Hawke Airmax 3-9x40, Image 1
Hawke Airmax 3-9x40, Image 1

Hawke Airmax 3-9x40 AO Rifle Scope, AMX Reticle, 1/4 MOA, 1" Tube

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  • Hawke Sport Optics Airmax 3-9x40 AO Rifle Scope, AMX Reticle, 1/4 MOA, 1 in Tube
  • Rifle scope
  • 3-9x magnification
  • 40mm objective lens (adjustable objective)
  • 1 inch mono-tube
  • 1/4 MOA (1/4" click value @ 100 yds)
  • Low profile, snag-free fingertip turrets
  • Glass etched AMX reticle to withstand high recoil
  • Integrated adjustable objective for parallax adjustment from 7.5 yds to infinity
  • 37.2 ft to 13.6 ft field of view
  • 3.5" eye relief
  • 13mm to 4mm / 0.5 to 0.2 exit pupil
  • 18.3 oz.
  • 12" long
  • Includes elasticized lens covers, lens cloth and owner's manual

Other features:

  • 16 layer fully multi-coated optics for exceptional clarity
  • 80 MOA elevation and windage adjustment range
  • Rubber-coated Posi-Grip power selector knob
  • Nitrogen-filled
  • Shockproof
  • Waterproof
  • Threaded objective for optional accessories
  • Fast-focus eyeball and high torque zoom ring
  • Black matte finish

AMX Reticle:

  • Based on the spacing of a 10x Mil Dot
  • Offers multiple aim points, useful when shooting airguns with loopy trajectories
  • Half Mil Dot spacing on the lower post provides increased aim points for long shots
  • Horizontal bars are calculated at 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5 mil spacing
  • Hollow posts are segmented into mil spacing and can be used for bracketing

If you havent already considered an Airmax scope from Hawke Sport Optics, this is the scope for you.

The AMX etched glass reticle provides even more accuracy from your gun and is based on the 10x half Mil Dot spacing that is popular with other airgunner optics. This reticle features additional windage bars on the lower Mil Dots offering increased aim points for longer range shots. br>
The fully multi-coated lenses are waterproof, shockproof, and nitrogen filled for the best possible light transmission.

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1.14 lbs
Min Magnification
3 x
Max Magnification
9 x
Objective Size
40 mm
Min Eye Relief
3.5 in
Max FOV at 100 Yards
37.2 ft
Min FOV at 100 Yards
13.6 ft
Focal Plane
Second Focal Plane (SFP)
Max Windage
Max Elevation
Click Value
1/4 MOA
Click Adjustment Type
Max Parallax
Min Parallax
7.5 yds
Tube Diameter

Overall Rating



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10 of 38 Hawke Airmax 3-9x40 AO Rifle Reviews

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very nice clear glass adjustments smooth as butter only issue i had with this scope is dark targets. having black crosshairs seem to disappear with dark targets if it had illumination like the sidewinder i would have kept .

crosshair color for dark targets

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good clarity as compared to old scope. The adjustments are easy to make.

No concerns; would not change anything.

Good value for the money.

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Very clear glass and reticle. I bought one 2 years ago to replace one that came with Gamo rifle. I now have 4 rifles and 4 of this particular scope.


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Build quality, clarity, brightness, metal adjustment covers, awesome lens covers.

See note below.

Love the scope, but I was disappointed that the center crosshairs were not RED in color, like the photo on the website appears to show. This would have helped with visibility on a black bullseye, since this model doesn't have an illuminated reticle. Upon delivery, I discovered that the crosshairs are actually black. Bummer.

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I have several Hawke scopes on springers. Like the others, this one has clear and bright optical quality. Adjustments for elevation and windage are easy to make but could have a more distinct click. I chose this Airmax to put on a more powerful springer, since the Airmax line is described as more durable than the Hawke Vantage line.

The AMX reticle on the Hawke Airmax scopes is somewhat cluttered, with the extra aiming points to compensate for changing distances and wind conditions. For my needs, a simple duplex reticle is best since I shoot at a fixed distance on my home range. The extra aiming points for me are unnecessary. However, if someone needed a scope for field use, say hunting at various distances, then the AMX reticle would be very helpful I believe. If this scope came with a duplex reticle it would be perfect for my needs.

All four Hawke scopes I have came in boxes which conveyed a quality impression. The instruction booklet was clear and well thought out too. I realize that what really matters is the scope itself, but other scope brands I have purchased came in a really chintzy box that did not even have the "manufacturers" name on it. The Hawke might cost a few dollars more than the cheapest scopes but you are getting a decent product.

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really excellent glass. love the fine crosshairs. clarity is superb. also can install hawke 4 in. long sun shade from hawke. just a little pricey but takes the worry out of scope problems. if your gun starts acting up, it's not the scope. this is just a great scope from the UK


you must buy 4 screw caps with your mounts and a center screw in one of them. i mounted the hawke on an rws 350 mag and it has held up perfectly. the hawke air max is a little heavier than the cheaper stuff so you need mounts that won't let it slide thru the mounts.

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Excellent field of view, clear.


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My friend is very please with the clarity of this scope and it's something new to him seeing that he's an older gentleman. I was able to zero his R1 with no problem and he was more than impressed with the end results.

Nothing because the scope is will built and was designed to handle the recoil of the Beeman R1.

For the money that it cost, it's well worth the money that was spent and it's an excellent scope.

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Like the glass etched retical. Lenses and build appeared to be high quality. Beeman R-9 with this scope shot 5 shot half inch groups at 25 yards. Very impressive.

Make a scope that will hold up under the shock and concussion of a springer. This scope only lasted 300 shots before it broke. Wont hold zero now. Shoots all over the place. 6 inch groups at 20 yards

This scope will not hold up to springers. The Beeman R-9 destroyed this scope in less than 300 shots.
I now own a $200.00 paper weight.

Kevin Jan 13, 2022

I would like to add follow up review to my 7-13-20 review of Hawke sports airmax 3x9 scope. Dennis was absolutely correct in his follow up comment of my review. After examining my Beeman R-9 later I found loose screws in back mount of scope which caused shots to be all over the place. This R-9 was my very first springer and I didn't realize how much the vibration on these guns could cause screws to loosen. I used blue loctite on all my scope mount screws and on the 11 mm rail where the scope mounts rest in rail. Let this set for 48 hrs. resighted scope and I was back to shooting half inch groups at 25 yards consistently. About 3 months later the gun started shooting loose groups again. The scope screws were all tight but the 2 forearm screws that hold the stock to the barrel came loose. Again I coated with blue loctite and reinstalled tight. I have put more than 3000 rds through gun and it still holds nice tight groups. My apologies to Hawke sports for prior review.

Dennis Jul 05, 2021

i have 3 3-9x40ao airmax scopes on a hatsan 95. an rws 350 mag, and a beeman R9. you need to upgrade to stronger mounts; it sounds like your hawke is sliding in the mounts. 4 screw cap mounts are needed to handle the slightly heavier hawke in recoil. i almost gave up on my hatsan 95 because of the scope sliding back. 2 screw dovetail mounts are needed also. have you run a dry patch thru the bore to check for small lead deposits on the patch from your R9? my R9 would build up a little near the muzzle when i 1st broke it in using rws 14.5 gr domed. accuracy would fall way off if i didn't get it out. i use beeman Metalophilic compound no.5 but SPARINGLY to keep it away from the breech seal to loosen the lead build up. i hope this might help

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Hawke never let's me down. I've got five Hawke optics. I've replaced all the optics and mounts on my Airforce arsenal with Hawke and Accushot one-piece mounts. They work great for me. I don't know if it is just me, but the foreign made optics from China suck. They really do. I've sent back over $1,000 in optics to another vendor. Now, Hawke or my Old Redfield is all I use. Vintagegunscope.com has some really awesome old scopes. James is really a good contact for all you older guys like me.

Hawke products have never let me down. I would not change anything.

Hawke optics look as good as they operate. Some companies make things that look good, but fail.

Not Hawke. They make a great product. Rather pay a little bit more, and not have to return.

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