistent shots. The mags are easy to load. The side lever works great. Overall it's probably the best $200 airgun out there.

First off, the scope... come on umarex, ditch the "scope" and give me something useful like extra mags or another tank. The scope that comes with it is garbage. The adjustable trigger needs some improvement. If I adjust it to where I'd consider it a good trigger with little takeup, then you can't put the safety on! So you either get a good trigger and no safety or a safety and a long takeup. Hopefully they fix this. And finally is the forearm. It's too short, it should cover the tank. For hunting, I don't want that bright shinny tank staring right at my quarry. I fixed this by making a camo sleeve for the tanks. I also broke one of the clips that holds the forearm on, but fortunately the other one is enough to hold it in place.

Best bang for your buck out there. I really like this gun. I'm getting 40-42 full power shots per tank. Once it falls off the regulator velocity drops quick, the 860fps stated above is down to about 700fps at shot 45. Also, if you can't get the tanks, I found them in stock at my local tractor supply.

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Adult size gun

Better scope

nitros, Out of Stock

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PCP power and convenience without the PCP recharging issues Picatinny scope rail allows for flexible positioning overcoming most of the issues with the excessive 14" LOP Nice trigger. No creep, crisp release. Very accurate. Nitrogen beats CO2 and atmospheric air for temperature stability. Ability to store "charged" makes this convenient for pest control where the time to charge a piston lever gun is a problem.

Add an adjustable stock for LOP and cheek weld , LOP should go down to 12" allowing for "clavicle hold" for smaller statured people. Provided scope is unacceptable. I never even mounted it. Skip this, lower the price and allow the buyer to purchase their own optic with the savings. Expensive replaceable Nitrogen cartridges are a fact of life.

This is a great inexpensive way to get into small caliber PCP. Yes the nitrogen cartridges are expensive, but this is still a lower cost than buying a portable pump, unless you shoot a lot. With an accurate flat trajectory this from 50' to 100' this is going to be my primary pest control tool. The fact that it can be stored charged is a real plus.

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First I like how light it is, and how accurate it is. I shot two mags at 50 yards CtC .35 using the Arken 4-16 X 50 and at 100 I got 1.35 CtC. This is a very good rifle I feel I'm a fair judge on this platform. I Owen several FX, Air Ventures, Scout Epoic, Hassan and several break barrels as well.

larger mags

In my opinion, contrary to other PC shooters, this rifle can hold its Owen for hunting and back yard fun and for a beginner not that expensive compared to other PC's.

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Power , Aesthetics, clips wait.

I would work on the bolt it has the possibility of jamming two pellets because of the cocky mechanism . I had to return one, and the bolt is a little rough. The accuracy falls off conservatively after 40 shots.

If you want a rifle that has good power for 40 shots , and decently accurate it's a good rifle for Pest Control. Just pay attention to the bolt because I think there's a quality issue there. If you're going to have an issue it seems to happen right away be careful of double feeds.

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First thing, this is a nice light rifle, carry it in the field with no problems,the trigger and trigger guard is nice and large for use with gloves!, I purchased the Umarex CO2 adapter to use two small CO2 cartridges on a emergency basis. Trigger pull is nice and crisp, Need to see if a bipod can be mounted on the forearm, ordering better glass to go on this, it merits it in every way from other reports here. Next is figure out how to dump this lousy moderator and mount a decent suppressor!

Higher price and better scope. make the toy moderator removable/disposable.

It only looks like a toy air gun, worth every penny you pay for it, the dual fuel N2/CO2 makes it the bargain it really is!

Allen Jan 30, 2025

Had a young lady look at this and all but yell, "Where did you get a biathalon rifle? I went on Wikipedia, and I'll be damned, this IS basically a biathalon rifle, put on some diopter peep sights and a hooded front sight sights, and you'd be all good to compete with this rifle!!! I should drive down and compete in the Pyramid Cup matches with this rifle - it's just THAT GOOD!

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This little beauty is my new favorite . I didn't think I'd ever put my S&W AR 22 aside but now I can't get enough of this gun. Very accurate, great trigger and Nitro air is not susceptible to cold weather . Love it. 10 head shot gray squirrels and 2 rabbits at 30 to 40 yards don't lie. I've tried different pellet weights and mine loves the 25.5 GR Diablo hunting pellets. Drives them clear through a squirrels head and prints dime size groups out to 50 yards. Freaking crazy.

Wouldn't change a thing. Concept is awesome. Nitro air will be the wave of the future. Great job Umarex.

This little 200 dollar air rifle will outshoot much more expensive rigs. Plus you don't need a 1500 dollar compressor or tanks . Just toss a extra nitro air cylinder in your pocket and go out in 10 below zero weather for some awesome late winter rabbit hunting. I was sceptical at 1st but watched a ton of reviews and everyone was saying the same thing. Amazing concept , great design and one of the best triggers you will ever find on a non custom air rifle. The rifle is just so well made. Weighs like a hunting piece should at around 7 lbs. The trigger is adjustable but did not mess with mine. At 2.5 lbs it's perfect for hunting .

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The stock fits perfect for me.Love how light it is even though I'm a AR platform fan. I did my homework before I purchased The Umarex Komplete in .22 cal. Found out this is duel fuel. Yes it is so I bought two Umarex Co2 adapters. They hold two 12 gram cylinders. and they worked great. Used Crosman HP 14.3 gr. pellets. Sighted in at 12 yard indoor range into my rimfire trap. and the pellets are totally flat with co2.Very pleased with this rifle. the build reminds me of my Glock firearms. The lever is very smooth.Also from what I have read it is very accurate. My in door short range showed me that. Love the fact you can change o-ring seals easiey yourself. Great rifle so far.

I wish the stock was a AR platform. However there is nothing wrong with this stock. it shoulders nice.

I can see these flying off the shelves like hot cakes when the word gets out that it's duel fuel. Very accurate,smooth action and not heavy so you can put your favorite scope on. I have read crony test that say on co2 a 14.3 gr. pellet is over 600 FTP. like 670 depends on temperature.One should go on line and dig deep on this rifle. You will be surprised!! Good luck and be safe.

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The feel of the whole gun is very good, balance, weight, trigger pull is exceptionally nice for an air rifle. Accuracy is THE biggest break barrel killer, i personally don't or have ever owned a break barrel for just that reason, i would rather pump the gun 10 times every shot and maintain accuracy than miss every shot because of poor design flaws of the break barrel. The cost of air cartridges is a bit high but hopefully that will come down as these guns gain popularity.

Nothing other than the price of the nitrogen cartridges.

Oh yeah, the scope is crappy.

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