Hawke Match 1" Rings, High, 9 to 11mm, 2 pc.
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Precision engineered from high grade aluminum with rounded edges to prevent scope damage.
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- Tips for picking scope mounts
Hawke Match Mount 1" 2-Piece
- 1" rings
- 2 piece
- High profile
- Fits 9 to 11mm dovetails
- 4 double hex screws hold scope firmly in place
- Retractable recoil scope stop pin
- Reversible dovetail clamp fits 9-11mm and 3/8 inch
- Internal cushion tape prevents marking and damage
- High-grade aluminum
- 3.6 oz.
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10 of 20 Hawke Match 1" Rings, High Reviews
The high rings are perfect for my Airforce Condor. Good quality rings.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
they are the best rings for hawke scopes,fit is tight your will not move with these rings.
Things I Would Have Changednothing.
What Others Should Knowyou get what pay for. i have many cheap rings all are in spare parts box.
These rings are the best I ever used. The updated gel holds scope beyond expansions. Quality is awsome.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowThey are way worth the money.
Looks good and holds the scope
Solid scope does not move
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowIf you want a set of rings that will work and are solid buy these they will not move worth every penny
the non-metallic inserts on the inside of upper and lower rings do not slide with the mounted scope in place. some of the cheaper mounts will allow the inserts to slide with the scope under heavy recoil as in rws 350 mag.
Things I Would Have Changednothing
What Others Should Knowthey must be epoxied; super glue, contact cement or other glues probably don't cut it
I needed a high ring set to provide a better fit between my cheek and a rifle with unusually high comb. This Hawke set did the job. Other Hawke products I have purchased in the past were good quality, as is this set. The double screws on the side of each ring should provide extra grip compared to just a single screw. The cushion material pre-installed inside the rings is a good feature. It protects the scope from scratches and also provides extra grip to hold the scope in place.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
What Others Should KnowInstallation on my air rifle with 11mm rails was straightforward. The pin stop is screwed into place once the ring bottom is mounted. This system is easier to install than systems that require you to tap the pin stop. However, the tip of the pin stop is tapered, so it may not provide as much contact point in the hole in your rifle compared to pin stops which are tapped into place. So far, the scope has not moved after about 100 shots through my Walther LGV springer.
Excellent along with Hawke scope
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing
Hawke quality. Good price. Matches Hawke 2x7 scope perfectly. I like the height. Fit my Sumatra 2500 perfect.
What Others Should KnowI know low is better. But my neck is a mess and the less i have to cock my neck to the side the better. If youve a bad neck, take this into consideration if you do alot of extended shooting times. 2 or 3 hours of having my neck cocked sideways bending over is painful and takes the enjoyment of of my hobby. High mounts help. These are sturdy and high quality also
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Jan 04, 2025
By Roger
So far so good. Scope is mounted on a TX200. Medium rings weren't tall enough for Airmax 4x12x40 scope so 1" high rings were used. Haven't had a chance to shoot my new gun as much as I'd like, but scope is holding. Good price.
Things I Would Have ChangedNothing at this time.
What Others Should KnowWith the Airmax 4x12x40 scope you will need the 1" high Hawke scope rings if your mounting on a TX200. The medium Hawke rings are too short.